Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Little More About Gravitational Particles

Gravitons and gravitinos are respectively the angular momentum and the spin-orbital momentum components of gravitational force, when taken particle-wise.  Dilatons work to form gravitons, while dilatinos work to form gravitons.  As dilatons form, the angular momentum components of gravity are locally reformed in an indistinguishably different eigenstate in a conformally invariant-based specific general location.  As dilatinos are formed, the spin-orbital components of gravity are locally reformed in an indistinguishably different eigenstate in a conformally invariant-based specific general location.  As gravity spins various phenomena, as well as when gravity orbitally interacts with the same general phenomena, gravitinos are the specific type of particles are utilized to form such a general type of operation-based kinematic activity.  Gravity is necessary for matter to have a constituent relation with other material-based phenomena, yet, the excessive accumulation of gravitational fields in a secluded region works to cause that activity that eventually forms black-holes.  This is because gravitons in excess cause a lack of a Jacobian-based normalization to the Ultimon divergence of negative-norm-states in such a manner that the ghost anomalies that such negative-norm-states are to elliminate may not be able to be scattered with enough facilitation.  (Excessive quantums of gravity may often work to get in the way of the essential Gaussian Transformations that are needed in order for spaces and subspaces to interchage, interact, and kinematically undergoe successive Fourier Transformations.)  As the ghost anomaliic regions are not scattered, operands of normal substringular function are then, under the prior mentioned scenario, closed down.  Such unwanted kinematic operations depreciate the "choices" of potential world-sheet propagation, and thus initially cause a more limited Ultimon divergence of zero-norm-states.  This type of activity works to promote the build up of positive-norm-states in such a manner that a significant number of ghost anomalies that need to be scattered -- so that motion may be freed up -- are not being appropriately scattered.  As the said ghost anomalies are not elliminated, the path operands of normal stringular functions are decreased in number.  The key to help solve such a negative process is neutrinos.  These may be used to elliminate excessive ghost anomalic regions, since these fermions, which are mainly comprised of as one-dimensional strings, when tied in the right way to Planck phenomena bear norm-conditions that may be able to normalize the eigenbasis of the unorphoganated ghost anomalic regions.  The fermions, that have no charge directly associated with these, often bear a point mass that is smaller than that of an electron.  These, in a manner that I will not say, can settle upn the unnormalized mentioned region by having a common wobble tangency (1.104735878*10^(-81)Idegrees) that is bears fractal tension in enough of a degree to apply a tensorically-supplemental pulse upon the region that is to be changed.  The multiamorphous tendencis of massive neutrinos works to conform to the general region that is being considered in this case scenario, causing a successive change in norm-conditions that may thereby normalize the said general region as a catylist works upon a substrate.  Massive neutrinos of such a nature are thus like a fractal of "enzymes" that can work to orphogante unwanted anharmonic regions of ghost anomalies.  The two and three dimensional discrepencies of 2-d strings that are involved here are more anharmonic than those of 1-d superstrings, when dilaton-based energy is accumulated.  Superstrings tend to move anharmonically when the present entropy of stars is accumulated.  This mentioned entropy also tends to increase dilaton energy.  Dilaton "energy" is how I am here describing the force of gravity via the Ricci Scalar.  Sam.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Little About Mobiaty Conditions

