Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Harmonically Oscillating Net Gauged-Action -- Recursively Re-Calibrated Chern-Simons Invariants

 When the net gauged-action, of a given arbitrary kinematically delineated Noether-Based mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator, is to harmonically oscillate, over the course of a directly associated Fourier-Related-Progression, the stated Hamiltonian Operator, will thereby consequently tend to spontaneously work to be eminently associated, with bearing a field, that is to be Poincare to the proximal local presence, of a facilitated tense, of a set of one or more directly associated covariant kinematically distributed recursively re-calibrated Chern-Simons-Invariant-Related metric-gauge eigenstates. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH. 

Monday, November 28, 2022

As To Charge

 Charge amounts to being --- The kinematically distributed delineation, of the wave-tug of magnetism-related metric-gauge eigenstates.  TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Flow Of The I*PI(del) Action -- Wess-Zumino Action/Civita Actions

 The heuristic permeation of the flow of the I*PI(del) Action, often tends to be eminently associated, with a particular tense of the Wess-Zumino Action. Whereas; The dispersive restraint of the flow of the I*PI(del) Action, often tends to be eminently associated, with a particular tense of the Civita Action. SAMUEL ROACH. 

Part 3 Of The Flow Of The I*PI(del) Action

 The heuristic permeation of the flow of the i*PI(del) Action, often tends to help in working to facilitate, the inverted dispersion, of spontaneously formed Chern-Simons Invariant metric-gauge eigenstates. Whereas; The dispersive restraint of the flow of the I*PI(del) Action, often tends to help in working to facilitate, the heuristic dispersion, of spontaneously formed Chern-Simons Invariant metric-gauge eigenstates. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL LDAVID ROACH. 

Riemann/Rayleigh Scattering Of Cohomology-Related Flow

 Charge often tends to facilitate, the Riemann Scattering of a cohomology-related flow. Whereas; Entropy often tends to facilitate, the Rayleigh Scattering of a cohomology-related flow. SAMUEL ROACH. 

Part 2 Of The Flow Of The I*PI(del) Action

 The heuristic permeation of the flow of the I*PI(del) Action, works to help form the harmonic output, of the respectively recursively re-calibrated Chern-Simons Invariants. And; The dispersive restraint of the flow of the I*PI(del) Action, works to help form the anharmonic output, of the respectively recursively re-calibrated Chern-Simons Invariants. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. 

Flow Of The I*PI(del) Action

 The heuristic permeation of the flow of the I*PI(del) Action, when Chern-Simons Invariants are being recursively re-calibrated, helps to work to form charge. And; The dispersive restraint of the flow of the I*PI(del) Action, when Chern-Simons Invariants are being recursively re-calibrated, helps to work to form entropy. I WILL CONTINUE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Why Lagrangian-Based Motion Tends To "Ripple"

 Discrete Quanta of energy have the general tendency, of continually working to bear both an oscillation-based motion, And, a transversal-based motion. When these are to combine, this general tendency of a simultaneously combined radial And transversal motion, (at the vantage-point of the respectively considered individually taken discrete quanta of energy), works to form the multiplicity, of a frequency of vibration -- as taken over the durational-based Fourier-Related-Progression, of the Lagrangian-Based motion, of the kinematic spatial translation, of a given arbitrary directly associated tense of a Hamiltonian Operator. (And, a Hamiltonian Operator is generally considered to be the overall energy of a system.) Such an earlier stated frequency, of which may often be perceived of as being the Inverse of the time of an energy-related physical vibration, may often be indicative, of the ripple-like motion of an eigenstate of an energy-related disturbance of space, of which is to interact spontaneously with the immediately externalized space-time-fabric that surrounds it, in a Gliossis-based manner, over time, in so as to work to form the general tense, of the topological multiplicity, of what may be thought of as being, cohomology-related manifolds. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Flow Of Magnetic Charge

 The permittivity of the flow of magnetic charge, works to form current (charge per time). And; The impedance of the flow of magnetic charge, works to form resistance (energy*time per charge squared). The dot product of the permittivity of the flow of magnetic charge, With the impedance of the flow of magnetic charge, works to form voltage, (energy per charge). TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Hermitian -- Transversal And Metric Spatial Transference

 Noether-Based mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operators, that are hermitian in both their transversal and in their metric spatial transference, tend to work to bear a Fourier-Related-Progression, that is here to be eminently associated, with a relatively smooth mappable homotopic translation, as taken over a respective correlative duration of time. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Friday, November 25, 2022

Enhanced Ripple

 When the ripple of the Lagrangian is enhanced, the scalar amplitude of the directly associated cohomology will have the general tendency of being augmented. 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Ripple Of Lagrangian

 The stronger the ripple of the Lagrangian, the more pronounced the cohomology. The weaker the ripple of the Lagrangian, the less pronounced the cohomology.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Schwinger-Related Vibrations -- Dimensional-Related Pulsation

 When the Schwinger-Related vibrations, that are incurred upon a tense of discrete energy impedance, are to alter in their frequency, this will often tend to abrupt the flow of the Fourier-Related-Progression, of the directly associated inferred discrete energy quantum, to where this will thereby have the general tendency, of often working to alter the directly associated dimensional-related pulsation, of such a mentioned energy quantum. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. 

