Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Resonant Metric And Cohomology

 A Hermitian resonant metric, has the general tendency, of working to facilitate, a De Rahm cohomological setting. Whereas; A sporadic resonant metric, has the general tendency, of working to facilitate, a Dolbeault cohomological setting. 

The Facilitation Of Cohomology Generation/Degeneration

 Sound may often have the capacity for facilitating the flow of cohomology-related generation. Whereas; Heat may often have the capacity for facilitating the flow of cohomology-related degeneration. Sam. 

Monday, January 30, 2023

Strong Fractal/Elastic Modulus -- Strong Affinity Of Kahler-Metric

 A given arbitrary mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator, that works to bear both a strong fractal modulus and a strong elastic modulus, will often tend to have a stronger affinity of working to express the Kahler-Metric, than an otherwise analogous Hamiltonian Operator, that does not work to bear such a strong fractal/elastic modulus. SAM ROACH. 

Two Different Interdependently Spinning Covariant Orthogonal Holographic Planes

 Two different interdependently spinning covariant orthogonal holographic planes of topological manifold, will often tend to work to bear an inter-relative dual-state Nijenhuis Yukawa Coupling. SAM.

Kinetically Transferred Hermitian Resonant Metric -- Homomorphic Field

 A given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, that works to bear a kinetically transferred Hermitian transferred resonant metric, will consequently often tend to respectively work to express, a homomorphic core-field-density, at the Poincare level to its cohomological Fourier-Related-Progression. SAMUEL ROACH.

Furthermore; A given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, that works to bear a kinetically transferred sporadic resonant metric, will consequently often tend to respectively work to express, a heteromorphic core-field-density, at the Poincare level to its cohomological Fourier-Related-Progression. SAMUEL ROACH.

Reverse-Directional Nijenhuis kinematically delineated Wave-Tug -- Inversely Homotopic resonant metrics

 Let us initially say, that one were to have a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, that is to spontaneously have a Nijenhuis kinematically delineated force-like gauge-action applied upon it, to where such a physically applied Yukawa-Related interaction, in which the directly corresponding resonant frequency, of the said Hamiltonian Operator, is here to be coupled with the respective directly corresponding resonant pulsation, that is of the said Hamiltonian Operator. This general tense of a physical operation, is here to tend to work to facilitate the formation, of a directly associated sporadic resonant metric. Let us now say, that directly ensuing the earlier implied initial conditions that I have just eluded-to, that there is here to be a spontaneously incurred reverse-directional Nijenhuis kinematically delineated wave-tug, that is here to be analogous to the initially inferred wave-tug-related gauge-action, except that is to work to bear, a co-tangentially approaching covariant directional convergence, upon the topological manifold, of the general core-field-density, of the Lagrangian-Based motion, that is of the earlier mentioned Hamiltonian Operator, in a manner. that is Poincare to the Gliosis-Based surface, of the externalized core-field-density, of the motion of the stated kinematically delineated kinetically transferred Hamiltonian Operator, of such a given arbitrary case. Such an inferred reverse-directional Nijenhuis kinematically delineated wave-tug, may often tend to work to from, at least some sort of a mappable tense, of a dual state of two different relatively anti holomorphic cohomology-related displays, in so as to work to be expressing a tense, of an adjoining field, of which is here to form an "easement," that is of two different relatively adjacent inversely homotopic resonant metrics. TO BE CONTINUED1 SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Hadron Collider At CERN -- Rapidity Of Alteration In Phenotypical Predominant Layer Of Reality

 The Hadron Collider At CERN did Not destroy our universe. -- What it did, is that it sped-up how quickly the phenotypically predominant layer of reality has been changing into. SAMUEL ROACH.

Kinematically Driven Resonant Metric -- More Homotopic Stability

 The Lagrangian-Based motion of a  given arbitrary Noether-Based Hamiltonian Operator, that works to bear a kinematically driven hermitian resonant metric, has the general tendency of expressing more homotopic stability, than the motion of an otherwise analogous Hamiltonian Operator, that instead, works to bear a kinematically driven sporadic resonant metric. SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Reinforced Drive Of Angular Momentum

 When there is to be an enhancement in the torsion, that is here to be incurred upon the resonant metric, of a directly associated kinetically delineated Hamiltonian Operator, this general process, will often tend to help facilitate a reinforcement in the drive, of the corroborative angular momentum, that is here to be eminently associated, with the Lagrangian-Based motion, of the said respective Hamiltonian Operator. SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Hamiltonian Transfer Harmonics

 When one is to have a recursively iterative kinetic fluctuation in Hamiltonian transfer harmonics, in the general process of going back-and-forth -- from the motion of the respectively inferred Hamiltonian Operator, going into working to express a kinematically driven hermitian resonant metric, into then ensuing, to where the motion of the respectively inferred Hamiltonian Operator, is then to spontaneously work to express a kinematically driven sporadic resonant metric -- that this reductional type of a venue in physical operation, may, at times, be able to work to facilitate an additional torsional tensor, to resultantly become physically incurred, upon the Lagrangian-Based drive, of the integrable motion-related eigenstates, that are here to be interdependently interacting, over the durational course of the directly corresponding Fourier-Related-Progression, of which is here to be directly associated, with the spatial translation of the topological manifold, of the earlier stated Hamiltonian Operator, in so as to tend to work to help facilitate the attributable physical capability, of working to consequently assist the inferred "team" of mass-bearing energy, to more easily go, from one general region in time and space, to another. SAM.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Covariant Delineation -- Resonant Metric

 When the Yukawa Coupling that is to be physically applied, between the resonant pulsation with the resonant frequency, of a given arbitrary kinetically transferred Hamiltonian Operator, is to be incurred, via a covariant holomorphic delineation, this general process, will often tend to facilitate the proximal local presence, of a kinematically driven hermitian resonant metric. 

