Friday, July 31, 2020


When an interdependent set of electrodynamic-oriented orbifold eigensets, are to undergo a multiplicit (group) Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity, this will often tend to work to simply form --  what is commonly thought of as being a "spark." Furthermore; when an interdependent set of electrodynamic-oriented orbifold eigensets, are to undergo a multiplicit (group) metric-based Chern-Simons singularity, this will often tend to work to simply form an alteration in the directly corroborative resonant vibration, of the correlative said set of such inferred eigensets. Sincerely, SAM.

The Big-Bang -- Disturbance In Space

The initial general action of the Big-Bang, acted as an "implosion" that reacted into an "explosion," that worked to help in creating a very large set of dimensional-related pulsation-based eigenstates.  This very large overall net inferred set of metric-based Chern-Simons singularities, each consequently worked to form the spurious condition -- of a very large set of changes in more spatial derivatives, than the number of spatial dimensions that such mentioned (inferred) dimensional-related pulsation-based eigenstates were to be traveling through.  This very large overall net inferred set of Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities, each consequently worked to form an individually taken eigenstate of a disturbance of space, that was pulled into the general "cross-product" of that initially stated "explosion" that had acted as an equal and opposite reaction to the initial "implosion," that had occurred -- due to the initial general Gliosis-related contact of the Logos upon the core of the Big-Bang, working to form discrete energy.  The resultant sets of the eigenstates, of the general "linear" flow of non abelian homogeneously delineated "push and pull" states, that were orthogonal in terms of their Yukawa-based relationship, worked to consequentially help to form electromagnetic energy. The resultant homotopic balance that was then to inevitably occur, -- between the general set of non abelian geometries And the general set of abelian geometries, worked to cause such inferred energy eigenstates of spatial disturbances, to work to form that consequential general resultant steady-state product, that worked to help produce the general conditions, through which cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta were then to interdependently interact, by which the general physical principles of Relativity were then to be governed by this.  Once the physical conditions of Relativity were in place, discrete energy tended to have more of a "liking" to exist in cohesive groups, or in Orbifold Eigensets.  Once this occurred, mass-bearing strings consequentially became more prevalent. I will continue with the suspense later! Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Roach (1989).

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Harmonic Radial Motion Of Legendre (Co)homology

The more harmonic that the radial motion is to be, of that Legendre-related (co)homology, of which is here to be in the process of working to transfer a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta -- to where the here inferred mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, is here to be undergoing the general process of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode (at an internal reference-frame) --  the higher that the scalar amplitude of the directly corresponding physical fortification will consequently tend to be, of the correlative structural integrity of the earlier mentioned mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, (this is in reference to the said mass-bearing orbifold eigenset of such a respective given arbitrary case). If such an inferred harmonically oscillating cohesive set of energy-related phenomenology, is to be smoothly accelerating -- this will tend to be correlative to a translated covariant proximal local net Fourier-based Hamiltonian Operator, -- that will consequently tend to bear a smoothly fluctuating Ricci Flow. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Inverted Concavity Of Cohesive Set Of Gravity Waves

If one were to theoretically invert the concavity of the cohesive set of gravity waves, that were initially to have been directly applied to the external topological surface of a given arbitrary Noether-based cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, -- this will often tend to help reverse the general tense of the correlative gravity, that was (is) here to be directly applied to the inferred physical entity of cohesive discrete energy quanta -- of such a particular case (Ex: Gravity -- Anti Gravity). To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Accelerated Charged Orbifold Eigenset And Fluctuating Ricci Flow

When a given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to work to bear Chern-Simons Invariants -- that are here to be perturbated at any viable significant rate, -- such a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will then consequently tend to bear a physical charge. When there is to be a spurious behavior in the perturbation of those Chern-Simons Invariants, that are here to be directly appertaining to any one said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, -- the directly corresponding Ricci Flow of such an inferred orbifold eigenset, will consequently tend to fluctuate.  Therefore; whenever a charged cohesive set of discrete energy quanta (a charged mass-bearing orbifold eigenset) is to accelerate, -- it will consequently tend to bear a fluctuating Ricci Flow. Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Spurious Perturbation Of Chern-Simons Invariants