Frequency Of Schwinger-Related Vibrations -- Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate

 When the Schwinger-Related vibrations that are incurred upon a light-cone-gauge eigenstate, are to alter in their frequency, this will often tend to work to spontaneously form a metric-based Chern-Simons singularity. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH. 


 When the "ripple" effect, that is to be incurred upon a light-cone-gauge eigenstate by the Rarita Structure, is to perturbate, the directly associated quantum of energy that is thus eminently effected, will thereby often tend to spontaneously work to bear, a resultantly formed proximal local metric-based Chern-Simons singularity. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Net Cohomological Flow Of A Noether-Based Mass-Bearing Cohesive Set Of Discrete Energy Quanta

 When the net cohomological flow of a Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is hermitian, it will consequently tend to spontaneously work to bear no net Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularities. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM ROACH. 

Entity Of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance

 When an entity of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance is spatially tugged, at a venue that is immediately external from its core-field-density, this general process, often tends to be eminently key, at working to form the reductional physical characteristic of mass. TO BE CONTINUED1 SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Kinematically Transferred Entity Of A Discrete Hermitian Disturbance Of Space

 The physical entity of a discrete kinematically transferred hermitian venue, that is here to be of a reductional disturbance of space-time-fabric, (as in the form of a disturbance in the tense, of the proximal local Ward-Cauchy-Related pressurized vacuum), tends to be tantamount to being analogously equivalent, to a negative i times its spatial transference, through such an inferred medium of pressurized vacuum. SAMUEL ROACH. (PHS).

The Restraint That Is Incurred Upon A Quantum Of Discrete Energy

 The restraint that is incurred upon a quantum of discrete energy, has both radial and transversal components directly associated with it. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH. 

As To The Del Of The Gauged-Action

 Since one discrete quantum of the actual "thing" of energy, is equal to a negative i times one discrete quantum of the actual "motion" of energy, and, since one discrete quantum of the actual "motion" of energy, is equal to i times one discrete quantum of the actual "thing" of energy -- it thereby follows, that; The physical restraint, that is here to be incurred upon one discrete quantum of the actual "thing" of energy, is equal to i times the physical restraint, that is to be incurred upon one discrete quantum of the actual "motion" of energy, and, the physical restraint that is here to be incurred upon one discrete quantum of the actual "motion" of energy, is equal to a negative i times the physical restraint, that is to be incurred upon one discrete quantum of the actual "thing" of energy. This is what I meant, when I had described my idea in the past, as to what the "Idella" Theorem, is here to be conveying. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH. 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Sporadically Reverberating Hamiltonian Operator -- Kinematically Bound From Within A Set Of Ward-Cauchy-Related Physical Bounds

 When a given arbitrary Noether-Based Hamiltonian Operator, is to sporadically reverberate, in such a manner, to where such an inferred cohesive set of energy eigenstates, is here to be kinematically bound from within a set of Ward-Cauchy-Related physical bounds, it will thereby often consequently tend to follow, that such a stated Hamiltonian Operator, will thereupon often spontaneously work here to exhibit, the recursive display, of a reiteratively expressed set, of anti holomorphic Kahler conditions. SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Chern-Simons Singularities -- Homotopic Discontinuity

 The proximal local presence of Chern-Simons singularities, as taken along the Lagrangian-Based path of a kinematically transferred  Hamiltonian Operator, often tends to work to form, a tense of homotopic discontinuity. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989). 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Piecewise Continuity -- Homotopic Residue -- De Rham Cohomology

 The homotopic residue that is directly associated with a De Rham cohomology, tends to bear more piecewise continuity, than the homotopic residue that is directly associated with a Dolbeault cohomology. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.  

Anti Gravity -- Piecewise Continuous Conservation Of Homotopic Residue

 The proximal local presence of anti gravity, often tends to facilitate the piecewise continuous conservation of homotopic residue. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. 

