Friday, August 31, 2012

A Little About The Regge Action

When an arbitrary superstring is not going through Kaeler-Metric, after BRST, the given arbitrary superstring moves through a general unitary Lagrangian in the forward holomorphic direction as a whole at 22.5 degrees two Planck Lengths via the Regge Action until the said superstring goes into what I call Ultimon Flow.
Yet, when the same general type of superstring is in the process of going through Kaeler-Metric into Regge Action right after the corresponding Bette Action, the said superstring, after the directly affiliated eigenmetric of a successive series of eigenmetrics that involve the said duration of Kaeler-Metric, moves from the directly associated Klein Bottle eigenstate at 45 degrees through a Lagrangian as a whole in the forward holomorphic direction via Regge Action until the said superstring goes into what I call Ultimon Flow.  Either way,  the condition of a superstring entering Ultimon Flow from where the said string finished off its corresponding condition of BRST that involves the end of a majority of instanton,  involves a net of a 22.5 degree motion that moves through  a general unitary Lagrangian a traversal of two Planck Lengths until the said superstring enters Ultimon Flow.  I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Effect Of Schwinger Indices Upon Klein Bottle Orientation

The vibration of the Rarita Structure via the Schwinger Indices that are propagated along the topological substrate that exists within the Ward Caucy general field of an orbifold-based holonomic structural phenomenon, is the basis of what works to cause the scalar re-orientation of Klein Bottle eigenstates in the course of the operation of altering the position that the said Klein Bottle eigenstates -- in the course of those operations that allow for the redelieations of that Gaussian Symmetry that allows for the needed spontaneous changes in norm conditions in the related given arbitrary stringular membranes.
The more of a scalar that exists in terms of the Hodge Index of the corresponding anharmonic Schwinger Indices that are propagated along the exterial Rarita Structure that works to relatively inscribe the "routing" of a specific orbifold-like phenomenon in the substringular, the more of a Ward-Caucy angular shift that the corresponding Klein Bottle eigenstate performs over a sequential series of instantons in the course of those Fourier Transforms, in order to allow whatever Gaussian Transformations to happen so that substringular room may be freed in order for the flow of energy in the said locus to be both kinematic and continuous over the said corresponding duration in which superstringular phenomena reattains the discrete permittivity and impedacne that it needs in order for energy to continue to exist at all.  So, the higher percentage of anharmonically propagated residue that works to form a Yakawa-based Gliossi inter-relation with the gauge-metrical activity of a given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate -- when such a percentage is considered out of the overall vibratorially-basis of those Schwinger Indices that move, in order to activate the corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstate -- the more of a Hamiltonian perturbation that exists in terms of the fractal of angular momentum that acts upon the holonomic substrate of the said related Klein Bottle eigenstate.  So, the more anharmonic such said related Schwinger Indices happen to be over the course of a relatively taut Fourier Transform that directly involves the duration in which a Gaussian Transformation is kinematic upon the corresponding superstrings that are undergoing a change in norm-conditions, the more that the related Klein Bottle eigenstate alters in terms of the re-angling of direcotralizaiton in the process of altering its locus as to where such an eigenstate is to move next in order to allow for the needed Kaeler-Metric via the corresponding Higgs Action eigenstate.  This is so that the region that is most in need of a Gaussian Transformation in order to be closer to a state of soon to be relatively "restfull" -- so that the most directly involved substringular neighborhood here may be able to overcome the related emminent need to have a basis of being freed up in terms of kinematics -- may be able to do so through the operand in which it is to be pulled through via that Lagrangian-basis that it needs to be propagated through in order for the corresponding superstrings may remain as energy.  

A Little More About The Re-Positioning Of The Klein Bottle

Often, a general locus of superstrings alters in the delineation of its norm conditional basis in terms of the flow of its corresponding Gaussian Symmetry.   The norm conditions of a given arbitrary set of superstrings that form the substrate of a substringular setting often change in terms of the directoralization of the here related Hamiltonian basis of the corresponding fractal of angular momentum.  The said superstrings that exist in a general locus often alter in terms of a set framework of norm conditions, so that there may here be a relatively hermitian flow of kinetic energy, in such a manner so that energy may have both a relative degree of freedom of motion -- as well as also having a relative degree of continuity.  So, in spite of the here related condition of all of the superstrings that are involved in the general locus that here undergoes a said given arbitrary Gaussian Transformation are going through a change in terms of  a fractal of alteration in angular momentum, since all of the here related superstrings of the here said locus are multiplicitly going through the exact same perturbation of Ward-Caucy angular repositioning relative to one another, all of the here related Fadeev-PopovTraces also go through the exact same perturbation of Ward-Caucy angular repositioning -- in such a manner that synchronizes the change of norm conditions via the corresponding Gaussian Transformation in such a manner that the here alteration of norm conditions via the said Gaussian Transformation allows for a kinematic flow of norm-state perturbation in all of the said superstrings of the said locus.  This is so that all of the said superstrings of that said locus may here have a basis of kinematic re-delineation of discrete energy that will then involve a kinematic redistribution of superstrings that will thence be inter-active superstrings that belong to the same universe.

