Monday, February 28, 2011

Session 3 On Fock Space and the Light-Cone-Gauge

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Part Two of the Second Session of Course Nine

Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here!  Glad to converse with you.  Here we go!

The duration that occurs during the "space-hole", which is also simultaneously occuring during the duration that happens when the "Bases of Light" activity is going on through its sub-metrical existence, is a duration in which there is a reorganizing of the Planck phenomenon related phenomena flow.  Such a metrical activity limits the motions of dilatons and dilatinos that differentiate kinematically right before the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode, which thereby weakens the excessive Ricci Scalar eigenstates that exist via the holonomic kinematically differentiating Rarita Structure eigenstates so as to ease the wave-tug pressures that are applied to both gravitons and gravitinos.  Gravitons and gravitinos act upon Planck phenomenon related phenonemena -- as well as these gravitational particles acting upon superstrings.  The molding metrical activity of the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode that occurs right after the metrical activity of the simultaneous duration of the space-hole and the Bases of Llight, along with the "dance" of the superstrings (which act as the "dancers") in their respective world-tubes via those light-cone-gauge-eigenstates that help cause the mentioned "dancing" superstrings to motivate the successive series of the Planck phenomenon related phenomena to be the dance of the prior described superstrings, serves to restrict the wobbling of the Planck phenomenon related phenomena.  The superstrings operate as discrete units of energy permittivity, while their related Planck phenonemon related phenomena act as discrete units of energy impedance.
The metrical activity of the light-cone-gauge, as will be described later, pulls the described superstrings and their reverse-holomorphic field-trajectory (Pprp) into a normalization effect that is pulled, as a consequence of the metrical activity that occurs during BRST, out of their Laplacian conditions at the said locus during BRST into what is here soon to be the Ultimon Flow that occurs in-between each instanton.
When Planck phenomenon related phenomena wobble by 1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees during an instanton that does not involve the Kaeler Metric, then the mentioned phenomena will wobble 100,000 times back-and-forth during the BRST conditions that exist during the given arbitrary instanton.  Such an angle is a radial ange that is subtended from the coniaxial of the center of the length of a given Planck-Like phenomenon outward toward the Laplacian outer width of the same described given Planck-Like phenomenon as a force that pulls the whole Planck-Like phenomenon to wobble in a third Laplacian dimension in the spin-orbital multiaxial that exists based on the topology of the Minkowski surface of the described Planck-Like phenomenon.  The torque of the described central coniaxial moves along the surface-area of the outer Neumman perimeter of the said coniaxial (which is again centered throughout the length of the said phenomenon).  The reason why the tendency is for a back-and-forth wobble that happens 100,000 times is because most superstrings are bosonic.  (The basis of substringular nature is for these to aim toward a bosonic nature.)  Bosonic superstrings are two-dimensional.  In the simplest series of interactive orbifold Fourier differentiation, bosonic strings are supremumized.  (This means that a minimum of triune Lagrangian interaction via a Fourier Transformation happens to any bosonic superstring as the orbifolds and/or the orbifold eigensets that these begin to interact with through any discrete kinematics that involves the necessity of infrared energy to be applied to these.)  Two plus three is five.  The simplest orbifold contains ten interacting superstrings along with their Pprp.  10^5 = 100,000.  The factors that I described in the last part of this session, as well as the factors that I described in this part of this session are the reasons why the said Planck-Like phenomena wobble as these do, and this metrical activity works to keep superstrings unfrayed.  Sincerely, Sam Roach. P.S.:  Pprp means Plank phenomenon related phenomena.                             

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Part One of the Second Session of Course 9

