Thursday, December 29, 2011

More About the Activity of the Light-Cone-Gauge

During BRST, which is the main part of a duration that is known of as instanton, superstrings and their counterparts go thru a gauge-metric that I call the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue.  During this activity, the substringular fields, appertaining to superstings that are discrete units of energy permittivity, that interconnect superstrings with their counterparts -- the field eigenstates which are in the form of mini-string segments -- cause a wobbling motion that initially moves the counterparts of arbitrary superstrings in the forward holomorphic direction while counter-wobbling the corresponding superstrings in that same given forward holomorphic direction.  Such a gauge-metric consequently moves the given corresponding superstrings to wobble back in the associated reverse holomorphic direction while counter-wobbling the corresponding superstrings in the corresponding reverse holomorphic direction.  This happens while the Polyakov Action and the Bette Action are taking place.           
During the simultaneous activities of the Polyakov Action and the Bette Action, the associated superstrings and their corresponding counterstrings alter in scalar relative size via the increase of substringular wave or mini-string segment scalar increase in such a way that the associated superstrings and their corresponding counterstrings largen just enough to be at the length (for 1D strings) or circumference (for 2D strings) that corresponds to how small the associated Lorentz-Four-Contractions are.  As an example, if the Lorentz-Four-Contraction upon a given superstring is zero, then, the associated 1D strings increase during BRST in length by a factor of 3*10^8.  Or, as another example, if the Lorentz-Four-Contraction upon a given 2D string is zero, then the circumference of the associated superstrings increases by a factor of 3*10^8.  This is done with a maintainence of homotopy on account of mini-string being brought into the Gliossi field of where the mentioned superstrings and their counterstrings are at.  Once the corresponding superstirngs and their counterstrings have wobbled back into their original general locus via the reverse holomorphic wobbling of the associated counterstrings counter-wobbling the corresponding superstrings, the effect of this activity springs superstrings and their counterstrings into the Regge Action while then going into Ultimon Flow directly afterward, if their is no Kaeler-Metric during the course of the associated eigenstate of instanton.  If Kaeler-Metric is to happen during a particular arbitrary eigenstate of instanton, then, immediately after BRST, the mentioned superstrings initially enter their corresponding Klein Bottle eigenstate-like phenomenon for half of the rest of instanton -- the superstings of which in the process recontracting to the size that these had directly before these had expanded on account of the Polyakov Action, due to the differential geometry of the norm-states that exist in the given Klein Bottle eigenstates -- while then the superstrings go into the Regge Slope via the Regge Action for the other half of the rest of the arbitrary given eigenstate of instanton.  What we tend to notice in terms of time is instanton, or, more specifically, the BRST portion of instanton.  BRST happens for
6hbar time, while the rest of instanton happens for ((2pi hbar)-(6hbar)) time.  We only tend to notice instanton on account of the condition that superstrings are at a relatively organized standstill during the individual eigenstates of instanton.  By far though, most substringular activity happens in-between the individual eigenstates of instantons.  The Klein Bottle eigenstates are organized to be at the proper location on account of:  1) The abelian propagation of the Wick Action that is tensorically directoralized via the harmonics of wave-tug of the corresponding Schwinger Indices that travel as vibrational eigenstates along the Rarita Structure.  2) The corresponding abelian propagation of the Landau-Gisner-Acion upon the associated  Douboult cohomological section of the Rarita Structure known of as the field where the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism happens. 3) The abelin nature of the Higgs Action eigenstates upon their associated Klein Bottle eigenstates toward the resultant of the hermitian Ward path that moves in the path of most resistance to the general location where the Kaeler-Metric is to happen.  The combined activities mentioned in the prior are what cause the proper inter-relations that allow for the correct distributions of Klein Bottle eigenstates with their corresponding superstrings so that the superstrings that need metric-gauge -- as well as the superstrings that may also then need to change in light-cone-gauge topology --  may be properly organized so that Gaussian Transformations may happen appropriately.  Sam Roach.      

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

About the Retying That Happens During the Space-Hole

While the duration that happens when the Bases of Light are undergoing their metric, certain conicentral conipoints of an arbitrary coniaxial's sub-mini-string segments at certain loci relative to superstrings that are about to go thru the process of an eigenmetric of the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse-mode just begin to disconnect at their relative respective forward holomorphic ends in correspondence to the mentioned conipoint of the conicentral of an arbitrary coniaxial's loci where these just begin to temporarily lose the fractal of pressurized vacuum that is generated by the motion of substringular phenomena.  The very temporary disconnection that begins to happen during that general metric that exists in-between the durations of two arbitrary instantons happens multiplicitly where it happens on account of the condition that the conipoint-related conicentral loci as to where the mini-string exists is at in a very tightly-knit Fourier Transformation --  that would tend to be considered a Laplacian condition due to the fact that this happens during a sub-metric that is in-between two successive discrete units of time -- is where homotopy tends to be at its relative potential weakest.  The activity of the formation of the Bases of Light works to help keep homotopy to be maintained then.  I will complete this picture later.  Got to go!  Sam.                                   