Furthermore; When the Yukawa Coupling that is to be physically applied, between the resonant pulsation with the resonant frequency, of a given arbitrary kinetically transferred Hamiltonian Operator, is to be incurred, via a covariant Nijenhuis delineation, this general process, will often tend to facilitate the proximal local presence, of a kinematically driven sporadic resonant metric. SAMUEL ROACH. 

Friday, January 27, 2023

Resonant Metric

 When the resonant pulsation, that is directly associated with the Fourier-Related-Progression of a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, is to work to bear a Yukawa Coupling with its directly associated resonant frequency, this may often work to facilitate, the spontaneous reinforcement, of its eminently associated "resonant metric." I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Calabi-Yau Manifold And Mass

 With A Noether-Based Calabi-Yau Hamiltonian Operator; The Yukawa-Based coupling of the net Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode that it expresses, with its net resonant frequency, tends to facilitate the formation of its mass. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Yukawa-Related Entity Of The i*PI(del). Action Coupled With Frequency -- Facilitation Of Sound

 When the Yukawa-Related entity, of the i*PI(del) Action coupled with superstring-related frequency, is to be absorbed by an electron, this may often tend to work to facilitate the said respective electron, into spontaneously working to emit a vibration of sound. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Electrons -- Absorption Into/Emission From

 When an entropic frequency is absorbed by an electron, this may often work to facilitate the said respective electron, into consequently working to emit, a heat-related vibration. Furthermore; When a charge-based frequency is absorbed by an electron, this may often work to facilities the said respective electron, into consequently working to emit, a sound-related vibration. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Resonant Pulsation

When a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator, is to work to bear a highly efficient charge, it (the said Hamiltonian Operator) will thereby resultantly often tend to work to bear the general tendency, of having a greater probability, of working to express an enhanced resonant pulsation.

The i*PI(del) Action, Frequency, And Chern-Simons Invariants

 When a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, is to work to bear a harmonically recursive re-calibration, of its directly associated Chern-Simons Invariants, its net i*PI(del) Action, will thereupon tend to work to bear, an eminent interaction with its net frequency, tending to work to form charge. Furthermore; When a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, is to work to bear an anharmonic recursive re-calibration, of its directly associated Chern-Simons Invariants, the net effect of its inverse frequency, will thereupon tend to work to bear, an eminent interaction with an inversive charge-related attribute, tending to work to form entropy. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Time Coupled With A Reverse-Relation Of Charge -- Entropy

 Time coupled with a reverse-relation of charge, tends to form entropy. SAMUEL ROACH.

The i*PI(del) Action And Frequency -- Charge

 The i*PI(del) Action coupled with frequency, tends to work to form charge.SAMUEL ROACH.

The Polyakov Action/Lorentz-Four-Contractions -- The i*PI(del) Action -- Noether-Related Symmetry

 The kinematic operation of the i*Pi(del) Action, in covariant interdependence with the kinematic operation of the Polyakov Action, (or, inversely speaking, in interdependence with the kinematic physical attribute, of the correlative respective Lorentz-Four-Contractions), works to help the multiplicity, of those directly associated mass-bearing proximal local Hamiltonian Operators, that are here to be traveling at under light speed, to tend to be facilitated at working to be able to better express, the general physical attribute, of a metrically covariant tense, of what may be thought of as being the general condition, of a correlative respective tense, of Noether-Based symmetry. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.(1989).

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Enhanced Torsion Works To Enhance Thrust

 The reason why the homomorphic spinning of a Kahler Manifold, works to enhance its “thrust,” is because this just eluded to general process,  works to enhance its torque. And; Enhanced torque often tends to enhance thrust. Sincerely, Sam. 

Kahler Manifolds Kinetically Transfered Transversally

 A spinning Kahler Manifold that is being kinetically transferred transversely, tends to work to bear a lower Nijenhuis topological sway, than an otherwise analogous spinning Kahler Manifold, that is Not being kinetically transferred transversely. Sam. 

As To A Spinning Homomorphic Topologically Smooth Calabi-Yau Manifold

 A spinning homomorphic topologically smooth Calabi-Yau Manifold, tends to bear a greater "thrust," than an otherwise analogous spinning topologically smooth Calabi-Yau Manifold, that is not homomorphic. TO BE CONTINUED!  SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (PINCKNEY HIGH).

As To A Spinning Homomorphic Kahler Manifold

 A spinning homomorphic (isotropically stable) Kahler Manifold, tends to bear a greater "thrust," than an otherwise analogous spinning Kahler Manifold, that is not homomorphic. SINCERELY, SAMUEL. 

Monday, January 23, 2023

Kahler Manifolds -- Sound In Their General Electrodynamic Behavior

 Hamiltonian Operators that act as Kahler Manifolds, tend to be more sound, in their reductional electrodynamic behavior, than other general types of Hamiltonian Operators. SINCERELY, SAM.

Enhanced Torsion Of Calabi-Yau Manifold

 When a given arbitrary spinning holomorphically driven Noether-Based Calabi-Yau Manifold, that is here to maintain an angular momentum that is gauge-invariant in its net direction, is hereby to recursively fluctuate (back-and-forth) from acting as a sporadically delineated Hamiltonian Operator of topological manifold, into then spontaneously acting as a delineated Kahler-Based topological manifold of Hamiltonian Operation, it will therefore often tend to follow, that such an inferred Calabi-Yau-Related Hamiltonian Operator, will thereby have the potential tendency, of resultantly having a potential enhancement of torsion, as taken upon the particular physical eigenbase of space-time-fabric, of which such a stated Hamiltonian Operator of a Calabli-Yau nature is to be acting upon, as such a system of energy-related eigenstate(s) is to be incurred upon the kinematically covariant substrate of Ward-Cauchy-Related pressurized vacuum, that such an inferred recursively perturbative Calabi-Yau Manifold is to traveling both through and amongst, as taken over the directly corresponding Fourier-Related-Progression,  in which it is to be kinematically functioning, as such an inferred recursively operating "team," of one or more interdependently functioning energy-related eigenstates. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Electrons/Photons -- Fractal Modulus/Elastic Modulus

 The discrete electrostatic-oriented proximal local presence of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode in electrons, helps to make these tend to work to bear a relatively greater fractal modulus, than a photon. (This is why an electron's Hitchin Modulus, tends to work to bear a greater "d" automorphic-related fibration mode.)Yet; The general "non inflatable" characteristic of the i*PI(del) Action in photons, helps to make these tend to work to bear a relatively greater elastic modulus, than an electron. (This is why a photon's Hitchin Modulus, tends to work to bear a greater "p" automorphic-related fibration mode.) TO BE CONTINUED!SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.(1989).

