Saturday, April 2, 2016

Time Moving Forward And Backward At The Same Time

I estimate that there are 473,364*10^(55) genre of instanton, that each tend to happen over the course of each successive iteration of group-related instanton that we are aware of.  This is in part due to the condition, that the rate of group-related instanton has potentially slowed, over time.  As I have stated before, there are 91*10^*81 universes in each set of parallel universes.  Also, as I have said before, there is an initial tendency of there being a maximum of 159,000 layers of reality -- in each set of parallel universes.  Time moves forward and backward at the same time.  Yet, in the course of one individually taken given arbitrary universe, anything that is cognitively imbued in the collective consciousness of history can not change, from within the multiplicit bounds of the respective said given arbitrary universe.  Yet, things that are not as imbued upon the collective consciousness, may occasionally change -- over the course of what I describe of as a Major Reality Change.  A Major Reality Change is when part of the immediately previous predominant layer of reality is changed, in the course of there being a respective given arbitrary change of 1 ten thousandth of history.  This means, that each layer of reality of each individually taken universe of any of the three individually taken sets of parallel universes -- over the course of the sequential series of instantons, as to the composition and the orchestration of the interaction of time with discrete energy quanta -- has an average of having all of the 473,364*10^(55) genre of instantons -- in a way that involves a variety of 3,056,632,951*10^18 manners of the procedure of as to the consequent flow of the directly associated Fourier-based transformations, that ensue in so as to form the resultant potential variety of the delineations of the kinematic flow of energy over "time."

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