Here is an explaination of the mobius twists that exist from within either the Royal Arc, or, in one of the Overall world-tubes.  In an arbitrary given example here, a one-dimensional superstring iterates in a spot that exists within either the Royal Arc, or, in one of the Overall world-tubes.  A hyperbollically-shaped region that is local to the mentioned superstring is physically applied to the said superstring.  After many iterations, the one-dimensional string mentioned integrates cohomologically into a folded strip-like-shape via the contorsion of its disc-like two-dimensional field that it is Gliossi with.  This folded strip here bears a mobius shape.  So, when a hyperbollic spin is applied to the said one-dimensional superstring, and also, the associated Planck Phenomena are utilized to detect the said one-dimensional string, the mentioned superstring's field will appear as a mobius strip -- or, similar to a mobius twist -- that iterates as a toroidal-shaped "figure-eight" instead of as a vibrating strand.  The one-dimensional stringular field would more specificallly be detected as a mobius strip, while the said one-dimensional string that I am relating would appear as a mobius twist that is physically integrated in a Laplacian-like manner along the mentioned mobius strip.  In another arbitrary given case, a two-dimensional superstring iterates in a spot in the Royal Arc.  A two-dimensional hyperbollic spin is physically applied to the said two-dimensional superstring over a relatively brief Fourier Transformation.  After a sequential series of instantons, the said two-dimensional stringular field integrates physically in a Laplacian-like manner into a folded strip-like shape via the contorsion of its spherical three-dimensional field that the said string is in Gliossi contact with.  This folded strip, if detected, will "appear" as a mobius strip-like shape, yet, in a different manner than how a corresponding one-dimensional field would appear.  So, when the prior mentioned two-dimenisonal hyperbollic spin is physically applied to the associated two-dimensional string that I am here discussing, and also, the directly related Planck phenomena are used to detect the substringular phenomena of the here given scenario, the two-dimensional stringular field wil appear as another form of another type of mobius strip, or, as a mobius "chain" -- in a manner that I am about to describe.  When a one-dimensional hyperbollic spin instead of a two-dimensional hyperbollic spin is applied to the two-dimensional string here, the said superstring will appear as a contorted doughnut-like shape (a torus), and the two-dimensional stringular field would here appear as a contorted sphere with a pinprick annulus in its conicenter.  This would be potentially detected, after many instantons of the said directly related two-dimensional stringular field, from within the Royal Arc of the Ultimon.  The Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts that are here detected via the condition of the mentioned applied forms of hyperbollic spin that here act directly upon the mentioned superstrings and their respective fields are what I was mentioning yesterday as "Mobius-Ghosts."

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Tad-Bit More About Ghosts

A two-dimensional superstrings is resting in this case to all relatively Laplacian-based "appearances" in a differentiably integrable region in which it has iterated may times over a relatively tightly-knit Fourier-Transform.  The corresponding positive-norm-states here work to form a ghost anomalic region at the locus of the eigenbasis of the toroidal Jacobi that here work to define the related field of the angular momentum of the said two-dimensional superstring.  A set of zero-norm-states, acting as a projection, after a certain number of instantons, works to open the related toroidal eigenbasis so as to open the corresponding elluded to region up as a cylindrical shaft that is relatively thick.  After the said zero-norm-state projection do their work, the corresponding negative-norm-states work to orphoganate the related positive-norm-conditions that were previously existant in the described locus so as to elliminate the ghost anomalic eigenindices that had been mapped prior to the occurance of the mentioned scattering of ghost anomalies.  This ellimination works to scatter the related point commutators that had integrated to form the mentioned ghost anomalic eigenlocus so as to allowl a path for the operation of the incoming world-sheets, as well as to allow for a path for the other substringular fields that are also incoming.  Mobius-based ghosts are elliminated in the same general fashion, yet, such ellimination here involves more overall norm-states, and, thus, such ellimination involves a more prolonged Fourier Transform.  (It takes a duration of more instantons to elliminate these.) Such ghosts are elliminated at the critical cusps of the fold of the corresponding Mobius-based ghosts.  Two-Dimensional stringular world-sheets have ghost anomalic residue that is elliminated at multiple spots by both zero-norm-states and positive-norm-states.  Zero-Norm-States work to open the associated ghost anomalic eigenbasis at four general loci per codifferentiable pulse in which such a general activity occurs.  The said positive-norm-states work to alter the Gaussian conditions of the said corresponding negative-norm-states in order to supplement the field that was previously operated on by the succession of the kinematic activity of the two-dimensional field that we are discussing in this case.  This said supplementation works to clear what had just been a ghost anomalic field by scattering the said two-dimensional field's eigenbasis.  This kinematic activity works to open the described general overall locus in order for such a locus to remain as an operand for further substringular Fourier codifferentiation.  Sincerely, Sam.