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Homotopic Topological Sway Of Majorana-Weyl-Invariant Spinor

 When a given arbitrary Majorana-Weyl-Invariant Spinor is to oscillate, in a manner that is relatively Nijenhuis to the holomorphic direction of the correlative wave-tug, that is here to be of its directly associated angular momentum, it hereby follows, that the corroborative torsional topological sway, of its earlier inferred tense, of a spin-related oscillation, may be said to tend to bear the general tense, of a physical homotopic symmetrical attribute.(1989). TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.  

Dual-State Kahler Hamiltonian Operation

 Two different and distinct kinematically delineated Noether-Related Kahler-Based topological manifolds, that are here to act as interdependent covariant moving Hamiltonian Operators in time and space, may often be described of, as working to express, what I call, a "Dual-State Kahler Hamiltonian Operation." SAMUEL ROACH.

Diffeomorphic Yau-Exact Calabi-Yau Manifold -- Kahler Topological Manifold

 A diffeomorphic Noether-Based Yau-Exact Calabi-Yau Manifold always tends to be a Kahler topological Manifold, yet, a Calabi-Yau Kahler topological manifold does not always tend to be diffeomorphic. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Metric-Based Chern-Simons-Related Spurs -- Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons-Related Spurs

 It is often the case, to where the incursion of certain metric-based Chern-Simons-Related spurs, may work to facilitate the formation of the incursion of certain eminently related Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons-Related spurs. This is respectively to where;  the distributional delineation of certain metric-based Chern-Simons-Related spurs, as incurred upon an initially Kahler Hamiltonian Operator, may often work to form the distributional delineation of certain eminently related Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons-Related spurs, in which such a general inferred facilitation, may often work to allow for the consequentially resultant spontaneous sporadic motion, of the earlier inferred kinematically delineated Calabi-Related topological manifold. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Spontaneously Incurred Chern-Simons-Related Spur

 When an initially Kahler Hamiltonian Operator, is to spontaneously have a Chern-Simons-Related spur incurred upon it, this general type of an action, will often tend to facilitate the spontaneous reaction, in which the stated Hamiltonian Operator, will subsequently tend to ensue, in so as to express an immediately following sporadic tense of motion. SAM.

Kahler Manifolds -- Aerodynamic

 Kinematically delineated Calabi-Yau Manifolds that are Kahler, have the general tendency of being more aerodynamic, than otherwise analogous Calabi-Yau Manifolds that are not Kahler. This is because such Kahler Manifolds, since these have a smooth Riemann surface, will tend to work to bear both less Chern-Simons Lagrangian-Based spurs and less Chern-Simons metric-based spurs. This just stated condition, works to facilitate the general physical condition, in which such mentioned Calabi-Yau Manifolds, will thereby consequently tend to work to bear both a more hermitian Lagrangian-Based spatial transfer, as well as tending to work to bear a more hermitian metric-based spatial transfer. This general condition, will consequently lead to the general physical attribute, in which such an implied Kahler Manifold, will thereby resultantly tend to spontaneously work to bear both a more hermitian angular momentum, as well as spontaneously working to bear a more hermitian spin-orbital momentum. This thereby tends to free-up the motion of such an inferred Kahler-Based Calabi-Yau Manifold, to where, as implied before,  it is thereby to consequently tend to end-up spontaneously becoming more "aerodynamic," than an otherwise analogous kinematically delineated Calabi-Yau Manifold. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH. 

Friday, January 20, 2023

Recursively Gauged "Team" Of Calabi-Yau Manifold Eigenstates

 When a cohesive set of recursively gauged homomorphic covariant kinematically interdependent spinning Calabi-Yau Manifold eigenstates, is to escalate, in its hereby inferred directly associated Clifford-Related Expansion, as under the proximal local presence of a Ricci Flat anti gravitational force, over time, this will tend to have the general consequential result, of working to cause the thus accelerated eminently associated net Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to be spinning ever so rapidly, to work to bear an ensuing spontaneously sudden transversal acceleration. TO BE CONTINUED, LATER! SAMUEL ROACH.

Spinning Isotropically Stable Calabi-Yau Manifold --- Fourier-Related-Progression

 A spinning isotropically stable Calabi-Yau Manifold, tends to have a stronger Fourier-Related-Progression, than an otherwise analogous spinning holonomic topological manifold, that is not isotropically stable. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Smooth Homotopic Topological Manifolds -- Aerodynamics

 Smooth Ward-Cauchy homotopic-related topological manifolds, particularly when in the proximal local presence of an anti gravitational field, have the general physically attributable characteristic, of tending to have a probability, of working to bear the general tense, of expressing relatively high aerodynamic-related qualities. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL.

A Kahler Manifold Traveling In An Anti Gravitational Field

 A Kahler Manifold traveling in an anti gravitational field, tends to be able to accelerate both smoother and faster, than a Manifold that is Not Kahler, of which is traveling in an anti gravitational field. SAMUEL.

