Thursday, February 17, 2011

Part Two of the Second Session of Course Nine

Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here!  Glad to converse with you.  Here we go!

The duration that occurs during the "space-hole", which is also simultaneously occuring during the duration that happens when the "Bases of Light" activity is going on through its sub-metrical existence, is a duration in which there is a reorganizing of the Planck phenomenon related phenomena flow.  Such a metrical activity limits the motions of dilatons and dilatinos that differentiate kinematically right before the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode, which thereby weakens the excessive Ricci Scalar eigenstates that exist via the holonomic kinematically differentiating Rarita Structure eigenstates so as to ease the wave-tug pressures that are applied to both gravitons and gravitinos.  Gravitons and gravitinos act upon Planck phenomenon related phenonemena -- as well as these gravitational particles acting upon superstrings.  The molding metrical activity of the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode that occurs right after the metrical activity of the simultaneous duration of the space-hole and the Bases of Llight, along with the "dance" of the superstrings (which act as the "dancers") in their respective world-tubes via those light-cone-gauge-eigenstates that help cause the mentioned "dancing" superstrings to motivate the successive series of the Planck phenomenon related phenomena to be the dance of the prior described superstrings, serves to restrict the wobbling of the Planck phenomenon related phenomena.  The superstrings operate as discrete units of energy permittivity, while their related Planck phenonemon related phenomena act as discrete units of energy impedance.
The metrical activity of the light-cone-gauge, as will be described later, pulls the described superstrings and their reverse-holomorphic field-trajectory (Pprp) into a normalization effect that is pulled, as a consequence of the metrical activity that occurs during BRST, out of their Laplacian conditions at the said locus during BRST into what is here soon to be the Ultimon Flow that occurs in-between each instanton.
When Planck phenomenon related phenomena wobble by 1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees during an instanton that does not involve the Kaeler Metric, then the mentioned phenomena will wobble 100,000 times back-and-forth during the BRST conditions that exist during the given arbitrary instanton.  Such an angle is a radial ange that is subtended from the coniaxial of the center of the length of a given Planck-Like phenomenon outward toward the Laplacian outer width of the same described given Planck-Like phenomenon as a force that pulls the whole Planck-Like phenomenon to wobble in a third Laplacian dimension in the spin-orbital multiaxial that exists based on the topology of the Minkowski surface of the described Planck-Like phenomenon.  The torque of the described central coniaxial moves along the surface-area of the outer Neumman perimeter of the said coniaxial (which is again centered throughout the length of the said phenomenon).  The reason why the tendency is for a back-and-forth wobble that happens 100,000 times is because most superstrings are bosonic.  (The basis of substringular nature is for these to aim toward a bosonic nature.)  Bosonic superstrings are two-dimensional.  In the simplest series of interactive orbifold Fourier differentiation, bosonic strings are supremumized.  (This means that a minimum of triune Lagrangian interaction via a Fourier Transformation happens to any bosonic superstring as the orbifolds and/or the orbifold eigensets that these begin to interact with through any discrete kinematics that involves the necessity of infrared energy to be applied to these.)  Two plus three is five.  The simplest orbifold contains ten interacting superstrings along with their Pprp.  10^5 = 100,000.  The factors that I described in the last part of this session, as well as the factors that I described in this part of this session are the reasons why the said Planck-Like phenomena wobble as these do, and this metrical activity works to keep superstrings unfrayed.  Sincerely, Sam Roach. P.S.:  Pprp means Plank phenomenon related phenomena.                             

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