Monday, February 13, 2017

Part Two Of Reverberations And Kahler-Metric Eigenstates

Let us initially consider a relatively small set of orbifold eigensets -- that differentiate in a Fourier-based manner, from within the Ward-Caucy-based physical bounds of a conformally invariant locus, -- that is to here be of a relatively tightly-knit nature, when this is taken in consideration of the said set of orbifold eigensets of this case, that is to be limited here in so as to only be able to move from within a relatively tight region of spatial-related parameters.  Let us next say that we are here to be dealing with a relatively small set of electrons, that are to be moving from within the confines of a relatively small Ward-based volume of space.  Electrons exist in D-fields -- to where, in this case, each electron is to be behaving as being each of such directly associated individually taken orbifold eigensets of this respective case scenario, to where these electrons are to be moving through their respective individually taken six spatial dimensional Hamiltonian-based operands -- via the routing of there correlative Lagrangian-based paths, as these are to be thus interdependantly integrated as Fourier-related eigenindices, that are to here be directly associated, as the so-eluded-to Hamiltonian operators, that are of both a covariant, codetermniable, and of a codifferentiable electrostatic eigenbase, as these eigenstates, as orbifold eigensets, are to here comingle via a sequential set of group-related instantons.  The density of this said tightly-knit region -- as it is approached in a Yukawa-based manner, that moves in the direction of then being approached in a Gliosis-based manner, -- will become as an ever increasing scalar amplitude of core-field-density modulae -- yet, with an electrostatic density that often will not tend to approach infinity to the same extent that a theoretical individual D-brane would bear, - when such an individually taken D-brane were to here be approached under the "synapsis" of a theoretical Laplacian-based manner.  Yet, if the directly associated electrons of this case were to be of a relatively high enough velocity, and/or it the region of confinement is to here be tight enough, then, instead, the Gliosis-based approach of a theoretical external eigenstate may actually tend to approach infinity at a higher rate -- than if a relatively static D-brane were to be approached in a significantly slower relative velocity.  Theoretical rest energy in  electrons is only theoretical -- an electron is never actually at rest.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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