The more spurious that those Chern-Simons Invariants -- that are of any one given arbitrary cohesive set of discrete energy quanta -- are to be perturbated, as taken over the durational span of a proscribed sequential series of group-related instantons (that is in this particular case, over a proscribed brief duration of time), -- the more that the directly pertinent Ricci Flow, that is of such a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will consequently tend to fluctuate, over the earlier inferred duration of time. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Perturbation Of Chern-Simons Invariants And Alteration Of Holonomic Substrate

Whenever there is to be a perturbation of those Chern-Simons Invariants, that are here to often be directly associated with the covariant proximal local presence, of a given arbitrary spatially translated orbifold eigneset, -- there is to tend to consequently be the general activity of an alteration in the structure of the holonomic substrate of that respective orbifold eigenset, in order to work to bear a consistency with those correlative alteration(s) in the holomorphic spatial tendencies, that such an inferred cohesive set of discrete energy quanta are to be undergoing, -- in so as to work to accommodate the directly associated alteration(s) that are then to be present, as this here is to be taken in terms of the correlative  change(s) in the relative motion of such an orbifold eigenset, when this is here to be taken in relation to both the motion and the presence of electromagnetic energy. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

More As To The Perturbation Of Chern-Simons Invariants

Whenever any given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to not be changing in its relative motion, when this is here to be taken in its relationship to both the motion and the presence of electromagnetic energy --  its Chern-Simons Invariants will then consequently tend to not alter (perturbate), or, in other words, these particular Chern-Simons Invariants will then consequently tend to remain "invariant." Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Eminent Presence Of The i*PI(del) Action, Chern-Simons Invariants, And Charge

Whenever any given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to bear the eminent proximal local presence of the i*PI(del) Action (per sequential iteration of instanton), this tends to be associated with the presence of charge.  Furthermore; whenever any given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to be associated with the presence of charge, such an inferred cohesive set of discrete quanta, are to tend to have the physical condition of working to bear a proximal local perturbation in its directly corresponding Chern-Simons Invariants.  Therefore; whenever any given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to bear the eminent proximal local presence of the i*PI(del) Action, this consequently tends to be associated with the physical condition of a proximal local presence in the  perturbation in those directly associated Chern-Simons Invariants, that are correlative to the general physical activity of such a said respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset. Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Perturbation In Chern-Simons Invariants And Ward-Cauchy-Related "Thrust"

The net gauged-action of the perturbation in the Chern-Simons Invariants, that is of any particular one given arbitrary charged mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, acts like a substringular electrodynamic "thrust," that operates to push such an inferred cohesive set of discrete energy quanta along its respective given arbitrary Lagrangian-based path, over time.  Therefore; if two mass-bearing orbifold eigensets are to bear an opposite direction in the action of the perturbation of their directly pertinent Chern-Simons Invariants, this general type of behavior will consequently tend to make such said (orbifold) eigensets to attempt to be pulled in to each other.

Here is an ANALOGY, as taken at a macroscopic tense, that may help you to understand this better:

Let's say that one were to have two different rocket ships.  Each were initially aimed towards each other.  Each tended to have the same scalar amplitude of thrust from its own vantage-point, yet, when this is here to be taken retrospectively from each individually taken rocket towards the other rocket, the other rocket were then to have the opposite direction of thrust.  Once such rockets were projected into flight, his would consequently tend to work to cause these two rockets to be moving towards each other.  

