Sunday, September 11, 2022

About What The Ricci Flow Is

 Individually taken superstrings, act as the "thing" of energy; Whereas the Lagrangian, is the motion of such inferred "things" of energy. As individually taken superstrings, are to be moving through space and time, the interaction of such said strings, with the field, that is here to be directly external to these stated superstrings, works to form a phenomenology, that may be thought of here, as being the general topological stratum of COHOMOLOGY. The interaction of such COHOMOLOGY, with the general force of gravity, works to form the flow of a tense of deformation, which may be thought of, as being, what may here be called, the RICCI FLOW. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (PHS 1989). -- Hello, Genesis House!

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