Friday, February 28, 2014

Part Five of the Seventh Session of Course 16

In a way, Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology is more directly involved than Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology with the condition that every spurious gauge-metric is countered with a balancing spurious gauge-metric, in such a manner in so that every world-sheet index -- via the directly corresponding ghost-based indices that work to show the physical memory of those substringular phenomena that are projected via their multiplicit trajectories to form.  This is in so as to form the so-stated ghost-based indices -- is either directly and/or indirectly interconnected with every other so-eluded-to world-sheet index, per each successive iteration of group instanton in which the substringular re-delineates, in so as to form the sequential series of instantons that work to form the pattern-based format of energy that works to comprise all phenomena that are of a substringular nature.  So, for every world-sheet that scatters annharmonically per each successive iteration in which their directly corresponding ghost-based indices are elliminated, in so as to provide for adequate room for other substringular phenomena to both move and bear a tense of Gaussian-based stability, there are ghost-based indices that are reconnected in so as to form -- at some other various multiplicit spots in the substringular -- other sorts and tenses of cohomological bases, in so as to form a holonomic substrate for the formation of gravitational-based particles.   Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghost-based indices are indirectly annharmonically scattered in so as to form a template for the formation of gravitons and gravitinos, as well as other geni of annharmonically scattered ghost-based indices acting as a holonomic substrate, for the formation of norm-based indices at various Real Reimmanian-Plane-based layers of substringular-based stratum.  (The Neilson-Kollosh-ghosts that are annharmonically scattered drift back into the Real Reimmanian Plane, where superstrings of discrete energy permittivity kinematically move in so as to form a template for the existence of incoming norm-state-projections -- that work to replenish the general multiplicity regions in which superstrings of discrete energy permittivity kinematically differentiate.)  So, Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghost-based indices are annharmoncally scattered in such a manner that these are pulled off of their directly corresponding Real-based planes, in such a manner in so as to form dilatons and dilatinos that work to form gravitons and gravitinos that act as gravitational-based particles -- that act to inter-relate to superstrings of discrete energy permttivity via the multivarious Rarita Structure eigenstates, in so as to allow for the existence of gravity via the Ricci Scalar.  The motion of gravitons and gravitinos works to form Neilson-Kollosh ghost-based indices.  These just mentioned ghost anomalies are then harmoncally scattered by the relatively forward-norm-state-projections that kinematically differentiate off of the Real-based plane of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, in so as to form what may be termed of as Neilson-Kollosh ghosts.  These Neilson-Kollosh ghosts are then annharmonically scattered by relatively reverse-holomorphic norm-state-projections that are of the multiplicit-based substringular plane eigenfields where gravitons and gravitinos kinematically differentiate, in so as to form a template of holonomic substrate that works to replenish the norm-state-projections that had just been depleted of by the syphoned-out norm-state projections that have left their Real-based plane, in so as to feed-in the complementary Hodge-Indices of norm-state projections that have just left the so-stated multiplicit plane where superstrings of discrete energy permittivity kinematically differentiate.  This happens in a balance that is kept pretty much even, in so long as the eluded to phenomena are kept unfrayed.  The longer the duration in which such a physically attempted balance of the exchange of norm-state-indices is involved with such a format of exchange, the more that there is a chance for the so-eluded to phenomena to possibly and eventually fray.  There are ways to keep such an inter-complementary balance from fraying -- no matter how long such an organization of phenomena has been existent.  I mentioned the conditionality of Kaluza-Klein topology, due to the condition that ageing stars are most likely to form the eluded-to black-holes.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Part Four of the Seventh Session of Course 16

Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology is strongly related to the condition of homotopy as well in this format of general consideration:  The conditionality of every unfrayed superstring being indirectly or directly interconnected with every other unfrayed superstring is related to the condition of the general basis  of Lorentz-Four-Contractions.  This is due to the condition that the dual general state that all motion is relative to both the existence and the motion of electromagnetic energy is involved with the recycling of the geni of norm-state conditions.  -- The recycling of the segments of unfrayed mini-string segments works to involve the activity that is involved with Lorentz-Four-Contractions, and, the general basis of the recycling of unfrayed substringular field networking -- that is performed by the indistinguishably different "manufacturing" of globally ground-states being unnoticeably altered into being of globally norm-states and vice versa -- is the general format of activity that works to both allow for homotopy and the ability for the so-stated Lorentz-Four-Contractions.  The activity of the Polyakov Action -- that happens during the same metrical association as the Bette Action -- is primed by the condition of the indistinguishably different re-assortment of the so-stated conditionality of norm-states that are being altered via the existent state of homotopy.  This works to indicate as to part of the general import -- that phenomena that are of a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology bear upon the process of both the recycling of substringular field density, as well as the import that such geni of topology works to bear upon the condition of both homotopy and the existence of Cassimer Invariance.  I will leave you with this concept.:  Light, as well as the sum of all other electromagnetic energy, works to allow for the existence of special relativity, due to the just prior inter-relationship of the recycling of differential geometries with both the motion and the existence of all other physical phenomena.  Electromagnetic energy that is not entropic always bears a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology, and, mass as a mass always bears a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology.  This works to form the manner as to the relationships of abelian-based geometries that are of differing abelian natures.  To Be Continued.
Sam Roach.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Part Three of the Seventh Session of Course 16

Phenomena that are of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology work more toward the condition as to the scattering of cohomologies that happen during the general activity of the Calabi Metric.  This is due to the condition that electromagnetic energy tends to be scattered to more of a degree by phenomena of mass than the degree as to the scattering of the same general electromagnetic energy when it strikes phenomena that are not of mass (and, mass is generally considered to be of a Kaluza-Klein topology), and, because photons are temporarily of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology after the first 384 instantons after these eluded to entropic photons strike the just eluded to phenomena of mass.  Again, what an eigenstate of a Calabi Metric is is the duration that is involved with those Gaussian Transformations that would here appertain to the scattering of electromagnetic energy.  Yet, these so-stated eigenstates of Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology work toward the conditionality that those eigenbases of cohomologies must be of a Gaussian nature -- when relative to one another -- if these so-stated cohomologies are to be of the same universe, due to the condition that mass is more inter-related to gravity than certain other phenomena, and, gravity -- through the Rarita Structure -- bears a major role in the activity of superstrings being able to be viabely Real Reimmanian when relative to one another.   This conditionality works toward the inter-relationship of the multivarious cohomologies that are interconnected to one another in a viable manner, when such integrations of ghost-based world-sheets are put together in such a manner in so that these may interact with each other in both a Real and viable manner.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Part Two of the Seventh Session of Course 16

A Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology is more likely to be directly involved with superstrings that are able to travel at the "speed of light" or faster, unless one is dealing with entropic photons, whereas, a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology is more related to mass and the so-stated entropic photons -- within the first 384 instantons after the scattered photons have struck any given arbitrary phenemenon that was in their initial path.  This is although, in any measurable period of time that light or any electromagnetic energy may be measured as going in any phenomenon other than a vacuum, that so-stated given arbitrary electromagnetic energy will be going slower than if it were to be going through a vacuum -- as is according to Snell's Law.  A mass has both a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology and Yau-Exact singularities in-between the superstrings that work to comprise the given arbitrary mass so-stated.  Any phenomena that has both a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology and Yau-Exact singularities in-between the superstrings that work to comprise the said phenomenon can not go at the speed of light or faster, as I have described in previous posts.  A Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology works more toward the maintenance of the homotopy that superstrings bear the one toward the others, while, a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology works more toward the general networking of substringular cohomology.  The condition of homotopy is key toward the condition of Cassimer Invariance.  It is electromagnetic energy that works as the key to Lorentz-Four-Contractions, and thus, it is electromagnetic energy that acts as the principle component as to what works to allow for the recycling of substringular norm-state conditions.  It is the recycling of norm-state conditions that works to allow for the various substringular phenomena to optimize the state of being kept from fraying, and, the condition of substringular phenomena being interconnected without fraying is the condition of homotopy.  This is why light, or, electromagnetic energy is key toward the maintenance of homotopy, and, it is phenomena that are of a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology that is able to travel at the speed of light or faster.  This is why phenomena that are of a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology are so key to the maintenance of homotopy.  It is phenomena that are of mass that work as the basis of the relationships of gravity, even though gravity effects all substringular phenomena to one extent or another.  Gravity is the main influence -- through the Rarita Structure -- of the networking of substringular phenomena via the various multiplicit cohomologies.  Mass, as it is generally conceived, is of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology.  This is why phenomena that are of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology work more toward the networking of superstrings via their various cohomologies -- as I will later explain in later sessions.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

