Monday, November 14, 2022

Part One Of Gravitational Topological-Variance

 When an electron is struck by a beam of electromagnetic energy, it (the electron), will tend to fall back-and-forth an energy level -- to where the resultant residual spare energy, that is here to be respectively incurred upon the covariant Ward-Cauchy-Related bounds of such a stated electron, is to consequently be released, as a tangentially propagated discrete quantum of electromagnetic radiation. Right around the moment, during which a beam of electrodynamic radiation, is initially to come into a direct contact, with the holonomic stratum of the core-field-density of an electron, (of which is to be about 7*10^(-17) of one second after the immediate Gliosis-Based contact), the interaction between the inferred beam of photons with the topological stratum, that is here to be of the core-field-density of the electron, to where the shape of the topological contour, of that gravitational field, of which is here to work to bear an eminently associated covariant immediately externalized relationship, with the topological field that is proximal local to the core-field-density of the herein stated electron, is to alter in its directly associated topological morphology, to where such an inferred gravitational field, that is here to be directly corresponding to the said electron that I have eluded to here, while in mentioning such a respective given arbitrary type of a case scenario, is thereby to consequentially vary in the delineation-related distribution of its directorial-related construction, to where such a general genus, of the correlative alteration in the directorial-related contour of such an inferred topological gravitational field, may consequently be said, to be undergoing the general process, of what I call, the reductional operational-related Ward-Cauchy-Related physical condition, of what may consequently be called, the Gravitational Topological-Variance. (GT).

Let us next say, that the electron-related co-tangential bundle that is being approached, by the earlier eluded-to beam of electrodynamic radiation, is here to be of an arbitrary spatial dimensionality, of N dimensions. (It may be anywhere from co-tangential bundle R3, to co-tangential bundle R6). The equation that I have recently come-up with, for working to help determine what the Gravitational Topological-Variance, is, for the case of an initially scattered electron, of which is here to be proximal local in its eminent presence, after about 7*10^(-17) of one second upon the initial immediate contact of the inferred electromagnetic energy with the eluded-to respective given arbitrary electron that is here to be beginning to be scattered, as taken at the Poincare level to the immediate region of direct interaction, is:

GT(v) = ~ {[[The Ricci Flow]*[((N-1)*e^((2*(1-N)) - 1]*[((N-1)*e^((2*(1-N)) +1]]

*(((N^.5)/N)*((e^(The Ricci Flow))^6) {+ - (I hat), + - (j hat), + - (k hat), ... + - ( q(n) hat)}.

To where, the "hat" term, is here to elude to a reference, to the reductional shape-based delineation-related distribution, that is here to be constructed, via an understanding of the Laplacian-Based direction(s), of which are here to be directly related to the mappable contour of the shape of the directly correlative gravitational field, that is here to be expressed, at the eminent proximal local region, that is immediately externalized to the core-field-density, that is here to be directly associated with the eminently correlative electron, that is here to be of such a respectively given arbitrary type of a case scenario. SAMUEL. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! 

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