A Little More As To Norm-States

Positive-norm-states, negative-norm-states, and zero-norm-states work together to control the toroidal, Mobius, and the planar dimensional aspects of both any given arbitrary one and two-dimensional superstrings -- when in terms of their iteration conditions, Ultimon conditions, and the integration of the related partials of the said one and two-dimensional superstrings as their respective ghost anomalic eigenderivatives and their respective ghost anomalic annhilator eigenderivatives are formed, broken down, and transfigured.  A one-dimensional superstring forms a world-sheet in this arbitrary given case that is mapped out by ghost anomalies, over the course of a sequential series of instantons.  The positive-norm-states that surround the said superstring's propagation work to form the ghost anomalies that do the mentioned mapping via the orphoganation of the said positive-norm-states with the said one-dimensional string's field.  After a limited number of iterations, the corresponding negative-norm-states, which are the inverse corralary of the Fock condition of the prior mentioned positive-norm-states, act as an attractor to the norm-conditions of the respective positive-norm-states -- in codifferentiable relationship with the world-sheet of the related one-dimenional superstirng's two-dimenisonal field propagation.  The directly associated alteration of norm-conditions undoes the Laplacian mapping of the prior said ghost anomaly in order to clear the integration of the points that had worked to define detectable or perceived region where the directly related world-sheet had been physically mapped over the associated given arbitrary Lagrangian-based range.  It is the directly corresponding zero-norm-states that work to open up, via their physical Fourier-basesd projection, to clear up the said region where the field of the corresponding ghost anomaly was mapped out over time in order to form the Laplacain conditions that may be described as a ghost anomaly.  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

As To The Semi-Group Attractors

The very modulae of the respective hyperbolically-based and the respective parabolically-based homeomorphicities that may be mapped in a Laplacian manner along the Ward-Caucy neighboring boundaries, from where there are singularities caused by torsion in a ghost anomalic region, works, over a sequential series of sub-metrics and/or a sequential series of instantons in order to form an equal and opposite logarithmic-based motion in the opposite holomorphicity as to the direction of the formation of the corresponding world-sheets -- whose physical memory forms the said general types of ghost anomalic regions -- so as to form a wave-tug permittivity in terms of the angular and spin-roll momentum of the consequently formed norm-projections that subsequently work to scatter the said general format of ghost anomalic region.  This happens in such a manner so that any given ghost anomalic region that is homotopically hermitian in terms of the flushness of its topological entity, thus works to draw in the appropriate norm-projections that may be operational in order to scatter the relatively latent ghost anomalic region -- to be able to do the said scattering via the activity of a group-inverse divergence that reconverges in such a manner so that the Chern-Simmons cusping here that is relatively surrounded by a homeomorphic topological field may be scattered in order to both make room for other Fourier-based events, as well as to allow for the holonomic presence of other substringular phenomena along the Ultimon.
I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.,