About Light-Cone-Gauge Topology

The topology of the light-cone-gauge is very important -- when one is to consider the potential genus of any given arbitrary phenomenon that one is to determine and/or extrapolate in the substringular.  The overall light-cone-gauge of any one given arbitrary superstring may be termed of as a first-ordered light-cone-gauge.  Although one may often consider the topology of a first-ordered light-cone-gauge as a genus of the "topography" of an attribute that exists in the substringular, the topology of second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates works to act as more of a "topographical" condition of the same general conditionality of the so eluded to substringular operation that always exists, in correlation to the Hamiltonian operation of superstrings -- as the so-stated superstrings of discrete energy permittivity work to function as Hamiltonian operators in the substringular, in their multiplicit activities that act in so that superstrings may be put into the course of the activity of what I have termed before as Ultimon Flow.  It is the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that get "plucked" by their directly corresponding gauge-bosons in so as to form those vibrations that may be thought of as second-ordered Schwinger-Indices -- that flow, via the multiplicit eigenstates of the Rarita Structure, in so as to form the operational indices of the activity of the Ricci Scalar.  It is these just eluded to vibrations that work to form the eminent corresponding inter-relationship between superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates of discrete energy impedance with gravitational-based particles, so that gravity may work upon the countless phenomena of the substringular -- so that phenomena may be brought together enough so that phenomena may have a coterminable, covariant,  and a codifferentiable influence upon the other eluded to phenomena that exists along the contour of the fabric of the space-time-continuum.  This previously eluded to "topographical" topology, that would here appertain to the Gliossi-based surface of the so-stated second-ordered light-cone-gauge holonomic substrate -- at the Poincaire level -- may be either non-abelian in nature or Yang-Mills, or, it may be abelian in nature or Kaluza-Klein.  Any given arbitrary non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology of the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that exist are delineated -- in a non-time-oriented manner -- in a sinusoidal manner.  Whereas, any given arbitrary abelian light-cone-gauge topology of the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that exist are delineated -- in a non-time-oriented manner -- in a supplemental manner, given the intrinsic space-time-curvature that is Gliossi to the eluded to light-cone-gauge eigenstates just mentioned.  (Not to be confused with being supplemental in the manner of a Wilson Line-based genus.)  Think about it.  If one had a elastic straight pole to push something, it would be more able to bear a wave-tug/wave-pull upon whatever it pushed upon.  Yet, if one had a curvy elastic pole, it would be less able to bear a wave-tug/wave-pull upon whatever it pushed upon.  This gives part of what is meant, in general, by either an abelian, or, a non-abelian, geometrical genus.  ( A little heads-up.)  I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Part One of the Seventh Session of Course 16

