Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Part Two Of Session 3 Of Course 20 -- Calabi Interactions

When light, or any given arbitrary electromagnetic energy, is beginning to travel through a medium of space -- that is not of a pure vacuum -- that respective phenomenology that the said electromagnetic energy is to here be traveling through, will tend to bend the so-stated electromagnetic energy to a certain extent.  This said tendency of light to bend, in any medium that it is to be traveling through besides a pure vacuum -- is as according to what is known of as Snell's Law.  In the process, -- the here relatively bent light will, as well, tend to be slowed down also, which is also related to what may be extrapolated by the math as to Snell's Law.  If light is to be bent by a homogeneous medium, in which Snell's Law is to here theoretically remain constant -- in so long as that light which is to here be traveling through the respective given arbitrary medium that is to here not be of a pure vacuum, is to continue to be moving through the so-eluded-to medium -- then, both the general tendency of the bending of such light, as well as the general tendency of the slowing of such light, will here tend to be remaining as relatively constant.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Part One Of Session 3 Of Course 20 -- Calabi Interactions

Electromagnetic energy, such as light, has the general tendency of working to travel in a straight line.  Light in a vacuum tends to not bend.  So, light that is traveling through outer space -- under the normal genre of gravity, tends to not bend.  What light is traveling through, -- may be thought of here, as the medium that that respective light is to be traveling through, over time.  One may think of the path that any said respective given arbitrary beam of light is to be traveling through, as the Lagrangian-based path that is to here appertain to the propagation of such a respective beam of electromagnetic energy, -- whereas, one may think of the holonomic substrate that the here correlative respective given arbitrary beam of light is traveling through (as it is being translated through its directly corresponding Lagrangian-based path), as the Hamiltonian operand that the so-eluded-to electromagnetic energy is to be being propagated through -- over that group-metric in which the so-stated light is being translated as a propagating Hamiltonian operator, over the correlative tense of a directly corresponding Fourier-related transformation.  Besides light traveling through the general tense of a vacuum, -- electromagnetic energy, namely light -- tends to be able to be translated through those general medium-like phenomenology, that may be thought of as being either transparent and/or translucent, -- over a sequential series of group-related instantons.  Furthermore, light may often tend to be able to be propagated to one extent or another, in a holomorphic manner, through any genus of a medium -- that will neither completely absorb and/or will not push- away and/or will not pull-in -- that light that was transmitted to the so-eluded-to depicted general genus of such a given arbitrary region.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Dimensionality Of The Klein Bottle

Any given arbitrary eigenstate of the holonomic substrate of the Klein Bottle, works to bear two relatively Real Reimmanian spatial dimensions, and also one relatively Njenhuis spatial dimension -- per each Laplacian-based "fret" in which such a said eigenstate is to be interacting with a discrete quantum or a discrete quanta of energy, during any respective given arbitrary iteration of instanton.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

The Klein Bottle -- the theoretical versus the actual

Theoretically -- a Klein Bottle eigenstate can not be penetrated by any norm-state-projection.  But in reality, this is how the holonomic substrate of a Klein Bottle eigenstate works to behave -- over the course of a correlative respective given arbitrary instanton.  Let us initially say that a discrete quantum of energy is to be going to go  into the Gliosis-based interaction of the Kahler-Metric.  The correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity of such a given arbitrary case, is to have just undergone the simultaneous activity of the Polyakov Action and the Bette Action, over the course of BRST.  BRST is the first 6 hbars of a Planck Instant, that are out of a total of 2pi hbars of a Planck Instant, that work to comprise one instanton.  At this point -- the overall discrete quantum of energy of this case is to ensue in so as to barely immerse into the relatively top surface of the said holonomic substrate of the correlative Klein Bottle eigenstate, by "riveting" into this so-stated "top surface" -- while in the process, having to have the said overall discrete quantum of energy to fully compactify upon entry.  At this point --  the discrete quantum of energy is to shake back-and-forth a total of 8 times.  (Sixteen overall shakes then.)  Immediately after this -- the discrete energy is to then to tend to be pushed into the Regge Action, to where this said pushing will then tend to move in the manner of working to  fully decompactify the so-stated discrete bundle of energy.  This said interaction of the discrete energy quantum with the Klein Bottle,  will tend to take one-half of the remainder of the proximal localized instanton, while the ensuing Regge Action will tend to take the remaining one-half of the duration of instanton.  The discrete quantum of energy will then go into the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow -- while then iterating into its next delineation, in which such a discrete bundle of energy is to interact in a Gliosis-based manner with such a Klein Bottle eigenstate.  It takes a sequential series of 191 of such successive interactions, -- with a delineatory-based path, in which the said discrete energy is to be going in what may be termed of as its relatively holomorphic direction -- in order for those discrete fractals of energy to be re-attained, so that discrete energy may both persist and exist.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Samuel David Roach.