A Little About Re-Orientation

Here is a little bit of knowledge as to the potential orientation and re-orientation of Klein Bottle eigenstates that happens when a given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate undergoes successive Kaeler-Metric eigenmetrics.

A Klein Bottle eigenstate undergoes a given arbitrary Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric over the course of 384 consecutive instantons.  There are, in the given situation, additional Kaeler-Metric eigenmetrics that are to take place in the ensuing duration from within the same general locus where the initial said eigenmetric had occurred.  The specific superstrings that are here to undergo the ensuing Kaeler-Metric eigenmetrics are indistinguishably different in terms of holonomic entity from the initial superstrings here that had undergone the said Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric.  Here, in this given arbitrary case scenario, the same initial Klein Bottle eigenstate is to be the operator of the said ensuing Kaeler-Metric eigenmetrics via the same Higgs Action eigenstate that had initially moved the said Klein Bottle eigenstate over the said initial Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric.  The change in angular positioning of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate involves, in the second implied Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric, an angular repositioning of anywhere from 1.104735878*10(-81)Idegrees to 4pi I degrees in whatever direcoralization that works to remanouver the said Klein Bottle eigenstate so as to allow for the needed alteration in norm conditions so as to fulfill the Ward Caucy alterations in terms of the redelineation that is to here occur due to the ensuing Gaussian Transformation.  This will, in this scenario, be true, whether the initial specific superstrings that were involved in the initial said Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric were orientable, or, whether the just mentioned specific superstrings were nonorientable.  If the initial said superstrings were orientable in the initial mentioned Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric, then, the specific superstrings that were most directly involved with the second "round" of Kaeler-Metric would, during the second affiliated eigenmetric, be localized, within the metric confines of the here corresponding Fourier Transformation, near the locus in which the second given arbitrary eigenmetric would here be happening.  Yet, if the initially involved superstrings that underwent the initial said eigenmetric were non-orientable after the completion of the related Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric, then, the said affiliated initial superstrings would become tachyonic after undergoing the related Gaussian Transformation -- and thus -- such initially mentioned superstrings would end up relatively further away from the locus where the second mentioned eigenmetric, involving the given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate, is undergoing the said specific Kaeler-Metric. Such a said eigenmetric is here allowing for those changes over time that the specific Gaussian Transformation, that is local to the said initial set region, may be able to happen in order to alter the norm-conditions of the said set locus so that there is enough freedom of motion in the said set region so that kinematic motion may remain spontaneous and perpetual in the described initial neighborhood of substringular phenomena.
I am only able to describe so much at once!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.    

Thursday, August 23, 2012

More As to the Importance of gauge-transformations

Gauge-Transformations are the most common form of Gaussian Transformations.
Gauge-Transformations are Gaussian Transformations that cause a perturbation or altering of the type of light-cone-gauge topology any said given arbitrary superstrings are to have.
Gaussian Transformations not only work to free up room for the kinematic redistribution of superstrings in the process of allowing for an alteration in the holonomic pretext of any given locus of Ward Caucy-based norm-conditions, yet, the process of Gaussian Transformations also simultaneously allow for the reattaining of discrete energy permittivity in the corresponding superstrings so that these said superstrings may remain as discrete energy so that energy may exist period.
Over the course of the same prior mentioned general basis of metric, the corresponding Kaeler-Metric eigenstates also allow for the reattaining of discrete energy impedance from within the holonomic structure of those Fadeev-Popov-Traces so that the condition of discrete energy permittivity may have a relatively reverse-holomorphic field trajectory of discrete energy impedance.  Wherever there is energy permittivity, there is also energy impedance.  Both are necessary for the existance of energy, period.
Gauge-Transformations, in the process of allowing for changes in local norm-conditions, allowing for changes in light-cone-gauge topology, and also allowing for the maintainance of discrete energy permittivity and discrete energy impedance, also allow for both the interaction of light with other phenomena, as well as allowing for the necessity of essential entropy.  The directly prior taken multiplicitly thence indirectly allows for the relativity of light with other phenemena so that there may be the needed inextricable binding of phenomena with the existence and with the kinematic differentiation of light.
I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

