Thursday, May 24, 2018

An Ellaboration Of Quotients Of A Certain Genus Of Expressions

Let's say that there is here to be the progression of three dividends or quotients, that may be determined by working to divide the euclidean expression of four different resultant dilatino-related functions, (the second to the first, the third to the second, and the fourth to the third), which is here to result in a Bianchi-related scalar curvature, that may be extrapolated into a four-spatial-dimensional Bianchi-curvature , that works to help at determining the scalar Lagrangian-related path of an ulterior particle, -- to where such a resultant scalar flow, that is to be extrapolated by the so-eluded-to respective quotients, is to work to bear the flow of an overall continuous function.  Once the four-spatial dimensional curvature is extrapolated, one may then attach directorals in an arbitrary yet consistent manner to the variable-related attributes, that are of the determined Bianchi-related scalar curvature.  The chirality is not altered over the said progression, and the pulse is here to remain unchanged per quotient -- to where the resultant integrative cohomology that such a so-eluded-to ulterior particle is here to traverse, would then here be able to be of a De Rham nature, over time, when this is taken as one whole.  The progression of the three consecutive quotients is to dampen, from the first quotient-determined path to the second quotient-determined path to the third quotient-determined path.  This means that the integrative cohomological expansion of the trajectory of the second quotient is of a lower amplitude of proximal divergence than the first one, and that the cohomological expansion of the trajectory of the third quotient is of a lower amplitude of proximal divergence than the second one.  Each of such quotients takes place, over a span of one million consecutive iterations of group-related instantons -- as an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  This will then mean that the overall Fourier Transformation that is here to be directly associated with the three consecutive quotients -- is to occur over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric that is to span a duration of 3 millions consecutive group-related instantons. This dampening is an exponential decay in the rate of the expansion of the directly associated Lagrangian-related path, -- of which may be described of here as a natural logarithmic action -- that is taken in so as to work to decrease the rate of the expansion of the directly associated Lagrangian-based path.  One may then say that an inverse Clifford Expansion had happened to the general flow of the Ward-Cauchy-related eigenstate or Hamiltonian operator, that is here to had undergone the traversal of the three said consecutive quotients -- in so as to decrease the divergence of the said eigenstate or Hamiltonian operator, from propagating out of the adjacent general locus spontaneously.  Hint:  Each of the three directoral-related dependant variables are to be equidistant from the origin, at each endpoint of the three different quotient-based functions!  Such an eigenstate or Hamiltonian operator would here happen to be a Ward-Cauchy-related holonomic substrate, other than a superstring.  (It could, though however, be an orbifold eigenset -- that may act as one perturbating Hamiltonian operator.)
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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