Friday, July 6, 2012

Ending The Hadron Colliding Experiment

Hello.  This is Sam Roach.  I realize that CERN may have possibly detected the Higgs Boson.
Saying that such an activity mearly forms a fissure in space-time-fabric is like saying that one has made just a little hole in a dam -- metaphorically.
One is not to isolate the Higgs Boson.  Isolation of the Higgs Boson is dangerous to the existence of the world for the reasons that I have cited in both my linkedin messages, as well as what I have mentioned in my post "The Leverage Of The Higgs Action."
Everyone reading this post should read "The Leverage Of The Higgs Action" from my blog
If you care about anything, please, work to end the Hadron Colliding Experiment so that the world will have a better chance of continuing.
The Higgs Action may be detected in an extrapolatory manner, yet, the Higgs Boson must not be isolated.
The logic is quite clear.  "Nous Somme Ici!"  Tell everyone what you read in
"The Leverage Of The Higgs Action," and, once you think about what you have read, help us save our planet!
Sincerley, Samuel David Roach.

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