Monday, February 20, 2017

As To The Cohomological Mappable-Tracing

The depiction of the Klein Bottle -- as an "open bag" that is "open" at the bottom, -- with an appendage that is angled-out at 22.5 Njenhuis degrees at the bottom toward the relative bottom-right, with a rounded closed top -- is a depiction of the cohomological mappable-tracing of a Klein Bottle eigenstate, as it is leaving the "main part" of that interaction of the Kahler-Metric, in which it is involved with discrete energy quanta.  However -- the holonomic substrate of any given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate, is as a parallelopiped -- that is relatively open at the relative top.  (Although such a holonomic substrate works to contain the topological stratum of norm-state-projections.)  The physical activity of the Klein Bottle -- as it is undergoing the Kahler-Metric -- is what works to form that physical memory of those norm-state-projections, that are scattered in a Reimman-like manner, during such a so-eluded-to group-metric, -- in so as to work to form the resultant cohomological stratum.  When the Klein Bottle is to be going to go into the process of the Gliosis-based interaction of the Kahler-Metric with discrete energy quanta, then, its cohomological mappable-tracing will then be mapped-out in a Ward-Caucy-based 180 degree manner, from its general depiction.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Samuel David Roach.

A Little As to When The Kahler-Metric Is Gliosis To Strings

When any given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to be pushed into an eigenstate of the holonomic substrate of the Klein Bottle -- during the course of any respective given arbitrary individually taken iteration of instanton, in which the said respective superstring of such a case is to be brought into a Gliosis-based interaction with such a so-eluded-to eigenstate of holonomic substrate, -- the holomorphic direction of the said superstring is to be aligned with the general direction of the length of the so-eluded-to holonomic substrate of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate.  Furthermore -- the general holomorphic direction of an entire discrete quantum of energy, that is to be pushed into a Gliosis-based interaction with the holonomic substrate of such a Klein Bottle eigenstate, this happens to where this is to be aligned with the general direction of the length of the so-stated eigenstate of the Klein Bottle, -- over the course of each individually taken iteration of instanton, by which such a direct Yukawa-based wave-tug of the Kahler-Metric is to occur upon the topological substrate of such a discrete bundle of energy -- so that those fractals of discrete energy quanta may be re-attained, -- so that discrete energy may both persist and continue as discrete energy.  I will next elaborate as to how this works to involve the wave-tug of an orbifold eigenset, that is to undergo the Gliosis-based interaction of the Kahler-Metric with a set of discrete energy quanta that work to perform one specific function, in so as to work to re-attain their existing condition of being a packet of a discrete quanta of energy over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Reason For Adjacent Phenomena Orphoganal, Part One

Let us initially reflect upon a point that I had made in the past -- while then, working to develop the ideas that I am about to present, into what will amount to a hightened potential understanding of the modus operandus of the substringular realm.  Here it goes.  Any two discrete quanta of energy that are to here be immediately adjacent to each other -- as being two discrete physical phenomenology of topological substrate -- must be geometrically arranged into both a covariant, a codeterminable, and in a codifferentiable manner, by which, at a theoretical Laplacian-based "snapshot," that could be taken over the course of the exact moment that exists right before the proximal localized Polyakov Action eigenstate, that is at the Poincare level to the general locus of two given superstrings in the substringular level, that are right next to each other, to where the holonomic substrate of the one discrete increment of physical energy is to bear a Real Reimmanian tense of orphoganation to the holonomic substrate of the other discrete increment of physical energy, that is of a Real Reimmanian tense -- in as long as both of the so-eluded-to discrete quanta of energy are of the same universal setting.  The reason as to why this tends to be the case, -- is because, since a superstring of discrete energy permittivity tends to exist as either a two-dimensional  or as a one-dimensional fabric-formed holonomic substrate, that is pushed through what will here tend to be anywhere in the "arena" of being a Hamiltonian operand that is to exist as being a substrate of being from between four to twelve spatial dimensions -- per each discrete increment of group-related instanton -- to where this tendency, as to what has to take place, in order for there to be any viable interaction between the so-eluded-to eigenstates of topological-based holonomic substrate, that is to bear enough of an abelian geometry, in order for the dual Hamiltonian-based action to be eigen to both superstrings in a Gaussian manner that is Yukawa in a Real Reimmanian manner over a sequential series of instantons, -- then, there will here tend to be the need for a coniaxion-based cross-section of the topological core-field-density of the one discrete quantum of energy upon the other discrete quantum of energy, over a relatively transient but discrete group-metric, -- that will here be of an integrated Fourier Transformation, that will tend to be piece-wise continuous, over a discrete duration of time.  I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Reverberations And The Kahler-Metric, Part Four Of Four