Likewise; if two different mass-bearing orbifold eigensets are to bear, Relative To One Another, -- the opposite direction, as to the wave-tug of the net gauged-action of their directly corresponding perturbation of Chern-Simons Invariants, this will tend to make these two different inferred cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta to bear the opposite charge. Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Equal And Opposite Charges, -- Chern-Simons Invariants

Let us initially consider two different interacting mass-bearing orbifold eigensets.  Both work to bear the same scalar amplitude in the rate, as to the perturbation of their directly corresponding Chern-Simons Invariants; except, that the manner by which the perturbation of those Chern-Simons Invariants, that are here to be of one of such an inferred cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to be pushing in the opposite direction of wave-tug, than the manner by which the perturbation of those Chern-Simons Invariants, that are here to be of the other of such an inferred cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, -- is to be directed into, over a proscribed period of time.  Based upon this general type of a premiss; this will consequently tend to reverse-fractal, into this working to be appertaining to a condition, by which there are here to be two different cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, that are to result in having charges that are then of an equal and of an opposite scalar magnitude. Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Dimensional Compactification And Lowered Charge

Since when a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to bear basically the same tendency of motion, -- except for the general attribute, in which there is to be a situation, that is appertaining to the manner in which there is here to be a change in the set of physical conditions, that is here to be most directly associated with a dimensional compactification in the metric-related gauging of such a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, -- to where such a change in the physical conditions of the behavior of this said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to result in the tendency of a decreased scalar amplitude in the rate of the perturbation of its directly associated Chern-Simons Invariants -- that, this will consequently tend to reverse-fractal into the covariant proximal local decrease in the scalar magnitude of the charge, that such an inferred orbifold eigenset will then ensue to be exhibiting. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Influence Of Dimensional Compactification Upon The Formation Of Chern-Simons Invariants

Let us initially consider a given arbitrary perturbative tense of an orbifold eigenset, that is here to be going through two different successive stages of motion -- over the course of two correlative respective succeeding relatively brief time periods. During the first of these said stages, the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise the said tense of an orbifold eigenset -- are to bear a correlative arbitrarily considered number of spatial dimensions.  After this just mentioned first stage of motion, in which such a tense of an orbifold eigenset is here to be in the process of being transferred along a Lagrangian-based path in time and space, -- the inferred eigenset of such a respective case, is then to bear a similar tense of motion as before -- except that such a cohesive set of superstrings, are then to spontaneously alter into a tense of ensuing to work to bear a lower number of spatial dimensions in time and space.  This means that the respective correlative orbifold eigenset of this particular case scenario, is here to have just been spontaneously spatially compactified into then having a smaller tense of dimensionality.  So; if basically all of the other pertinent factors of such a spatially translated cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, are to remain the same -- except for that alteration or perturbation as to here working to involve a decreased number of spatial dimensions of which such an inferred orbifold eigenset is thence to have, -- then, this will consequently tend to work to allow for the condition of a lowered scalar amplitude in that rate, by which the perturbation of those correlative Chern-Simons Invariants, that are here to be directly associated with the activity of such a said orbifold eigenset, are thence to be formed. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Some Relatively "Simple" Stuff As To Tangential And Co-Tangential Bundles

Let us initially consider two different sets of cohesive discrete energy quanta, that each operate to perform both of their respective individually taken common tasks.  Let us next consider that these two different sets of cohesive discrete energy, are here to bear two different distinct mappable Lagrangian-based paths, that are here to work to be subtended by an angle "theta." If one were to take the tangential bundle of that path integral, that is here to be directly corresponding to the Lagrangian-based path of one of these inferred orbifold eigensets -- while then taking the Cross-Product of this resultant mappable Lagrangian-based path With the co-tangential bundle of that path integral, that is here to be directly corresponding to the Lagrangian-based path of the second of these two inferred orbifold eigensets, -- the consequential mathematical result, would then be equal to the sine of theta times the product of these two said path integrals.  Furthermore; if one were to initially do the prior stated math, (taking the product of the tangential bundle of one of the two correlative path integrals With the co-tangential bundle of the other of the two correlative path integrals), yet instead, in this second particular case, one were here to take the Dot-Product of the multiplicative result of the coupling of the tangential bundle of one of such orbifold eigenset With the co-tangential bundle of the other of the two said path integrals, -- then, one would consequently get the equivalence of the cosine of theta times the product of these two said path integrals. In both of these two different general types of situations, this often tends to be the case --  in so long as either one is working with two different Bianchi-related paths, or, if both of these two eluded-to Lagrangian-based paths are here to work to involve a different set of directorals.  In so long as both the directly corresponding tangential bundle And the directly corresponding co-tangential bundle are here to be of a cartesian tense of a respective divergence/convergence, Or, in so long as both the directly corresponding tangential bundle And the directly corresponding co-tangential bundle are here to be of a hyperbolic tense of a respective divergence/convergence, -- then, the earlier general tense of a situation would often tend to be viable. Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode And Conductivity