Topology is the description of the surface of superstrings and/or the surface of Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates and/or the surface of mini-stringular phenomena.  Superstrings are comprised of first-ordered point particles that come together to form either one dimensional phenomena that act as open strands or two-dimensional phenomena that act as closed loops.  First-Ordered-Point-Particles are individually comprised of a "ball" of mini-string that may be compared -- allagorically, to a "ball of yarn."  It is mini-string segments that work to form the holonomic substrate of the core field density of the substringular.  So, when one is to consider the "topography" of superstrings, and/or the "topography" of Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, and/or the "topography" of mini-string segments, and/or the "topography" of light-cone-gauge eigenstates, respectively, one is to then be considering here the "topographical" condition of the said given arbitrary topology of the just eluded to substringular phenomena.  Homotopy is the format of the conditionality of superstrings that appertains to the manner as to how the various substringular phenomena are interconnected as a whole in the multiverse by core field density eigenstates -- that act as mini-string segments that inter-bind in one manner or another, for all substringular phenomena that are unfrayed by the various activities of the given existent black-hole-like phenomenology that exist at any given arbitrary group metric that may here be considered.  A very important manner of considering as to what the genus of any given arbitrary topology that is to be considered at any given arbitrary instant under consideration is the genus of the directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstate that would then here be correlative to whatever the so eluded to substringular scenario is being considered -- at the eluded to instant under consideration.  It is the general activity of the phenomenology of the light-cone-gauge that works to form both the template of those vibrations that work to activate the various Rarita Structure gauge-metrics, as well as to form the means of that "spring-like" activity that works to pull both superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates of discrete energy impedance into the generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow -- in so that the eluded to substringular phenomena may be "primed" to move into their ensuing distribution-based delineations, in so that the sequential series of group instantons may move in the multiplicit genus of direction that it is encoded to go into.  There are two different formats of light-cone-gauge topology -- there is the non-abelian genus of a light-cone-gauge, that is known of as a Yang-Mills topology, and, there is the abelian genus of a light-cone-gauge, that is known of as a Kaluza-Klein topology.  In both respective topological formats of light-cone-gauge genus, there is that general genus of light-cone-gauge that appertains to the light-cone-gauge structural-basis for one-dimensional superstrings, and, there is that general genus of light-cone-gauge that appertains to the light-cone-gauge structural-basis for two-dimensional superstrings.  In different respective cases, there are one-dimensional superstrings that may be either of a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology, or, of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology -- given what the scenario calls for, and, there are two-dimensional superstrings that may be either of a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology, or, of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology -- given what the scenario calls for.  It is the combined conditionality as to what both the light-cone-gauge topology is, and the format of both the hermitian and/or the Chern-Simmons genus of a substringular setting, that works to help define as to whether any given phenomenon is of either a state of electromagnetic energy, a state of plain kinetic energy, a state of mass, a state of discrete units of entropy-based eigenstates, the general condition steady-state eigenstates that exist in worm-holes, or, the general condition of perturbative-based eigenstates that exist in  worm-holes.  I will then here end with these just stated general descriptions as to what the topological formats of the various conditions that appertain to light-cone-gauge eigenstates are -- until I commence with a further elaboration.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Last Part of this Session of Course 16

Often, Planck-like phenomena, or, in other words, Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, kinematically differentiate over time in a radial manner -- in accordance to Noether Flow.  Often, Planck-like phenomena, or, in other words, Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, kinematically differentiate over time in a transversel manner -- in accordance to Noether Flow.  Yet, often, Planck-like phenomena, or, in other words, Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, kinematically differentiate over time in both a radial and in a transversal manner -- in accordance to Noether Flow.  And often, the same homotopically-based Planck-like phenomenon that I have just described in general will kinematically alter from moving in just a radial manner, to moving in just a transversal manner, to moving in both a radial and a transversal manner, over the kinematic course of its time-wise differentiation -- in accordance to Noether Flow.  The previous so-stated condition often involves multiple tenses of conformal invariance, that the eluded to Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates that behave as such will undergo.  Likewise, superstrings of discrete energy permittivity may often kinematically differentiate in either both a radial manner, a transversal manner, and/or both a radial and a transversal manner, over time -- in accordance to Noether Flow.  Again, the readjustments that occur -- in order for the so-stated superstrings of discrete energy permittivity to be able to go from kimatically differentiating in just a radial manner, to kinematically differentiating in just a transversal manner, to kinematically differentiating in both a radial manner and in a transversal manner over time -- will then here elude to the condition of a changing pretense of different settings of conformal invariance, that the so-stated eluded to superstring of discrete energy permittivity will be moved into over time.  Yet, when any given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate is to kinematically move in either a radial manner, a transversal manner, and/or both a radial manner and a transversal manner at the same time, the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity will tend to move in a respective manner that is isometrically chiral to the eluded to motion of its directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate.  So, when changes in Gaussian-based norm-conditions call for at least a partial kinematic topological sway that works to bear a Noether-based transversal motion, the Poincaire eigenstates that would here be directly corresponding between any given Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate and its correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity would then bear a certain degree of Yau-Exact isosymmetry -- that would here be chiral to at least one photon of transversal light propagation, in the process of that substringular juggling that is then here involved with the recycling of substringular norm-state conditions.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Part Three To The Current Session of Course 16