Calabi-Yau Manifold With A Lack Of Homotopic Symmetry -- Less Likely To Be Highly Kahler

 A given arbitrary Calabi-Yau Manifold, that is here to express a relative lack of homotopic symmetry, will consequently tend to be less likely to express, the physical condition of being highly Kahler. SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

Highly Kahler Hamiltonian Operator -- More Sudden Change In Direction

 A highly Kahler Hamiltonian Operator, will often tend to be more capable of making a relatively sudden change in the direction of its angular momentum, than a less Kahler Hamiltonian Operator is capable of. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

When A Yau-Exact Calabi-Yau Manifold Is Kahler

 When a Yau-Exact Calabi-Yau Manifold, is to work to bear a recursive physically attributable spatial translation, of its covariant proximal local homotopic metric-related characteristics, in a piecewise continuous manner, as taken over a directly corresponding Fourier-Related-Progression, this will often tend to be indicative of the proximal local presence, of a topological manifold, of which is here to be expressing the general quality, of exhibiting the display of a tense of the Kahler-Metric. SAM.(1989). 

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Spontaneously Incurred Nijenhuis Gauge-Action

 When a gauge-action, that is to be spontaneously incurred, upon the topological manifold of a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, which is, as well, to be directed in a Nijenhuis manner, as this is here to be taken, over the durational course of a directly corresponding Fourier-Related-Progression, to where this is to be occurring at a region that is proximal local to an anti gravitational physical environment, the resultant spontaneous Lagrangian-Based reaction, that is here to be directly associated with the motion of the earlier stated Hamiltonian Operator, will consequently often tend to be more sudden, than if the motion of the said Hamiltonian Operator, which was to be incurred upon, by such an earlier inferred Nijenhuis gauge-action, was instead,to be directed under the guise of a heuristic gravitational physical environment. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Smallest Metric-Related Radial Distributional Delineation Possible

 The smallest metric-related radial distributional delineation, in the disturbance of the pressurized vacuum of space-time-fabric, that may possibly be divvied out, is directly associated, with what may be tantamount, to the smallest possible sub-Lagrangian-Based motion, that the phenomenology of zero-point-energy is able to spatially translate, as from within the Ward-Cauchy-Related realm, of the multiplicity of substring-based phenomenology. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Kahler-Noether-Slater Relation (KNS)

 A given arbitrary orientable kinematically transferred mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator, of which is to be incurred upon by a relatively strong anti gravitational force, to where this inferred "team" of mass-bearing energy, is here to act as an accelerating hermitian covariant delineated Gaussian-Based eigenstate, of which is here to work to bear a smooth Riemann topological surface, as taken at the Poincare level to its externalized core-field-density, is thereby to consequently tend to be working to express a relatively smooth escalating Clifford Expansion of Fourier-Related-Progression, to where the mappable-tracing of the homotopic transfer, that is here to be of the correlative co-differentiable symmetrism of its spatial motion, over time, is hereby to often tend to express a heuristic Slater-Related tense of characteristics. I call this type of an association, the Kahler-Noether-Slater relation. (KNS). SAMUEL ROACH.(1989).

Monday, January 16, 2023

Reverse Gs -- Anti Gravity/Heuristic Gravity

 The undesirable effects of the "reverse gs," that are here, to be eminently associated with a potentially proximal local incurred anti gravitational system, tend to be more easily overcome, than the undesirable effects of the "reverse gs," that are here, instead, to be eminently associated with a potentially proximal local incurred heuristic gravitational system. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

A Morphologically-Based Recursively Inverting Homomorphic Hermitian Yau-Exact Topological Manifold

 A morphologically-based recursively inverting homomorphic hermitian Yau-Exact topological manifold, that works to bear a Fourier-Related-Progression, that is not escalating in its respectively associated Euclidean Expansion, will often work to behave, as a homotopic gauge-invariant kinematically delineated genus, of an eminently associated spatially transferred Hamiltonian eigenstate, of the Kahler-Metric. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Calabi-Yau Manifold -- Cevita Action -- Kahler-Based Characteristics

 When a given arbitrary heuristic Calabi-Yau Manifold, is to be physically enacted upon, by a particular genus of the Cevita Action, this may often tend to lower the probability, that such an inferred Yau-Exact Hamiltonian Operator, will consequently be able to spontaneously express the incurred exemplification, of a set of respectively resultant Kahler-Based characteristics. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Calabi-Yau Manifold -- Wess-Zumino Action -- Kahler-Based Characteristics

 When a given arbitrary heuristic Calabi-Yau Manifold, is physically enacted upon, by the proximal local incursion, of a certain genus of the Wess-Zumino Action, this may often tend to enhance the probability, that such an inferred  Yau-Exact genus of a topological manifold, will consequently work to bear a heightened tense, of spontaneously working to express, a resultant exemplification, of a directly associated set, of corelative Kahler-Based characteristics. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Homeomorphic Field That Is Also Homotopic

 A given arbitrary Noether-Based homeomorphic gauge-invariant set, of two different highly Kahler Hamiltonian Operators, of which are here to be kinematically morphologically interdependent, as taken at the Poincare level, to the Gliosis-Based Riemann surface, that is of their so-eluded-to relatively smooth externalized Gaussian core-field-density, may often be construed of here, as being a dual homotopic state, of a kinetically driven pair of geometrically symmetrical covariant interchanging energy eigenstates. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Casimir Invariance And The Kahler Manifold

 When a Casimir Invariant field is to be physically applied, upon the topological manifold of a Kahler Manifold, in a Gliosis-Based manner, at a level that is Poincare to the externalized core-field-density, of the particular Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to be expressing such an inferred Kahler-Related field, the morphological contortion that is here to be viably effectual, upon the Riemann surface of the directly corroboratively inferred Gaussian-Based cohomological stratum, may often tend to work as behaving in a hermitian manner, as being somewhat analogous to the general processes, that may be insinuated, when in retrospect to the reductional kinematic operation of the Fujikawa Coupling, as via the Green Function. SAMUEL ROACH.