About The Allocation Of The Klein Bottle

The multiplicit eigenstates of the Klein Bottle are allocated and reallocated in part by the various kinematic translations of Schwinger Indices via the Rarita Structure.  This happens over the course of the successive series of various arbitrary given Fourier Transformations, in which the vibrations of the various Rarita Structure eigenstates oscillate both harmonically and anharmonically in such a fashion so as to produce those indices in the arbitrary given distributions and redistributions in the loci so as to allow for the positioning as to where the various said Klein Bottle eigenstates are to be at.  This is so that the consequential norm-conditions that correspond to the spontaneous called for Gaussian Transformations that happen -- due to the activity of the Kaeler-Metric that is consequently due to the motion of the said Klein Bottle eigenstates via the operation of the related Higgs Action eigenstates, over the metric-based sequential series of instantons that are here to transpire.  This is so that the necessary conseqential changes in norm-conditions of the corresponding superstrings may happen.  This is so that both the kinematic translation of the motion of the said arbitrary given superstrings may be freed up so that the continued motion of discrete energy may be spontaneous, and, as well as also allowing for the attaining and reattaining of discrete permittivity to continue to exist holonomically in the Gliossi pretext of the same said superstrings -- so that these mentioned discrete units of energy permittivity may continue to be energy so that energy may exist at all.  Sincerely, Sam.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

electron formation involved

When photons form, electrons drop back an energy level and then go back to their original energy level. When this happens, the individual photons that form are formed via the Fujikawa Coupling that happens according to the Green Function. As a fermionic superstring that acts as a discrete unit of kinetic energy converts into a bosonic superstring that here is a photon, the topology of the open string that converts into a closed string bends hermitianly as the forming photon moves in the direction of energy permittivity. As this is happening, the actual folding of the loose strand of discrete energy acts in the opposite direction as the motion that the said photon is propagated in. -- The forming photon moves in the relative holomorphic direction as it bends to form the said photon in the relative reverse holomorphic direction. Hermitian means smooth in all of the derivatives that are equal to the number of dimensions that it exists in. So, the motion of a discrete strand of energy permittivity closing to form a discrete hoop of energy permittivity is pulled in the opposite chirality of holomorpicity than the direction in which the said forming photon is propagated in. What causes the Fujikawa Coupling to happen in a hermitian manner is the corresponding activity of zero-norm projections that act at a conipoint that is subtended from the reverse holomorphic side of where the forming photon is propagated. So, the creation of E.M. always involves a smooth topological translation in terms of the here arbitrary example of a fermionic superstring changing into a bosonic superstring. So, in this case, topologically related Hamiltonian Operations are smooth in terms of the basis of relativity. -- The basis of relativity is the motion and the existence of E.M.. Sam.


When a gravitational particle vibrates in a transversal-based directoralization (in a manner that travels in the direction of its angular momentum), the particle displays the behavior of being a graviton. When a gravitational particle vibrates in a spin-orbital-based directoralization (in a manner that travels in the direction of a radial displacement), the particle dispalys the behavior of being a gravitino.
The angular momentum of a gravitational particle (gravitational particles are always bosonic when these behave as such) tends to bear much more vibration as it acts as such than when it vibrates in a radial manner.
As a metaphor: The marionette would be the "superstring," the motion of the marionette would be its "Fadeev-Popov-Trace," and the puppeteer here represents the gravitational particle that corresponds to a given arbitrary superstring.
Gravitational particles are not discrete units of energy permittivity, since these differentiate off of any given arbitrary Real Reimmanian Plane, yet, gravitational particles are a form of discrete energy. The motion of gravitational particles thru the Rarita Structure through the amplitude of the Ricci Scalar allows units of discrete energy permittivity to stay proximal to each other so that things do not fly appart so that energy may exist by having a relation. Got to run. I will communicate the rest of this curt explainantion/metaphor later. Catch Ya Two! Sam. The more that I explain, the more complete I may present what I am thinking.

Metrics Down To The Infinitessimal

If distance of phenomena did not exist down to the infinitessimal, then, metrics would not be able to go down to the infinitessimal. If metrics did not go down to the infinitessimal, then, there would be no hermitian motion. If there were no hermtian motion, then photons would never be able to form via the Greene Function. Yet, in order for photons to form, the Fujikawa Coupling needs to happen. The Fujikawa Coupling must happen in order for photons to form. Therefore, metrics must happen down to the infinitessmal, and also, phenomena must exist in scalar amplitudes down to the infinitessimal.

As To The Relationship Of E.M. To What Is Here Discussed

Electromagnetic energy is the basis of what causes the ampllitude of the Polyakov Action, in the manner that the Polyakov Action is what most directly reflects what physically happens so that Lorentz-Four-Contractions may occur in the manner that these do so that physical phenomena may differentiate in a Fourier manner relative to the said general phenomena known of as electromagnetic energy.
What I term of as the Bases of Light helps to determine, along with the light-cone-gauge, the positioning, the Ward Caucy conditions, and the delineation of superstirngs that the relalted massive strings will have in their subsequent iterations during instanton.
Light is the basis of a quantized group of harmonically vibrating bosons in Noether Flow being directed in a relatively transversal manner thru a relatively unitary Lagrangian over Fourier Transforms -- as a general concept -- going thru enough of a distribution so as to effect and be effected by alterior forms of E.M.. Enough for now! Sam Roach.

