Saturday, May 22, 2010

Course 4 on The Globally Distinguishable Vs. The Substringular, Session 13, Part One

Existence is primordially action and its result. The result of action is stuff. The result is space that obtains relative change in the given action. As said before, light is the result of the recycling of differential geometries. Differential geometries are real because they are shown by the results of action. Actions are recycled by the recycling of the geometries that are obtained by those particles that comprise the universe on the substringular scale. Light is the source of detection. Detection is the source of perception. So, how light is formed and how it differentiates effects the parameters we perceive and our world view of them. Light in the substringular bears wave-tug with strings (one- and two-dimensional). This wave-tug influences the metric in which the strings related to a common eigenbasis of light interacts and transpires. Meter, as said before, is successiveness in action. The successiveness of action in terms of superstrings in a tori-sector-range is allowed by a quaternionic-instanton-mode. Each eigenstate of such a mode allows for each subsequent instanton, and each instanton is an iteration of Real time for the space-time-continuum. The integration of instantons is time. I will continue with the suspense of what I am leading up to later. Until then, you have a great day.

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