The higher that the scalar amplitude of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode is to be, for any given arbitrary correlative mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, -- the deeper that its directly corresponding resonant vibration will consequently tend to be.  The deeper that the resonant vibration is to be, for any given mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, the more facilitated that its directly corresponding cohomology-related eigenstates are consequently to tend to be translated, as through space -- over any respective correlative given arbitrary pertinent time period.  The more facilitated that the directly corresponding cohomology-related eigenstates of any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset are to be translated through space as such, the more conductive that such a said respective orbifold eigenset will consequently tend to be. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Isotropically Stable Legendre Homology, Working To Transfer Mass-Bearing Orbifold Eigensets

Mass-Bearing orbifold eigensets tend to bear the cohomology-related physical condition, of being Yau-Exact, -- meaning, that these tend to bear the Fourier-related condition, of tending to generate as much cohomology as these degenerate, in a manner that is relatively piecewise continuous, over time.  Mass-Bearing orbifold eigensets tend to be superconformally invariant, at an internal reference-frame.  It is phenomenology that is of a Legendre-related tense of a cohomology, that tend to act as kinetic eigenstates -- that are at an external reference-frame to those just inferred Noether-based cohesive sets of mass-bearing discrete quanta of energy, in so as to work to transfer these said mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, from one general locus to another. Ward-Cauchy-related string-based phenomenology, that are of an isotropically stable Legendre (co)homology, tend to have the capacity of bearing the Fourier-related condition of being able to generate as much (co)homology as these degenerate, in a manner that is relatively piecewise continuous, over time.  Phenomenology that  is of an isotropically unstable Legendre (co)homology, do not tend to share this stated capacity of being able to generate as much (co)homology as these degenerate.  Therefore, it is those superstringular entities that are of an isotropically stable  Legendre (co)homology, -- that tend to be the general Noether-based phenomenology, that work to transfer mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, from one spot to another, over time. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Samuel Roach.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Lowered Entropy Of Conductor, And Correlative Flow Of Charge

Let us consider here, an electrically conductive apparatus -- that is consequently to be equipped to allow for the flow of some given arbitrary flow of electrical charge.  The lower that the scalar amplitude of entropy is to be, that is here to be associated with the physical attribute of that conduction, that is here to be directly associated with the respective overall correlative electrical charge, that is directly appertaining to the electrodynamic operation of the herein inferred conductor of electricity -- the less inhibited that the conductivity of such a conductor will consequently tend to be.  Lowered entropy in a conductor, is often quite associated with the physical condition of a lowered scalar amplitude of heat, in such an inferred respective conductor; And, -- an electrical conductor that is of a cryogenic type of a nature, is often referred to as being a superconductor. Sam.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Decreased Number Of Spin-Orbital-Related Tensors

