Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More About the Activity of the Schwinger Indices

Gauge-Bosons pluck second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates to form second-ordered Schwinger Indices.  The just mentioned Schwinger Indices exist as vibratory eigenstates that propagate along the Rarita Structure while also propagating along the topological region of the multiplicit Real Reimmanian Plane eigenregions where discrete units of energy permittivity and discrete units of energy impedance interact via mini-string (the mini-string of which is the field eigenstates of superstrings, the field eigenstates of the associated counterstrings, and the field eigenstates of the Fadeev-Popov-Traces that act as the inverse field trajectory of the just mentioned superstrings) to work toward the periodicity of the Kaeler-Metric via the activation of a Hausendorf Projection known of as the Wick Action.            
The vibratory oscillations which are comprised of second-ordered Schwinger Indices that allow for both the Laplacian and Fourier spin-orbital conditions of both orbifolds and orbifold eigensets cause those harmonic and anharmonic wave-tug conditions among substringular phenomena that allow for the spontaneous changes that are necessary so that the norm-conditions that exist among superstrings may, for the most part, be orientable in such a balance so that only a strong exterior force would otherwise be able to cause a disorientation in the prior mentioned general type of conditions.  Since the Rarita Structure eigenstates bear their covariant orientation between superstrings and particles that act as discrete units of gravity, and also while the vibrations that exist among both superstrings, orbifolds, and orbifold eigensets is synchronized by the tempering of Schwinger Indices with the topological Fourier activity of the substance that comprises substringular discrete energy along with the membranous phenomena that these exist in, this causes such a substringular conformity that fascillitates the ongoing existance of the covariantly kinematic norm-conditions which are to continue as these perturbate so that continued exist may occur.  When a Gaussian Transformation is thus necessary so as to allow the necessary alterations that are necessary so that the covariance of norm-conditions may be kinematic as described before, the Wick Action is thence pulled out as a Yakawa-Based natural response to such a need.  This here indirectly -- after more steps that I will not describe here -- cause Gaussian Transformations to occur.  Whenever there is a Gaussian Transformation, there is a sequential set of instantons that involves the Kaeler Metric.  The most common form of Gaussian Transformation is known of as a gauge-metric.                        

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Importance of the Interaction That Exists Between the Light-Cone-Gauge and the Rarita Structure

Each second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate is plucked like a string of a harp to allow for vibrations known of as Schwinger Indices to propagate along the Rarita Structure in such a manner so that there is an interconnection in-between both discrete units of energy permittivity and discrete units of energy impedance with gravitational particles so that the amplitude of the Ricci Scalar may be, within reason, able to spontaneously allow gravity to take a certain degree of hold upon the basis of substringular interplay.  The phenomena that "plucks" the second-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstates are known of as gauge-bosons.  Gauge-Bosons are also termed of as E(6)XE(6) strings.  So, the harmonics and the anharmonics of the Schwinger Indices along the topological Fourier-Based trajectory of where the holonomic substance of the Rarita Structure is located at any given arbitrary sequential series of instantons in which the interaction of the said Rarita Structure upon gravitational particles bears a type of multiplicit gauge-metrical basis that causes gravity to be applied to discrete units of energy so that gravity may exist in the manner that it is applied to be is thus the phenomena activity that allows for the general basis of a type of amplitude known of as the Ricci Scalar.                                       
Just a little bit for now.
Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Little Bit More About Cassimer Invariance

So did you think a little bit about what I have written about Cassimer Invariance?
To bring back a recollection, Cassimer Invariance is the perpetual tendency of substringular phenomena interchanging eigenstates to maintain homotopy per instanton.  
Here is some more knowledge that may help you to better understand what the directly prior deffinition means.:  Phenomena that is substringular moves through Ultimon Flow in-between each instanton.              
In ((2pi hbar-6hbar)+hbar Imaginary time) until an Imaginary Planck-Bar moment before instanton, phenomena goes through a duration that involves what I have described as the "space-hole" -- during which the Bases of Light appertaining to the ensuing instanton is organized.  During this mentioned duration, substringular phenomena goes through relatively mild untying and retying of topology that is necessary for the changes that are necessary for substringular phenomena to not be frayed along with that phenomena that is frayed due to black-hole activity, as well as the mentioned untying and retying of topology just described is necessary in order for ensuing Gaussian Transformations to be spontaneously adjusted and allowed to happen.  The condition that I have just described in terms of fascillitating Gaussian Translations and Gaussian Transformations to happen is necessary on account of the condition that space-time-fabric is not completely hermitian in terms of the multiplicit codifferentiation that surrounds any particular orbifold neighborhood.  This may be related on account of the ansantz that not all orbifolds are Yau-Exact -- only mass and mass that is translated through a worm-hole is Yau-Exact.  The condition that there is partially Yau-Exact and Chern-Simmons activity that sorrounds any substringular neighborhood that is completely Yau-Exact is evidence that shows the validity of the concept of the sentence that I typed just before this one.  Wherever there is a mass, there is at least a certain degree of heat that is directly associated with that mass when one considers the duration in which any arbitrary mass that one could consider has vibrated in some sort of molecular manner over any measurable amount of time.  Even if you could get a molecular arrangement to acheive absolute zero Kelvin over a certain arbitrary duration, there will always be a certain amount of electromagnetic and/or plain energy interaction that sorounds the general region in which an arbitary mass is existent in in any duration in which the said mass is able to molecularly vibrate.  The condition that there is always a certain amount of partially Yau-Exact and Chern-Simmons differentiation that surrounds any arbitrary mass that is existent over any period in which any said mass is able to molecularly vibrate is proof that all Fourier Transfomations that are based on Yau-Exact orbifold translations are sorrounded to at least some extent by electromagnetic energy and/or plain energy.  Since only Yau-Exact orbifold conditions are completely hermitian and non-spurious, both plain energy and electromagnetic energy always have a certain degree of Chern-Simmons behavior.  Although electromagnetic-based energy is formed based on the hermitian motion of  Fujikawa Coupling activity, the motion of plain energy and electromagnetic energy when scattered upon a mass always bears a certain degree of a lack of hermitian-based motion.  This is why Fourier-based Gaussian Translations and Fourier-based Gaussian Transformations may only happen when there is a certain amount of retying of substringular activity.  This retying can not happen during instanton on account of the need to maintain homotopy.  Such retying can only happen right before the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse-mode.  Such a duration then is to happen during the duration in which the "space-hole" and the Bases of Light are organized.  It is during the prior mentioned duration that the relatively Laplacian conditions that correspond the two general simultaneous gauge-metrics that the brief relatively mild retying of space-time-fabric is able to happen to the necessary extent so that the necessary norm-conditons of any particular region may be tweeked so that the said norm-conditions may contiue to codifferentiate with its surroundings.  I am only able to describe so much at once.  In time, you will get a clearer meaning as to what I am saying.       
I will continue with the suspence later!  God Bless You, and have a phenomenal day!
Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Course 9, First Course of Fock Space and the Light-Cone-Gauge, Session 12