The exception to Noether Flow is tachyonic flow.  Tachyonic flow happens by a means of potential propulsion.  Over the course of any given case of tachyonic propulsion, both superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and their directly affiliated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates travel in such a manner that these said discrete units of energy move faster than light-speed in the globally distinguishable.  Superstrings, in this case, are phenomena that act as discrete units of energy permittivity, while, the so-stated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates (Planck-related phenomena) act as discrete units of energy impedance.  Since motion that is of Noether Flow is appertaining to most of the kinematic differentiation that exists in the substringular, relativistic speed, time, length, and mass, act -- via the multiplicit motion of substringular phenomena over a sequential series of iterations of group instanton -- as according to their multivarious relationships to the speed of light, via the principle of Lorentz-Four-Contractions.  The directly associated current of that juggling of kinematics, that is related to the correspondence of Noether Flow to the speed of light -- which is a correlation that exists between most kinematic activity and both the motion and the existence of light -- may be termed of as the multiplicit condition of the Noether Current. The laws and principles that would then here be directly associated with the just eluded to juggling of substringular phenomena, over the course of the general condition of Noether Flow, may then be thought of as the physical state of Noether's Theorem.  This is a further manner of the application as to why all motion is related -- in general -- to both the existence and the kinematic differentiation of electromagnetic energy, as such eluded to motion that moves at light speed is in a vacuum (and that moves as is according to how light-speed is altered in any other medium as is according to Snell's Law), in so as to cause the eluded to conditionality of Lorentz-Four-Contractions to correlate to all other kinematic-based differentiation over the course of the sequential series of iterations of group instanton, over the history of space-time phenomenology.  This works to explain the influence the all motion -- that is here caused to behave as is according to the said multiplicit working of Lorentz-Four-Contractions -- to bear the multivarious topological shifts and sways, when such motion moves in conformity to the relativistic correlations to both the existence and the motion of both the vector-based and the tensor-based activities of the various inter-binding electromagnetic energy that exists along the cohomological bearings of space-time-fabric.  This works to explain part of as to why light-speed electromotive-based force is moved in a propagatorial manner instead of head-strong in a "slung-out" manner.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

As to why a mass must then change in topology

A phenomenon with both Yau-Exact singularities in-between the superstrings that work to comprise the said phenomenon and a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology may not, as such, travel at the speed of light or faster -- on account of the ensuing genus of conditionality.:  Let us say that one were to have an interconnection that was 6 radians long, via a theoretical Wilson Line that would here work to interconnect two given arbitrary phenomena.  Let us say that the so-stated genus of interconnection was of a supplemental nature that was  relatively tight.  One would then not able to, of its own accord, be able to stretch the eluded to interconnection to 2pi  radians without breaking those strands that would here work to form the initially so-stated interconnection between the two eluded to phenomena that I have eluded to as being interconnected by the eluded to strands of this given arbitrary scenario.  Likewise, any physical phenomena that are of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology have an abelian light-cone-gauge topology -- since this is what a Kaluza-Klein topology means.   An abelian light-cone-gauge topology is of a supplemental nature, and thus, it is not of a sinusoidal nature.  Although a sinusoidal nature has the possibility of being stretched-out further than its initially eluded to delineation is, a purely supplemental nature that is taught may not.  Yet, a supplemental interconnection that is already of a stretched-out format would already be able to be of the length that it would then here already be of, as an ansantz.  This is why a mass -- as it is normally thought of --- of both a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology with Yau-Exact singularities in-between the superstrings that work to comprise the said mass -- must  be altered into having a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology in order to go at the speed of light or faster.  Also, as an ansantz, a vast majority of the speed in a worm-hole is due to the contorsioning of space.  The alteration of light-cone-gauge topology may only be done by the right scattering amplitude, that I will not discuss in my blog.  I will continue with a reasonable amount of suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Part Two of the Sixth Session of Course 16

Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates are individually connected to superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  Couterstrings are individually connected, in the relatively reverse-holomorphic direction, to superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  A Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate is individually connected holomorphically to one of the so-stated superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, while the said given arbitrary superstring is connected holomorphically to one individual substringular counterpart of discrete energy permittivity.  Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates are connected to superstrings homotopically via a topological mechanism that is known of as the light-cone-gauge.  Any given arbitrary one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permttivity bears five second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that work to form what may be termed of as one first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate of a fermionic genus.  Any given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity bears ten second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that work to form what may be termed of as one first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate of a bosonic genus.  Any given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate that is not tachyonic moves either radially one Planck-Radii and/or one Planck-Length per iteration of group instanton -- as is according to Noether Flow.  Likewise, any given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity that is not tachyonic moves either radially one Planck-Radii and/or one Planck-Length per iteration of group instanton -- as is according to Noether Flow.  Also, any given arbitrary counterpart of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity that is not tachyonic moves either radially one Planck-Radii and/or one Planck-Length per iteration of group instanton -- as is according to Noether Flow.  The motion of Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates -- as these said states move kinematically over a sequential series of instantons -- tends to bear a trivially isometric chirality with the motion of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- as these said states move kinematically over a sequential series of instantons.  Likewise, the motion of superstrings -- as these said discrete units of energy permittivity move kinematically over a sequential series of instantons -- tends to bear a trivially isomorphic chirality with the motion of their directly corresponding substringular counterparts.  So, if any given arbitrary superstring moves via its progressive iteration, in what may be here thought of as an arbitrary holomorphic direction in a given arbitrary directoralized Lagrangian, then, both the directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate and the directly corresponding substringular counterpart will move in the same genus of the eluded to arbitrary holomorphic direction -- in the so-stated given arbitrary directoralized Lagrangian.  What I have just stated does not include what I have discussed before as both the relativistic wobbling tendencies that Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates bear, the relativistic wobbling tendencies that superstrings bear, and, the relativistic wobbling tendencies that the counterstrings of the said superstrings bear -- per iteration of group instanton in which the substringular works to form that sequential series of kinematic motion that works to form the energy that makes up the universe.  Next -- as to why superstrings of mass can not go at the speeds of light, when such superstrings bear a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology ( an abelian topology).  I will continue with the suspense later!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Part One of the Sixth Session of Course 16

Substringular phenomena generally travels as is according to Noether Flow.  Noether Flow is that kinematic condition in which superstrings move either the Planck Radii and/or the Planck Length -- in one manner or another -- per each individual sequential iteration of instanton, the one after the other.  Yet, besides electromagnetic energy that is flowing in a vacuum, most other phenomena does not travel at the speed of light.  What is considererd as travel that is at the speed of light is that motion of one or more quantized superstrings that move as a group -- through a discrete Lagrangian through enough of a scalar delineation, to where the so-stated group of one or more of the eluded to superstrings that are here quantized in any directly corresponding scenario is in motion as such, to where this said group of one or more superstrings directly interacts with infrared-based electromagnetic energy over time.  So, here is a case of the greater quantity of Noether-based flow that is not directly appertaining to the motion  of electromagnetic energy.  Let us say that one were here to consider a relatively small set of superstrings that operate as an orbifold eigenset of Hamiltonian-based mass.  The mass -- since a mass may be typified as a physical phenomenon that has a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology that bears Yau-Exact singularities in-between those superstrings that work to comprise the said mass -- can not as such move at the speed of light or faster, or else it would have all of the mass in the universe.  Yet, since the eluded to mass will here obey Noether Flow -- it would then consist of superstrings that move either the Planck Radii and/or the Planck Length from one iteration of group instanton to each of the ensuing iterations of group instanton that appertain to that group metric in which the said mass is kinematically differentiating in.  So, although the said mass is here not traveling at the speed of light -- as I have defined such an eluded to bearing of velocity earlier in this post -- the individual iterations of these eluded to superstrings move in a relatively confined locus that would here consist of superstrings that are conformally invariant, when in consideration of superstrings that are locally confined to a relatively specific regional locus over a sequential series of directly related group instantons.  So, although in the eluded to given arbitrary scenario that I have here described of as an orbifold eigenset that obeys Noether Flow, the individual superstrings that are here moving in one manner or another either the Planck Radii and/or the Planck Length per each succeeding iteration of instanton, these superstrings do not move as one group of superstrings that move in a quantized manner through a discrete Lagrangian over time over enough of a scalar distance to where the eluded to orbifold eigenset may be able to, as such, directly interact with infrared energy, these correlative superstrings that work to comprise the eluded to orbifold eigenset are then here moving as is according to the said Noether Flow in a relatively confined region in a state of relative conformal invariance as such.  As to why a mass can not move at the speed of light or faster when such a general phenomena of holonomic substrate bears a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology is a topic that I will describe in my next post.  Hint:  A fractal modulus may only be up to 100 percent of what is possible under the conditions of whatever the given arbitrary scenario calls for.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Last Part of the Fifth Session of Course 16