There are discrepencies in the normalizations between Planck phenomenon related phenomena.  Planck phenomenon related phenomena of our universe are normal with a discrepency of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)i degrees.  Such stated phenomena of the furthest parallel universe in our set of parallel      universes are normal to ours with a discrepency of 32piI degrees.  I can imagine that some people are thinking, "Any charge that is divisible by piI degrees is zero!", yet, if such a number involves the scalar of a charge that  is linearly delineated through a transversal Lagrangian, then, instead, it bears a discrete and definetive value and thereby a discrete and definitive charge.  This means that the parallel universe that is farthest from ours has Planck phenomenon related phenomena normal to ours when one discounts a 32 dimensional separation from our universe.  Each parallel universe has such mentioned phenomena that are normal to each other with a discrepency due to a wobble during each successive instanton of ~1.104735878*10(-81)i degrees.  This corresponds to the wobble of the mentioned related phenomena from within their iterations and reiterations.  So, Planck phenomenon related phenomena that are adjacent to each other and are of the same universe are basically normal (meaning to have an orphoganol relationship in terms of corresponding differential geometry) -- except for the fact that such mentioned related phenomena  wobble during iteration not only by the angle that was previously described, yet, also through the gauge-metrical activity of  close to 100,000 back-and-forth motions per each successive instanton.  The operation of the space-hole  that helps to set the condition of an ensuing Kaeler Metric is involved with the fact that the mentioned related phenomena do not always wobble back-and-forth exactly 100,000 times during the successive course of each multiplicit instanton.  If Planck phenomenon related phenomena were to wobble more than these should during the course of an arbitrary individual instanton in an arbitrary locus, this could form a fissure in space-time-fabric -- since during the successive series of a Kaeler Metric, Planck phenomenon related phenomena must wobble half as much so as to allow for the gauge-activities of the Kaeler Metric eigenstate and the Regge Action eigenstates to both happen right before Ultimon Flow.  I will explain why that is right here.  When the Kaeler Metric is happening in a given locus over the course of sets of 191 instantons per group eigenmetric at the substringular neighborhood where the mentioned Metric is operational at, the duration that would normally occur for just the Regge Action is split into two durations of equal scalar "tempos" -- one for each Kaeler Metric eigenstate and one for each Regge Action eigenstate.  The reorganization of the Gaussian Matrices that happens over the duration in which the "space-hole" and the Basis of Light is kinematic right before instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse works to cause the Wick Action to be brought into motion when the Jacobian eigenbasis of an orbifold or when the Jacobian eigenbasis of an orbifold eigenstate is to change in terms of general Norm Ward Conditions.  The 100,000 back-and-forth wobbling motions of a Planck Phenomon related phenomena happens specifically during BRST to help prepare for the general duration of the Regge Action -- and the Regge Action is what converts the Hamiltonian Operation of the light-cone-gauge during BRST into the multiplicit group wave-tug permittivity that causes superstrings to cycle the Ultimon in-between each instanton.  So, if a Regge Action eigenstate is prepared to operate in half of its normal duration, then, the Planck phenomenon related phenomena that act as the local discrete units of energy impedance must thereby wobble half as much during BRST so as to allow for the added kinematic "drive" that allows for the necessary related Kaeler Metric eigenstate to happen at the latter part of the duration of an arbitrary instanton eigenstate that happens in a given arbitrary locus where a Gaussian Transformation is taking place.  This means that the wobble of the described discrete units of energy impedance here would transpire with half the sub-frequency that it would otherwise occur at so as to allow the initial activity of the light-cone-gauge to bring into motion both the here necessary Kaeler Metric eigenstate and the here necessary Regge Action eigenstate.  How does the wobbling slow down so as to allow what I just said to happpen?  When a Gaussian Transformation is to occur -- whether such a transformation is to be a gauge-transformation or not -- their is a fractor of a multiplicit dipole moment that mainly operates between what is encoded to form two orbifolds and/or that mainly operates between what is encoded to form two orbifold eigenstates.  This is so as to allow for a minimum of two local Gaussian Transformations that will consequently change the Norm Ward Conditions of a minimum of two orbifolds and/or will consequently change the Norm Ward Conditions of a minimum of two orbifold eigensets.  Such a fractor of a dipole moment at such a small scale slows the wobbling of the directly associated Planck phenomenon related phenomena that still sway over a common duration of BRST. (Although, over the last close to 13.7 billion "terrestrial" years, instanton duration has mildly slowed.)  Consequently, the less back-and-forth wobbling of the described discrete units of energy impedance allows for the motion of the light-cone-gauge during BRST to be able to bear the duration of an arbitrary Kaeler Metric eigenstate while allowing an equal duration in a relatively quicker Regge Action.  I am only able to explain so much at once.  I really appreaciate your reading!  God Bless You in the name of Yahweh!  Sincerely, Sam.                                                                                                                  

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Course #9 -- Course One on Fock Space and the Light-Cone-Gauge, Session One

Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here!  I am here today to provide an introduction to my first course on Fock Space and the Light-Cone-Gauge.  Here we go!