Let us initially consider a set of three relatively adjacent electrons, that are to initially reverberate through one general Stoke's-related Lagrangian-based Hamiltonian operand, -- in a reiterative manner that is to maintain its general tense of velocity, in a relatively transient duration of group-related metric.  Let us next consider that, after the reverberation that I have just generally described, is to have reverberated a certain discrete number of times in a back-and-forth manner, -- to where the general plane of reverberation is to then adjust in a vibratory oscillation-based manner, by a Ward-Caucy-related degree of orphoganation.  Let us next say that, once the general plane of orphoganation of the so-eluded-to set of three orbifold eigensets is to then reverberate in that so-eluded-to Stoke's-based Minkowski-related plane of regional eigenindices, this will happen to where these orbifold eigensets will act as eigenstates, of which are of a sequential series of back-and-forth reiterations that are to work here to bear a relatively constant velocity.  Let us then consider that the second inferred rate of reverberation that is to here exist in the second said tense of orphoganation is to bear both the same general manner of a Noether-based flow, and as well as also working to bear the same general manner of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance in its holomorphic tense of directoral-based flow, as the initial tense of reverberation that was to exist in the initial tense of orphoganal-based back-and-forth flow was to bear -- in both its general manner of Noether-based flow and the same general manner of its Majorana-Weyl-Invariance, -- over what may here be described of as a tense of a metrical-based reverse-fractal of a "Sterling Approximation" of the tense of the flow of the second stated genus of reverberation in relation to the flow of the first stated genus of reverberation. The Lagrangian-based Kahler quotients that are to here be used to compare the Yukawa-based interactions of the general Kahler-Metric eigenstates of the second said reverberative state, will then tend  to bear complex roots -- when this is taken in relation to the first said reverberative state, and vice-versa, when the so-stated reverberations are to be compared to each other in an isomorphic manner -- that is to here be metrically overlapped as a conjugate dual group-metric, -- in which the trivial permutations are to here be omitted.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Samuel David Roach.

Part Three Of Reverberations And Kahler-Metric Eigenstates

Let us initially consider three electrons, that are to here reverberate back-and-forth -- when this is individually taken -- in a manner to where all three of the said electrons are to be dually interdependent in a manner that is both covariant, codifferentiable, and codeterminable, over the course of a Fourier Transformation, that is to here involve a group-metric of a sequential series of group-related instantons.  All three of these said electrons are to exist here as three separate yet interdependent orbifold eigensets. The three said kinematic electrons are to be kept here in a tightly-knit region of spatial parameters -- to where the field that is of the so-eluded-to confined region of space, by which the said covariant tritiary action is to occur -- is to be of a Ward-Caucy-based boundary condition, that is Yukawa to being of a tense of the core-field-density of the combined electrostatic force -- that is formed by the kinematic electrodymamic energy-based force, that is of the motion of the so-stated three electrons, over time.  The reverberation of the said three electrons is to be of a relatively synchronous nature.  The quicker that the pace of such a general pattern of the iterative quality of the reverberation is, -- the higher that the covariant-based mass of the tritiary electrostatic kinematic force in this case will be.  The higher mass will then work to form a higher density of the core-field-density of the holonomic substrate that is Gliosis at the Poincare level to this general topological substrate of the said tritiary electrostatic action. The quicker reverberation will then, as well, work to form a higher scalar amplitude of the metrical succession of the directly correlative antiholomorphic Kahler condition, that would there be formed by the back-and-forth motion of the three said electrons, over time.  This hightened rapidity of the pace of the formation of the respective antiholomorphic Kahler conditions, will work here to form more scalar amplitude of the Yukawa interaction of the Kahler-Metric upon the holonomic substrate of the topological stratum of the phenomenology of the three said electrons, over the so-eluded-to group-metric.  Such a cyclical tense of permutation is mainly metrical-based, since the increase in velocity so inferred -- is of a metrical perturbation.  I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Part Two Of Reverberations And Kahler-Metric Eigenstates