Let us initially say that a substringular region bears an antiholomorphic Kaeler condition.  This works to bring in ghost inhibitors that act in so as to annharmonically scatter upon ghost anomalies, which happens in so as to scatter the eluded to group attractors (in this case, the ghost anomalies that I have just mentioned).  This happens in such a manner to where there will be enough room for those physical Hamiltonian operators, that will here alter in their  norm-coniditions, to then be able to both spontaneoulsy and persistently move along the Ultimon over time. This does not here include the existent condition, that Gaussian Transformations work in so as to build-up enough of a fractal of discrete energy permittivity -- in order for the directly corresponding superstrings to be able to continue to exist as units of discrete energy permittivity.  This also does not include the existent condition that Gaussian Transformations inclusively act in so as to build-up a fractal of discrete energy impedance, so that Fadeev-Popov eigenstates may continue to exist as discrete units of energy impedance.  As the "infringed" Gaussian conditions of the previously mentioned change in norm-conditions brings in negative-norm-states -- in so as to act as a group attractor that brings in a ghost inhibitor that functions as a Hamiltonian operator that is utilized towards the purposes of an annharmonically scattering of the eluded to ghost anomalies --, this happens as such an interaction of the so-stated negative-norm-states upon the harmonically scattered positive-norm-states that had worked to form indices of ghost anomalies, to where this interactive activity is brought into the general format of such a substringular cite.  This interaction works to restrict the condition of an expansion of ghost anomalies, that had here formed in the general locus of the eluded to substringular neighborhood.  At this point in metrical extrapolation, the ghost anomalies of the directly corresponding world-sheets begin to scatter in an annharmonic manner, due to the supplemental so-stated positive-norm-states that had acted in a relatively abelian manner upon the Gaussian conditions of the positive-norm-states that have been scattered.  This so-stated harmonic scattering, that works to form those ghost anomalies that will then later be elliminated, happens during a directly previous group metric -- this happens in such a manner in so as to form a physical memory as to both the existence and the activity of those superstrings that had previously kinematically differentiatted in the said given arbitrary substringular region that has here been discussed.  This is an activity that appertains to the directly corresponding Gaussian metric that works to form the correlative Gaussian cohomology that alllows superstrings to have enough adequate room in so as to be able to have a place in which to kinematically differentiate through time.  This genus of activity, that works to provide a continuous format of Hamiltonian operand, so that substringular phenomena may have adequate room to be able to kinematically differentiate through time, is the Donaldson-Ulenback-Yau metric.
I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Part Three of the Fifth Session of Course 16