About The Approach Of Certain Semi-Groups

When the hermitian-based Laplacian flow that exists in-between a torsion-based singularity of a ghost anomalic region bears a hyperbolically-concave-like homeomorphism, then, the semi-group that here consists of certain negative-norm-states is here comprised of two sets of norm-projections that are initially one set of norm-states that move in a sub-Fourier-metric in an inverse-hyperbollic divergence that splits into two of such inverse-hyperbollic groups in such a manner that the mentioned semi-group reconverges in such a manner in so that the indices of the prior stated ghost anomalic region may be appropriately scattered.  Yet, if the hermitian-based Laplacian flow that exists in-between another torsion-based singularity of a ghost anomalic region instead bears a parabolically-concave-like homeomorphism, then, the semi-group that here consists of certain negative-norm-states is comprised of two sets of norm-projections that are initially one set of norm-states that move in a sub-Fourier-metric in an inverse parabollic divergence that spllits into two of such inverse-parabollic groups in such a manner that the mentioned semi-group reconverges in such a manner in so that the indices of the directly prior stated ghost anomalic region may be appropriately scattered.  If there is both a hyperbolically-concave-like homeomorphism and also a parabollically-concave-like homeomorphism in a ghost anomalic region, then, there will be both types of semi-groups needed to approach the ghost-like-region in order to scatter the here given arbitrary ghost anomalic region.  Any multiplicit combination of such homeomorphicities that may exist within a given ghost anomalic region will require a consequent and corresponding integration of the elluded operators of semi-groups in order for any of such associated ghost anomalic regions to be appropriately scattered.  This is only given the condition that any cohomologies that may exist between various potential world-sheets here bears a holonomic Gliossi-like Yakawa Coupling, in so  that the integration of any of such Clifford homeomorphic field patterns that may be mapped in a Laplacian manner from the elluded to singularities may exist with minimal heterogeneity so that the ghost anomalic physical memory that is to be scattered is hermitian enough to be vanquished without any additional norm-projections.  The format of the respective general type of inverse-hyperbolically-concavities  that are to scatter its substrate and the format of the respective general type of inverse-parabolically-concavities that are to scatter its substrate are to match as trivially isomorphic inverses with respect to the respective general type of hyperbolically-concave homeomorphisms and the respective type of parabolically-concave homeomorphisms that act as the substrates that are to be scattered.  Any added spuriousness, when in terms of the differential geometry of the Laplacian condition of a given ghost anomalic region, is to require additional semi-groups in order to appropriately scatter the corresponding said ghost anomalic region.  Enough for now!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Friday, September 21, 2012

About Multi-Torsioned Ghosts

When a ghost anomalic region -- when either consisting of the physical memory of where a given arbitrary superstring has recently moved over a sequential series of instantons, or consisting of the phsyical memory of where a given cohomology of two or more superstrings that act together has recently moved over a sequential series of instantons -- bears one singularity from hermicity due to a torque in its overall Hodge-Field-Index, then, there would be a tendancy for one semi-group that would here consist of one set of negative-norm-states to have the ability to work to scatter the earlier mentioned ghost anomalic region in order to provide for the production of potential dilatons and dilatinos that may subsequently work to form those gravitational particles that are essential for the ability of Ricci Scalar metrics to work through the Rarita Structure so that gravity may occur.  Yet, if another theoretical ghost anomalic region, that consists of the physical mapping of the field trajectories of one or more superstrings over a sequential series of instantons, bears two or more singularities outside of the condition of a hermitian-based mapped out physical memtory in accord to the associated overall of path in terms of the associated Hodge-Field-Index -- that work to cause the said world-sheet-substrate -- whose mapping forms the mentioned ghost-like-region -- then, for every additional singularity that I described as may be occuring over the Laplacian mapping of  the mentioned types of ghost anomalies, there would be the necessity for an additional semi-group of negative-norm-states in order to scatter the said general type of ghost anomalic region. This is in order that: both room may be made for the existence and the motion of other substringular phenomena in the general region of the Ultimon, as well as in order that gravitational particles may continue to form and reform so that the Ricci Scalar may continue to occur via the Rarita Structure.
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Effect Of Torsion Upon Ghosts

