Saturday, June 20, 2015

Part Three of Session Two of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

All physical phenomena is effected -- in one manner or another -- by that kinematic activity, that is induced by the gravitational force.  This is even though gravity is a relatively weak force -- gravity is weaker than both the strong force and also the electromotive force.  So, all physical phenomenology is interconnected to the conditionality of the gravitational force, via the multiplicit directoral-based amplitudanal eigenbase of the Ricci Scalar, via that multiplicit fabric-based eigenbase -- that is known of as the Rarita Structure.  The individually taken Rartita Structure eigenstates may often have either a relatively strong elastic modulus -- via the state of the relatively local conditions of the here proximally taken Ricci Scalar eigenstates, that would here be involved in this case,  or, certain other individually taken Rarita Structure eigenstates may often have, instead, a relatively weak elastic modulus, via the state of the relatively local conditions of the here proximally taken Ricci Scalar eigenstates -- that would here be involved in this case.  The condition as to whether or not any particular respective given arbitrary locus of a Rarita Structure eigenstate is to here have either a relatively strong elastic modulus or a relatively weak elastic modulus, is, in part, depending upon the directoral-based inter-twining of the specific cohomological framework, that is proximal to the so-eluded-to specific locus -- where such a respective spot where the said Rarita Structure eigenstate is to here have such an either relatively strong or a relatively weak elastic modulus that is taking its bearings of its directly corresponding Majorana Weyl Invariant Mode at.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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