As a given arbitrary cohomology -- that in an interconnective pheonomenon that works to bind one or more ghost anomalies, the ghost anomalies of which are a mappable tracing of world-sheets -- begins to alter the Gaussian-based conditions of the Ward-Derichlet norm-states of the directly surrounding region.  This is the cased in which the eluded to world-sheets have been extrapolated, in so far as the mappable tracing may be determined, to where those norm-states and/or those norm-state projections that had been harmonically scattered in so as to form the so-stated ghost anomalies of this given arbitrary case, alter as Hamiltonian operators of cyclic permutation that exists as a metrical-gauge within the Ward-Neumman bounds of the eluded to ghost-based field.  This ghost-based field is one that exists as a physical memory of the directly associated superstrings.  This metrical-gauge-based cyclic permutation activity happens over a sequential series of the iterations of group instanton, is which the eluded to directly associated superstrings -- that work as a holonomic substrate upon a given arbitrary Gliossi-based field of Fock Space -- which is at multiple eigenstates of interaction at the Poincaire level -- is at a simultantaneous gauge-metric denotation through the vantage point of a central conipoint, in so as to work to form an interdependence of the various multiplicit Hamiltonian operators that are Yakawa to the motion of the eluded to superstrings over time.  When such a development of cohomological formation and renewal works to form an antiholomorphic Kaeler condition, the directly associated inter-binding of ghost anomalies will then here act as a Kaeler cohomology that indirectly works to form an ensuing Kaeler Metric.  If the genus of a Kaeler Metric is of a holomorphic nature, then, the flow of the various formation and renewal of cohomological inter-binding will not need a spontaneous and immediate alteration in the here local norm-based conditions.  Thus, any given arbitrary Kaeler condition that is of a holomorphic-based nature will not immediately form a Wick Action eigenstate, via the mutliplicit interaction of the local Rarita Structure eigenstate -- of what would here be the given arbitrary scenario.  This works to indicate the intimate interconnection of the Yakawa-based operation of the directly corresponding local Rarita Structure-based eigenstates with both the formation, renewal, and the ellimination of ghost anomaly-based cohomological-based indices, over the group-metrical interactions that would here work to determine whether or not a local Gaussian Transformation will happen spontaneously from within the local region that may be considered in any given arbitrary case thus considered.  I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Second Part of the Fifth Session of Course 16

As the transformed directly corresponding homotopic substrate that was acted upon in the eluded to perturbative manner is altered from a Rham-based cohomology into a Doubolt-based cohomology, the eluded to holonomic entity may, on occasion, twist coniaxially -- in terms of its Ward-Caucy-based field at the Poincaire level, to where the said homotopic substrate may conform to the Gaussian condition of the directly external kinematic differentiation.  This happens in enough of a scalar topological-based "quantum" of Hodge-based homotopic recycling of norm-based states, to where the eluded to internal changes in norm-coniditions may move both in the direction of being in a relaxed state, as well as acting in accordance to a fractal of the right-hand-rule in a Chan-Patton manner.  So, whatever the Ward-Derichlet condition of the regions that directly surround the intially stated locus of Gaussian Transformation eigenstate are, this will then work in a simultaneous manner through a central conipoint, in so as to cause the directly related Chan-Patton conditions.  If there are here no Chern-Simmons spikes in both the Lagrangian-based differentiation and the metrical-based differentiation of the activity of any said internal superstrings (that would here be of a Rham-based cohomology) during any given arbitrary group metric, then, these internal superstrings are said to be Yau-Exact.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Part One of the Fifth Session of Course 16

So, now one would like to know how both the Rham and Doubolt-based cohomologies of both the Kaeler and Calabi-based metrics interact -- in so as to form the kinematic arena of differentiation, that works to describe many of the various occurrences of the substringular.  This eluded to manner of interconnected occurrences may be described in part by the conditionality of the Donaldson-Ulenbach-Yau equation.  The just mentioned equation may be used to describe how substringular world-sheets tend to begin as a format of a Rham-based cohomology, that exists over a sequential series of iterations of group instanton -- that happen over a Rham-based metrical genus -- that kinematically differentiates with multiple norm-conditions that are impending to be changed into a condition of re-assortment, via a set of relatively local Gaussian Transformation eigenstates.  The just mentioned alterations in the physical genus of the eluded to mapping of the eluded to ghost anomaly-based indices -- that is due to the directly corresponding changes in norm-conditions that are needed, happens in so that the directly corresponding superstrings that are mapped-out by the so-stated cohomological matrix may both have that fractal of discrete permittivity -- so that these superstrings may continue to both persist and exist as discrete energy permitttivity, as well as so that superstrings may spontaneously and consistently be able to bear interconnective covariance over time.  Such eluded to formats of Gaussian Transformation often work to translate a so-stated Rham cohomology into a Doubolt cohomology -- that works to kinematically differentiate over a sequential series of group instanton-based iterations, as the eluded to directly correponding homotopic entity that is here being discussed works to then bear a Doubolt-based metric. To Be Continued.  Sam Roach.