Saturday, January 31, 2015

A Little As To Certain Asymmetry

As the Polyakov Action is happening to any given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, during the BRST metrical portion of a given arbitrary iteration of instanton -- the asymmetry that exists between the so-stated superstring and its immediately surrounding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity will keep its Lagangian-based pattern of the here relatively inferred covariance -- over the course of the here insinuated genus of Clifford Expansion that is pertinent to this specific type of case.  This is not including any innate kinematic-based topological vibration of the so-eluded-to superstring -- yet, it is, in this case, a matter of the Laplacian-based topological sway that the here so-eluded-to superstrings of discrete energy will here work to bear, over the course of such a so-stated activity that happens during the process of one unique respective given arbitrary iteration of what are here certain relatively local and adjacent superstrings that are here both covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable during the said group instanton.  Sam.

A Little More to the Aside of As To The Fractal of Electric Current, Part Two

I left off last time, saying -- to an effect -- that the topological sway of any one given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity will tend to bear an asymmetric Laplacian-based curvature, relative to an adjacent superstring of discrete energy permittitivity, over the course of the multiplicit activity of the Polyakov Action.  So, if there are numerous superstrings of the manner that I have here so-eluded-to, that act in so as to physically surround any one respective given arbitrary of such superstrings, during the course of any of one given iterations of group-related instanton, then, the superstring that is here in this case mentioned -- as being surrounded as I have inferred in this case, will bear an optimum fitting genus of asymmetry -- in so as to act  toward achieving an optimum condition of bearing at least a certain degree or manner of having a topological-based sway, that will still have a Laplacian-based mappable tracing, over the so-eluded-to course of any one respective given arbitrary iterations of group instanton, in so that this will act as having some asymmetry that is projected in a manner that is piecewise indical -- the one toward the others -- at the Poicaire level of the superstrings (as taken from the vantage-point of a Sterling Approximation that is centered at the conicenter of the here eluded-to coniaxial that is formed by the subtension of the topological projection of the so-stated and so-eluded-to superstrings of energy permittivity of this case scenario here).  To be continued!  Sam.

Friday, January 30, 2015

A Little Aside as to Part Two of As To The Fractal of Electric Current

So, when the multiplicit activity of the Polyakov Action happens during group instanton, adjacent superstrings that are decompactified to the inverse of their directly pertinent Lorentz-Four-Contractions work to bear a topological sway that tends to be of a relatively covariant-based asymmetric nature.  This happens in so as to work to provide room for the multiplicit kinematic activity of BRST to happen -- among the covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable interplay of adjacent superstrings, particularly, if such adjacent superstrings are to be of the same Universal Setting.  This is the point that I was trying to get at with my last post (as to the second part of As To The Fractal of Electric Current).  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam.

Part Two of As To the Fractal of Electric Current

Now, let us examine the nature of a pointal-based phenomenology, in general, in light of what may be termed of as the Pauli Exclustion Principle.  As according to what may be eluded-to by the Pauli Exclusion Principle, phenomena can not be at the very same spot at the very same time.  More literally, the Pauli Exclusion Principle amounts to the condition that two adjacent electrons will always tend to bear asymmetric spins -- when such spinning is related to the one here respective given arbitrary electron as taken relative to the other adjacent here respective given arbitrary electron of such a just eluded-to case scenario.  Furthermore, as to the spin-based nature of first-ordered point particles (those point particles that are of one genus of scalar magnitude-based size smaller than superstrings of discrete energy permittivity) is to where the relative "neighborhoods" of the said superstrings tends to remain constant over time -- in so long as the directly corresponding superstring remains unfrayed in topological-based homotopic condition, -- yet, the specific delineations of the multiplicit substringular neighborhoods of the so-stated first-ordered point particles may often be quite variable from one iteration of group instanton where these point particles are exemplified, to the next of such instantons.  For instance, let us here consider a two-dimensional superstring that is accelerated from a terrestrial-based rest up to a velocity that is contingent upon what causes the said two-dimensional superstring its maximum-based Lorentz-Four-Contraction that a non-electromagnetic-based superstring may possibly bear.  As the so-eluded-to Lorentz-Four-Contraction is brought from a factor of one to a factor of three million, the directly corresponding superstring that is involved with the so-stated first-ordered point particles is shortened in circumference and length by a factor of three-hundred-million.  In the process, although the superstring that is here directly associated is shortened by a factor of three-hundred-million, the size of the directly associated point particle neighborhoods are not changed at all -- in so long as the contingent superstring is to be unfrayed.  Its just that the directly corresponding core-field-density or mini-stirng that works to bind the affiliated superstring, as the so-stated string becomes more and more contracted, is brought to where there is less and less of a separation between the said directly associated first-ordered point particles in the course of the said Lorentz-Four-Contractions.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Part One of As to the Fractal of Electric Current

