Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Little About Re-Orientation

Here is a little bit of knowledge as to the potential orientation and re-orientation of Klein Bottle eigenstates that happens when a given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate undergoes successive Kaeler-Metric eigenmetrics.

A Klein Bottle eigenstate undergoes a given arbitrary Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric over the course of 384 consecutive instantons.  There are, in the given situation, additional Kaeler-Metric eigenmetrics that are to take place in the ensuing duration from within the same general locus where the initial said eigenmetric had occurred.  The specific superstrings that are here to undergo the ensuing Kaeler-Metric eigenmetrics are indistinguishably different in terms of holonomic entity from the initial superstrings here that had undergone the said Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric.  Here, in this given arbitrary case scenario, the same initial Klein Bottle eigenstate is to be the operator of the said ensuing Kaeler-Metric eigenmetrics via the same Higgs Action eigenstate that had initially moved the said Klein Bottle eigenstate over the said initial Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric.  The change in angular positioning of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate involves, in the second implied Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric, an angular repositioning of anywhere from 1.104735878*10(-81)Idegrees to 4pi I degrees in whatever direcoralization that works to remanouver the said Klein Bottle eigenstate so as to allow for the needed alteration in norm conditions so as to fulfill the Ward Caucy alterations in terms of the redelineation that is to here occur due to the ensuing Gaussian Transformation.  This will, in this scenario, be true, whether the initial specific superstrings that were involved in the initial said Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric were orientable, or, whether the just mentioned specific superstrings were nonorientable.  If the initial said superstrings were orientable in the initial mentioned Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric, then, the specific superstrings that were most directly involved with the second "round" of Kaeler-Metric would, during the second affiliated eigenmetric, be localized, within the metric confines of the here corresponding Fourier Transformation, near the locus in which the second given arbitrary eigenmetric would here be happening.  Yet, if the initially involved superstrings that underwent the initial said eigenmetric were non-orientable after the completion of the related Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric, then, the said affiliated initial superstrings would become tachyonic after undergoing the related Gaussian Transformation -- and thus -- such initially mentioned superstrings would end up relatively further away from the locus where the second mentioned eigenmetric, involving the given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate, is undergoing the said specific Kaeler-Metric. Such a said eigenmetric is here allowing for those changes over time that the specific Gaussian Transformation, that is local to the said initial set region, may be able to happen in order to alter the norm-conditions of the said set locus so that there is enough freedom of motion in the said set region so that kinematic motion may remain spontaneous and perpetual in the described initial neighborhood of substringular phenomena.
I am only able to describe so much at once!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.    

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