When a ghost anomaly forms, it is often not hermitian in terms of the mapping of the flow of its winding along the given arbitrary multiaxial directoral-plane in which the said ghost anomaly is settled as it operates to indicate the path of kinematic motion in which the corresponding superstring or set of superstrings that formed the said ghost anomaly moved in over the directly prior Fourier motion that formed the physical memory of that set of substringular operands that have here been moved upon in such a manner in so that the said given arbitrary ghost anomaly had been formed.  When such an implied spuriously-formed ghost anomaly has been formed over the Lagrangian in which it is mapped under the implied given conditions, the initial activity of the metrics of negative-norm-states will probably not be able to scatter such a Chern-Simmons-based ghost mapping over the course of relatively few instantons, on account of the singularities of the ghost-field-torsion that would here be existant under the conditions of what would here be a relatively spurious and torsion-based delineation of path-based-mapped trajectory.  Yet, the involvement of randomized tensorically-based multiplicit Njenhuisly-tensoric negative-norm-state motion that could here exist over a group metric that would then need to involve a certain degree of tachyonic motion via certain non-oriented substringular interaction, could here have the potential of scattering the initially said ghosts via a divergent multiplicit anharmonic/harmonic norm-state motion that works to converge along the  topological substrate of the holonomic entity of the said ghosts that are to scatter in order that room may be freed up for other substringular activity and also for other substringular holonomic substrate.
I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerley, Sam Roach.

A Little More About Ghost Anomalies

Let us consider a substringular condition in which a set of one or more superstrings moves around in a general locus that is undergoing a tense of conformal invariance -- if not superconformal invariance -- in which the said superstrings that are involved iterate and reiterate within a common general locus that is kinematically invariant over a repeated pattern that involves a sequential series of instantons that form a pattern of static equilibrium over a relatively tightly-knit Fourier-Transformation that works to form a tight-knit mapping as to the location and operation of the related given arbitrary superstrings that we are forming a scenario as to their behavior in this case.  The ghost anomalic residue that works to form the general pattern that works to indicate the topological history as to the activity and operation of the corresponding superstrings that I am describing here, may be exrapolated as a general type of ghost anomalic substrate that is transient in the given case until the holonomic phenomenology that works to describe the general entity that comprises the said ghost anomalic field that acts as the denoted discharge of physical memory that is the field-mapping of where the related superstrings whose Fourier-based kinematic activity that formed the said ghost anomalies is scattered by negative-norm states that work to redistribute the indices of the said ghosts so that the room that was initially filled in part by the related initial ghosts may be utilized by other phenomena that need to occur in the prior implied general locus so that the motion of holonomic discrete energy may have a place to happen and interact so that that motion that is necessary for the continued existence of reality may occur so that reality may continue to exist.  Such ghosts that I have just described -- that inter-play in a relatively tightly-knit locus in a repeated manner so that the condtition of the corresponding kinematic operation that I thus related is here either a conformal if not a superconformal invariance of Fourier differentiating superstrings -- whose ghost-like membranes that here involve a higher genus of discrete energy phenomena that is known as kinematically inter-active orbifolds and kinematically inter-active orbifold eigensets that form a pattern of a relatively compactified static equilibrium are what are known of as Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts.  I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Little Extra About Ghost Anomalies

To be very brief yet concise -- since whenever a superstringular phenomenon moves, it produces a physical memory of where it had been, superstringular pheneomena are always producing ghost anomalies indirectly per sequential series of instantons.  This is in part do to the condition that world-sheets are the physical mapping of where superstringular phenomena has been, and, world-sheets have partial formations that integrate over the course of any given arbitrary sequential series of instantons so as to produce evidence of the history of substringular phenomena -- such evidence of which is indicated by the here caused existence of ghost anomalies.  The kinematics that consequently is caused indirectly by the existence of ghost anomalies forms an equal and opposite reaction in terms of norm-related Fourier conditions that works in the relativistically equal and opposite diretoralization so as to scatter the corresponding given arbitrary ghost anomalies.  So, whenever there is motion, there is creation and destruction -- as may be depicted here by the consequent creation and destruction of ghost anomalies.  Ghost anomalies also indirectly share eigenstate indices with other ghost-related phenomena in order to allow such a physical holonomic balance, in such a manner so that there is enough room allowed for those kinematic inter-relations that allow for the continuation and perpetuation of energy -- so that energy and reality may continue to exist.  Sincerely, Sam Roach.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Little Bit About The Manner As To Imaginary Numbers