Let us initially consider a relatively small set of orbifold eigensets -- that differentiate in a Fourier-based manner, from within the Ward-Caucy-based physical bounds of a conformally invariant locus, -- that is to here be of a relatively tightly-knit nature, when this is taken in consideration of the said set of orbifold eigensets of this case, that is to be limited here in so as to only be able to move from within a relatively tight region of spatial-related parameters.  Let us next say that we are here to be dealing with a relatively small set of electrons, that are to be moving from within the confines of a relatively small Ward-based volume of space.  Electrons exist in D-fields -- to where, in this case, each electron is to be behaving as being each of such directly associated individually taken orbifold eigensets of this respective case scenario, to where these electrons are to be moving through their respective individually taken six spatial dimensional Hamiltonian-based operands -- via the routing of there correlative Lagrangian-based paths, as these are to be thus interdependantly integrated as Fourier-related eigenindices, that are to here be directly associated, as the so-eluded-to Hamiltonian operators, that are of both a covariant, codetermniable, and of a codifferentiable electrostatic eigenbase, as these eigenstates, as orbifold eigensets, are to here comingle via a sequential set of group-related instantons.  The density of this said tightly-knit region -- as it is approached in a Yukawa-based manner, that moves in the direction of then being approached in a Gliosis-based manner, -- will become as an ever increasing scalar amplitude of core-field-density modulae -- yet, with an electrostatic density that often will not tend to approach infinity to the same extent that a theoretical individual D-brane would bear, - when such an individually taken D-brane were to here be approached under the "synapsis" of a theoretical Laplacian-based manner.  Yet, if the directly associated electrons of this case were to be of a relatively high enough velocity, and/or it the region of confinement is to here be tight enough, then, instead, the Gliosis-based approach of a theoretical external eigenstate may actually tend to approach infinity at a higher rate -- than if a relatively static D-brane were to be approached in a significantly slower relative velocity.  Theoretical rest energy in  electrons is only theoretical -- an electron is never actually at rest.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Reverberations And Kahler-Metric eigenstates

Let us initially consider an orbifold eigenset -- that is reverberating back-and-forth at one given rate, over an initially transient group-metric.  Each time that the so-stated orbifold eigenset is to flip in its general holomorphic direction -- there is to be a proximal localized antiholomorphic Kahler condition.  This will then tend to work to lead into a Gliosis-based interaction of a Kahler-Metric eigenstate, with the said orbifold eigenset -- over an even more transient sequential series of instantons.  Let us say that the initially so-eluded-to rate of reverberation, is then to be sped up.  This will then tend to work to cause a heightened scalar amplitude of the rate, by which there are to be the resultant formation of the respective proximal localized antiholomorphic Kahler conditions.   This will thereby work to increase the scalar magnitude as to the  degree and/or the manner by which the proximal local Kahler-Metric, is to here be Yukawa to the said orbifold eigenset, over time.  Furthermore, if the so-eluded-to rate of the respective reverberation, is to instead be slowed down -- the resultant Kahler-Metric will then end-up, to bear less of a scalar amplitude as to the wave-tug of that respective general Yukawa Coupling -- that is to here be imbued upon the said orbifold eigenset, over time.  I will continue with the suspense later!   To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Core-Field-Density And Substringular Fields, Part One