So, what is the fractal of an electric current?   Here is a start to an explanation of this.  An electric current is a flow of electrons.  What is it about any given arbitrary charge -- whether such a charge here is respectively of either a static or of a viably kinetic genus, that would here work to form the so-eluded-to electric field?  The basis of all of the phenomenology that would here appertain to the multiplicit array of the eigenstates of holonomic substrate, is the condition of both the existence and the covariant activity of pointal-based phenomena.  Initially, let us pervay the concept of the Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle.  By the so-stated Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle, any given arbitrary point particle -- that is to be considered in any respective given arbitrary case scenario -- is an approximated extrapolation of holonomic substrate, that is viable at the Poincaire level -- that may be considered to be comprised of a segment of what is here to be a certain discrete quanta of the condensed oscillation that is existent at the general locus of whatever the general microcosmic "neighborhood" that such an eluded-to pointal-based phenomenon happens to be kinematically existent at, over time.  Such a general region or neighborhood is one that may be considered to bear indices of discrete Hamiltonian operand -- when this said operand is to be considered, relative to both the Laplacian-based codifferentiability and the Fourier-based codifferentiability of both the Poincaire-based codetermination and the Lagrangian-based codetermination of whatever the so-stated or so-eluded-to pointal-based phenomena incurs, via the activity of the said point particle, over the metrical eigenbase that the said particle devolves upon -- over the correlative sequential series of instantons that directly appertain to any of such respective given arbitrary case scenarios in which this is pertinent.  When one is to discuss the nature of such a so-eluded-to point particle, one may be here describing anything that may fit the directly prior general case scenario -- down to those point particles that may be thought of in any given arbitrary discussion involving string theory.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Part Two As To Certain Substringular Perturbations

Those interactions that appertain to the convergence of certain substringular phenomenology that act as proximal indices of covariant Hamiltonian operators, that function as one whole matrix or manifold of substringular holonomic substrate, in such a manner in so as to perform one given arbitrary respective specific function as an orbifold eigenset -- act as metrical-based eigenstates that are directly correlative to the same group attractor eigenmetric, over the corroberative sequential series of group-related instantons.  This codeteminable and codifferentiable tendency of kinematic interdependence works to make the so-stated substringular phenomenology discussed here to be of one common eigenbase of orbifold eigenset, in what will here work to cause the so-eluded-to inherent substringular tense of holonomic substrate to act as a closely-knit genus of interactive operation -- and of which also causes the Hodge-Index of the directly corresponding fractal of magnetic-based pull to be of a relatively large discrete quantum -- in the form of a relatively dense Hodge-based spin-orbital kinematic operational scalar magnitude.  After many iterations and reiterations of the correlative superstrings, that are here within their conformally invariant loci of substringular neighborhoods -- these neighborhoods of which are of their localized sequences, works to cause the just-eluded-to fractal of magnetism that is of their convergent wave iteration to emit residual flux -- in the form of what may termed of as transpositional waves that may be extrapolated by a genus of a Sterling Approximation.  These so-stated transpositional waves interact with the kernels that would exist in the here respective corresponding Hamiltonian-based operands -- these being the kernels as to the fractal of the magnetic flux density of the so-stated given arbitrary superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that I have described in this said case scenario.  As the so-eluded initially Majorana-Weyl-Invariant conformal-based region -- in which the so-stated one million respective given arbitrary superstringular Hamiltonian operators have been delineated and redelineated over the so-eluded-to group-metric in which these said superstrings have acted as a conformally invariant orbifold eigenset, begin to diverge -- the consequent polymorphism of the strings surrounding the so-eluded-to group attractor eigenmatrix will then here relatively diverge from the coniaxial interplay, as to where the generation of the directly corresponding wave-tug/wave-pull has its maximum scalar amplitude.  As such a divergence happens to the Hamiltonian operators that had worked to form the so-stated orbifold eigenset, the eigenbasis that works to describe the manner as to the sequential reiteration that had directly appertained to the prior mentioned superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- alters or perturbates from both the earlier morphological genus, as well as the earlier kinematic-based genus -- that such directly correlative superstrings had demonstrated before.  I will continue with the suspense later! Sam.

Monday, January 26, 2015

On the Perturbation of Certain Covariant Superstrings

How may one describe the perturbation of a set of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that interact in so as to work to form one homogeneous structural-based morphology of holonomic substrate-based phenomenon?  Let us initially say that one were to have -- in one specific given arbitrary scenario -- one million superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that operate, -- along with their directly corresponding discrete impedance -- in so as to directly associate as one cohesive covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable whole, in the process of behaving as one orbifold eigenset that operates -- in so as to perform one specific substringular function, over a discrete basis of a sequential series of group-related instantons. So, these so-stated millions of such substringular indices function in so as to act as one discrete Hamiltonian operator, over time. These so-stated million substringular indices may either be adjacent in the substringular, and/or, these said million substringualr indices may be adjacent in the globally distinguishable.  Either way you "look" at it, all of these one million overall operators of discrete energy work to bear an abelian-based geometrical wave-tug/wave-pull, that works to form an overt and viable leveraging of all of these said discrete Hamiltonian operators of substringular energy upon each other, in one manner or another  -- since all of the said respective million discrete units of the holonomic substrate of energy are here, in this particular case, of the same universal setting in the multiverse.  Let us now say that the just eluded-to wave-tug/wave-pull -- that is here interdependently applied to each of the said discrete holonomic substrate-based units of energy -- by all of the said one million Hamiltonian operations of discrete energy upon each other, work to bear a convergent tense of holomorphology.  What this here means is that the initial activity of the said superstrings of this case scenario works to pull the Ward-Neumman Laplacian-based contour of the here respective interactive superstrings, into a shape that is homogeneous or smooth and evenly mixed -- when such a perspective is taken at a "snapshot" that would here be from the vantage-point of a central conipoint that would here be at the Poincaire level of a directly related Sterling Approximation.  This Ward-Neumman condition that I have just mentioned, works to form a Ward-Caucy eigencondition of the here respective discrete Hamiltonian operators of energy, this of which would here indirectly work to cause the said superstrings of discrete energy to differentiate in a symmetrical-based manner -- in so as to here bear a certain parity attribution, over the here eluded-to multiplicit Lagrangian eigenbase of interactive mappable tracings of the respective cohomologies.  This genus of symmetry of which works to make all of the so-stated interdependent superstrings of this case -- in one manner or another -- act as being discernabe in a close or proximal manner, over the eigenmetric that is here directly related to the covariant, codeteminable, and codifferentiable activity of the said discrete Hamiltonian operation that here acts as one overall eigenbase of operational index.  I will cut to the chase later!  Sam.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Next Part of the Ninth Session of Course 18

