Thursday, December 15, 2011

More About the Importance of Not Singling Out Gluons

The metrical activity of gluons is what effects the Rarita Structure via the multiplicit kinematic Fourier differentiation of Schwinger Indices to form the Wick Action.  The Wick Action is the most important type of Hausendorf Projection, and is implemented on accout of the gluonic force (the strong force) to move the Landau Gisner Action (which is the most important type of Campbel-Hausendorf Projection) so as to allow for the leveraging of the Fischler-Suskind Mechanism upon eigenstates of the Higgs Action so as to move the respective corresponding eigenstates of the Klein Bottle so as to allow for the condition of Kaeler-Metric to be in place so that superstrings that lack metric-gauge may regain their mentioned metric-gauge so that discrete energy may remain as discrete energy so that reality may continue to exist.  The Kaeler-Metric always happens so as to also allow for the proceeding Gaussian Transformations to occur.  Gaussian Transformations are essential so that different sources of kinematic vibrations may inter-relate in a covariant manner so that the continuation of the existance of energy may continue to be kinematic.  So, since the metrical activity of the gluonic force is what causes the Rarita Structure to cause the existance and covariant relation of the Wick Action so as to indirectly allow for the continuation of unfrayed substringular fabric.  This is not to mention the fact that the gluonic force is what binds together quarks and/or leptons to other quarks and/or leptons.  So, one should not try to isolate the gluons in a manner that causes these to not perpetually funcion as the strong force.  Minor attempts to isolate gluons may cause just a "fissure" in space-time-fabric, yet, this would be like metaphorically saying that a damm just has a tiny hole in it.
This is just one of about a handfull of reasons as to why the Hadron Colliding Experiment should be shut down.  In so long as the right hardware may be formed via certain extrapolations that involve how to use practical sense so as to utilize the activities of such particles, it is otherwise completely dangerous and unnecessary to try to isolate/illucidate certain particles when such isolation/illucidation is so potentially harmfull to the continued existence of the world.          
God Bless You,               

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