Let us initially consider a given arbitrary bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is taken at the Poincare level -- that is Gliosis to the topological substrate of the so-stated superstring.  Let us think here, in terms of the density of the topological surface -- that is at this general respective tense of locus.  The density that would exist here, under the Ward-Caucy-based conditions of such a so-eluded-to Laplacian-based transform, of such a so-eluded-to surface -- would approach infinity at the so-stated general proximal considered locus.  Next, let us consider the just mentioned superstring -- to be of a respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset.  An orbifold eigenset is a set of one or more discrete quanta of energy -- that operate in so as to perform one specific function.  The partial of such a discrete quanta of energy -- that is specifically of basically the pointal-based characteristic of discrete energy permittivity -- is the perverbial superstring or superstrings, that work to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset.  The partial of such a discrete quanta of energy -- that is specifically of basically the wave-based characteristic of discrete energy permittivity -- is the perverbial superstringular counterpart  or superstringular counterparts, that work to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset.  The partial of such a discrete quanta of energy -- that is specifically of basically the pointal-based characteristic of discrete energy impedance -- is the perverbial Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate or Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, that work to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset.  The partial of such a discrete quanta of energy -- that is specifically of basically the wave-based characteristic of discrete energy impedance -- is the perverbial first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate or first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset.  Any given arbitrary discrete quantum of energy, will not be at the exact same relative spot -- over the course of two immediately consecutive iterations of group-related instanton.  Unless a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset is of only one discrete quantum of energy -- such a respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, will not work to bear a density that approaches infinity as quickly, as an individually taken superstring that is to be taken at the Poincare level will approach infinity -- when such a density is taken Gliosis to the topological substrate of such a so-stated respective so-eluded-to superstring or substringular eigenmember.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Some Info About Magnetism Versus Gravity

The general genus of that Fourier-based activity, that is to here be directly involved with the torque of those eigenstates that are of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure -- work to help in the production of what may be termed of as atomic charges -- over time.  Electrical charges are associated with magnetism.  The Rarita Structure may be said to be the Ward-Caucy-based Hamiltonian operand -- of the general condition of what is to be the phenomenology of gravity.  This basic genus of comparison, is to thus help at working to explain a general relationship that exists -- between the phenomenology of magnetism, versus the phenomenology of gravity.  Thence, magnetism may be used to manipulate gravity.
I will continue with other suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Chirality And Scattering

When two or more phenomena are scattered amongst each other -- in such a manner to where the resultant adjacent thus scattered eigenindices, are to work here in so as to attain an odd chirality, -- then, such a just explained general genus of scattering, may be described of as a Rayleigh scattering.  Yet, when two or more phenomena are scattered amongst each other -- in a manner to where the resultant adjacent thus scattered eigenindices, are to work here in so as to attain an even chirality, -- then, such a just explained general genus of a scattering, may be described of as a Reimman scattering.  When the respective given arbitrary gauge-bosons, that are to here bear a Laplacian-based Ward-Caucy condition of being adjacent over the course of a respective iteration of instanton, bear more of an assymetric vibratory oscillation, -- this will then result in the production of there being more harmonically formed Schwinger-Indices.  Thence, the more that the gauge-bosons, that are correlative to a discrete quantum of energy -- tend to work to bear a certain scalar amplitude of a tense of a Rayleigh scattering, then, the more that the resultant Schwinger-Indices will tend to work to bear more of a scalar amplitude of a Reimman scattering.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Laplacian-Based Cyclic Permutations

Cyclic permutations that are of a Laplacian-based genus, may be either Lagrangian-based cyclic permutations and/or Contour-based cyclic permutations.  Here is an example of a Laplacian-based cyclic permutation:  Let us say that one is to make a theoretical "snapshot" of one substringular "fret," that is to exist here in the substringular.  Let us next say that one is to examine one given arbitrary cohomological mappable-tracing -- when in terms of the here given arbitrary substringular pattern, over a set Lagrangian-based path.  Let us next say that the here just mentioned cohomological mappable-tracing, is to work to form an iterative pattern -- of which is to have a very minor change at the start of each increment of the so-stated iterative pattern.  This is non-time-oriented.  This is just as if you were to just observe the so-eluded-to "snapshot," as if time and kinematic motion were to have stood still -- as you were to trace the so-eluded-to cohomological mappable-tracing.  If the overall pattern that is to here be "mapped," is to reiterate at some less of a scalar magnitude of devulging, then, the so-eluded-to cyclic permutative mapped Lagrangian-based path -- is to be of a convergent nature.  Yet, if instead, the overall pattern that is to here be "mapped," is to not reiterate at some less of a scalar magnitude of devulging, then, the so-eluded-to cyclic permutative mapped  Lagrangian-based path -- is to be of a divergent nature.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Beginning

Could the original Anunaki version of creation possibley be interpreted as literally saying, at its initial chronological beginning: "At The Torsional Surface Of The Opening, The Predominant Operator Of Pulsation Spoke Into Existence Both Non-Partitional-Based Phenomenology And Partitional-Based Phenomenology."  I Wonder!?
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.