Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Part Nine of Session Two of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

The relatively asymmetric tense of the spin and the roll of any given arbitrary gravitational-based particles (of both gravitons and gravitinos), when this is taken in correlation to the spin and roll of the directly corresponding orbifolds -- works to counter the potential collapsing of space-time-fabric, by its tendency to work at tightening the wave-tug/wave-pull of the here relatively local Rarita Structure eigenstates, when this is homotopically taken in retrospect from the Poincaire-based setting of the correlative gravitational particles so-mentioned, towards the Poincaire-based setting of the said central-based coniaxion of the here respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenstate, -- that has been implied here, in such a given arbitrary case.  The assymetric condition that has been implied here, is caused, in part, by an orthoganal-based torque that is initiated here in this case -- by a certain genus of a Njenhuis-based primed norm-geometric eigenbase, that is here of a relatively low scalar amplitude.  This happens, via the existence of the here local Ricci Scalar eigenstate.  So, when there are an excessive quantity of both gravitons and gravitinos, the relatively Real Reimmanian-based norm-primed geometric condition is aimed in a correlative directoral-based angling -- (that is Njenhuis in tangency to the so-eluded-to Ward-Caucy conditions, that are of the kinematic differentiation of the assymetric tensors that have been implied here) to where such an "angling" is here to happen via the kinematic-based differentiation of the excessive Gaussian-related indices, that are, in effect, a genus of an assortment of norm-state-projections -- that are of the same universal setting as the here so-stated orbifold eigenset that is being effected by the so-eluded-to gravitational eigenbase, of this specific case scenariao -- which works to help cause the directly corresponding Fourier translation that is of those changes in the ensuing related Kaeler Metric-based activity, that is local to the so-stated assymtric spin and roll relationship, that would exist here between the said gravitational particles and their directly corresponding orbifold eigenset, that are of this respective given arbitrary case.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

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