The main mechanism that works to open the Main Heterotic Stringular Phenomenology at the appropriate metrical durations -- in so as to allow for the necessary flow of substringular phenomenology during the generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow, may be termed of the gauge boson OPE.   This OPE mechanism is controlled, in part, by the passing of gauge bosons along the outer perimeter of the light-cone-gauge -- in such a manner in so as to take the Schwinger Indices that are formed by the plucking of light-cone-gauge eigenstates, and to integrate part of the residual effect of such vibrational oscillations into a general format of phenomenology, that ends up placing a concluding abelian-based geometrical pulse upon certain mini-string segmentation that is outside of the Overall World-Tubes, in such a manner in so as to open up the said Main Heterotic Stringular Phenomena -- right as tori-sector-range-based phenomena are to loop around the Ultimon during the just-mentioned said generally unnoticed part of Ultimon Flow.  This eludes to a certain case of an indirect cause and effect, that is here mentioned in so as to help in a general case of substringular interaction.  Second-Ordered Schwinger Indices form a  metaphorical "tune" of third-ordered Schwinger Indices.  First-Ordered Schwinger Indices form a metaphorical "tune" of second-ordered Schwinger Indices.  So, the "tune" that works to encode for the given arbitrary Gaussian conditions of any given arbitrary superstring, that is here directly affiliated with the said Gaussian conditions -- is "played" by those gauge bosons that work to form the corroberative Schwinger Indices, because of both the spin-orbital/radial/transversal supplemental norm conditions that the correlative gauge bosons work to form, vibrate along the Rarita Structure, in so as to play upon those interactions that would here involve the Ricci Scalar, and would thus involve the interactions of discrete energy with the correlative tenses of gravity.  So, as the metaphorical "symphony" of the overall correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates of overall space-time-fabric is "played," this works to indirectly effect the manner of the opening-up of the Main Heterotic Stringular Phenomenology -- during the ensuing generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow.  So, the OPE gauge-boson mechanism acts metaphorically like the microtubules of a living cell act as -- yet, on a much smaller scale than the so-stated "microtubules" exist in.  The correlative effect that such a metaphorical "symphony" has upon the here respective Majorana-Weyl-Invariant mode is initially based upon the correlative interactions of third-ordered Schwinger Indices.  To be continued!  Sam.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Schwinger Indices Related To Two-Dimensional Superstrings

As is with the Schwinger Indices that are directly affiliated with one-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, those vibrational oscillations that act as one whole -- that are formed by those first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that directly appertain to one two-dimensional superstrings, may be termed of as one first-ordered Schwinger Index.  Furthermore, the vibrational oscillations of one second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate as one whole, that directly appertain to one respective given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity, may be termed of as one second-ordered Schwinger Index.  Also, the individual vibrational oscillation that is formed by one "pluck" of one "plucking" of that which is formed at one specific locus on the general topological surface of one second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- that directly appertains to one two-dimensional superstring -- may be termed of as one third-ordered Schwinger Index.  Such just eluded-to second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that stem off from what is here one Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate -- toward what is here its directly appertaining two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- bears two general adjacent topological origins, that are per what would be each source of such origins -- when appertaining to the stemming at the general locus of Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, that are initially derived in a Gliossi-based manner at the Poincaire level on the relative forward-holomorphic directoral positioning of the just-eluded-to Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate.  Such eigenstates of the light-cone-gauge are here to bear a discrete wave-functional-based impedance -- that are interconnected with the here directly appertaining two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity of this case. The general format of the localization of the general quality of pitch that is to be formed of the condition of the holonomic substrate of the directly associated third-ordered Schwinger Indices, has similarities with that of which directly appertains to that which involves any given arbitrary one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity, yet, with the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates of the here latter case that would involve, instead, any given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity that is here delineating mini-string segmentation or core-field-density -- that bears the Laplacian-based alteration in relative pitch, when going from the "0 degree mark" of the so-stated respective two-dimensional string -- that is here stemming inward at the relative Poincaire level of connection at the so-eluded-to superstring, in a counterclockwise tense, that goes, in a Laplacian-based manner, back around to completion near the "2pi mark" -- when mapping-out such a pattern of the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, as "looking" in the vantage-point of the here relatively forward-holomorphic direction of the so-related said two-dimensional string.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Tad Bit More as to Some Stuff As To Schwinger Indices

