Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012

More About The Dangers Of The Hadron Colliding Experiment

Even though the Hadron Experiment may have been able to extrapolate the detection of the Higgs Action, the Higgs Action is not to be isolated, and, the Higgs Action is not to be illucidated.
Please read my post that is on The leverage of the Higgs Action in order to have an understanding of what I just mentioned. 
E(6)XE(6) strings and the E(8)XE(8) strings are heterotic strings.
Common heterotic superstrings are not to be collided head on account of the condition that these are naturally to spin assymetrically.
Photons are not to be collided head on on account of the condition of the relative positioning of their respective light-cone-gauge eigenstates.
Gluons are not to be extrapolated on account of the condition that the metrical activity of gluons causes the Wick Action, and, the Wick Action is what initiates the Kaeler-Metric.  The Kaeler-Metric is the activity that causes the motion of the Higgs Action in so that the multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstates may move into the loci in which superstrings may be able to reattain their permittivity so that these strings may remain as energy so that energy may exist at all.
A "fissure" in space-time-fabric is very potentially dangerous.
Please real over my blog so that everyone may be exposed to the reasons as to why the Hadron Colliding Experiment must end!
Nous Somme Ici!!!  We Are Here!!!  What I am saying I am totally serious about, although, I am here using a metaphor.  This is because -- Mythology -- A Legal Way Of Telling The Truth.

Summary of the writing above:  We need to let those in charge know of the dangers of the Hadron Colliding Experiment so that We may be able to protect ourselves from the activities of CERN.
I could not be more infinitely sincere.  The metaphor that I used above is -- in a way -- symbolic of when in Whorton Heres A Who, Whorton protects a world from destruction.
We need to use both teamwork and autonomy in order for the human race to survive.
The reasons that I stated above are ligit, and, these reasons should be obvious, upon inspection, to any proffessor of physics that uses his or her right reasoning.
What I am saying should be common sense to any physicist who reads over my blog thoroughly.
Think it over, and let's protect Earth!!!  
Sam Roach.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Session 8 of Course 2, Fock Space & The Space-Hole

Whenever you have phenomena that are mostly condensed oscillation, you must have a set of counterparts of phenomena that is mostly free waves. A string goes around the Continuum as dissociated points thata find their way back to a relative set neighborhood of location to reiterate basically as what it was before. When the string reiterates, its composite points are caught up with each other as close as these are able to without disallowing these to be brought together (so that these will not dissociate before this

Friday, July 6, 2012

Ending The Hadron Colliding Experiment

Hello.  This is Sam Roach.  I realize that CERN may have possibly detected the Higgs Boson.
Saying that such an activity mearly forms a fissure in space-time-fabric is like saying that one has made just a little hole in a dam -- metaphorically.
One is not to isolate the Higgs Boson.  Isolation of the Higgs Boson is dangerous to the existence of the world for the reasons that I have cited in both my linkedin messages, as well as what I have mentioned in my post "The Leverage Of The Higgs Action."
Everyone reading this post should read "The Leverage Of The Higgs Action" from my blog
If you care about anything, please, work to end the Hadron Colliding Experiment so that the world will have a better chance of continuing.
The Higgs Action may be detected in an extrapolatory manner, yet, the Higgs Boson must not be isolated.
The logic is quite clear.  "Nous Somme Ici!"  Tell everyone what you read in
"The Leverage Of The Higgs Action," and, once you think about what you have read, help us save our planet!
Sincerley, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Session 18 Of Course 10

How do Planck Phenomena-Related-Phenomena propagate?  The strings are in iteration.  Imaginary exchange as described by an odd function happens as real residue is given off and recieved.  This means that the relative bottoms of superstring' will have here exhanged with the tops of stringular counterparts, (The corresponding superstrings and their counterparts are now decompactified by a factor of two as an arbitrary given example.), raising the substringular counterparts in such a manner that these said counterparts are here to move "down" closer to the actual superstrings.  The slack that thence happens causes the "bottom", or norm-to-reverse-holomorphic end, of the corresponding substringular counterparts to exchange with the norm-to-foward-holomorphic end of the associated superstrings.  (This involves a reciprocal Imaginary Exchange.)  This activity that I just described works to lift the superstrings while yet moving these said phenomena "down" closer to the corresponding Planck-Related-Phenomena.  The related said Planck-Related-Phenomena tends to stay relatively stationary as compared to their corresponding superstrings and their corresponding counterstrings, in the meanwhile.  The directly prior mentioned activity works to add wave-tug to the related light-cone-gauge eigenstates like a spring, causing the ensuing Ultimon Flow to be fascilitated.  The said spring-like activity here "flaps" the angular momentum related indices that are most directly associated with the local Phenomena that are eigen with the corresponding respective superstrings and counterstrings in an anharmonic/harmonic cycle that "flaps" just enough to allow for the fascilitation of Ultimon Flow in a manner that one could alagorically compare to the acitivity of a paint stirrer when it is released after it has been torqued without breaking.  Such a spring-like motion that is the result of a fractal of a non-resonant torquing works to twitch the phenomena of the directly corresponding locus.  The twists in the light-cone-gauge eigenstates here work to determine whether or not the related superstrings are to immediately afterward travel at any given arbitrary velocity or not.  A full twist in the fabric of the said directly affiliated light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are respectively to be considered here work to allow for potential basically "infinite" speed-like re-delineation, while any alterior twist quotient that is here-wise determinable that may exist in-between the general locus where the said respective superstrings intermingle with both their corresponding counterstrings as well as their corresponding Planck-Related-Phenomena would thence bear holonomic interaction in either a virtually Gliossi manner or in an actually Gliossi manner.  The said intermingling would exist in such a manner to where the said affiliated phenomena that here are either virtually cohomologically bound or cohomologically bound in the said locus of the individually-based fabric of the corresponding general entity that I am mentioning will tend to have at least a little bit of a significant effect upon the related second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- the integration of the any directly affiliated second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates are what form the holonomic entity of a respective first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  Two-dimensional superstrings may often influence one-dimensional superstrings in such a manner so that the respective light-cone-gauge eigenstates of both the said bosonic and the said fermionic superstrings -- when taken as individually pinpointed interactions -- work to help twist or torque each other's fabric to the proscribed extent that these are to exist in in the manner that involves the least resistance.  The metrical conditions and the related Ward-Caucy boundary conditions that would here be associated with the directly prior mentioned acitivity may be determinable over a sequential series of instantons via an extrapolataion of the related codifferentiation of the corresponding arbitrary given superstrings as well as an extrapolation of the dimensional limits of the said related superstrings in any arbitrary given case that would thence be involved.  Sincerly, Samuel David Roach.