Friday, December 14, 2018

Partition-Based Discrepancies And Orientation

When a superstring of discrete energy permittivity is here to work, to bear a tense of superstringular orientation, during BRST -- the directly corresponding partition-based discrepancies that are of the correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity, are here to be completely assymetrical in delineation towards its correlative counter string -- over the course of the self-same iteration of the said increment of BRST.  This may then be said to bear a condition, of such a Ward-Cauchy-related field, that is here to be in-between the said superstrings and its correlative counter string -- to be of a homeomorphic nature.  However -- if the Beti number that is here to be directly corresponding to a discrete quantum of energy -- from right before an interation of BRST, is to be of an odd number, then, both the directly corresponding superstring and its correlative counter string, will, in an individually taken manner -- at such a so-eluded-to point in duration, that is here to be just before an iteration of group-related instanton, to act in so that it will be vibrating annharmonically in an odd number of spatial dimensions in a holomorphic manner, that is here respective to the same number of spatial dimensions that such a superstring and its correlative counter string, will both individually contract by, when this is taken at the said general instance, that is here to be at the moment just before the said iteration of group-related instanton.  (BRST being at the beginning of the said instanton.)  When the just mentioned general tendency of vibration, is to happen to a respective superstring and its correlative counter string, then, the earlier said tendency of a homeomorphic field -- is to not to be able to happen.  This will then tend to work to cause such a so-eluded-to discrete quantum of energy, to not to be orientable during the here correlative iteration of the Beti Action.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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