With one-dimensionanl superstrings, the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates go from starting from the relative right of the reverse-norm-to holomorphic end of the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate -- when one takes the vantage-point of consideration in the relative forward-holomorphic direction from the so-stated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate --, to the here considered relative left of the reverse-norm-to-holomorphic end of the same so-stated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, again, when one takes the vantage-point of the consideration that is in the relative forward-holomorphic direction from the same so-stated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, -- to the next so-eluded-to second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate stemming from the center of the same so-stated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, to the conditionality of the next two here considered second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates respectively stemming from the relative right-based norm-to-holomorphic positions up to the relatiev left-based norm-to-holomorphic positions -- again, this being in consideration as to when going in a vantage-point that is in the relative forward-holomorphic direction, as is when going from the so-stated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate towards the directly corresponding one-dimensional superstring of this respective given arbitrary case.
Next, I will explain a little bit as to the nature of the Schwinger Indices that directly appertain to the correlative two-dimensional superstrings of any given arbitrary case.  To Be Continued!  Sam.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Some Stuff About Schwinger Indices (As An Interim)

The light-cone-gauge acts -- via the kinematic operation of the respective gauge-bosons -- in so as to form a general genus of substringalr vibrations, that may be termed of as Schwinger Indices.  The holistic vibrational oscillation of one given arbitrary first-ordered light-cone-guag eigenstate acts as one first-ordered Schwinger Index.  The vibrational oscillation of one given arbitrary second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate operates in so as to function as one second-ordered Schwinger Index.  Each individual "pluck" out of the whole "plucking" of any one given arbitrary second-ordered light-cone-gauge eignstate may be termed of as one third-ordered Schwinger Index.  Here is a general synapsis as to the pitch-based nature of the respective third-ordered Schwinger Indices that may be formed by the multiplicit "plucking" of the here respective second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, over the course of one iteration of BRST.  For one-dimensional superstrings, -- when one is to extrapolate the general nature of the pitch of the so-stated third-ordered Schwinger Indices, one is to bear a perspective that is in accordance with perceiving a vantage-point that is in the relative holomorphic direction of the directly corresponding one-dimensional superstring, of any respective given arbitrary case, in which such a perspective is in the direction of the mappable tracing that goes in the Lagrangian path that is from the general regional locus of one respective given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate of this case, towards the respective directly associated one-dimensional superstring of this same case, in a non-time-oriented manner.  The third-ordered Schwinger Indices vary in pitch in the following general respective manner (from the correlative condition that is Yakawa to the light-cone-gauge bearings -- that work to interact from the reverse-norm-to-holomrphic or relative bottom of the corresponding one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity, up to the norm-to-holomorphic or the relative top end of the said one-dimensional superstring):  The initial 60 of such eluded-to cites -- as to where the said third-ordered Schwinger Indices are to be formed -- all along the relative reverse-norm-to-holomorphic direction or relative bottom positioned second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate, works to bear a relatively deep set of pitches -- as going from the here relatively deepest of such pitches, towards an attenuation of such "deepness" -- that bears both a maximum elastic and a maximum fractal modulus, per each "plucking" of the here corresponding cites that are along the correlative kinematic-based topological surface.  The first two cites, as to where the third-ordered Schinger-Indices that would then be formed by what is the second from the relative bottom-positioned second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that would be positioned relatively near the here directly correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, would then work to complete the prior-mentioned pattern of pitch.  With this respective pattern in mind, the last 58 of such third-ordered Schwinger Indices of such "pluckings" along the said second-from the relative bottom second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- would bear a relatively increasing pitch that would then bear a maximum elastic modulus that would yet not bear a maximum elastic modulus.  With this here eluded-to pattern in mind that I have inferred, the next 30 of such cites -- where the correlative gauge-bosons are to strike the said light-cone-gauge phenomenology -- would then work to complete the just-eluded-to Laplacian-based alteration in relative pitch.  Completing the pattern of such an overall pattern, while yet "cutting" to the chase, the next 62 cites of gauge-bosonic activity will then here work to bear both a maximum fractal and a maximum elastic modulus, with a hightened pitch (relatively speaking).  As is in going through the prior eluded-to general pattern as to mapping-out the cites where gauge-bosons are to "pluck" their respective and correlative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates (from the general locus of the correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates towards the general locus of the correlative one-dimensional superstrings, and, from the relative bottom or reverse-norm-to-holomorphic end of the said superstring towards its relative top or norm-to-holomorphic end of the said superstring), the next 88 Schwinger Indices -- that bear a maximum fractal modulus but no maximum elastic modulus -- with a non-time-oriented increasing nature of pitch, are the nature of those vibrational oscillations that are formed by the here just-eluded-to cites of gauge-boson-based "pluck."  As such Schwinger Indices are propagated away from the light-cone-gauge, this helps to cause the activity that is associated with the Ricci Scalar, and, this is the general pattern that works to help operate the vibrational nature of the Rarita Structure.  To Be Continued! Sam.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Part Two of Getting the Hang of the Light-Cone-Gauge