Recursively Smooth Ricci Flow -- Piecewise Continuous Conservation Of Homotopic Residue

 When the Ricci Flow is recursively smooth, the directly associated homotopic residue tends to be conserved in a piecewise continuous manner. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL. 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Greater Kahler-Based Quotient -- Deeper Resonant Vibration

 The greater that the Kahler-Based quotient is to be, for a given arbitrary Noether-Based Hamiltonian Operator, the deeper of a resonant vibration, that such a stated Hamiltonian Operator will thereby often consequently tend to work to express. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. 

Inter-Binding(s) Between Linked Cohomology-Related World-Sheets

 When the inter-binding(s) between linked cohomology-related world-sheets is (are) hermitian, the inferred net flow of curvature, of which is here to interdependently exist from amongst the proximal local presence of such world-sheets, is thence to often tend to work to bear a relatively smooth homotopy. SAMUEL ROACH. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Analogy To The Fujikawa Coupling

 The smoothly hermitian folding of a flat cohomology-related world-sheet into a rounded cohomology-related world-sheet, is relatively analogous to the Fujikawa Coupling. SAMUEL ROACH.(1989).

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Discrete Re-Distribution Of A Gauged-Action

 The actual physical motion of the discrete re-distribution of a gauged-action, may often tend to be thought of here, as being an example, of a particular general genus, of a gauge-metric eigenstate. TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL ROACH. 

As To The Discrete Re-Distribution Of A Gauged-Action

 The discrete physical entity of a re-distributed gauged-action, in the Ward-Cauchy-Related realm, may often tend to be thought of here, as being of a particular general genus, of a metric-gauge eigenstate. SAMUEL ROACH.  

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Lagrangian Operational Indices -- Gauge-Metric Eigenstates

 Lagrangian operational indices of re-distributed pressurized vacuum -- as taken at the Ward-Cauchy-Related level -- often tend to act as gauge-metric eigenstates. TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL. 

Holonomic Operational Indices -- Metric-Gauge Eigenstates

 Holonomic operational indices of re-distributed pressurized vacuum -- as taken at the Ward-Cauchy-Related level -- often tend to act as metric-gauge eigenstates. TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Spinors -- Chern-Simons Invariants

Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Spinors often tend to exhibit the display, of recursively recalibrated Chern-Simons Invariant gauge-metric-related eigenstates. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM. 

Part One Of Gravitational Topological-Variance

 When an electron is struck by a beam of electromagnetic energy, it (the electron), will tend to fall back-and-forth an energy level -- to where the resultant residual spare energy, that is here to be respectively incurred upon the covariant Ward-Cauchy-Related bounds of such a stated electron, is to consequently be released, as a tangentially propagated discrete quantum of electromagnetic radiation. Right around the moment, during which a beam of electrodynamic radiation, is initially to come into a direct contact, with the holonomic stratum of the core-field-density of an electron, (of which is to be about 7*10^(-17) of one second after the immediate Gliosis-Based contact), the interaction between the inferred beam of photons with the topological stratum, that is here to be of the core-field-density of the electron, to where the shape of the topological contour, of that gravitational field, of which is here to work to bear an eminently associated covariant immediately externalized relationship, with the topological field that is proximal local to the core-field-density of the herein stated electron, is to alter in its directly associated topological morphology, to where such an inferred gravitational field, that is here to be directly corresponding to the said electron that I have eluded to here, while in mentioning such a respective given arbitrary type of a case scenario, is thereby to consequentially vary in the delineation-related distribution of its directorial-related construction, to where such a general genus, of the correlative alteration in the directorial-related contour of such an inferred topological gravitational field, may consequently be said, to be undergoing the general process, of what I call, the reductional operational-related Ward-Cauchy-Related physical condition, of what may consequently be called, the Gravitational Topological-Variance. (GT).

Let us next say, that the electron-related co-tangential bundle that is being approached, by the earlier eluded-to beam of electrodynamic radiation, is here to be of an arbitrary spatial dimensionality, of N dimensions. (It may be anywhere from co-tangential bundle R3, to co-tangential bundle R6). The equation that I have recently come-up with, for working to help determine what the Gravitational Topological-Variance, is, for the case of an initially scattered electron, of which is here to be proximal local in its eminent presence, after about 7*10^(-17) of one second upon the initial immediate contact of the inferred electromagnetic energy with the eluded-to respective given arbitrary electron that is here to be beginning to be scattered, as taken at the Poincare level to the immediate region of direct interaction, is:

GT(v) = ~ {[[The Ricci Flow]*[((N-1)*e^((2*(1-N)) - 1]*[((N-1)*e^((2*(1-N)) +1]]

*(((N^.5)/N)*((e^(The Ricci Flow))^6) {+ - (I hat), + - (j hat), + - (k hat), ... + - ( q(n) hat)}.