The Importance Of Metric-Gauge

The Importance of Metric-Gauge To Substringular Permittivity
Phenomena has to move to exist. Metric-Gauge is the topological Laplacian Poincaire Ward conditions that integrate through the Fourier Conditions of substringular multiplicit group metrics that must exist in order for superstrings to have the ability to move through space and therefore be the energy that is necessary for reality to exist. Superstrings are the discrete units of energy permittivity. Permittivity is the ability of phenomena to continue to move through space. If discrete units of energy could not move, energy would cease to exist. Without energy, there would be no light, nor would there be any mass. When superstrings circle the ultimon many, many times, these phenomena (superstrings) lose some of their permittivity. The process that causes superstrings to regain the permittivity that these need in order to remain energy so that energy may exist is known as a Gaussian-Transformation, which is usually a gauge-transformation. The initial situation is that gauge-transformations eventually lead to entropy. Yet, there is a way of limiting gauge-transformations to those that just allow for substringular permittivity without allowing for excess entropy. Entropy is essential for at least the change of physical states. I will say no more of this. The reason that energy started and still persists comes down to the existence of the Higgs Action. The Higgs Action is the main operator that allows for Gaussian Transformations. See my post of the leverage of the Higgs Action on my blog.

Point particles

The Importance of Point Particles to the Existence of Superstrings
In order for superstrings to be able to differentiate and interchange kinematically, there must be point particles that are smaller than these discussed superstrings. A superstring has a length, for 1-D strings, and a circumference, for 2-D strings, of 3*10^(-35) meters in the globally distinguishable. When in a totally contracted state, such a scalar is 10^(-43) meters. A first-ordered-point-particle has a diameter of 10^(-86) meters in the substringular when including the Gliossi Field that is directly associated and thus comprises the said point particle. First-Ordered-Point-Particles are comprised of the substance of the field of superstrings, or, in other words, mini-strings. Mini-String is comprised of second-ordered-point-particles that exist adjacent to each other in exterialy bound "chains" of phenomena that are interconnected by third-ordered-point particles that are bound by sub-mini-string. Second-Ordered-Point-Particles are 10^(-129) meters in diameter in the substringular, third-ordered-point-particles are 10^(-384) meters in diameter in the substringular, and sub-mini-string is 10^(-1152) meters in diameter in the substringular. Sub-Mini-String is the smallest phenomena that is a thing while yet also a gauge-action. Third-Ordered-Point-Particles only exist where there are second-ordered-point-particles. Not only does sub-mini-string bind third-ordered-point-particles together, yet these also work to interconnect the second-ordered-point-particles that comprise mini-string. A physical entity that is smaller than a superstring is termed to be a gauge-action. So how does such a tying of fabric rety while yet maintaining homotopy? The "space-hole" is what I call the duration right before Instanton-Quaternionic-Impulse-Mode, which is right before instanton, which is when homotopy just begins to undue to allow any essential retying of string, yet, to such a minor amount that homotopy during successive instantons is maintained except for when it is frayed in a black-hole. Such a resewing of substringular phenomena is brought back into a multiplicitly discrete homotopy due to the pressure that is impelled upon adjacent superstrings due to the equal and opposite wave-tug of point-particles that acts Gliossi upon the said superstrings to just enough of an extent so as to snap the temporarily untying topology described back into a unified multiplicit homotopic topology.

A Little Bit As To Why There Is A Danger

About The Hadron Colliding Experiment (Danger)

Hi, my name's Sam. As to the condition that would exist if you were to try to collide two photons dead on, that's a bad idea. Here, let me explain.
Photons are formed by electrons dropping an energy level to release unneeded energy. When this happens, a Fujikawa Coupling happens in the direction of the permittivity of the a given photon, yet, in the reverse-holomorphic end of the bosonic superstring that forms a discrete unit of energy permittivity. Ward Norm conditions form the basis of substringular differential geometry. So, if you were to take the norm-to-holomorphic spin-orbital-axial of the delineation of the described Fujikawa Coupling as the photon is being formed from the released kinetic energy of a said electron, you get an orphogonal wave-tug upon the said photon that causes its related E(6)XE(6) strings to lay in the direction of the transversal angular momentum of the said photon. Also, if an electron is quantized at all with other photons, it is going to exist in an orbifold. Orbifolds have E(8)XE(8) strings associated with these. Remember, E(6)XE(6) strings that are adjacent spin assymetrically as well as E(8)XE(8) strings that are adjacent spin assymetrically. So, to try to smash the described heterotic superstrings is an effort to abuse the tendencies of these said heterotic strings to spin assymetrically. This is no mistake in observation, yet, doing what they are trying to do is certainly a mistake. Without the assymetric spin-orbiting of E(6)XE(6) strings, the Rarita Structure would be damaged locally -- which could lead to a "domino" effect. Without the assymetric spin-orbiting of E(8)XE(8) strings, the homotopy of adjacent orbifolds would fishure, which could have a "domino" effect. Maintaining homotopy is quintessential for the continued existence of life.
Also, colliding gluons could undo the local Wick Action eigenstates, which could have a domino effect. Please let everyone read this so that we may --- as a team -- end the Hadron Colliding Experiment. Thank You. Sincerely, Sam. Life is the most important reality.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

