Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Some More As To Energy Density And Cohomologies (Part Three)

Let us say that we are to consider here, a case of two different covariant orbifold eigensets -- over the course of one codeterminable and codifferentiable group-metric.  Let us say that both of the said orbifold eigensets, work to bear the same Ward-Caucy-based "volume."  Let us say that one of the two so-stated eigensets, works to bear twice the rest mass as the other orbifold eigenset -- of such a given arbitrary respective case.  Let us now say that the so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset, that is to here work to bear half of the rest-associated mass-based density than the other said orbifold eigenset, -- is to be traveling at a velocity, that is of twice the relative scalar amplitude of the velocity of the other so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset, of this respective case scenario.  The partial condition of one orbifold eigenset -- as bearing twice the mass-density of the other one, would Theoretically work to cause the so-eluded-to denser orbifold eigenset to be twice as efficient at eliminating its resultant cohomological residue, yet, since the less dense orbifold eigenset of this case, is to be traveling at twice the relative velocity as the other one, -- the less dense of the two so-stated orbifold eigensets will ironically work to bear a scalar amplitude of twice the efficiency at working to eliminate its excessive cohomological residue -- than the slower, yet denser, -- orbifold eigenset of this case.  Although faster orbifold eigensets of the same ulterior nature tend to generate more ghost anomalies -- these said faster eigensets still happen to be more efficient at working to eliminate their ghosts, or, their excessive cohomological residue.  So, the higher the energy density is of an orbifold eigenset is, the more efficient it is at eliminating its cohomological density.  This is although orbifolds of a higher energy density, will tend to generate more cohomological residue -- over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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