To where, the "hat" term, is here to elude to a reference, to the reductional shape-based delineation-related distribution, that is here to be constructed, via an understanding of the Laplacian-Based direction(s), of which are here to be directly related to the mappable contour of the shape of the directly correlative gravitational field, that is here to be expressed, at the eminent proximal local region, that is immediately externalized to the core-field-density, that is here to be directly associated with the eminently correlative electron, that is here to be of such a respectively given arbitrary type of a case scenario. SAMUEL. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! 

Friday, November 11, 2022

Ricci Flow -- Escalating Slater-Based Clifford Expansion/Euclidean Expansion -- Tree-Amplitudes

When the Ricci Flow of a Hamiltonian Operator, is to work to bear an escalating Slater-Based Lagrangian-Related Expansion, that is both of a Clifford-Based nature and a Euclidean-Based nature, simultaneously, via a "Sterling Approximation," the consequential directional wave-tug of the net gauged-action, that is here to be eminently associated, with the correlative topological sway in the drive of its directly corresponding angular momentum, will often tend to bear the resultant inter-play, of a set of one or more directly associated tree-amplitudes. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. 

Ricci Flow -- Escalating Euclidean Expansion -- Acceleration In Flow Of Frequency, Of The Correlative Transversal Hermicity

 When the Ricci Flow of a Hamiltonian Operator, is here to be undergoing an escalating Slater-Based Euclidean Expansion, the frequency in the flow of its correlative transversal hermicity, will consequently tend to accelerate, in a piecewise continuous manner, over a respective duration of time. SAMUEL. 

Ricci Flow -- Escalating Clifford Expansion, Over Time -- Increased Frequency In Correlative Flow Of Radial Hermicity

 When the Ricci Flow of a Hamiltonian Operator, is here to be undergoing an escalating Slater-Based Clifford Expansion, the frequency in the flow of its correlative radial hermicity, will consequently tend to accelerate, in a piecewise continuous manner, over a respective duration of time. SAMUEL ROACH. 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Scattered Electrons -- Cohomology

 When an electron is initially scattered, it will temporarily tend to spontaneously alter, from starting off expressing a De Rham cohomology, to then next, working to express a Dolbeault cohomology. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH. 

Scattered Electrons -- Temporary Lack Of BothTransversal And Radial Hermicity

 When an electron is initially scattered, it will temporarily tend to spontaneously lose both its transversal hermicity and its radial hermicity, to where, at the hereupon insinuated moment, in which such an electron is here to be scattered, the inferred Hamiltonian Operator of such a given arbitrary case scenario, (of which is here, to be the stated electron of such a respective case), will tend to spontaneously work to express the exhibition, of both a set of one or more Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularities, as well as inferredly mapping-out a set of one or more metric-based Chern-Simons singularities. SAM ROACH. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Lack Of Radial Hermicity -- Metric-Based Chern-Simons Singularities

 Right when a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator works to lose its radial hermicity, it will tend to spontaneously work to express the exhibition, of a set of one or more metric-based Chern-Simons singularities. 'TILL NEXT TIME, AT THIS BLOG CITE! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Lack Of Transversal Hermicity -- Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons Singularities

 Right when a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator works to lose its transversal hermicity, it will tend to spontaneously work to express, the exhibition of a set of one or more Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularities. 'TILL LATER, AT THIS BLOG CITE! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. 

Escalating Lagrangian-Based Expansion -- Correlative Hamiltonian Operator Not Gauge-Invariant

 A given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, that works to express an escalating Lagrangian-Based Expansion, will tend to bear a perturbative tense of motion, to where such a stated Hamiltonian Operator will thereupon tend to NOT be gauge-invariant. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Euclidean Expansion Of Non-Escalating Transversally Hermitian Hamiltonian Operator -- Gauge-Invariant

 When a non-escalating Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to be undergoing a euclidean expansion, over time, is to bear the general characteristic, of being spontaneously transversally hermitian, that such an earlier stated respective Hamiltonian Operator, will often, during the general durational course of such a case scenario, behave as exhibiting the reductional display, of the general tense, of a gauge-invariant nature. 'TILL LATER, AT THIS BLOG CITE1 TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. 

