Friday, January 17, 2014

Part Six of the Third Session of Course 16

The set of iterations of instanton in which a set of one or more first-ordered point particles -- in the form of norm-states and/or norm-state projections, may initially flow through the general region of a kinematically-based world-sheet, that is in the form of multivarious delineated ghost anomalies -- in such a manner in so that the so-stated norm-states and/or norm-state projections are not mapped in a traceable manner from within the Ward-Neumman bounds of what may be extrapolated as the topological stratum of the Gliossi-based field of the said given arbitrary ghost anomaly.  This is a condition that eludes to a local tensor towards  the said given arbitrary adjacent world-sheet activity that is of a relatively antiholomoriphic/reverse-holonomorphic Kaeler condition.  Again, an antiholomorphic Kaeler condition works, as stated in my previous post, to initiate the activation of a Wick Action eigenstate.  An antiholomorphic Kaeler condition works to then indirectly activate what is known of as the Kaeler Metric.  The Kaeler Metric happens through a region of space that is open to the operation of that functioning of any given arbitary Klein Bottle eigenstate, that is directly affiliated with its given arbitrary Wick Action eigenstate that had preceded it -- of which would then here be the Hamiltonian operand of the said given eigenmetric of the corresponding Kaeler Metric.  This operand that is worked upon over a relatively limited span of group instantons may be extrapolated as being the here local Kaeler manifold.  The interaction of world-sheets that are applied upon and/or apply upon the just eluded to topological stratum, that would here work to allow for the operation of the said eigenstate of Kaeler Metric, inter-bind in so as to form what could be called a Kaeler cohomology.  A Kaeler cohomology is a direct reaction of the reassembling of norm-conditions that tends to be just perturbative enough to allow for the passage of the mechanisms that operate in so as to cause the activity of the directly associated Gaussian Transformation to happen.  A Kaeler cohomology may bear both a Real Reimmanian-based cohomological set of ghost-based indices, and/or a Kaeler cohomology may bear a Njenhuis-based cohomological set of ghost-based indices -- over the duration that would here involve those activities that are involved from the initializing of the directly corresponding Wick Action eigenstate, up to the ending of the directly corresponiding Gaussian Transformation that is Gliossi to the specific locus in which a holonomic substrate that is to be operated upon, in order to change in its norm conditions, is undergoing the general format of the corelative Kaeler Metric eigenstate. Any given arbitary Kaeler Metric eigenstate would here be needed at the said locus of substringular operation, in order for Gaussian Transformations to be able to occur.  The operation of any given arbitrary Gaussian Tranformation is comprised of a set of more subtle substringular operations that integrate here in so as to allow for the appropriate change in norm condtions at a set given arbitrary locus in so as to allow for both the needed reassortment of substringular distributions that are needed in order for phenomena to not be too bunched up, and, in order for the directly corresponding superstrings to reattain enough of a fractal of discrete permittivity in order to act as what acts as a discrete unit of energy permittivity, and, in order for the directly corresponding Fadeev Popov Trace eigenstates to attain enough of a fractal of discrete energy impedance in order to be discrete units of energy impedance -- so that both a decent delineation of energy may be spontaneous, and so that the existence of energy itself may be both spontaneous and perpetual.

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