Monday, November 28, 2011

The Importance of the Interaction That Exists Between the Light-Cone-Gauge and the Rarita Structure

Each second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate is plucked like a string of a harp to allow for vibrations known of as Schwinger Indices to propagate along the Rarita Structure in such a manner so that there is an interconnection in-between both discrete units of energy permittivity and discrete units of energy impedance with gravitational particles so that the amplitude of the Ricci Scalar may be, within reason, able to spontaneously allow gravity to take a certain degree of hold upon the basis of substringular interplay.  The phenomena that "plucks" the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates are known of as gauge-bosons.  Gauge-Bosons are also termed of as E(6)XE(6) strings.  So, the harmonics and the anharmonics of the Schwinger Indices along the topological Fourier-Based trajectory of where the holonomic substance of the Rarita Structure is located at any given arbitrary sequential series of instantons in which the interaction of the said Rarita Structure upon gravitational particles bears a type of multiplicit gauge-metrical basis that causes gravity to be applied to discrete units of energy so that gravity may exist in the manner that it is applied to be is thus the phenomena activity that allows for the general basis of a type of amplitude known of as the Ricci Scalar.                                       
Just a little bit for now.
Samuel David Roach.

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