Whenever two different stages of the motion of a given arbitrary charged mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, are to bear a similar manner of a spatial translation -- over time -- except, that the second of these two said stages or phases of motion,  that is here to be of the said charged mass-bearing orbifold eigenset of this particular case, to where this is to be happening over an ensuing relatively transient duration of time, to where it is to bear a lower number of spin-orbital-related tensors, over the comparative inferred Lagrangian, that is here to be subsequent to the initially inferred Lagrangian-related spatial translation, that are both to be mappable over their pertinent respective stages of motion, to where the inferred second occurring Fourier-related Lagrangian-based stage or phase of motion, that is here to be corresponding to that inferred self-same eigenset, -- will then consequently tend to bear the condition, of a resultant lowered perturbation in its directly associated Chern-Simons Invariants, that are here to be of the inferred second occurring stage of motion of the said eigenset of this particular case, to where such a said tense of a perturbation, will consequently decrease in its scalar amplitude. Consequently; the stated (inferred) second occurring stage of motion, that is here to be directly appertaining to the relatively latter motion of the herein stated orbifold eigenset, -- will consequently tend to bear the results of a lowered scalar magnitude of charge, than it had previously exhibited during the course of the initial stage or phase of motion of this given arbitrary case scenario, over time. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

A Reductional View, As To The Creation Of Ward-Cauchy-Related Momentum

The following happens to be my conjecture, as to what initially worked, to help at forming sub-atomic momentum-related eigenstates, -- at the start of the occurrence of the "Big-Bang."

At the onset of the "Big-Bang," angular momentum was initially created, by the help of the crucible interaction of Logos-related ideas (to where such "ideas," were here to be of the impact of the overall thought pattern, of that intelligent design-related phenomenology, that came into contact with the core of the "Big-Bang," in order to create the multiverse) With the topological stratum of those Initially inert cartesian-related metric-based eigenstates, that worked to help in comprising the general centralized phenomenology -- that ended-up working to compose, what was here to be the fabric of the ensuing cosmological entities of space and time.  Whereas; -- at the onset of the "Big-Bang," spin-orbital momentum was initially created, by the help of the crucible interaction of Logos-related ideas (again; to where such said "ideas," were here to be of the impact of the overall thought pattern, of that intelligent design-related phenomenology, that came into contact with the core of the "Big-Bang," in order to create the multiverse) With the topological stratum of those Initially inert hyperbolic metric-related eigenstates, that worked to help in comprising the general centralized phenomenology -- that ended-up working to compose, what was here to be the fabric of the ensuing cosmological entities of space and time.  This said general type of an "interaction," at the mentioned onset of the "Big-Bang," worked to form a consequential expansion, -- that worked to bear a dual condition, of behaving, in part, in a way that was of a euclidean nature, -- while yet also behaving, in an ulterior manner, in a way that was instead to be of a hyperbolic nature. This consequentially worked to form a resultant expansion of the multiverse, that acted to inflate, in a dual manner, that tended to act in both a "euclidean" and in a "Clifford" general tense of an expansion, over the initial period in which time was created. Thus; angular momentum eigenstates were initially propagated, in part, at the momentum of the "Big-Bang," via the consequential general processes of a euclidean expansion, that worked to involve the Fourier-related translation, of one general type of a Rayleigh scattering; Whereas, -- spin-orbital momentum eigenstates were initially propagated, in part, at the momentum of the "Big-Bang," via the consequential general processes of a Clifford Expansion, that worked to involve the Fourier-related translation, of one general type of a Rayleigh scattering. These two general tenses of a Rayleigh scattering, were partial characteristics of one overall expansion-related scattering, that was appertaining to the ever perturbative delineation of the spatial inflation, of the earlier stated fabric-like eigenstates of topological stratum, that were here to ensue to form the cosmological entities of space and time. This consequentially created the impetus, of the multi-varied  directional drive in the Ward-Cauchy-related realm. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, July 10, 2020

i*PI(del) Action Essential For Homotopy

The general operation of the i*PI(del) Action, works to help to allow for the role of General Relativity to occur as its does.  This happens in such manner that is essential, in order to allow for the conservation of homotopic residue. (Please See My Earlier Writings About This.)  Homotopic Residue needs to be conserved, in order for homotopy to tend to be maintained. Homotopy needs to tend to be maintained, in order for superstrigular fields to have a tendency of being un-frayed.  A discrete increment of the i*PI(del) Action, has a value of (8.635858*10^(-63) Coulumbs*Seconds.) To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