Cassimer Invariance -- Noether-Flow

 Since Casimir Invariance may potentially be thought of, as being the perpetual tendency of substringular  phenomenology, interchanging eigenstates, to maintain homotopy per instanton, it can thereby be theoretically surmised, that the multiplicity of Casimir Invariance, may often have a viable influence, upon the multitude of symmetrisms, of that net general physical condition of Ward-Cauchy-Related Gaussian geometric ordering, that is often thought of, as being Noether-Flow. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Topological Contortion-Based Symmetrism

 In many potential genre of the word, the term, homotopy, may often be thought of as being:

(Interactive) Topological Contortion-Based Symmetrism. LATER ON! SAMUEL ROACH.

Saturday, January 14, 2023


 One may think of the tense of a Hitchin Modulus, that acts like the substring-related tense of a fractal modulus, as being a "d-modulus." Furthermore; One may think of the tense of a Hitchin Modulus, that acts like the substring-related tense of an elastic modulus, as being a "p-modulus." SAM ROACH.(1989).

The Hitchin Modulus

 One may think of the substring-related version of a fractal/elastic modulus, as taken at the Ward-Cauchy-Based level, to be a phenomenology, which may be termed of as being, a Hitchin Modulus. SAM.

Radial Perturbative Spinor

 When a given arbitrary Majorana-Weyl-Invariant Spinor, is to spontaneously express a respective tense of radial perturbation, it will consequently tend to eminently result, at the inductive durational stage in which such an inferred tense of a perturbation is to occur, at happening to spontaneously work to bear, a tense of one or more corroborative metric-based Chern-Simons Singularities. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

Dimensional-Related Pulsation -- "Even-Keel"

 When a given arbitrary Majorana-Weyl-Invariant Spinor is to express a hermitian radial topological sway, it will consequently tend to result in working to bear an "even-keel" of dimensional-related pulsation. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Friday, January 13, 2023

The Incursion Of Electromotive "Hissing"

 The incursion of electromotive "hissing," may often be facilitated, by the interaction of spurious heat with sound. Heat is often capable of working to facilitate the presence of entropy. And; Sound is often capable of working to facilitate the presence of consonance. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Sound -- Facilitating Presence Of Hermitian Homotopic Topological Manifold

The multiplicity of sound, has the general potential capacity, of being able to become physically applied, in so as to help at working to facilitate the proximal local presence, of a hermitian homotopic topological manifold. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM.

Incursion Of Heat Upon The Cohomology Of A Hamiltonian Operator

 The incursion of heat, upon the topological manifold, of the cohomology of a Noether-Based mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator, may often tend to work to produce Chern-Simons-Related spurs, as taken at the Poincare level, to the net world-sheet of the stated Hamiltonian Operator, when this is here to be considered, as being induced into existence at a region, which is proximal local to the general region of the said incursion, when this is taken along the topological surface of the homotopy-related structure. SAMUEL ROACH. 

The Spurious Effects Of Heat

 The spurious effects of heat, may often be tend to be associated with a tense of homotopic divergence. SAM.

Hermitian World-Sheet -- Smooth Homotopy

 When the mappable-tracing, as taken along the topological surface of a given arbitrary world-sheet, is hermitian, then it may be said, that the directly associated cohomology, is here to tend to bear a smooth homotopy. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

The Homotopy Duality Paradox

 Here is a paradox that I have thought about, that I would like to share with my readers here:

Let us initially consider two different world-sheets of cohomology-related holonomy. Let us now say, that these two different respectively considered world-sheets, are, in at least some manner or another, to inter-bind, in a cohomology-related manner, at some Laplacian-Related particular region, in time and space. Let us next say, that one of these two stated world-sheets, is primordially of five physical spatial dimensions, whereas, the other of the two stated world-sheets, is instead, primordially of six physical spatial dimensions. Let us next say, that there is some sort of a tense of homotopic convergence, of which is here to help work to facilitate, at least some sort of a connection, between these two different and distinct inferred of, cohomology-path-based topological manifolds, of potentially traceable propagated holonomic curvature-related structure. Next; Let us say that there were here to be, two different sets of two propagational Ricci-Based flows of cohomology-related deformation, that are here to be distributed in delineation, both along and through, the general proximal local region, at which these two different individually taken sets of inferred homotopic curvatures are to inter-bind, in so as to work to bear a potential case scenario of homotopy, when this is in terms of the desirable continuous flow of space-time curvature, from the propagational Transform of Fourier-Related-Progression of one of these two said world-sheets, to the other. Let us now consider, when each of the individually taken sets of cohomology-related flow, are to become eminently Gliosis to one another, at the Poincare level to their core-field-density, that the inferred consequential collision of vibrational oscillation, will thereupon tend to result, in a net generative flow of cohomology-related deformation, of which is here to be tugged into the "arena," of only one of the two individually taken earlier mentioned world-sheets. Let us say, that one of these two net gauged flows of cohomology-related deformation, is to be tugged into the respective world-sheet eluded-to earlier, that is of five spatial dimensions plus time. Whereas; The other of these two net gauged flows of cohomology-related deformation, is to be tugged into the respective world-sheet eluded-to earlier, that is of six spatial dimensions plus time. Let us next say, now, that the mentioned net flow, that is to be tugged into the field of cotangent bundle R5, at the point of crossing the inferred boundary, that is here to be indistinguishably interconnecting the two stated world-sheets, is to be changing in its sixth  spatial-related derivative. Also; The mentioned net flow, that is to be tugged into the field of cotangent bundle R6, at the point of crossing the inferred boundary, that is here to be indistinguishably interconnecting the two stated world-sheets, is also to be changing in its sixth spatial-related derivative. The cohomology-related flow of the two, as such, that is to be net transferred into the world-sheet of R5, will tend to have a Chern-Simons-Related spur, at the regional locus of the general interconnection, that is here to be between the two earlier stated "meshing" world-sheets; Yet -- The cohomology-related flow of the two, as such, that is to be transferred into the world-sheet of R6, will tend to be hermitian, at the regional locus of the general interconnection, that is here to be between the two earlier stated "meshing" world-sheets. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (PHS1989).