An Aside As To What Life Is

What makes up mind and life?

Physical mind that is not purely metaphysically based is founded upon energy that is either ATP for carbon based life, or some form of electrodynamic energy for silicon based life, or both for androids, that is delivered to either a biological, robotic, or android-based neuron-like phenomena via synaptic-like phenomena through the existence of chemicals that either are dopamine or related to the substrate-based concept of dopamine, in such a manner that the life form discussed bears a Tesla-based electrodynamic frequency that is ebbed to and from the given entitiy in such a manner so as to form thought waves. Thought waves are based on the abelian delineation of reverse-magnetism electrodynamic propagation that is invisible, although extremely real. Thoughts do not just stay in the brain and body -- they go outward and effect things -- even though such activity never makes one invincible.

Now Life is the activity of a phenomena with at least some mind characteristics that is able to some degree to overcome the entropy that surounds it.

Hilbert-Based Space-Time-Fabric

Space and time seem, holographically speaking, to have 26 spacial dimensions plus time, yet this here is really how it works.

You have a multiplicitly delineated Minkowski Space of 26 spacial dimensions that is intertwined in operationally kinematic space with residue of all of the universes within 3mm of each other everywhere you go in our universe, and, quite literally, all of the universes of our set of parallel universes within 1mm of everywhere you go in our universe.

Yet, since electrons exist, and electrons have a D-Brane basis in six dimensions (their orbifolds always exist in a minimum of six spacial dimensions), the multiplicit Minkowski Space of space-time is interbound with the basis of six Njenhuis spacial tensors both in a Laplacian and in a Fourier manner such that the Mobiaty of space-time bears its completed second side/second edge at a very large discrete scalar so that space-time is actually Hilbert per set of parallel universes. (Each set of parallel universes has a total of 32 spacial dimensions plus time, and flat space has a maximum potential of 26 dimensions.) If it wasn't for that, electrons would be incapable of forming light that had the ability to quantize in the volumes necessary for laser interactions -- which are very common. Since a photon must have a volume in order to be able to endure its scattering, the basis of space-time must be Hilbert-Based. Sam Roach

A Little More About A Potential Danger

Hi, my name's Sam. As to the condition that would exist if you were to try to collide two photons dead on, that's a bad idea. Here, let me explain.
Photons are formed by electrons dropping an energy level to release unneeded energy. When this happens, a Fujikawa Coupling happens in the direction of the permittivity of the a given photon, yet, in the reverse-holomorphic end of the bosonic superstring that forms a discrete unit of energy permittivity. Ward Norm conditions form the basis of substringular differential geometry. So, if you were to take the norm-to-holomorphic spin-orbital-axial of the delineation of the described Fujikawa Coupling as the photon is being formed from the released kinetic energy of a said electron, you get an orphogonal wave-tug upon the said photon that causes its related E(6)XE(6) strings to lay in the direction of the transversal angular momentum of the said photon. Also, if an electron is quantized at all with other photons, it is going to exist in an orbifold. Orbifolds have E(8)XE(8) strings associated with these. Remember, E(6)XE(6) strings that are adjacent spin assymetrically as well as E(8)XE(8) strings that are adjacent spin assymetrically. So, to try to smash the described heterotic superstrings is an effort to abuse the tendencies of these said heterotic strings to spin assymetrically. This is no mistake in observation, yet, doing what they are trying to do is certainly a mistake. Without the assymetric spin-orbiting of E(6)XE(6) strings, the Rarita Structure would be damaged locally -- which could lead to a "domino" effect. Without the assymetric spin-orbiting of E(8)XE(8) strings, the homotopy of adjacent orbifolds would fishure, which could have a "domino" effect. Maintaining homotopy is quintessential for the continued existence of life.
Also, colliding gluons could undo the local Wick Action eigenstates, which could have a domino effect. Please let everyone read this so that we may --- as a team -- end the Hadron Colliding Experiment. Thank You. Sincerely, Sam. Life is the most important reality.

