Thursday, February 10, 2011

Prelude to Course #9, My View On Phenomenology, The Next Part

Well hello again world, this is Samuel David Roach here!  I hope that you are enjoying my blog! 
Here we go!

Every life-form consists of things, yet no life-form is a thing in and of itself.  So, every living being bears a metaphysical partial quality, yet, every life-form consists of some form of matter.  A spiritual being consists of spiritual things, while a material being consists of material things.  Metaphysical means beyond the physical.  Metaphysical reality is reality that consists of mind that utillizes, to some extent, reality.  Physical reality is phenomena that utilizes reality without at least some sort of awareness.  Sentient means aware.  Physical reality is the operand through which activity may happen.  Physical matter is the stuff that is used to allow the activity to happen which needs to happen so that life may exist.  If there were no stuff that was used to develop the fate of the activities of souls, there would be no life to begin with.  Life is mind in action.  Without action or life, there would be no mind.  Without mind, there would be no reality.  So, in a sense, mind and energy the basis of all reality -- and matter is energy is static equilibrium.
Now that I have shown some of my basic views on phenomenology, next time, I plan on starting the next course that I have in store for you in string theory.  This next Course is the first course that I have for you about Fock Space and the Light-Cone-Gauge.  The views of these last two posts are not directly related to the next Course that I am about to start discussing, yet, I felt compelled to have some sort of tie in-between some of the concepts that I related in Course 6 and the actual body of Course 9.  You will not receive Courses 7 and 8 on my blog.  (NOYB).  Sincerely, Sam Roach.                                                                

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