What Charge Is

The following is a reductional view,  as to what physical electrodynamic charge is:

Electrodynamic Charge Is The General Action Of Chern-Simons Invariant Perturbation, as Taken
Along The Topological Stratum Of A Mass-Bearing set of cohesive discrete energy, -- in which such a set of cohesive discrete energy, is here to be operating to perform a common function. Sam Roach.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

i*PI(del) Action -- Electrodynamics

Let us initially consider the workings of a given arbitrary charged mass-bearing orbifold eigenset (to where such a said respective eigenset, is here to work to bear a set of cohomology-related eigenstates, that are here to to be of an overall net perturbative nature), that is here to be undergoing a set of changes in its relative motion-- when this is here to be taken in relation to electromagnetic energy.:

The sequential accelerative operation of the net correlative i*PI(del) Action, tends to work in this respective given arbitrary general genus of a case, to bear an attractive force upon the ulterior externally delineated set of adjacent mass-bearing orbifold eigensets; Whereas -- the discrete quantum motion of the said orbifold eigenset Per the disturbance in space of the sequential operation of the net correlative i*PI(del) Action, tends to work in this respective given arbitrary general genus of a  case, to form a repulsive force upon the ulterior externally delineated set of adjacent mass-bearing orbifold eigensets. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Covariant Metric-Gauge-Related Pulsation And Electrodynamics

When one is to have a cohesive set of orbifold eigensets, that are here to work to bear a covariant tense of a metric-gauge-related pulsation -- that is thence to bear a unitary Lagrangian-based path, that is to have its bearings via an overall holomorphic-related directional drive, -- the consequential resultant repulsive component of such an inferred tense of a metric-gauge-related pulsation, tends to be relatively more associated with a fractal of Voltage than amperage; whereas, the consequential resultant attraction component of such an inferred tense of a metric-gauge-related pulsation, tends to be relatively more associated with a fractal of Amperage than voltage. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Metric-Gauge-Related Pulsation And Holomorphic Subtension

Let us initially consider two different given arbitrary orbifold eigensets, that are here to be working to bear a Yukawa-related coupling upon one another -- to where the resultant inferred overall interdependent field, that is thus formed by the consequential kinematic interaction of the two different implied cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, -- is to be of a nature, that is here to be both covariant, co-differentiable, and co-determinable, over a relatively limited span of time (of which may be mathematically considered in this case, via the application of a correlative Fourier Transformation).  If both of the herein stated orbifold eigensets, when individually taken in respect to the other correlative orbifold eigenset of such a given arbitrary case scenario, are to be subtended in the relative holomorphic path of the other respective orbifold eigenset, -- then, the consequential resultant interdependent covariant field, that is thus formed by the Yukawa-related coupling of these two inferred cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta upon each other, will then tend to work to bear a relatively greater absolute value of a scalar magnitude of metric-gauge-related pulsation, -- than if these two different earlier implied interdependent orbifold eigensets were, instead, to not be subtended in the holomorphic path of one another, -- over the durational course of the earlier inferred tense, of a correlative Fourier Transform.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Semi-Conical Apex Of World-Sheet

Let us initially consider a given arbitrary cohesive set of one or more superstrings of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, that are here -- in this particular given arbitrary general case -- to be bearing a tense of motion, by which this respective set of open strings of kinetic energy permittivity, are to Not be in the process of transporting a set of mass-bearing strings, from one general locus to another, over time.  Superstrings of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, tend to work to form world-sheets (and world-sheets are the projection of the trajectory of superstring-related phenomenology) that are here to bear the proximal local presence of a conical-shaped nature in time and space.  Yet; when such strings -- that are here to be most specifically associated with the attribute of a kinetic tense of energy permittivity -- are to be translating through space, with a relatively lessoned association with the kinematic transference of mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, -- this just inferred type of a general condition, will consequently tend to work to allow for that angular momentum, that is here to tend to be most directly associated with the kinematic motion of the said cohesive set of kinetic energy-related superstrings, to correspond to the formation of a net overall world-sheet, that is to tend to be more non abelian in its wave-tug-related nature, than it would otherwise tend to be, at a positioning that is here to be at the Poincare level to the Gliosis-based topological surface of the Laplacian-Based tip, that is here to be at the relative forward-holomorphic end of the proximal local structure of such a world-sheet of a cohomology-related set of cohesive discrete quanta of kinetic energy permittivity. This, in a way, works to make the holomorphic drive of such an overall cohesive set of world-sheets, to bear a tense of having a "semi-conical apex." To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Del Of The Ricci Flow And Metric-Gauge-Related Pulsation

Let us initially consider a covariant relationship, that is here to exist between two different orbifold eigensets. Let us think, more specifically, about the relationship between the Del of the Ricci Flow, and the directly related resultant covariant metric-gauge-related pulsation -- that is here to exist (or "co-exist"), between (or among) the given arbitrary field, -- that is here to help at working to link the interaction, that is here to occur between the two different but interdependent inferred cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, that are to be considered in this particular case scenario. :

When the Del of the covariant Ricci Flow is to be of a positive fractional value, that is here to be relatively closer to "0," then, the resultant metric-gauge-related pulsation will consequentially tend to be of a larger scalar magnitude/amplitude -- than if the correlative Del of the covariant Ricci Flow were, instead, to bear a positive fractional value, that would otherwise be relatively closer to "1."

Furthermore; when the Del of the covariant Ricci Flow is to be of a negative fractional value, that is here to be relatively closer to "-1," then, the resultant metric-gauge-related pulsation will consequently tend to be of a larger scalar magnitude/amplitude -- than if the correlative Del of the covariant Ricci Flow were, instead, to bear a negative fractional value, that would otherwise be relatively closer to "0."

To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Transversal-Related Drive; Spin-Orbital-Related Drive

The transversal-related drive of any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, tends to be geared in the holomorphic direction -- that is most associated with the wave-tug of its angular momentum; And -- the  radial-related drive of any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, tends to be geared in the holomorphic direction -- that is  most associated with the wave-tug of its spin-orbital momentum. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Zero-Norm-State-Projections That Act As A Group-Attractor

Any given arbitrary individually taken zero-norm-state-projection, that is here to act as a group-attractor -- that is here to bear a relatively strong tendency of approaching the relative reverse-norm-to-holomorphic side of a propagating homology; -- to where such a said respective homology, is to bear the general Ward-Cauchy-related physical condition of being isotropically unstable, while Yet being harmonic in its parametric topological sway, -- if the just inferred zero-norm-state-projection, is here to be moving in a direction, that is most symmetric with the holomorphic eigenmetric of the so-eluded-to topological sway, that is of that discrete open-loop phenomenology -- of which was working to form the initially mentioned homology, -- to where this will tend to cause a Yukawa-related coupling, that will consequently work to close the said open-loop phenomenology, via the Green Function, in such a manner that is hermitian, -- in a manner that is similar but different to the general processes of the Fujikawa Coupling, yet in this particular case, such an inferred proscribed tense of activity, will happen to work to involve the resultant closing of an initially open-Looped Ward-Cauchy-related  phenomenology -- instead of working to involve the resultant closing of an initially open-Strand-related Ward-Cauchy-based phenomenology. (This may more clearly be described of, as a closing of what may be described of as being a "hook-string," instead of working to act as a closing of what may be described of as a string of a more "strand-like" nature.) This is to where, -- the pulsation-related aspect of the inferred correlative  Kahler-Metric-based Fourier translation, is here to tend to be more smoothly delineated -- than the dimensional-related aspect of the just implied correlative Kahler-Metric-based Fourier translation.  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.