More About Gauge-Bosons

The Importance of E(6)XE(6) Strings
The importance of E(6)XE(6) strings is that these strings "pluck" the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge-eigenstates in such a manner so that vibrations known as Schwinger Indices may oscillate in such a way so that the Ricci Scalar may take effect. Schwinger Indices are vibrations that move along the Rarita Structure in such a way so that gravitational particles may have the kinematic operation that the metric-guage of such gravitational particles need so that these said particles may move in their respective regions so that gravity may take effect. Also, the vibrations of the Rarita Structure, which may be harmonic and or anharmonic, alow the motion of gravitational particles to exchange the Neilson Kollosh ghosts that these form with The Fadeev-Popov ghosts so that Cassimer Invariance may help to be sustained.

Some More About Gaussian Transformations

Electromagnetic energy is the basis of what causes the amplitude of the Polyakov Action, in the manner that the Polyakov Action is what most directly reflects what physically happens so that Lorentz-Four-Contractions may occur in the manner that these do so that physical phenomena may differentiate in a Fourier manner relative to the said general phenomena known of as electromagnetic energy.
What I term of as the Bases of Light helps to determine, along with the light-cone-gauge, the positioning, the Ward Caucy conditions, and the delineation of superstirngs that the relalted massive strings will have in their subsequent iterations during instanton.
Light is the basis of a quantized group of harmonically vibrating bosons in Noether Flow being directed in a relatively transversal manner thru a relatively unitary Lagrangian over Fourier Transforms -- as a general concept -- going thru enough of a distribution so as to effect and be effected by alterior forms of E.M.. Enough for now! Sam Roach.

Monday, August 20, 2012

More About Gauge-Bosons

Gauge-Bosons are essential in the field of a light-cone-gauge-eigenstate since, when individual gauge-bosons "pluck" the second-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstates that exist in the field of a first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate, the resulting vibrations are second-ordered Schwinger Indices (the summation of such vibrations per first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate being a first-ordered Schwinger Index) that flow through the Rarita Structure to allow for the Ricci Scalar to function so that gravity may take effect. This is just in reference to the E(6)XE(6) type of gauge-bosons. Just as adjacent electrons have to spin antisymmetrically, to give a reverse-fractored example, in order to obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle, adjacent E(6)XE(6) strings must bear an antisymmetric spin-orbital tensorism in order to not infringe on each others' space. Such an antisymmetric spin-orbital tensorism is caused by the spurious effect of the Chern-Simmons field that exists between adjacent E(6)X(E(6) strings. Such a Chern-Simmons field is due to the condition of such gauge-bosons differentiating per instanton in-between a discrete energy unit of permittivity and a discrete energy unit of energy impedance. So, whether a related light-cone-gauge topology is abelian or non-abelian, the substringular field that binds these gauge-bosons to both sides of an associated first-ordered-light-cone-gauge-eigenstate is primarily abelian so that the "plucking" of the second-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstates will not shatter the given first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate. The fabric of substringular field is what I call "mini-string." Mini-String is the fabric of gauge-action that interconnects the topology of all unfrayed substringular phenomena that forms the homotopic structure of the substringular. My website is
Samuel David Roach