Point particles do a vast amount of their kinematic differentiation in-between the durations of individual instantons.  The duration of an instanton is what I call an iteration of the substringular as a unit.  First-Ordered point particles may be explained  by a Gaussian set per the successive series of the Laplacian conditions that work to define the Ward Norm conditions of both the substringular differential geometries through multiplicitly arrayed Fourier Transformations, as well as helping to determine the Ward Norm conditons of the norm-state differential geometries which are also multiplicitly arrayed through Fourier Transformations.  The interacion of the multiplicit Fourier Transformations of ground-states along with and including the multiplicit Fourier Transformations of norm-states forms the basis of kinematics, whereby, through a successive series of instantons, forms the procession of the activities of space via the integrable variations of time.  First-Ordered point particles of our set of parallel universes are associated with Imaginary (as opposed to Real Reimmanian) indices in the Gaussian positions ranging just over 0 to 32piI.  First-Ordered point particles of the central set of parallel universes may be explained relative to our universe with numbers in the Gaussian positions ranging from just over 32piI to 64piI.  First-Ordered point particles relating to the opposite side of  the Ultimon in terms of this set of parallel universes may be explained relative to our universe with numbers in the Gaussian positions ranging from just over 64piI to 96piI.  This corresponds to the condition that our Overall-Physical-Portion of space and time has 96 spacial dimensions plus time, & imaginary charge may be up to 96piIev per BTU that it associates with.  Any added imaginary charge density is automatically scattered from whatever source that the holonomic radiation that is being expelled is interacting with.  The Gaussian format of any particular space -- here we are talking about any particular orbifold -- must be the same, unless there is a Gaussian Transformation that alters the mentioned format.  The interaction of the countless Fourier Transformations causes the constantly inevitable conditions that cause Gaussian Transformations to happen all the time at various places over time.  Gauge-Transformations are the most common form of Gaussian Transformations.  Gauge-Transformations happen when the light-cone-gauge topology changes.  This happens (gauge-transformations) whenever photons scatter upon anything.  I hope that this is a good start to my ninth course!  Bless You, One and All!  Sincerely, Sam.                                                                                                

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Prelude to Course #9, My View On Phenomenology, The Next Part

Well hello again world, this is Samuel David Roach here!  I hope that you are enjoying my blog! 
Here we go!

Every life-form consists of things, yet no life-form is a thing in and of itself.  So, every living being bears a metaphysical partial quality, yet, every life-form consists of some form of matter.  A spiritual being consists of spiritual things, while a material being consists of material things.  Metaphysical means beyond the physical.  Metaphysical reality is reality that consists of mind that utillizes, to some extent, reality.  Physical reality is phenomena that utilizes reality without at least some sort of awareness.  Sentient means aware.  Physical reality is the operand through which activity may happen.  Physical matter is the stuff that is used to allow the activity to happen which needs to happen so that life may exist.  If there were no stuff that was used to develop the fate of the activities of souls, there would be no life to begin with.  Life is mind in action.  Without action or life, there would be no mind.  Without mind, there would be no reality.  So, in a sense, mind and energy the basis of all reality -- and matter is energy is static equilibrium.
Now that I have shown some of my basic views on phenomenology, next time, I plan on starting the next course that I have in store for you in string theory.  This next Course is the first course that I have for you about Fock Space and the Light-Cone-Gauge.  The views of these last two posts are not directly related to the next Course that I am about to start discussing, yet, I felt compelled to have some sort of tie in-between some of the concepts that I related in Course 6 and the actual body of Course 9.  You will not receive Courses 7 and 8 on my blog.  (NOYB).  Sincerely, Sam Roach.                                                                

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Prelude To Course #9, My View on Phenomenology, Part One

Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here!  Glad to converse with you!  Here we go!
Kinematic space is the basis of energy.  Energy in static equilibrium is the basis of matter.  The terms matter and thing are often synonymous.  Inanimate physical things have no sentient capabillity.  Spiritual things are metaphysical.  Metaphysical things are phenomena that are beyond what we would normally term of as physical things.  Spiritual things have sentient capability, so metaphysical things have sentient capability.  A living being is not a thing, yet a living being consists of things.  A being is significantly living if this entity is able to alter one or more members of reality that actually exist -- so as to have at least, to some degree, some ablity to lower the entropy that surrounds the given entity.  Any reality that actually exists begins and ends in harmony for the general good.  Any universe and any layer of reality starts in harmony, goes into entropy, while returning to a state of harmony.  The lines of reality that start  in harmony, go into entropy, while returning to a state of harmony, are a form of "string" in a different sense than I have descibed before.  Both are accurate in their totally different contexts, yet what I am describing now is not a superstring -- yet is a string of certain members of reality that begin and end in harmony.  Life that exemplifies sentient existence has a sense of free-will associated with it.  If a being has no free-will, then it is not a very participative life-form.  Even the decision to totally obey is a decision that relies in part on the free-will of the individual who obeys.  If an individual has the ability to significantly alter one or more of the members that lend to and from the state of harmony that at least one of all of the parallel universes begin and end in when taken partially, when one has taken into consideration all of the parallel universes as a whole interacting with an arbitray case relating to the prior mentioned set of one or more universes, then the individual is a being of life and not a thing.  I will continue with the suspense of this session that helps to show my take on the differences and similarities between physical and metaphysical realities at another time.  Remember, I am a firm believer in an Overall Physical and an Overall Metaphysical Reality.  This is in no wise a contradiction to what I have just detailed in this post of this blog.  Until later, I hope that you have a very good day!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.  In the name of the Word that created discrete reality!  Yours truly!                            

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Solutions to the Last Test of Course Six

1)  The collective consciousness, which effects and is effected by the multiplicit activities of Ying and Yang associated Chi throughout the duration known as time, is the thought force that pulls soul energy out of physical stratum after the death of a life-form.  When the multidirectoralized angular momentum indices of the described Ying and Yang that is associated with a life-form is aimed primarily in the direction toward the norm-to-holomorphic-spin direction that is relative to the forward moving time associated pull of space-time topological-substance of physical phenomena, then this condition sets the operation of soul energy to enter a region of less intrinsic Yang -- once the mentioned body of a given life-form dies.
2)  Superstrings are detected as tori because of the Gliossi associated fields that are acting upon these mentioned superstrings.

3)  Detectable superstrings are the illuminated ones because these bear ground-states that tend to be recycled indistinguishably, since, here, generally the exterialized field of such mentioned ground-states is what noticeably alters after a succession of relatively few instantons.

4)  Different superstrings often encode as the same phenomena due to the condition of indistinguishable change that transpires over the course of the recycling of ground-states.

5)  Substringular sequences are the patterns of Laplacian differential geometric substringular associations, while substringular series iterations are the patterns of Fourier differential geometric substringular associations.

6)  If there were no substringular sequence and substringular series iteration patterns, superstrings would then not be able to associate, and thus, these would not be able to exist.

7)  The condition of a subconscious or of a cognitive awareness of differential patterns produces an ability, to some extent, to overcome surrounding entropy.  This here indicates life.

8)  Two-Dimensional superstrings are detectable as "doughnut"-shaped toroidal-like phenomena, while one-dimensional superstrings are detectable as toroidal "figure-eights"-like phenomena -- the latter of which is detectable over a relatively brief Fourier Transformation.  This is do to the fields that surround these superstrings.  Two-D superstringular fields bear one annulus because two-dimensional superstrings, under a non-Njenhuis Laplacian condition, are short of a conformal dimension of three by only one spacial dimension, while one-dimensional superstringular fields bear two annuli because one-dimensional superstrings, under
 non-Njenhuis Laplacian conditons are short of a conformal dimension of three by two spacial dimensions.  Likewise, 2-d superstrings bear two and three-dimensional-associated partitions, while one-dimensional superstrings bear only flat-based (2-d-based) partitions.  This combined effect causes the fields of superstrings to bend via a torsion that is related partially due to the lack of triune Laplacian dimensionality, (under non-Njenhuis-based Gliossi conditions), in such a manner so as to have one annulus associated with the one dimension that is added to a Laplacian based 2-d string to make its field 3-dimensional or the two dimesions that are added to a one-d string that produces the conditions of a two-dimenional field moving through a relatively small Lagrangian so as to form what appears to be the conditon of the three-d field that transpires when one extrapolates such superstrings over the course of a very brief Fourier Transformation.  (This is since the conformal dimension of a Real Reimmanian-based one-d superstring's field is two dimensions under Laplacian conditions, and the kinematic operation of a briefly applied Fourier Transformation produces the detection of third dimension to such a mobile field.) Hope you did well!  Sam.                                        

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Last Test Questions For Course Six (Session Sixteen)

1)  What is the Thought Force that brings phenomena into the metaphysical?  Elaborate.