Homomorphically Propagated Field Of Homotopic Transference -- Soliton

 A homomorphically propagated field of homotopic transference, may often act as a soliton. SAM.

Non Perturbative Restraint Incurred Upon Holonomy Of Propagated Tense Of Homotopic Transfer -- De Rham Cohomology

 When a non perturbative restraint is incurred upon a particular tense of that homotopic transfer, of which is here to be directly related to the correlative spatial propagation, which is eminently associated with the path-based curvature of the Lagrangian-Based flow of motion, of which is here to be directly associated with the Fourier-Related-Progression of the holonomnic permittivity, that is of the behavior of a given arbitrary respective Hamiltonian Operator, this will thereby often tend to be indicative, of a directly associated proximal local kinematically delineated net gauge-invariant field. Such a general inferred tense of quantum behavior, may often tend to work to facilitate the potential resultant expression, of a consequential spontaneously exhibited proximal local tense, of a De Rham cohomology. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Inverted Tense Of Homotopic Transfer -- Polarized Flow Of Cohomology

 The spontaneous inversion of a given arbitrary respectively perturbative tense of homotopic transfer, may often tend to help facilitate the potential polarization, of the directly associated proximal local flow of cohomology. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.(1989).

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Incursion Of Sporadic Inverted Homotopic Transfer Upon Cohomology

 The incursion of a sporadic tense of inverted homotopic transfer-related gauge-metric eigenstates, upon a given arbitrary cohomology-related setting, may often tend to have the capacity, of working to facilitate the induced proximal local presence, of at least some sort of neighboring entropy. SAM ROACH. 

Strong Kahler-Based-Quotient -- Strong Inertial-Based Momentum

 A given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator, that works to express a relatively strong Kahler-Based-Quotient, may often tend to express a relatively strong inertial-based momentum. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Strong Kahler Metric -- Relatively Eminent Proximal Local Homomorphic Field

A strong Kahler-Metric, may often tend to work to facilitate the proximal local presence, of a relatively eminent homomorphic field, at the Poincare level to the respective core-field-density, that is of the directly associated Hamiltonian Operator, of which is here to be expressing such an inferred tense, of the Kahler-Metric. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Non Perturbative First-Order Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate

The homogeneous Riemannian topological sway of a given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate,  may often tend to result in a directly associated non perturbative first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Perturbative First-Order Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate

 The Nijenhuis topological sway of a given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, may often tend to result in a directly associated perturbative first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate. SAMUEL ROACH.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Harmonic Perturbation Of Anti Gravity -- Harmonic Alteration In Pulse

 The harmonic perturbation of anti gravity upon an otherwise gauge-invariant Hamiltonian Operator, may often tend to work to facilitate the generation of a harmonic alteration in its pulse. SAM ROACH.(1989).

Enhanced Kahler Conditions Due To Anti Gravity -- Enhanced Thrust

 Enhanced Kahler conditions due to the incursion of anti gravity, often tend to facilitate enhanced thrust. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER!TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL ROACH.

Low-Entropic Electrodynamic Current Incurred Upon By Anti Gravity

 When one is to have a low-entropic electrodynamic current, that is incurred upon by an anti gravity force that is non perturbative, this will often tend to facilitate the proximal local Ward-Cauchy-Related environment, to have the capacity of working to express a potentially high scalar amplitude, of a directly related set of Kahler-Based physical conditions. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Hamiltonian Operator -- Flat Ricci Curvature -- Smooth Gaussian Riemann Surface -- Externalized Topological Surface Of Core-Field-Density

 When a given arbitrary Noether-Based cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to be proximal local to the eminent physical presence of a flat Ricci Curvature, it may often tend to consequently result, that the inferred respective Hamiltonian Operator, (the earlier stated (Noether-Based) cohesive set of discrete energy quanta), will thereupon spontaneously have the general physical attribute, of working to express a smooth Gaussian Riemann Surface, as taken at the Poincare level, to the externalized topological surface, of the region of core-field-density, of which is here to work to form the cohomological "shell," that is here to tend to be formed, (in case you are new at this), by the interaction of the Lagrangian (the energy of motion) of the stated Hamiltonian Operator, with its immediately external environment. This implies part of the reason, as to what works to facilitate the formation, of a heuristic Kahler Manifold. SAM.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Homotopic Transfer -- i*PI(del) Action

 The greater the absolute value of the homotopic transfer, the greater the absolute value of the i*PI(del) Action. The lower the absolute value of the homotopic transfer, the lower the absolute value of the  i*PI(del) Action. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.(1989). 

Gravity -- Homotopic Transfer

 The spontaneous physical application of anti gravity, upon the Lagrangian-Based motion of a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, may often tend to increase the homotopic transfer, of that respective Hamiltonian Operator. Whereas; The spontaneous physical application of heuristic gravity, upon the Lagrangian-Based motion of a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, may often tend to decrease the homotopic transfer, of that respective Hamiltonian Operator. TO BE CONTINUED, LATER!(1989).I WILL CONTINUE WTIH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Application Of Heuristic Gravity Upon A Hamiltonian Operator

 The spontaneous physical application of heuristic gravity, upon a given arbitrary moving Hamiltonian Operator, often tends to increase the impedance, that is here to be incurred upon the Lagrangian-Based motion, of that respective Hamiltonian Operator. THE SUSPENSE, CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Application Of Anti Gravity Upon Hamiltonian Operator

The spontaneous physical application of anti gravity, upon a given arbitrary moving Hamiltonian Operator, often tends to decrease the impedance, that was initially incurred upon the Lagrangian-Based motion, of that respective Hamiltonian Operator. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAM.

Lagrangian-Related Riemann Expansion

 The general motion-based process, by which a cohomology is to be generated, into working to form a topological manifold, is a reductional physical operation, that I term of as being, the Lagrangian-Related Riemann Expansion. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Gauge-Invariant Hamiltonian Operator, That Exhibits The Display Of A Reiterative Lagrangian-Based Transform

 A given arbitrary gauge-invariant Hamiltonian Operator, that works to exhibit the display of a reiterative Lagrangian-Based Transform, may often have the tendency, of working to express a recursively smooth Ricci Flow. THIS WILL BE CONTINUED SOON! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989). 