Let us now consider a given arbitrary one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity's directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  The here eluded-to first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate is comprised of five second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates.  Each of these so-mentioned second-ordered eigenstates is comprised of a linearly displaced chord-like composition of twenty-four mini-stringular strands that are bunched together in so as to bear a maximum degree of scalar magnitude of compactification, that is at the very beginning of any directly affiliated start of any given arbitrary iteration of BRST, in which such a directly affiliated so-eluded-to topological-based holonomic stratum is unfrayed -- when such a consideration is taken at the Poincaire level that is Gliossi to the so-stated topological surface of the so-stated chord-like phenomenology.  Each of the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are "plucked" during BRST by sixty gauge bosons over the course of any given arbitrary duration of group-related instanton -- in which such a general genus of activity here involves a correlation with a respective one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  If the light-cone-gauge topology of the here eluded-to discrete bundle of energy is of a Yang-Mills nature, then, the directly related second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates will each bear sixty sinusoidal relatively standing waves at the start of each iteration of BRST, in which this is respective to -- here, involving both sixty directly associated peaks and six directly associated troughs.  Gauge-Bosons here only "pluck" at the so-stated troughs.  As the correlative ensuing Polyakov Action eigenmetric happens, mini-string-based phenomenology is fed into the light-cone-gauge -- making each correlative light-cone-gauge  eigenstate to bear a side-to-side topological sway that fluctuates back-and-forth by a scalar magnitude of four mini-string-based thicknesses to the relative right to then fluctuate by a scalar magnitude of four mini-string-based thicknesses to the relative left, when this is at the perspective of the vantage-point of the respective general forward-holomorphic direction of the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  If the here correlative light-cone-gauge is of the respective given arbitrary genus in so as to being of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology, then, the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates will bear no sinusoidal-based standing-wave-based nature as before -- in the Lagrangian of the mappable tracing of the Gliossi-based surface of the topology of the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, of this given case.  This is, although these said chord-like second-ordered eigenstates of a Kaluza-Klein-based light-cone-gauge topology will still here bear the so-mentioned side-to-side topological sway -- from after the beginning of BRST until such a gauge-metric of one of such respective given arbitrary iterations of BRST, at a set locus, is completed.  Yet, with the said side-to-side topological-based sways of those second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that would here directly correspond to superstrings that bear an abelian or a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology, the topological surface of the here so-eluded-to chords will bear -- at the perspective of the vantage-point of the Poincaire level, that is at the Gliossi level -- a "plucking" that is localized at the specific spatial-wise covariant differential locants, that are at where the kinematic activity as to where the torsional concavity changes in any of such respective given arbitrary cases, over the course of the Polyakov Action -- during any given arbitrary respective iteration of BRST.  This would here involve 60 of such locants for the Kaluza-Klein light-gauge topology that is directly affiliated with one-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, and this would here involve 30 of such locants for the Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology that is directly affiliated with two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  To Be Continued!  Sam.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I'm Getting The Hang of the Light-Cone-Gauge, Part One

First of all, this corrective material is a preview as to the nature of OPE gauge-bosons.  Here is some of an outlook as to both how the light-cone-gauge is constructed, and, as to how the light-cone-gauge works, as well.  Let us say that we are initially dealing with a first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate that is directly affiliated -- in a Gliossi-based manner -- with one respective given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  Each of the ten second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that work to comprise the here eluded-to first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate here in question, is comprised of twelve mini-stringular-based segments -- that work to interconnect one Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate with its directly corresponding two-dimensional superstring, that has been here stated for this given case scenario. This bundle of twelve mini-stringular segments bear a maximum tense of compactification at the Poincaire level, when taken at their topological surface, at the very beginning of any specific iteration of group instanton (at the start of the said iteration of BRST).  As the respective directly associated gauge-metrical activity of the Polyakov Action, that is acting upon the said superstring, is undergoing the here eluded-to operation, there is mini-stringular holonomic substrate that is fed into the so-stated second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, in order for the directly affiliated superstring to decompactify to the inverse degree as to the manner of operation that the directly affiliated Lorentz-Four-Contraction will here work to bear its Gliossi-based compactification upon the said two-dimensional superstring.  As the so-stated mini-string-based holonomic substrate, or, as the core-field-density of a substringular-based nature, is being fed into the ten directly affiliated second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that work to comprise the said first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eignestate, of this given case, the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates will then work to begin to bear a relative side-to-side topological-based sway -- that here works to bear a torsioning, that is initailly pulled radially to the equivalent scalar magnitude of two thicknesses of mini-string to the relative right, while then being pulled radially to the equivalent scalar magnitude of two thicknesses of mini-string to the relative left -- of whatever the general direction as to what is the vantage-point of the directly corresponding superstring's relative holomorphic-based direction.  If the superstring of this case here is of a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topological nature, then, each corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate is -- over the whole general iteration of BRST that I have here eluded-to, is sinusoidal, in a non-time-bearing manner, to bear 30 respective troughs and 30 respective peaks -- throughout the whole here eluded-to iteration of BRST, in spite of the here eluded-to Gliossi-based inter-relation of that Clifford Expansion that would happen here.  The directly corresponding gauge-bosons that will here work to "pluck" the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates of this case, will here only tend to pluck at the troughs of the sinusoindal relatively standing waves that I have here eluded-to.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Part Three of the Ninth Session of Course 18 -- the Ricci Scalar and the Kaeler Metric

