Monday, March 12, 2018

Zero-Norm-State-Projections Causing Fujikawa Coupling

The general manner by which zero-norm-projections work to help at forming the general activity of the Fujikawa Coupling, is by the manner by which that the directly corresponding zero-norm-state-projection or projections -- that are here to act in so as to be bending the discrete quantum of kinetic energy permittivity in a hermitian manner, is acting in such a manner by which it is here to be arcing gradually although spontaneously in a hermitian manner -- via its correlative tense of a fractal of spin-orbital-momentum.  Here.  A given arbitrary set of one or more zero-norm-state-projections are to work to bear a wave-tug upon a discrete quantum of kinetic energy permittivity, that is to be subsequently released as the excess residual energy of an electron, in the form of a photon.  As such a said set of one or more zero-norm-state-projections are to bear a Gliosis-related Yukawa wave-tug -- upon the said discrete quantum of residual energy, the so-stated set of projections is then to work to bear a smoothly-curved torsioning upon the converting discrete quantum of energy -- in a manner that works to consequently smoothly bend the discrete kinetic energy that is then to be becoming discrete electromagnetic energy, in a manner that works to involve only as many changes in derivatives as the number of spatial dimensions that it is here to be traveling through, over its directly corresponding Fourier-Transformation.  It is the smooth translation of the fractal of spin-orbital-momentum -- that the here torsioning set of one or more zero-norm-state-projections are to be undergoing over time -- that is here to work to cause the consequent smooth translation of the hermitian bending of the here released kinetic energy of the corerlative electron, that is here to then ensue, in so as then to form a resultant photon (a photon is a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy).
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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