Tuesday, August 21, 2012

More About Gauge-Bosons

The Importance of E(6)XE(6) Strings
The importance of E(6)XE(6) strings is that these strings "pluck" the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge-eigenstates in such a manner so that vibrations known as Schwinger Indices may oscillate in such a way so that the Ricci Scalar may take effect. Schwinger Indices are vibrations that move along the Rarita Structure in such a way so that gravitational particles may have the kinematic operation that the metric-guage of such gravitational particles need so that these said particles may move in their respective regions so that gravity may take effect. Also, the vibrations of the Rarita Structure, which may be harmonic and or anharmonic, alow the motion of gravitational particles to exchange the Neilson Kollosh ghosts that these form with The Fadeev-Popov ghosts so that Cassimer Invariance may help to be sustained.

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