Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Part One Of Light-Cone-Gauge Quantization And Gravity

Let us initially consider a set of discrete quanta of energy -- that work together interdependently, in so as to form one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset.  Let us now consider the inter-play of the light-cone-gauge eigenstates that come together, in so as to help in the formation of the basically wave-based functioning -- of the here proximal local discrete energy impedance, that is of the said orbifold eigenset. Let us next consider that the third-order Schwinger-Indices, that are thence formed by the plucking action of the directly corresponding second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates by the correlative gauge-bosons, will here tend to work in such a harmonic-based manner -- to where the resultant gravitational-based force that is to here be formed by those Schwinger-Indices that are to here act as gravity-waves, will here be of a relatively steady-state nature.  This will then mean, that the overall gravitational push, that is to be applied to that physical holonomic substrate, will then tend to act with a Ward-Caucy-based tense of a relative state of conformal invariance.  This will then tend to mean that the here directly corresponding tense of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariance, will be of a relative tightly-bound nature.  This will as well, tend to mean that that Wess-Zumino-based activity that works to here bring the correlative topological stratum of the here directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates into a tense of quantization -- will have been a gauge-metrical Hamiltonian-based operation, that was of the nature of a Reimman-based scattering. This tendency may be varified by the Ward-Caucy-based condition, that those eigenindices that were to have here been brought together in a harmonic manner -- will to have the condition of working to bear adjacent eigenstates, that are of an even chirality.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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