Friday, August 10, 2012

A Little Bit Of Additioinal Help

Fock Space has numerous pseudal spatial dimensions associated with it.  This is possible because of the function of unit shells that act like unit spheres that are codifferentiable with unit spheres that act like unit shells -- this happening in such a manner so as to allow for a numerous quantum of dimensional trains.  Yet, this does not disqualify the condition that there are negative-norm-states.  You see, if there were no negative-norm-states, there could be no point commutators, since these two types of norm-states work to an extent to recycle into each other  This happens in so that the topology of the   substringular may be able to flow during the sequential series of instantons that work to form the kinematic activity of the reality of physical energy.  This is also because point commutators need a corresponding orientation in terms of a pseudal-field-trajectory.  If there were no point commutators, then, there would be no superstrings, since the point particles that comprise any given arbitrary set of superstrings must be in a constant state of conformal invariance.  And, heck, if there were no superstrings, there would be no material phenomena at all.  So, how does one solve this seeming incongruity?  It may be said that a positive vacuum has a large number of pseudal dimensions -- since these so-called dimensions bear a large number of "tenses of imagination" which form countless pseudo-dimensional trains.  This is because, in Fock Space, this type of assortment appears to be even more large on account of the condition that the here related wave-propagations  -- being more truly outside of the corresponding point particles' commutative Gliossi field -- form a relatively large number of "dimensional-trains."  Here is a description that may help one to pictorially see what I have just described.:  Take four given arbitrary metaphorical kinematically-based-meshed gears.  Imagine the four prior mentioned gears rotating in their respective oscillatorial loci as phenomena that may be interchangeably either shells or spheres.  The oscillations, as extended from the "unit shells" that act like "unit spheres" in this case scenario, here, have a common thickness -- as may be extrapolated by a relatively simple variations of parameters.  Therefore, when one is to consider the fractal conditions of actual first-ordered-point-particles, all of the point commutators that are here from all of their neighborhoods, you will then find countless potential oscillations that are linear, and also, whose point particles neighborhoods then form what may be described as an exact differential association. (These point particles here are divisible by a minimum-sized point particle, or, in other words, have a Laplacian mapping that has a scalar that is divisible by a discrete number of minimal third-ordered-point-particle neighborhood radian).  It takes three or more point particle neighborhoods to form any viable global trait, or, in other words, it takes at least three point particle neighborhoods to form the simplest norm-state -- unless one is dealing with a zero-norm-state.  Yet, zero-norm-states always exist in projections that involve a minimum of three or more first-ordered-point-particles.  Something is said to be both exact and nonlinear if  only two point particles of the related norm-state have outer surfaces that are the minimal point-particle-neighborhood diameters apart (the diameter of one neighborhood of a second-ordered-point-particle) in one fashion or another, while the corresponding first-ordered-point-particles here must also each have a radius that is discretely divisible by a minimal point-paricle's radius.  So, Fock Space shares the same 96 spatial dimensions as Real Reimmanian-based space, yet, the said Fock Space shares a fractal of "covalent/ionic" wave-propagation in terms of this here being a tense of bonding that exists among relatively decompactified first-ordered-point- particles as one may derive from the related conditions of Real Reimmanian Space.     
Sincerely, Sam Roach. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

A Little More About Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter Modes

When a gluon moves as is according to an Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational basis, the motion that occurs in the process of the illuded metric releases mini-string (substringular field holonomic substrate) that extends outward to form a set of norm-pojections that interact with certain given norm-projections that are released -- on account of the activity of the relatively local Rarita Structure eigenstates -- so as to form a type of Hausendorf-Projection that is known of as the Wick Action.  The Gliossi basis of the interaction of the set of norm-state projections that are formed by the metrical activity of the here related gluons that occurs -- so as to codifferentiate with the norm-state projections that are formed by the activity of the local Rarita Structure eigenstates -- bears a Ward-supplemental wave-tug/wave-pull that is initially relatively hermitian in topological sway during the initial Laplacian that one may consider in terms of the conditon in which such said projections come into contact with each other.  Over the time-wise translation of the prior mentioned direct interaction, the cohomoligical wave-permttivity that results, works to form a torsion that tends to be hermtian while yet topologically Ward-radial in terms of the Fujikawa curl that here happens in the directly orphoganal Njenhuis directoral path -- in such a manner so as to pull the corresponding resultant Wick Action eigenstate into the general locus of the corresponding Landau-Gisner-Action eigenstate.  The process of the interaction of the mentioned affiliated Rarita Structure eigenstates with those corresponding gravitational particles -- that are here relatively off of the Real Reimmanian Plane -- works to codifferentiate in a covariant-based homeomorphic manner with the interaction of the set of norm-projections that are here caused primarily by the activity of the Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter modus of operation that thence occurs.  This happens as is according to the kinematic activity of the motion of the corresponidng gluons.  The inverse of both the said Rarita-Structure-based wave ebbings that I have just illuded to forms a Ward-complimentary orphoganal basis that works to allow for the given arbitrary conformal invariance that is needed -- in order for the affiliated gravitational force that is local in any given Noether-Based scenario in which the force of gravity is overt upon an associated physical holonomic stratum.  In so long as the directly related superstrings are orientable in any given arbitrary case that inevitably involves the type of situation that I have described in this case, then, the corresponding superstrings that are related here will move as is according to the kinematic interaction of the gravitational forces that may be deductively extrapolated in the course of the activity of the said given arbitrary superstrings -- that are local over any said limited metric in which the said general format of superstrings move in the said described general format of gravitational locus -- over the course of the integration of a given sequential series of intantons that involve a said form of Noether-Flow of Fourier Transformation.