 When Ward-Cauchy-Related eigenstates are to bind, in so as to help facilitate the net homotopic inter-webbing of the multiplicity of superstring-related phenomenology in the cosmos, I call this general operation, the Riemann-Casimir-Invariant-Coupling. (The  R-C-C gauge-metric). SAM ROACH.

Low Impedance Heuristic Gravitational Field -- Maintained Gauge-Invariance

 A given arbitrary gauge-invariant Hamiltonian Operator, that is proximal local to a low impedance heuristic non perturbative gravitational field, will often tend to spontaneously maintain this gauge-invariance. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Gauge-Invariant Hamiltonian Operator -- Highly Kahler -- Spontaneous Maintenance Of Invariant Light-Cone-Gauge Attribute

 A given arbitrary gauge-invariant Hamiltonian Operator that is highly Kahler, will often tend to spontaneously maintain a general non perturbative light-cone-gauge-related field. SAM ROACH.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Hermitian Flow Of Cohomology -- Piecewise Continuity

 The more hermitian the cohomology-related flow, the more seamless that the piecewise continuity of its respective deformation will consequently tend to be. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Heuristic Gravitational Impedance -- Yau-Exact Hamiltonian Operator

 The lower the heuristic gravitational impedance, that is here to be incurred upon the electromotive flow, of a given arbitrary respective charged Yau-Exact Hamiltonian Operator, the more seamless that the piecewise continuity of its cohomology-related deformation, will consequently tend to be. SAM.(1989).

Cryogenic Electromotive Flow Of A Charged Yau-Exact Hamiltonian Operator

 The more cryogenic the electromotive flow of a charged Yau-Exact Hamiltonian Operator is to be, the more seamless that the piecewise continuity of its cohomology-related deformation, will consequently tend to be. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.(1989).

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Mild Hint

 What if it were possible, to harmonically synchronize the resonant pulsation of the given arbitrary emission source, of the respectively considered generation, of a directly associated Tesla surge(?); Could this general type of a Riemann-Based operation, potentially work, at least in part, to resultantly bear a spontaneously type of a harmonic alteration, in the initially considered surge of Tesla-Related Energy, to where this inferred harmonization of the initial flux of anharmonic electrodynamic energy, could thereby work to bear, at least to a certain amount, some sort of a decrease, in the initially inferred propagation of entropic electromotive flow? I realize that Newton's second law of thermodynamics indicates, that the net entropy that is exists in the universe can not be decreased, yet, is that really always actually the case? SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Friday, January 6, 2023

Complex Manifold With Homotopic Spurs

A given arbitrary Complex Manifold, with Chern-Simons-Related Homotopic Spurs, will tend to Not be spontaneously expressing, the general physical attribute, of acting as a Kahler Manifold. SAM ROACH.

Ricci Flat Hermitian Flow Of Laplacian-Based Topological Variance

 When a Ricci Flat Ward-Cauchy-Related Complex Manifold, is to work to bear a homogenously distributed hermitian flow, in its respective Laplacian-Based topological variance, such a stated Complex Manifold, will thereby often tend to work to bear the general physical characteristic, of expressing the nature, of a directly associated tense of the Kahler-Metric. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH. 

Covariant Kahler Manifolds -- Same Genus -- Interdependently Co-Differentiable Homeomorphic Field

 Two different and distinct covariant Kahler Manifolds, that work to bear the same genus of topological structure, may often tend to work to bear an interdependently co-differentiable homeomorphic field. SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Mass-Bearing Kahler Manifold -- Relatively Abelian Tense Of Angular Momentum

 A given arbitrary mass-bearing Kahler Manifold, will tend to express a relatively abelian tense of angular momentum. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Reversal In Radial Direction Of Spin-Orbital-Momentum Wave-Tug

 When there is to be a reversal in the radial direction of the wave-tug, of the spin-orbital momentum of a given arbitrary kinematically transferred respective Hamiltonian Operator, this general physical operation, will often work to facilitate the spontaneous formation, of a set of covariant proximal local anti holomorphic Kahler conditions. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.(1989).

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Diffeomorphic Topological Manifold -- Kahler-Metric

 A given arbitrary kinematically differentiable diffeomorphic topological manifold, that is here to be in the process of being proximal local to a non perturbative gravitational field, may often be said to be expressing, the general physical attribute, of the Kahler-Metric. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Kahler Manifold -- "Efficient" Ricci Flow

 A kinematically considered Kahler Manifold, has the general tendency, of working to express a more "efficient" Ricci Flow, than an otherwise analogous moving topological manifold, that is here, instead, to not be expressing a cohesive set of Kahler-Based physical conditions. 

Kinematic Fluctuating Heuristic Kahler Manifold -- Homotopically Sound -- Recursively Smooth Ricci Flow

 A given arbitrary kinematic fluctuating heuristic Kahler Manifold, will often tend to be both homotopically sound, and, it will also tend to bear a recursively smooth Ricci Flow. SAM ROACH.

Torsion -- Homotopic Convergence/Divergence -- Etale Cohomology -- Slater-Related Recursion

 The torsion that is incurred, upon the homotopic convergence/divergence, of an Etale Cohomological topological manifold, may often tend to work to bear a Slater-Related recursion. SAMUEL ROACH.

