Monday, January 19, 2015

Some Stuff About Schwinger Indices (As An Interim)

The light-cone-gauge acts -- via the kinematic operation of the respective gauge-bosons -- in so as to form a general genus of substringalr vibrations, that may be termed of as Schwinger Indices.  The holistic vibrational oscillation of one given arbitrary first-ordered light-cone-guag eigenstate acts as one first-ordered Schwinger Index.  The vibrational oscillation of one given arbitrary second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate operates in so as to function as one second-ordered Schwinger Index.  Each individual "pluck" out of the whole "plucking" of any one given arbitrary second-ordered light-cone-gauge eignstate may be termed of as one third-ordered Schwinger Index.  Here is a general synapsis as to the pitch-based nature of the respective third-ordered Schwinger Indices that may be formed by the multiplicit "plucking" of the here respective second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, over the course of one iteration of BRST.  For one-dimensional superstrings, -- when one is to extrapolate the general nature of the pitch of the so-stated third-ordered Schwinger Indices, one is to bear a perspective that is in accordance with perceiving a vantage-point that is in the relative holomorphic direction of the directly corresponding one-dimensional superstring, of any respective given arbitrary case, in which such a perspective is in the direction of the mappable tracing that goes in the Lagrangian path that is from the general regional locus of one respective given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate of this case, towards the respective directly associated one-dimensional superstring of this same case, in a non-time-oriented manner.  The third-ordered Schwinger Indices vary in pitch in the following general respective manner (from the correlative condition that is Yakawa to the light-cone-gauge bearings -- that work to interact from the reverse-norm-to-holomrphic or relative bottom of the corresponding one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity, up to the norm-to-holomorphic or the relative top end of the said one-dimensional superstring):  The initial 60 of such eluded-to cites -- as to where the said third-ordered Schwinger Indices are to be formed -- all along the relative reverse-norm-to-holomorphic direction or relative bottom positioned second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate, works to bear a relatively deep set of pitches -- as going from the here relatively deepest of such pitches, towards an attenuation of such "deepness" -- that bears both a maximum elastic and a maximum fractal modulus, per each "plucking" of the here corresponding cites that are along the correlative kinematic-based topological surface.  The first two cites, as to where the third-ordered Schinger-Indices that would then be formed by what is the second from the relative bottom-positioned second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that would be positioned relatively near the here directly correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, would then work to complete the prior-mentioned pattern of pitch.  With this respective pattern in mind, the last 58 of such third-ordered Schwinger Indices of such "pluckings" along the said second-from the relative bottom second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- would bear a relatively increasing pitch that would then bear a maximum elastic modulus that would yet not bear a maximum elastic modulus.  With this here eluded-to pattern in mind that I have inferred, the next 30 of such cites -- where the correlative gauge-bosons are to strike the said light-cone-gauge phenomenology -- would then work to complete the just-eluded-to Laplacian-based alteration in relative pitch.  Completing the pattern of such an overall pattern, while yet "cutting" to the chase, the next 62 cites of gauge-bosonic activity will then here work to bear both a maximum fractal and a maximum elastic modulus, with a hightened pitch (relatively speaking).  As is in going through the prior eluded-to general pattern as to mapping-out the cites where gauge-bosons are to "pluck" their respective and correlative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates (from the general locus of the correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates towards the general locus of the correlative one-dimensional superstrings, and, from the relative bottom or reverse-norm-to-holomorphic end of the said superstring towards its relative top or norm-to-holomorphic end of the said superstring), the next 88 Schwinger Indices -- that bear a maximum fractal modulus but no maximum elastic modulus -- with a non-time-oriented increasing nature of pitch, are the nature of those vibrational oscillations that are formed by the here just-eluded-to cites of gauge-boson-based "pluck."  As such Schwinger Indices are propagated away from the light-cone-gauge, this helps to cause the activity that is associated with the Ricci Scalar, and, this is the general pattern that works to help operate the vibrational nature of the Rarita Structure.  To Be Continued! Sam.

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