Monday, August 9, 2010

More On The Importance Of Not Colliding Hadrons

E(8)XE(8) strings that are adjacent have a spin-orbital-momentum that is covariantly assymetric. This assymetric spin-orbit allows for this type of superstring to not collide with other of such superstrings. Hadrons of any sort are the bases of the holding together of orbifolds and orbifold eigenstates. Counterpart pairing hadrons have a Laplacian delineation that bears a symmetrism that is trivially isomorphic in terms of orbifolds and orbifold eigensets that comprise electromagnetic energy and in terms of kinetic energy, and is non-trivially isomorphic in terms of orbifolds and orbifold eigensets that comprise mass. So, the colliding of hadrons would cause an attempt to produce a contradiction to a fractor of the Pauli Exclusion Principle that could undue the ability of the Wick Action in such a way as to undue the operation of the Landau-Gisner Action. Such an undoing of the operation of the Landau-Gisner Action could cause a lack in the ability of the gauge-metrical activity of the Higgs Acton, thereby inhibiting the activity of the Kaeler Metric in a set regional locus. Detracting from the necessary Kaeler Metric eigenstates has the potential to undo the ability of the local superstrings that are in the region of the Hadron Colliding Experiment to regain the necessary permittivity to remain as the energy that these need to be so that such strings may even exist. Yet, the tendency of superstrings, since these operate over the delineation of homotopy, is to exist as discrete units of energy permittivity. Such a juxtaposition has the potential of fraying local sections of space-time that could form a black-hole or black-holes that have the potential of damaging earth. Local space-time fabric is to remain unfrayed, since black-holes have the ability of spreading rather quickly. So, please end the Hadron Colliding Experiment so that our planet may last. I am writing this out of a love for mankind. God Bless You, and you have a phenomenal day!

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