Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Part Three of the Eighth Session of Course 18

When a set of manifold-based cohomologies are low in their propagation of kinematic-based eigenstates -- then, the energy that is associated with the directly correlative orbifold eigenset is low, in terms of the directly corresponding kinematic-based Hamiltonian Hodge-Indices that are propagated-out from the coniaxions of the so-stated orbifold eigenset, of this given arbitrary respective case.  The kinematic-based eigenmetric of such a low-energy field is sometimes an example of what may be termed of as a a Landau-Ginzburg metric.  Any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset that is here undergoing a Landau-Ginzburg metric is -- during the group metric in which such a manifold is going through the just eluded-to genus of a set of such successive iterations of instantons -- an example of a Landau-Ginzburg manifold.  The conditions that I gave, that work to denote such a relatively low energy substringular field, is the premise of what may be termed of as the Landau-Ginzburg Theorem.  On the other hand, relatively higher energy substringular-based manifold cohomologies are more often perturbative -- to an extent -- during the directly correlative Regge Metric, than the respective correlative relatively lower energy substringular-based manifold cohomologies.  Harmonic energy substringular cohomologies, that are of a relatively higher scalar magnitude of energy than a relatively lower eignbase of energy, of which may be exhibited by comparative substringular cohomologies that exhibit a lower scalar magnitude, tend to be directly associated with the holonomic sustrate of orbifold-based phenomenologies that are able to be renormalizable -- during the Regge Action -- if and when such substringular manifolds are not orientable during the directly preceding Bette Action.  This is the case, if and when such directly correlative superstrings -- that work to comprise the directly affiliated orbifold eigenset -- are not tachyonic, over the course of such an eluded-to group metric.  Yet, low energy substringular cohomological manifolds also tend to obey Noether Flow -- unless these alter, in so as to become of a tachyonic-based nature.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!!! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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