Certain Imaginary numbers that may be described of as such:  (Integral of ((1/x) from -1 to -1)dx = ln((x) from -1 to 1),
which equals ln(1) to ln(-1).
This shows that everything in the overall space-time-continuum exists as a reciprocating factor of something that may be derived from a "slice" of a completed Minkowski Space that interconnects to form an overall Hilbert Space -- by the conditions of a basis of radial transfiguration that is delineated in a transversal or linear manner.  (In a unit circle, sine and cosine vary from 1 to -1.  Sine and cosine are off by 90 degrees relative to each other, and, since sine is 1 when cosine is 0; sine is also -1 when cosine is 0; cosine is 1 when sine is 0; and also, cosine is -1 when sine is zero.
Norm conditions form the basis of Imaginary transfiguration.  Relative to our universe, Planck Phenomena may be considered to have a Gaussian membership of 1, or, in a sense, of ~1.104735878*(10^(-81)) i degrees -- depending on how you look at it.  The sine of 90 degrees is 1, and the cosine of 0 degrees is 1.  The wobble of the Planck Phenomena that are of our universe that are adjacent to other Planck Phenomena of our universe is  ~1.104735878*(10^(-81))i degrees.  This is because 32pi(i)/(91*10^(81)) degrees is ~1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees.This wobble is the vibration of the Planck Phenomena during the iteration stability that exists during BRST, while Imaginary Exchange is being shared by the Real Residue of superstrings to and from their counterstrings.  Every parallel universe has Planck Phenomena that are normal to their adjacent Planck Phenomena that belong to their specific universe with a discrepancy of
~1.104735878*(10^(-81))i degrees.  This is because the wobble of Planck Phenomena remains constant for any tori-sector-region that does not form a black-hole.  Normalcy that exists between Planck Phenomena occurs between the angular momentum indices of certain respective Planck Phenomena.  The just mentioned angular momentum indices of a Planck Phenomena is shaped like a figure-eight that is inscribed by a Chi-Like shape.  This may be normal to an adjacent eigenset of angular momentum indices of a Planck Phenomenon by any tightly-knit Laplacian-Based substringular region that may be depicted as a "3-d" locus, in a manner so that it corresponds to only those Planck Phenomena that are also of the same universe.  Such Planck Phenomena that are of the same universe are here normal to each other, when one discounts the wobble of the said Planck Phenomena that I described of as existing during any given arbitrary stable iteration of instanton -- or, more specifically, during any given arbitrary stable iteration of BRST that occurs as the main focal metric of the corresponding instanton.  I will continue with the suspence later!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.         

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Little Bit About Substringular Couplings

