Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Little More As To Norm-States

Positive-norm-states, negative-norm-states, and zero-norm-states work together to control the toroidal, Mobius, and the planar dimensional aspects of both any given arbitrary one and two-dimensional superstrings -- when in terms of their iteration conditions, Ultimon conditions, and the integration of the related partials of the said one and two-dimensional superstrings as their respective ghost anomalic eigenderivatives and their respective ghost anomalic annhilator eigenderivatives are formed, broken down, and transfigured.  A one-dimensional superstring forms a world-sheet in this arbitrary given case that is mapped out by ghost anomalies, over the course of a sequential series of instantons.  The positive-norm-states that surround the said superstring's propagation work to form the ghost anomalies that do the mentioned mapping via the orphoganation of the said positive-norm-states with the said one-dimensional string's field.  After a limited number of iterations, the corresponding negative-norm-states, which are the inverse corralary of the Fock condition of the prior mentioned positive-norm-states, act as an attractor to the norm-conditions of the respective positive-norm-states -- in codifferentiable relationship with the world-sheet of the related one-dimenional superstirng's two-dimenisonal field propagation.  The directly associated alteration of norm-conditions undoes the Laplacian mapping of the prior said ghost anomaly in order to clear the integration of the points that had worked to define detectable or perceived region where the directly related world-sheet had been physically mapped over the associated given arbitrary Lagrangian-based range.  It is the directly corresponding zero-norm-states that work to open up, via their physical Fourier-basesd projection, to clear up the said region where the field of the corresponding ghost anomaly was mapped out over time in order to form the Laplacain conditions that may be described as a ghost anomaly.  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

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