When any given arbitrary unfrayed superstring of discrete energy permittivity that is moving in a Noether-based manner is pulled transverselly in a discrete kinetic flow -- the holonomic substrate of the so-stated topological entity will then here bear a wave-tug/wave-pull that is propagated to the scalar magnitude of the Planck-Length, through the Ward-Caucy-based coniaxial of the net Hamiltonian operand, that may be described of as a traversal of 3*10^(-35) of one meter -- in either the resultant directoral Minkowski-based planar re-delineation for a transversel distribution that is of a flat-spaced transfer, or, in a resultant directoral Hilbert-based volume-related re-delineation for a transversel distribution that is of a volumed space transfer.  If the transfer of the integrative index-based coordinates of any given arbitrary superstring that is propagated in a directoal wave-tug/wave-pull is of a Minkowski-based manner, then, this is indicative of the re-delineated superstring that is completely flush in the directly associated redistribution of the so-stated index-based coordinates of the here respective given arbitrary topological entity of holonomic substrate that has here adjusted in position from one instanton to the next.  Yet, if the said transfer is, instead, of a Hilbert-based nature, then, the here eluded-to directoral-based wave-tug/wave-pull will then here involve a certain degree of a torsioning of the core-field-density that is Gliossi to the so-eluded-to superstring -- of this specific example -- at the Poincaire level.

Some Stuff About A Certain Genus of the Clifford Expansion

Right at the start of one given arbitrary iteration of BRST -- the field that is formed by the Ward-Neumman bounds of the mappable tracing of the topological holonomic substrate, of any respective given arbitrary first-ordered light-cone-gauge and its directly corresponding  given arbitrary  arbitrary one-dimensional superstirng of discrete energy permittivity or any two-dimensinoal superstring of discrete energy permittivity, will work to form a certain manner of a morphological setting.  This morphology, or shape of such a field -- that would here directly involve a one-dimensional superstring -- at the beginning of the said iteration of BRST, will be of as a wedge-like shape.  The morphology, or shape of such a field -- that would here directly involve a two-dimensional superstring -- at the beginning of the said iteration of BRST, will be of as a double-rhombus that is pulled toward a central annulus.  The said descriptions may be observed as the so-eluded-to second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates of such directly associated cases are approaching, in a no-time-oriented manner, the said superstrings of discrete energy permittitivy.  This helps, in part, to cause the condition that one-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity tend to form conical world-sheets, while, two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity tend to form toroidal world-sheets.  The ensuing metric of the Polyakov Action works to make these given arbitrary respective fields just mentioned to assymptote into a hyperboloid -- in the process of such a genus of a Clifford Expansion.

Some Stuff As To The Light-Cone-Gauge

For every superstring of discrete energy permittivity, there is one first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- that is subtended from the reverse-holomorphic topological-based side of any given arbitrary of such so-stated superstrings, to the directly associated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, this   eigenstate of discrete energy impedance of which is in the reverse-holomorphic direction from the so-stated given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  The relative revere-holomorphic end of any given arbitrary first-ordered-light-cone-gauge-eigenstate is connected to the forward-holomorphic topological-based side of the so-eluded-to Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate -- that is directly corroborative to the wave-based nature of the discrete energy impedance of a fundamental increment of energy.  The second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates of any given arbitrary discrete increment of energy -- tend to always be homeomorphically delineated along the topological surface of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are unfrayed, at any given arbitrary instant under consideration.  At the very beginning of any given arbitrary metrical-based locant of BRST -- the correlative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that work to make-up the discrete wave-based impedance of any given discrete increment of energy, are as topologically smooth as is possible -- in a Laplacian-based mappable tracing-like manner, when in consideration of the whole Ward-Caucy bounds of the Sterling Approximation of the here substringular situation.  During the Polyakov Action, the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are fed-in mini-stringular holonomic substrate, in such a manner in so that the here given arbitrary resultant first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate, in the course of the here given arbitrary conditionality of the correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction, to where the topology of the here so-eluded-to Hamiltonian operational-based index of phenomenology -- that will here then work to interconnect the given arbitrary superstring with its correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate -- will bear a relative maximum Laplacian-based homotopic condition of hermicity -- over the course of the activity of the here so-eluded-to Polyakov Action eigenmetric of any given arbitrary case.  To Be Continued!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Part Two of the Ninth Session of Course 18

After each successive iteration of group instanton, each individual superstring of discrete energy permittivity changes in its positional delineation by being redistributed.  This general format of such a distribution is either of one Planck-Radii spin-orbital-wise (let us here arbitrarily consider this as the theta spatial manner of a degree of freedom), and/or one Planck-Radii in the here anterior radial degree of freedom (let us here arbitrarily consider this as the phi spatial manner of a degree of freedom), and/or one Planck-Length transversal-wise (let us here arbitrarily consider this as the rho spatial manner of a degree of freedom) -- in so as to concur with the Ward-Caucy-based condition, that any discrete unit of energy-based holonomic substrate is to be constantly re-distributed -- per each successive iteration of discrete time duration, -- in order for discrete energy to be accurately depicted as a constant flow of substringular phenomena that is not completely inert, in and of itself, in so long as such respective given arbitrary discrete units of holonomic substrate do not approximate a derivative of a here relatively superconformal set of superstrings of discrete energy,  that would here otherwise be of a mass -- and a mass is a tense of energy that is in static equilibrium.  A superstring of plain kinetic energy is of an open-loop, or, of a fermionic-based topological nature, while yet photons and mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity are bosonic.  This is due to both the condition that the Fujikawa Coupling converts the kinetic energy that is released by an electron into a photon, and also because, when a state of freely perturbative kinetic energy is made to integrate with other superstrings -- in a manner that works to form an eigenbase of a group attractor eigenmatrix -- that is basically of a here local superconformal nature, then, the here initially fermionic-based  superstrings of plain kinetic energy need to bear a higher genus of mobiaty, in order to work to pull the here holistic entity of energy, that is to be of a state of relative static equilibrium, into the so-stated tense of local superconformal invariance.  Closed-Superstrings that are not of a heterotic-based nature tend to bear a conformal dimension of two -- in so long as one is here talking about superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  An open-loop topological-based phenomena, that is a unit of a holonomic substrate of discrete energy permittivity, has two loose ends that do not feed into each other in a homotopic Laplacian-based manner, yet, a closed-loop has no loose-ends -- since it feeds into itself in a homotopic manner, under the respective eluded-to Laplacian-based mapping of the topology of such a so-stated general genus of superstring.  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Part One of the Ninth Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