2)  Why are superstrings detectable as tori-sector-ranges?

3)  Why are detectable superstrings the illuminated ones?

4)  How could different superstrings encode as the same phenomena?

5)  What is the difference between stringular sequences and stringular series reiterations?

6)  Why must there be stringular sequence and stringular series reiterations?

7)  What stringular conditions indicate life?

8)  What is the difference between one and two-dimensional supestrings in the globally distinguishable?  Elaborate.                                                

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Fifteenth Session of Course Six

Well hello again world, this is Samuel Roach!  Wait 'till you see what I have in store for you today!
Tori-Sector-Ranges operate to form the same related sequences, and tori-sector-ranges operate to provide the same related series reiteration when these described ranges kinematically operate to define a pattern of phenomena that tend to not change to the perception of beings who detect the related superstrings in the globally distinguishable.  The actual superstrings that work to define the static equilibrium that I have just described in general may actually have changed and turned into different forms of superstrings when one considers specific eigensets of ground-states as individually considered phenomena, yet, the types of superstring that would occupy the same positions as the prior mentioned superstrings along the Main-World-Tubes throughout the Ultimon would be there, even though the specific topological substance that would be operated upon would be technically different.  The concept here is the concept of change that amounts to the same thing as before.  This is called indistinguishable difference.  This is because the basic fabric of the Continuum is all wave propagation in the form of the "drive" of thought energy, and all thought energy is brought into view gradually by a reverse cross product ("unscrewed").  So, all physical phenomena is wave that is, in a sense, "educated" until it is brought into the perspective of mind energy.  This "education" comes from communication among the members of the Continuum.  Misguided communication among phenomena and living forms tightens the cross-product of Chi that binds life-forms to suffering.  Right education drives life-forms into the Light of accurate patterns of the Collective Consciousness.  When one knows that everything is based on both Mind and Energy, then one is able to know that combinations of sequences of tori-sector-ranges that have some control over their own succession.This is the basis of being able to overcome, to some extent, the entropy around them -- and is therefore the basis of Life.  Such improved thought patterns being brought into cognitive view show the fact that life that begins and ends in harmony is the General Life of Space-Time-Substance.
(Time is more granular than fabric, so it is easier to change the future outcomes of reality than those of the past.)  That's all for now.  Please prepare for the last test of this Course!  You have a phenomenal day!
Sincerely, Sam.                                                                          

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Part Four of the Fourteenth Session of Course Six

Well hello again world, this is Samuel David Roach here!  Happy to be back!  Here we go!

Superstring-related ground-states that are indistinguishably different through a successive series of iterations, when not considering alterations in metric-gauge quanta and exterialized filled permutations by the related Fourier Transformations that happen to the given ground-states in the delineatory translation of the given ground-states in the course of their redistribution through the multiplicit operand of space, are superstrings that are detectable as relating to light matter and light energy.  (These are the illuminated superstrings.)  Superstring-related ground-states that are distinguishably different, through a successive series of iterations, in terms of the permutations that are Gliossi to the holonomic structure of the described superstrings over the related Fourier Transformations, that happen to the ground-states in the delineatory translation of the given ground-states in the course of their redistribution through the multiplicit operands of space, are superstrings that are detectable as relating to dark matter and dark energy.  Exterialized field permutations here are alterations in the fields that surround superstrings, yet are not appertaining to the topological Laplacian mapping of the here mentioned superstrings themselves, while permutations that are Gliossi to the holonomic structure of the described superstrings are alterations in the topological Laplacian mapping of the here mentioned superstrings themselves -- whether the exterialized fields appertaining to the associated superstrings here may or may not be altered in terms of the mini-string interactions in a Fourier tense, or altered in terms of the mini-string relativistic delineations as taken in a Laplacian tense.  Because I love the Human Race!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.