Friday, July 24, 2020

Perturbation In Chern-Simons Invariants And Ward-Cauchy-Related "Thrust"

The net gauged-action of the perturbation in the Chern-Simons Invariants, that is of any particular one given arbitrary charged mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, acts like a substringular electrodynamic "thrust," that operates to push such an inferred cohesive set of discrete energy quanta along its respective given arbitrary Lagrangian-based path, over time.  Therefore; if two mass-bearing orbifold eigensets are to bear an opposite direction in the action of the perturbation of their directly pertinent Chern-Simons Invariants, this general type of behavior will consequently tend to make such said (orbifold) eigensets to attempt to be pulled in to each other.

Here is an ANALOGY, as taken at a macroscopic tense, that may help you to understand this better:

Let's say that one were to have two different rocket ships.  Each were initially aimed towards each other.  Each tended to have the same scalar amplitude of thrust from its own vantage-point, yet, when this is here to be taken retrospectively from each individually taken rocket towards the other rocket, the other rocket were then to have the opposite direction of thrust.  Once such rockets were projected into flight, his would consequently tend to work to cause these two rockets to be moving towards each other.  

Likewise; if two different mass-bearing orbifold eigensets are to bear, Relative To One Another, -- the opposite direction, as to the wave-tug of the net gauged-action of their directly corresponding perturbation of Chern-Simons Invariants, this will tend to make these two different inferred cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta to bear the opposite charge. Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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