Substringular phenomena of one of set of parallel universes -- such as superstrings, their corroberative counterstrings, and Planck Phenomena related phenomena of one given arbitrary set of parallel universes -- all travel over the course of four general cycles through the Main Heterotic Stringular Basis of phenomena in total, before finding their way back to their respective Bases of Light -- of their respective given layer of reality or tori-sector-range of their respective parallel universe.  (This is true for all of the superstrings of each of the three sets of parallel universes.) Each "time" that the phenomena of one set of parallel universes cycles through the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow, it takes one relative Njenhuis or Imaginary Planck Instant to go through this process, in total -- until the superstrings of each set of parallel universes go back to resuming being under the condition of being back into the state of group instanton.  Out of this, it takes one Planck Bar of relative Njenhuis or Imaginary time for the superstrings to collect, in so as to gather to cycle out of their respective world-tubes, another Planck-Bar Njenhuis time for these superstirngular bases of phenomena to cycle around the adjacent set of world-tubes, three more of such cycling, while then going from the Njenhuis activity that is directly associated with the Basis of Light (for About (2pi-6)/2pi of one Planck-Bar time), up until the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode happens for About 6/2pi of one Planck-Bar instants -- up until the activity of group instanton is to reoccur.  More specifically, (2pi-6)/2pi verses 6/(2pi) of Njenhuis Planck-Bar Time.
To be continued!  Sam.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Some Knowledge As To Adjacent Polyakov Action Eigenstates

When one is to detect two or more superstrings that are adjacent -- that are orphoganal, in so as to be of the same universal setting -- then, the directly associated Lorentz-Four-Contractions will all be of basically the same scalar magnitude, since these correlative superstrings of the same universe that are right next to each other in the substringuar will tend to be moving at about the same velocity, relative to the speed of light.  Superstrings that are Lorentz-Four-Contracted to the same scalar magnitude will bear the same scalar magnitude of the relative degree of their correlative compactification, that is involved with the extent at which their directly associated Polyakov Action eigenstates will be stretched-out (since the Polyakov Action bears a condition of decompactification that is to the inverse of the degree of compactification that is involved with the correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction of any set respective given arbitrary case) -- in terms of such a manner of a decompactification, that is pulled through a non-time-bearing Lagrangian -- over the course of the same general group metric of BRST. So, superstrings that are adjacent that are also of the same universe will tend to bear a similar scalar magnitude of the pull of their correlative Polyakov Action eigenmetrics, while, superstrings that are adjacent that are not of the same universe will not necessarily bear such a similar degree of their covariant-based degree of the scalar magnitude of their Polyakov Action eigenstates.  This is simply due to the condition that adjacent superstrings that are of the same universe, will tend to be moving at quite a similar speed -- relative to both the existence and the motion of light that is of their directly respective universe, while, adjacent superstrings that are not of the same universe will not necessarily tend to be moving at quite a similar speed, relative to both the existence and the motion of light that is of their directly respective universe.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Part Three of the Eighth Session of Course 18

When a set of manifold-based cohomologies are low in their propagation of kinematic-based eigenstates -- then, the energy that is associated with the directly correlative orbifold eigenset is low, in terms of the directly corresponding kinematic-based Hamiltonian Hodge-Indices that are propagated-out from the coniaxions of the so-stated orbifold eigenset, of this given arbitrary respective case.  The kinematic-based eigenmetric of such a low-energy field is sometimes an example of what may be termed of as a a Landau-Ginzburg metric.  Any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset that is here undergoing a Landau-Ginzburg metric is -- during the group metric in which such a manifold is going through the just eluded-to genus of a set of such successive iterations of instantons -- an example of a Landau-Ginzburg manifold.  The conditions that I gave, that work to denote such a relatively low energy substringular field, is the premise of what may be termed of as the Landau-Ginzburg Theorem.  On the other hand, relatively higher energy substringular-based manifold cohomologies are more often perturbative -- to an extent -- during the directly correlative Regge Metric, than the respective correlative relatively lower energy substringular-based manifold cohomologies.  Harmonic energy substringular cohomologies, that are of a relatively higher scalar magnitude of energy than a relatively lower eignbase of energy, of which may be exhibited by comparative substringular cohomologies that exhibit a lower scalar magnitude, tend to be directly associated with the holonomic sustrate of orbifold-based phenomenologies that are able to be renormalizable -- during the Regge Action -- if and when such substringular manifolds are not orientable during the directly preceding Bette Action.  This is the case, if and when such directly correlative superstrings -- that work to comprise the directly affiliated orbifold eigenset -- are not tachyonic, over the course of such an eluded-to group metric.  Yet, low energy substringular cohomological manifolds also tend to obey Noether Flow -- unless these alter, in so as to become of a tachyonic-based nature.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!!! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Second Part of Session 8 of Course 18

