Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Some Stuff As To Cotangent Bundle

Superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset (an orbifold eigenset is a set of discrete energy quanta, that operate to perform one specific function), work to exhibit the same number of spatial dimensions. When there is a change in the spatial dimensionality, that is here to be of those said superstrings that are of one respective given orbifold eigenset -- one may then say in such a case, that there is here to be a change in the general manner -- as to the exhibition of the genus of the convergence of that correlative mini-stringular segmentation (mini-stringular segmentation is that fabric of the multiplicit zero-point energy, that works to form the general field interconnections -- that works to inter-bind superstrings into one overall inter-relationship, that may here be called the general state of what is called homotopy), to where such a general condition of the convergence of the said mini-stringular segmentation, is then to work in as to bring the correlative substringular field-related eigenstates together at a respective general proximal locus, in so as to form the respective correlative substringular condition of a state, of what may here be termed of as a "cotangent bundle," -- that may here most directly then to correspond to a general genus of field-related knotting, that such a directly corresponding orbifold eigenset is then to exhibit.  (This is once such a convergence of mini-stringular segmentation is then to have happened.)  This is the general gist, as to what is here to be meant -- as to what a cotangent bundle is to be.
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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