How do Planck Phenomena propagate?:   Strings are in iteration in the following arbitrary case scenario.  Imaginary exchange as described by an odd function happens as real residue is given off here and received.  This means that the relative bottoms of the here mentioned superstrings are exchanged with the corresponding relative tops of the respective substringular counterparts.  (The superstrings & their counterparts are now decompactified by a factor of one to 3*10^8.)  This prior activity rasises the stringualr counterparts and moves these "down" closer to the prior mentioned superstrings.  The slack here causes the discussed bottom of the substringular counterparts to exchange with the said tops of the corresponding superstrings (reciprocal imaginary exchange).  The prior activity lifts the superstrings (not to be confused with their counterparts) and moves these down closer to their corresponding Planck Phenomena.  The Planck Phenomena stays relatively stationary in the meanwhile -- when not including the wobble of the said Planck Phenomena.  This motion that I have just described contracts the light-cone-gauge like a spring, causing the ensuing Ultimon Flow.  This springing flaps the angular momentum of indices of the said Planck Phenomena in an anharmonic/harmonic cycle that flaps just enough to allow Ultimon Flow, like a paint stirrer twitches then flapped.  The twists in the light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are related to what I just mentioned bears gauge-metrics that help determine whether or not the superstring travel at any given velocity and/or tensorically based speed or not. (The "tensorically based speed" would be a velocity that is based on the directoralization of a tree amplitude.)  A full twist in the fabric of the light-cone-gauge allows for a relatively "infinite" speed, such as the amplitude of phenomena displacement that happens during Ultimon Fllow,  while any twist quotient in-between allows for any speed of the superstrings in-between, since tachyonic motion may redistribute phenomena to basically any other location in just one sequential series of instantons.  Such a displacement that is derived in-between the Real Reimmanian duration that exists from one instanton to the next one may redistribute phenomena as such on account that Ultimon Flow is the Imaginary based flow that cycles the Ultimon in-between two consecutive Real Based instantons.  These mentioned twists are never entangled when unfrayed, yet, the twists are in the individual fabric of the five-quantum-based and ten-quantum-based first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are associated with one-dimensional and two-dimensional superstrings respectively.  Two-Dimensional superstrings may influence one-dimensional strings to have their light-cone-gauge first-order-based quanta to twist to an arbitrary proscribed extent and vice                                                        versa.                                                                                                                                                      
I will continue with the suspence later.  Expect a lot of posts soon now that I have my time freed up and my computer is working better now!  God Bless.  Samuel David Roach.                                                                            

Monday, November 7, 2011

Coming Back To Life

Hello, this is Sam Roach here! 
Sorry that I have not posted lately, yet, since May 2nd, I have not only been "burned out," yet, also, I have been working on ideas that I will not mention here that were far more important than anything that I ever put into my blog.  I don't care if some people think that I know nothing, everything, or anything in-between.  I need to keep certain things basically to myself and my associates.
I will say this though, the light-cone-gauge is the field-substance and directoralized and/or tensoric amplitudanal force that is essential for the continued propagation of superstrings so that these strings may procede from instanton to instanton.
The Rarita Structure is the field-connection that allows for gravity to take effect upon superstrings that are discrete units of energy permittivity.                   
The Ricci Scalar is the amplitudinal directoralization/tensorism that is due to the interaction of the Rarita Structure upon the covariant activity that exists between superstrings and gravitational particles.
The means of immediate substringular interaction is due to the leverage of the Rarita Structure upon strings, orbifolds and orbifold eigensets.
Mass may be translated faster than light by changing its light-cone-gauge from Kaluza-Klein to Yang-Mills, yet, during such a translation, the mass is not technically a mass.
The reason as to why a mass as a mass may not go at the speed of light is because one can never have more than one-hundred percent fractal modulae.  This is due to the condition that an abelian light-cone-gauge that has Yau-Exact singularities among the here adjacent superstrings and the here adjacent orbifolds may not bear a field that would thus hyperextend and thereby tear topology.  Yet, due to the fact that wherever there is a mass, there is always an interaction between the said mass and electromagnetic energy -- this causes the prior mentioned dillema to never potentially happen.
Mass may never be translated into light via having purely Chern-Simmons singularities in-between the arbitrary superestrings and the arbitrary orbifolds here withoug turning it into a form of entropy.
Gotta Rush!  God Bless You!                                                                       
Samuel David Roach.