What Homotopic Convergence Is

 Homotopic convergence, is the mappable topological reaction, of wave-tug-related gauge-metric flow, via which cohomology-related path-based curvature is to be co-tangentially propagated inward and towards, from the initial source of consideration, as a projected trajectory of integrable covariant interdependent functionally-gauged zero-states, that are externally delineated, at the proximal locus of the outer shell, of the core-field-density-related region, of the multiplicity of each individually taken discrete energy quantum, of which are to come together, to work to form the directly associated respective Hamiltonian Operator, of which is here to be expressing, such an eminent mappable topological reaction. SAM.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Etale/p-Adic Cohomology -- Kahler-Based Attribution

An Etale cohomology tends to bear a relatively greater tendency of working to bear a Kahler-Based attribution, than a p-Adic cohomolgy will otherwise tend to express. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Dolbeault Cohomology -- Lack Of Kahler-Based Attribution

A Dolbeault Cohomology tends to bear a relative lack of Kahler-Based attribution. SAM ROACH.   

Dolbeault Cohomology -- Lack Of Piecewise Continuous Cohomological Deformation

 A Dolbeault Cohomology, tends to lack a piecewise continuous tense of cohomological deformation. SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Anharmonic Divergent Tense Of Homotopy

 Tesla Energy tends to express an anharmonic divergent tense of homotopy. SAMUEL ROACH.

Diminishing Field Of Kinetic Energy

A propagated steadily diminishing field of kinetic energy, may often be said to tend to be enacted upon, by a Euclidean-Related torsion, to where the directly associated respective enactment of such torsion, may often be said, to tend to be occurring, via a Poisson-Related recursion. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM.

Diminishing Propagated Beam Of Light -- Clifford-Related Torsion -- Slater-Related Recursion

 A propagated beam of light, of which is here to be steadily diminishing in its field intensity, may said to respectively tend to be spontaneously enacted upon, by a Clifford-Related torsion. The recursively considered torsion, that is here to be heuristically enacted, upon such a beam of electromagnetic energy, in so as to work to facilitate such a steadily diminished hereupon inferred electromagnetic field intensity, may be said to often tend to work to be inherently related, to a directly associated Slater-Related recursive field operation, as taken over a directly corresponding respectively potential proscribed duration of time. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Torsion Applied Upon A Homotopic Divergence/Convergence

 A Euclidean-Related torsion, that is to be applied upon a homotopic divergence/ homotopic convergence, is to work to bear a directly associated Yukawa Coupling, that will often tend to be eminently associated, with a Poisson-Related recursion. Whereas; A Clifford-Related torsion, that is to be applied upon a homotopic divergence/homotopic convergence, is to work to bear a directly associated Yukawa Coupling, that will often tend to be eminently associated, with a Slater-Related recursion. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Ricci Flow -- Kahler-Metric

 When the Ricci Flow is smooth (involving a flat Ricci Curvature), which tends to be when cohomological deformation is piecewise continuous, the Kahler-Metric will often tend to be relatively eminent. SAM.

Smooth Kinematic Heuristic Yau-Exact Hamiltonian Operator -- Kahler-Metric

 A given arbitrary smooth kinematic heuristic Noether-Based Yau-Exact Hamiltonian Operator, may often generally tend to have a heightened capacity, of working to exhibit the display, of an eminently attributable expression, of the Kahler-Metric. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Incursion Of A Heuristic Gravitational Force -- The Kahler-Metric

 When a proximal local region is to be incurred upon, by a non perturbative heuristic gravitational force, this will often tend to exhibit a greater display of the Kahler-Metric, than if, there were, instead, to be an otherwise analogous region to be incurred upon, by a perturbative gravitational force. SAM ROACH. 

Flat Ricci Curvature -- The Kahler-Metric

 The incursion of a flat Ricci Curvature, upon the proximal local presence, of an eminently associated given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, has the general tendency, of working to facilitate the capacity, of such an inferred "team" of energy, to consequently be able to spontaneously express, a directly associated heightened attributable exhibited display, of the Kahler-Metric. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Heightened Kahler-Based Conditions -- Enhanced Inherent Inertial-Related Conditions

 The proximal local presence of heightened Kahler-Based conditions, that are here to be spontaneously incurred upon a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, may often work to enhance the inherent inertial-related conditions of the respectively mentioned Hamiltonian Operator. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Effect Of Incursion Of Entropy Upon The Kahler-Metric

 The proximal local incursion of entropy, upon a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, may often tend to impede the capacity, of such an inferred system of energy, to be able to viably express the Kahler-Metric. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH 

Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- Kahler-Metric

The multiplicity of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode,  often tends to be less "bogged-down," when this is here to be eminently influenced, by a relatively heightened scalar attribution, of a Kahler-Related set, of Ward-Cauchy affiliated physical conditions. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH. 

Less "Bogged-Down" Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode

 The multiplicity of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Moode, tends to be less "bogged-down," when in the proximal local presence of anti gravity. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. 

Enhanced Angular Momentum / Spin-Orbital Momentum

 The incursion of anti gravity, upon a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, may often tend to be able to enhance the angular momentum / spin-orbital momentum, of the herein respectively mentioned Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to be of such a given arbitrary case scenario. SAMUEL ROACH. 

Monday, January 2, 2023

Relatively Low Density Of Infrared Energy -- Relatively Enhanced Kahler-Metric

 The proximal local presence of a relatively low density of infrared energy, often tends to be eminently associated, with the concurrent proximal local presence of a relatively enhanced Kahler-Metric.  SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Stultification Of The Potential Incursion Of Entropy Upon A Hamiltonian Operator

 The stultification of the potential incursion of entropy, upon a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, often tends to spontaneously facilitate, a relative increase, in the Kahler-Related behavior, of that respectively mentioned Hamiltonian Operator. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM ROACH. 

Extremal Metrics -- Kahler

 Extremal metrics tend to be Kahler, in the sense, that these often tend to be less inhibited in their motion, by the potential incursion, of externally derived kinetic impedance. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Part Two Of Stultifying Unwanted Entropy

 When proximal local Kahler-Based conditions are enhanced, this may often tend to facilitate, the stultification of the incursion, of unwanted entropic effects. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. 

Stultifying Unwanted Entropy

 The incursion of anti gravity, may often tend to stultify the incursion of unwanted entropy. SAM.