Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Angle Of Strike Of Photons And Genre Of Schwinger-Indices

When any one given arbitrary photon is to strike the externalized core-field-density of any one respective light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that is of the correlative discrete energy  that the so-eluded-to discrete electromagnetic energy quantum is to make a Gliosis contact, with at potentially different covariant-related angles over time, -- this will then work to allow for the consequent potential variety of Schwinger-Indices that are here to potentially be formed by the so-inferred scattering of light, -- that is here to occur when a photon strikes another discrete quantum in a relatively direct manner.  Such a variety of potential angleings, works here to form the possibility of many different complex roots that may be formed, in the process of the consequent initial metrical and Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities that may be formed by the result of the said photon being here in the process of directly hitting the externalized core-field-density, that is of one respective light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- as the just mentioned eigenstate is to here to be in the process of vibrating via the sub-Fourier process of gauge-bosons behaving in so as to act in so as to "pluck" the correlative second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are here to work to make-up the here mentioned overall first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that the said photon is to strike in a strongly Yukawa-based manner.  The coupling of such so-eluded-to Chern-Simons couplings, in the form of the so-inferred Schwinger-Indices acting in so as to be quantizing in so as to form that general genus of holonomic substrate, that may be thought of as actual gravity waves, -- to where this tends to form a vast array of wave-based gravitational effects, that are then to tend to be made most Yukawa at that region that is most proximal local to those substringular neighborhoods -- by which the directly corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstates are to be most able to incorporate the attribution-based  effects of these said gravity wave eigensets or gravity waves.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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