What if a Yakawa Coupling that here existed in-between one set of superstrings had an even chirality, while the said Yakawa Coupling that also existed in-between another set of superstrings had an odd chirality, and, the two sets of superstrings that I just mentioned here in this given arbitrary case scenario were kinematically covariant?  The traits that I just described here by these two given sets of superstrings would have an assymetric J.  The compactification of the set of superstrings which had an even chirality would here propagate as a convergent series of holomorphic discharge, while, the compactification of the set of superstrings which had an odd chirality would here discharge Fock residue that would work to propagate as a divergent series holonomic eigenbasis.  As the two sets of superstrings that I just described interact as a reiterative variant operation, the assymetric-basis of their spin-orbital-interaction would here diverge as their angular momentum would simultaneously converge -- in a relativistical manner. As the spin of the two codifferentiating substringular traits that I just described work to polarize, in terms of their wave-tug delineations, the renormalization of their series output -- in terms of the consequent supplemental homotopic discharge -- this activity would here converge the local Poincaire distribution of the overall parity of the described given loci that is involved with the interaction of the two said traits.  The just mentioned two traits are here working to describe the interaction of the two said sets of superstrings that I have been describing in this given arbitrary case scenario.  The convergence that would then happen here would work to cause the given distribution of wave generators that are involved in this case to form a set of a fractal of covaliance. Such a "covaliance" would exist in-between the operational indices of those superstrings that worked to describe the two said traits.  These traits would here be eigen to the homostasis of a minimal variation of Ward-Caucy boundaries, when one is considering the desingularization of the corresponding substringular neighborhood fluctuations.  Such fluctuations would operationally allow for both the corresponding radial and transversal codifferentiation of a fixed matrical mode.  Such a mode would tend to not form critical cusps that would have a strong probablility of desolving upon an odd function of local kinematic transposition.  Once the corresponding transposition of the interactive decomposition that would result in the here mentioned case is encoded for by the substringular encoders -- while such a said transposition is iterated and reiterated in the same general process -- the corresponding Majorana-Weyl invariant anomalic substringulaar sway that would thence be formed by the related operation would spontaneously be nullified by the previous eigenaction.  The just mentioned activity would cause the corresponding Cassimer Invariant-mode to be physically integrated upon as a substringular fractal of a substrate, so that the resulting convergence of the insuing kinematic differential association may bear its correlative vibrational mode.  This would cause the creation of such a vibratory mode, of which would here produce eigenstates of Hamiltonian operation in terms of the resulting involvement.  This is so that the most directly inolved codifferentiable substringular trait that would be involved here would be able to then bear a Fourier-based condition of parametrically corresponding invariance.  I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerley, Sam Roach.     

Monday, September 3, 2012

A Little More About A Potential Danger

It is the Higgs-Boson that works to move the Klein Bottle, so that the Kaeler-Metric may be able to happen in so that Gaussian Transformations may be able to occur.  So, the sanctity of the Higgs Action -- in so that the Higgs Action or the Higgs-Boson should not be illucidated -- is crucial in order for Kaeler-Metric eigenmetrics to occur so that Gaussian Transformations may be able to occur.  Gaussian Transformations are crucial so that spatial room may be freed up so that energy may be spontaneously and continuously kinematic, via the alteration of various multiplicit Ward Caucy norm-conditions -- the changes of norm-conditions -- of which represent the kinematic flow of those changes in spaces that are essential for the continuation of discrete energy that works to integrate so as to form the sum of energy that comprises space-time-fabric. 
So, since We want space-time-fabric to continue safely, it is Essential that we do not illucidate the Higgs Action -- so that the spontaneous flow of kinematically altering spaces of energy membranes may be propagated through time in order that space-time-fabric will not produce any potential dominoe effect of fraying.  We want our universe to last for ever. ( I would hope that everyone would want our universe to last as long as it can -- or, if anything, that our universe should last forever.  Therefore, illucidating the Higgs Action is a crime against everyone and everything.)
So, everyone that reads or even peruses my blog, Please End The Hadron Colliding Experiment.
Lengtah Aduma Mo Biah!!!!
Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Little About The Klein Bottle

The general condition of the Klein Bottle via the Kaeler-Metric, as the locus where a given arbitrary associated Gaussian Transformation is to occur, tends to realign at a different angling and/or at a different position during succeeding Kaeler-Metric eigenmetrics.  When a Klein Bottle eigenstate works to operate at the same general Ward-Caucy differential angling -- and also at the same locus of kinematic operation, the superstrings that are worked upon  so as to reattain the permittivity that these need in order to remain as discrete units  of energy, are indistinguishably different superstrings that have moved into the locus so as to be brought into the  condition of undergoing a Gaussian Transformation.  Generally, though, any given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate, over the course of succeeding Kaler-Metric eigenmetrics, tends to work so as to realign its Ward-Caucy angling in terms of its differential position and/or works to alter the general locus as to where it is operating.
I am on vacation until monday.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam.