Friday, May 31, 2019

Quaternionic Yukawa-Based Coupling

A quaternionic Yukawa-based coupling, is to tend to happen -- when an initial cotangent bundle, is to be effected by a genus of a Rayleigh scattering, -- that is to be tugged-out & away from the source of extrapolation, by the Fourier-related gauged-action, that is eminent in relation to the scalar amplitude of the angle, that is subtended by this said Rayleigh scattering, as this so-eluded-to Lagrangian-based gauged-action is to behave as an operation that is here to be squared, -- in so as to form a revised cotangent bundle, that is here to be converged upon, in such a manner, to where this is to work to re-establish a potentially higher tense of spatial dimensionality, that is here at his point of duration -- to not to be of a compactified Gaussian-related Reimman tense of integrable spatial eigenstates -- over the course of the directly corresponding sequential iterations of BRST, that are here to be applicable to the so-eluded-to duration, --  in which the spatial dimensionality of the newly founded tense of a cotangent bundle is here to be maintained.  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Associations Of Mass

Interdependent inter-relations of mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, tends to work to involve the Fourier-related transfer of nodes in the Noether Current.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Nodes In The Noether Current

Since mass-bearing orbifold eigensets that are not tachyonic, tend to be superconformally invariant at an internal reference-frame -- such said mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, tend to act as "nodes" in the Noether Current.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Some Stuff As To Superstringular Orientation

A superstring that is orientable differentiates kinematically via Noether Flow.  A superstring that is not orientable differentiates kinematically via a tachyonic flow.  A superstring is orientable -- when the substringular field eigenstates that are first-order and supplementally norm between a given superstring and its corresponding counterstring, are trivially isomorpphic in terms of the connections in-between the associated superstring and its corresponding counterstring,-- as caused by the Bette Action, and if the delineatory amplitudes of these said connections have the same scalar distribution, when considering all of the said first-order substringular field eigenstates, even if the Hodge distribution among the said field eigenstates is not homogeneous and therefore not integrably hermitian, during the Laplacian condition of the given instanton in which the associated Bette Action is occurring through its described gauge-metric.  If a superstring is not orientable during the Bette Action, the superstring described will attempt to become orientable during the subsequent gauge-metric of a given Regge Action, via a Regge Slope that "totters" the associated superstring, in an attempt to obtain the multiplicit trivial isomorphism and a common homogeneous and delineatory amplitude, that bears a supplementally norm abelian nature that retains the Noether Condition of the said superstring's wave-tug.  (This is via a simultaneous internal push-and-pull that is exterially projected along the Ultimon.)  If a superstring is still unorientable during the Regge Action, then the associated superstring becomes tachyonic.  This is an example of how a lack of substringular super-symmetry may effect the differential operation of that superstring. over a simple Laplacian Transformation, which, if such a condition is integrable over a sequential series of iterations that is non-trivial gauge-metric-wise, this will then form a Fourier Transformation that involves a superstring -- that is tachyonic and thereby perturbative, relative to its general condition of Noether Flow.  Such a perturbation effects the matrix of the delineatory index of the involved orbifolds, that are directly effected by this tachyonic multiplicitly integrable distribution.  Since the anharmonic multiplicit redistribution of a kinematically unorientable superstring flows differently then the surrounding Noether Conditions, and Noether Conditions are the kinematic delineatory means of maintaining the norm conditions, that work to allow for a sustained covariant Gaussian Symmetry, the Fourier Transformation involved with a tachyonic flow, will produce change in Gaussian Symmetry -- either via a regular Gaussian Transformation or via a gauge-transformation, the latter of which is the substringular cause of entropy.  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Light And Sound

Light tends to travel in the direction of least time -- whereas, sound tends to travel faster in a medium that is of a relatively higher heat transport.  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Time moves both forward and backward, at the same "time."
Whenever one is to have a situation, in which there is to be a general flow of activity -- in which each set of events, is to work to cause that manner of the tense of the resultant of the ensuing set of events that are here to occur, -- then, one is to here to be referring to the general flow of forward-moving time. (Whenever there are consequences of repercussion.)
Yet, -- there is, however, the general flow of backward-moving time.  Backward-Moving time, is a flow -- in which, when applicable in its exemplification, there is here to simply be the involvement of a re-adjustment in the placement of that physical phenomenology, that is here to be delineated backward in time, to where one is then to have that said time-wise-related phenomenology, that is here to "go" back in time, -- to then to be brought back, into what would otherwise here be of a prior allotment of correlative space-time coordinates.  Here is another way of putting it.  Every action in forward-moving time, works to influence, in one manner or another, the ensuing set of activities of one's individually taken universe.  Yet, if one were to time-travel back one million years into an earlier time-related "spot," that is here to be of the same universe -- this so-eluded-to process would here, act, in so as to merely work to re-adjust the so-inferred person, of whom is here to be delineated back in time (via the directly corresponding action of a set of "truth-tachyons"), into a tense, of what would otherwise be of an earlier version of a correlative set of space-time-coordinates, that are here to be of the same universal setting.  So, if one is to travel back in time, -- one will either be: "revamping" an activity that is of the past, that in one manner or another had already occurred, (whether the so-eluded-to time traveler of such a given arbitrary case, is to realize this or not), or, one will be entering a different layer of reality that is of the same universe, (a different layer of reality that is of the same universe -- is when there is such an alteration in history -- to where those things that are not clearly imbued in the collective consciousness are to be able to be altered in the same universe, yet, to where those things that are definitively imbued in the collective consciousness are not to be able to be altered), or, one will be entering the equivalent of a parallel universe.  (All of the universes of one set of parallel universes, as is as according to my model of string theory, are inter-twined among each other.)
This should give you some idea, as to my version of time travel. To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.
“Lengtah Aduma Mobiah!” (The Human Race Forever!)