As I have stated before, superstrings of discrete energy permittivity exist in manifolds or membranes, -- known of as orbifolds.  Substringular manifolds, or, orbifolds, work to bear a physical memory -- that exist in the form of respective integrations of ghost-based indices, that work to form what are termed of as cohomologies.  Cohomologies may either exist in the form of an even-handed or a chiral-based symmetry, and/or, cohomologies may exist in the form of an odd-handed or an antichiral-based symmetry, over the successive series of group instantons in which these eluded-to physical memories are formed, over time.  Substringular manifolds that are of a chiral-based nature tend to bear more of a nature of discrete compactification -- than substringular manifolds that are of an antichiral-based nature -- as such eluded-to mappable tracings are formed, over time.  Energy that is of a harmonic oscillitory-based nature tends to be formed by a kinematic display that is reverse-fractaled from a chiral-based cohomological setting.  Energy that is of an annharmonic oscillitory-based nature tends to be formed by a kinematic display that is revere-fractaled from an antichiral-based cohomological setting.  Thus, substringular-based energy that is of a harmonic nature tends to work to form a chiral Kaeler-based manifold, while, substringular-based energy that is of an annharmonic nature tends to work to form an antichiral Kaeler-based manifold --- over the successive series of group instantons in which such eluded-to substringular symmetries are thus formed. Manifolds of cohomolgical-based settings that are not of a Kaeler-based manifold tend to work to not bear a hermitian-based flow of topological homotopic residue over time, in the correlative respective substringular setting -- that is here not of a Kaeler-based manifold, over the group metric of that given arbitrary locus in which there would here be no locally current Kaeler-Metric that is being manifested here.  This latter-mentioned cohomological-based setting would here be of neither a chiral Kaeler-based manifold nor of an antichiral Kaeler-based manifold.  This general genus of a manifold -- that works to bear such a cohomological-based setting -- would not only not tend to be Yau-Exact, yet, the singularities that would here thus be propagated from the kinematic activity of such a manifold of a substringular neighborhood would tend to bear both Lagrangian and/or metrical-based singularities, over the correlative group metric in which such a respective general genus of a substringular region is not actively undergoing a local Kaeler-Metric.  This tends to be the case, whether the superstrings themselves that work to comprise the directly corresponding respective manifolds of such substringular loci are of a Yau-Exact nature or not.
 I will explain this more in detail in my upcoming posts.  To Be Continued!!! Sam Roach.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Part One of the 8th Session of Course 18

Discrete energy, during one Laplacian-based discrete iteration of BRST -- in the form of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is both interconnected with its directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate at its relatively reverse-holomorphic position and interconnected as well with its directly corresponding counterstring of discrete energy permittivity to its relatively forward-holomorphic position -- works to bind with other superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are, as well, interconnected with their respective directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates at their relatively reverse-holomorphic position, and, iterconnected as well with their respective directly corresponding counterstring of discrete energy permittivity at their relatively forward-holomorphic postion, -- over the course of any respective given arbitrary iteration of BRST.  This happens in so as to form the general condition of the flow of the homotopic indices, that work in so as to allow for those covariant topological settings -- that inter-relate in so as to allow for both the very existence and kinematic activity of energy itself.  The basic unit of the physical holonomic substrate of discrete energy permittivity are those superstrings that work to directly bear an interconnection between one respective given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate and the so-stated string -- via a first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  The basic unit of the physical holonomic substrate of energy impedance are the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates.  The so-stated superstrings act as the basis of the pointal nature of discrete energy permittivity.  The counterstrings of the so-stated superstrings act as the physical holonomic substrate of the wave-based nature of discrete energy permittivity. The so-stated Fadeev-PopovTrace eigenstates tend to act as the relative basis of the pointal nature of discrete energy impedance.  The first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that work to interconnect one respective Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate with their directly corresponding superstrings, work to tend to act as the basis of the wave-based nature of discrete energy impedance.  What I term of as the Planck-related phenomena, are also what I term of as the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates.  A Planck-related phenomenon is comprised of a Chi-based-shape, that has a tense of a figure-eight-shape inscribed into its general format of topological contour.  What I mean of as a Chi--based-shape, is two "X-like" crossings of the following general genus of construction:  Initially, here, one tense of a tangential curve that is pulled through a non-time-bearing Lagrangian -- that is subtended at a general angling of 45 degrees -- that changes in concavity at the conicenter of its non-time-oriented Lagrangian -- in so as to be propagated further, as a mappable-based tracing of its general construction, at a reversal of the initially so-stated concavity-based tense of a tangential curvanture.  This mappable-tracing of a tangential topological-based curvature, that is altered in concavity at the center of its correlative coniaxion, as I have implied earlier, is crossed by another of such a mappable-based tracings -- in so as to form a general constructional genus that is similar to that of a cursive-shaped letter "X."  Also, in a non-time-wise-based manner, there is a figure-eight topological-based tense that is inscribed in the so-stated Chi-based shape -- in so as to form the overall topological format of the general manner in so as to how a Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate is put together.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Samuel David Roach.