Ward-Cauchy-Related Fractal Of "Thrust"

 When one given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, is to kinematically propel itself from another given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, in a Gliossis-Related manner, over time, in so as to work to tangentially fleet away from the second stated Hamiltonian Operator, via the respective projected course of its Lagrangian-Based trajectory, as this is here to be taken, over the covariant duration, of a sequential series of group-related instantons, that such an inferred force of a Ward-Cauchy-Related propulsion, may often at times, tend to work to express, the general characteristic, of a Ward-Cauchy-Related fractal of "thrust." SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Some Attributes Of A De Rham Cohomology

 When a kinetically differentiable Hamiltonian Operator, is to explicitly express a Yau-Exact nature, it will often tend to exhibit the display, of a De Rham cohomology. A De Rham cohomology, not only tends to be both transversally and radially hermitian, in the projected trajectory of its mappable-tracing, yet, a De Rham cohomology, also often tends to work to exhibit the display, of a steady-stated pulsation. SAMUEL. 

Rotating Gauge-Invariant Hamiltonian Operator

 A smoothly recursive rotating gauge-invariant Hamiltonian Operator, that is transversally hermitian in its kinematic transference, will often work to bear its resonant pulsation, at a relativistically set locus, when taken at an internal reference-frame to the spin-related coni-axion. TO BE CONTINUED!  SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989). 

Asymmetric Spin, Of Adjacent Holonomic Mass-Bearing Phenomenology

Two different given arbitrary adjacent Ward-Cauchy-Related inherently Noether-Based mass-bearing kinematically differentiable  holonomic Hamiltonian Operators, that are Gaussian to one another, that would otherwise be encroaching upon each other's space, will have the general tendency, of working to bear an asymmetric tense of spin, in relative covariance with one another. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Heuristic Yukawa Coupling Incurred -- Holomorphic Kahler Conditions

 When a Wess-Zumino-Related Action is to be kinematically applied, upon the Lagrangian-Based motion of a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, via the physical application of a Heuristic Yukawa-Related Coupling, as this is here to be taken over a proscribed relatively transient duration of time, this general genus of a Ward-Cauchy-Related tense of an activity, will often work to facilitate the cohomology-related initiation, of a mappable set of spontaneously induced proximal local holomorphic Kahler-Based conditions. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! Sincerely, SAM ROACH. 

Inverted Yukawa Coupling -- Anti Holomorphic Kahler Conditions Incurred

 When a given arbitrary Cevita Action is to incur an inverted Yukawa Coupling, upon the Lagrangian-Based motion of a respective given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, this general modus of operation, will often tend to work to facilitate the spontaneous proximal local presence, of a set of anti holomorphic Kahler conditions, upon the directly corresponding topological region, of which such a stated Hamiltonian Operator is to be Gliosis with, over the eminent duration in which such a mentioned Cevita Action, is to be physically translated upon the stated Lagrangian-Based motion, of such a system of energy-related eigenstates.I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH, 

Thursday, November 3, 2022

As To A Hamiltonian Operator That Is Constrained Within The Confines Of A Semi-Infinite Well

 Often, when the Lagrangian of a Hamiltonian Operator is mappable, as working to express a recursively stable flow of motion, upon the physically projected trajectory, of a limited distinct set of anti holomorphic Kahler related paths, that this may often be the general type of a case scenario, in which such an earlier stated Hamiltonian Operator, is here to potentially be confined within a restrictive region, of which may here work to express the reductional operation, of acting as a particular case, of what may be termed of here, as being of a semi-infinite well. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. (PHS1989).

When The Net Gauged-Action Amongst A Set Of Hamiltonian Operators Is Steady-State

 When a given arbitrary set of Noether-Based Hamiltonian Operators, is to work to bear a recursively stable Yukawa-Based inter-relationship, over a given arbitrary respectively proscribed duration of time, the resultant net gauged-action, that is here to be present among the proximal local kinematic activity, of such a stated set of Hamiltonian Operators, will often tend to work to bear the nature, of working to express a respective set of steady-state-related physical conditions, as this is here to be considered, over the general course of the inferred Fourier-Related-Progression, of such an implied "team" of interdependently interactive cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. 'TILL NEXT TIME, AT THIS BLOG CITE. I WILL CONTINUE LATER WITH THIS!(SEE YAH!)

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Net Harmonic Schwinger-Related Vibration

 When two acutely approaching anharmonic Schwinger-Related vibrations are to converge, in which both of the initially considered respective anharmonic vibrations, are to be asymmetrically covariant, when in terms of their proximal local dispersive oscillation-based modes, there may, at times, be the consequential case scenario, in which the resultant net Schwinger-Related vibration, that is thus formed, may work to bear an eminent harmonic tense of the Fourier-Related-Progression, of a consequentially propagated oscillating wave, that is here to be transferred tangentially, along the Rarita Structure. SAM ROACH.