Friday, August 3, 2012

A Little About The Differences Between Reverse-Gravity and Anti-Gravity

Reverse-Gravity -- being the reversal in the direction of gravitational force, is the reversal in the direction of the pulse of any said given arbitrary gravitational permittivity/impedance-based directoralization.   
Anti-Gravity -- being the reversal in the directoralization of the Ricci Scalar, is the reversal in the relativistic covariantly-based arbitrary given positions as to where the respective Anti-De-Sitter gravitational mode and the respective De-Sitter gravitational mode occurs in the process of having what will here still be an Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational format.
So, whether one is dealing with gravity, or, whether one is dealing with anti-gravity, gravitational force that is of matter and NOT of anti-matter will still operate as according to an Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational format.
The locus as to where the positioning of what is to bear an Anti-De-Sitter gravitational mode, and, the locus as to where thte positioning of what is to bear a De-Sitter gravitational mode, is formated physically in the neighborhood of the activity of the gluonic force. 
The gluonic force is the strong force, yet, ironically enough, the condition that exists in the process of the activity of the respective Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter modes, that are kinematically caused by the actions of the said gluons, works to form a much weaker force that is known of as the gravitational force.    
Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Little Bit Of Metaphorical Explaination

Imagine a line or a chord that is jointal after every substringular placement that is localized along its world-sheet until a group of other superstrings that are eigenstates of the related homotopy that the origanally denoted strings codes for the prior.  Since it is jointal after every kerneled string, the said homotopy of the original string is taut.  By taut, I mean that the tenses of Njenhuity that are propagated by the given homotopy here give a placeholder loop tug in a transversal manner, yet, also in a radial manner as the affiliated superstrings are distributed around the bounds (Njenhuisly Derichlet) of the kerneled superstrings' general neighborhood.  A taut homotopy has a more interdependant stress modulae, since it may induce the local point commutators to assort in a manner that is randomized as an attractor covariant integrating fractal basis that may reassort the associated arrangement -- if not the    "phenotypical" coding -- of the affiliated kerneled strings.  The more jointal the associated waves of the prior mentioned scenario are, the less "fatigue" that the given homotopy has, if the general locant that impells this happens in a manner in which it is able to take a relatively great load.  If the jointal propagation here impedes the related conformal invariance of the affiliated kerneled superstrings, then, the related homotopy's related locus can not take much of a load, and thus, the said locus will be then be relatively scattered or broken down yet, here not frayed.  The more jointal, yet less ghost-anomaly-based, and, the more that the point commutation altering the condition of the related locus is, the less correspondence that the wave-fronts of the sequence of the relating homotopy is relative to the other said group of superstrings. The substringular condition described in this case subsequently, after each slice of the series of the sequential recurrence that works to determine the related bounds of the corresponding static equilibrium will then, in the process of the condition that the related superstrings will here maintain an even keel of conformal invariance, in such a manner so that there will here be a corresponding semi-group of the eigenstates and kernels of the related homotopic eigencondion in order to bear a proximal field that has a sound stress modulus that incorporates a covariant generation of affected field delineation in which there may be an effect in which the said kernels may not be able to render a "perminant" damage to their corresponding eigencondition of conformal invariance. The said wave-fronts, in order to have a viable permanance, must conform to the Ward Caucy bounds of a shape-wise thin "tube" of a neighborhood during each instanton-quaternionic interaction in terms of the said wave-fronts' field distribution.  Alterations in the related orbifolds that may exist here that are beyond this point must then conform to the wave-based emmisions of their corresponding attractor locant in such a manner that the related point commutators in each corresponding orbifold eigenset may be able to induce the here implied wanted condition.  This here is due to the kinematic codifferentiation of the morphology and the kinematic codifferentiation of the related topological structure of the integration of the directoralized sum of the related Popov-Ghost-Trace phenomena of the associated tori-sector-range that, in turn, works to recycle the corresponding norm and ground matrices in a manner that is both discrete and singular-wise unique. I am sorry if my wording is here a little out of it!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.      

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

An Idea About Force

Here is an idea that may tend to describe a force at the most viable micro level:
The kinematic effect of the directoralized motion of the integration of the vibrational indices of the respective individual Chi-based structures of Fadeev-Popov-Traces, to where, the resulting sequential series of the discrete energy impedance indices that the motion of the said Fadeev-Popov-Traces form, integrate to allow for a field trajectory of discrete energy permittivity so that energy may be able to oscillate enough to remain as energy -- period.
Every phenomenon that exists as an entity that is directly observable -- whether in motion or in a standstill -- is comprised of superstrings that are kinematic in a manner that is anywhere from in a state of superconformal invariance, in a state of merely conformal invariance, in a state of being semi-spuriously displaced, in a state of an alterior-based delineatory perturbation, in a state of electromotive pulse, and/or, in a state of tachyonic flow over the course of a sequential series of instantons.
All of the prior mentioned conditions invove angular momentum -- since all physical phenomenea is energy.  Mass is energy in static equilibrium.  So, all tangency of pressure and/or pulse involves an effect of interactive angular momentum -- whether such an action of relatively macro-wave-tug is globally mobile or stationary.  So, all pressure and/or pulse involves a directoralized interaction that may be either multiplicitly codifferentiated, multilateral, entropically delineated, or, in some cases, unitarily delineated upon the motion of a reverse-fractal-based Gliossi tangency that allows the pulse of the tug of one relatively macro-based phenomenon upon another.  
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.