Saturday, May 18, 2019

An Editorial As To The "Force"

The following is simply an editorial:

Is it possible, -- that the proximal local existing presence of quantized E(8)XE(8) stringular-based oscillation-related tendency in life forms (or, in other words, in any given arbitrary phenomenology, that is able to, in at least some manner of degree or another, to overcome at least some of its surrounding entropy) , is related to both the existence of soul energy, as well as here to be related to the existence of what one may term of here as being the entity of the multiplicit field of sentient-based "force?"  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Reverse-Fractal Of A Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate

When a worm-hole is artificially gauged -- right before it is utilized -- it acts like a major reverse-fractal of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Ward-Neumman Bounds Of Holonomic Substrate Of Klein Bottle

Within the Ward-Neumman bounds of the holonomic substrate of any one given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate, (this said holonomic substrate of such a Klein Bottle eigenstate, of which is here to work to help in mapping-out the actual entity -- that may here be thought of as being the respective idea as to what a Klein Bottle eigenstate is), to where there is, within such a so-eluded-to set of physical boundary conditions, the proximal local presence of scattered first-order point particles -- that are here to be interconnected as one whole aggregate of phenomenology, by a continual sifting dense inter-relation of mini-stringular segmentation.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Main Functions Of The Light-Cone-Gauge

The main functions of the light-cone-gauge are:

1)  To act in a multiplicit manner, in so as to bridge the holonomic substrate of particle-based discrete energy impedance -- with the holonomic substrate of particle-based discrete energy permittivity.

2)  To act in a multiplicit manner, in so to act as that general substrate -- by which the interaction of gauge-bosons with any one said light-cone-gauge eigenstate, is to be multiplicit at working to help at making the general arena of maxed-out flat space that is of one universal setting, to then to become the general arena of maxed-out volume space that is here to be of the respective universal setting.

3)  To act in a multiplicit manner, in so as to act as that generative field -- by which the holonomic substrate of what I term of as being Schwinger-Indices, --  are here to be formed.

&4)  To act in a multiplicit manner, in so as to act as that source of potential vibrational oscillations -- of which are here to commute in a relatively outward manner -- in so as to work to influence the externalized multiplicit Ward-Cauchy-related field inter-relationships, in a way which is to be key in helping to work to form the four general forces of nature.

 To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

More As To Holomorphic Direction

The holomorphic tendency of an orbifold eigenset, is associated with that tendency of direction -- in which an orbifold eigenset will most likely take -- when one is here to consider both the shape and the spatial dimensionality of the said orbifold eigenset.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Holomorphic Tense Of Orbifold Eigenset

When the general genus of the cotangent bundle of an orbifold eigenset is to alter, from one general state to another -- its holomorphic tendency of motion will then tend to change.  When this is to happen -- the dimensional-related pulsation of the said orbifold eigenset will then tend to alter.  When this is to happen -- the said orbifold will then work to bear a tense of a metrical-related Chern-Simons singularity.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Some Stuff As To Cotangent Bundle

Superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset (an orbifold eigenset is a set of discrete energy quanta, that operate to perform one specific function), work to exhibit the same number of spatial dimensions. When there is a change in the spatial dimensionality, that is here to be of those said superstrings that are of one respective given orbifold eigenset -- one may then say in such a case, that there is here to be a change in the general manner -- as to the exhibition of the genus of the convergence of that correlative mini-stringular segmentation (mini-stringular segmentation is that fabric of the multiplicit zero-point energy, that works to form the general field interconnections -- that works to inter-bind superstrings into one overall inter-relationship, that may here be called the general state of what is called homotopy), to where such a general condition of the convergence of the said mini-stringular segmentation, is then to work in as to bring the correlative substringular field-related eigenstates together at a respective general proximal locus, in so as to form the respective correlative substringular condition of a state, of what may here be termed of as a "cotangent bundle," -- that may here most directly then to correspond to a general genus of field-related knotting, that such a directly corresponding orbifold eigenset is then to exhibit.  (This is once such a convergence of mini-stringular segmentation is then to have happened.)  This is the general gist, as to what is here to be meant -- as to what a cotangent bundle is to be.
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Fundamental Difference Between Singularities

The main general difference that there is -- between a Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity and a metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity, -- is that a Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity has more to do with a perturbation in the flow of the motion of discrete energy, whereas, a metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity has more to do with a perturbation in the pulsation of the motion of discrete energy.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

An "Editorial"

Here is an editorial for you:

Without the light-cone-gauge, nothing would exist.
Yet, without love -- nothing would matter!

Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Dirac Effect

A Dirac effect is tantamount to a reversal in the correlative Chern-Simons attribute.
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.