Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Part Two of the Seventh Session of Course 17 About the Ricci Scalar

For each Poincaire that is taken at the physical locus -- where there is a hermitian-based change in either the derivative of the motion of any correlative superstring and/or where there is a change in the pulsation of the motion of any respective correlative superstring, such individually taken respective Poincaire here acts as an index of hermitian singularity.   The entire multi-dimensional entity of the topology of any of such hermitian-based cohomologies is an integration of point particles that works to define the just eluded-to hermitian-based singularities.  The individual hermitian singularities of each of such cohomologies works to act as differential loci of space, that, although these do not define a hermitian topology in and of themselves, these are hermitian -- when the loci of such singularities are taken, relative to the rest of the integration of all of the other Poincaire-based loci, that exist along the Ward-Caucy bounds of the rest of the topology of any respective given arbitrary superstring of which such hermitian singularities appertain to, is taken into a consideration.
In other words, it takes the whole integration of all of the Poincaires along the topology of any given arbitrary superstring over time, in order to work to establish exactly what and where the loci of the individual hermtian singularities of the respective given arbitrary superstring in question are.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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