Monday, December 19, 2011

Here Is Some Knowledge To Help You To Better Understand Sub-Mini-String

Sub-Mini-String is what interconnects both third-ordered-point-particles to each other as well so as to interconnect second-ordererd-point-particles into the type of mini-string that forms the fields that are exhibited by superstringular phenomena.  First-Ordered-Point-Particles are formed by the "yarning" of mini-string into the various forms of compactifications that allow for the respective various forms of first-ordered-point-particles that exist in the arena of space-time-fabric.             
Sub-Mini-String segments bind via an extreme fractal example of a pressurized vacuum.  Ideally, one would think that sub-mini-string segments would be flushly homeomorphically cylindrical.  Yet, the ends of the segments of sub-mini-string are not necessarily a fractal of cross-sectional orientafolds.  Often, either end and/or both ends of sub-mini-string segments are conically angled by up to 11.25 conical degrees if one were to observe such a conical angling at such a close range that a given arbitrary sub-mini-string segment would here appear to be three-dimensional.  Such an angling may be singularized, trivially isomorphic when one considers both ends of such a mentionable segment, or non-trivially isomorphic when one considers both ends of such a mentionable segment.  So, when such a said segment is non-trivially isomorphic at its maximum conical slanting at both ends, the overall conical angling difference would, in under a Laplacian condition, be a 22.5 degree difference.  This coincides with the condition that a Higgs Action eigenstate subtends to an angling of 22.5 degrees to the relative left of a relatively straight up and down subtending when a Klein Bottle eigenstate is to move holomorphically and that the same arbitrary Higgs Action eigenstate subtends to an angling of 22.5 degrees to the relative right from a relatively straight up and down subtending when the respective Klein Bottle eigenstate is to move antiholomorphically under the same eigenmetric of any arbitrary Kaeler-Metric eigenstate.  Either way, when one considers a Wilson Line that measures the general length of a sub-mini-string segment, the length of that segment is always 16 times as long as its thickness at its center.  Sub-Mini-String is always the same thickness.  Again, this is not a length that is derived by a theoretical Gliossi-based Laplacian measurement, yet, this considered length, which is always the same, is based on a Wilson Line that measures the general length of any given sub-mini-string segment.  Here is what I mean.  Take both ends of any of such said segment.  Consider pseudo-orientafolds that extend "above" or "below" a given segment that we are discussing.  Draw a line that is straight that connects the orientafolds.  That given line will always be the same length, whether the said segment is homeomorphically cylindrical, conically angled at one end, trivially isomrphically conically angled at both ends, or non-trivially isomorphically conically angled at both ends.  This is what I mean by a Wilson Line.  The ends of sub-mini-string always flushly touch in a Gliossi Manner, whether the given ends are conically angled or not.  This goes to show that the slanting of the conically angling of the ends of such said sub-mini-string segments are always bimorphologically isomorphic to the degree that such segments are angled.  The number of variations of such slantings is the following:  Take the reciprocal of
(~1.104735878*10^(-81)), and divide this number by 16.  During the space-hole, the relatively forward holomorphic ends of the segments of sub-mini-string that bind those loci of mini-string (reverse-fractaled of sub-mini-string) that are to temporarily disconnect to retie before the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse-mode.  Such a sub-metric of brief disconnection is due to the virtual lack of a fractal of pressurized vacuum in loci of substringular field.  Based on the Laplacian condition that is in consideration of the placement of the substringular field eigenstates as this is happening, the sub-mini-string segment ends that nearly break homotopy reconnect in the manner that involves the least resistance.  This retying is what allows for the continuation of Gaussian Transformations, of which allows for the spontaneous kinematic covariance that is essential for metric-gauge to be activated so that superstrings may be discrete energy so that reality may continue.  I will continue with the suspence later.                                    

Thursday, December 15, 2011

More About the Importance of Not Singling Out Gluons

The metrical activity of gluons is what effects the Rarita Structure via the multiplicit kinematic Fourier differentiation of Schwinger Indices to form the Wick Action.  The Wick Action is the most important type of Hausendorf Projection, and is implemented on accout of the gluonic force (the strong force) to move the Landau Gisner Action (which is the most important type of Campbel-Hausendorf Projection) so as to allow for the leveraging of the Fischler-Suskind Mechanism upon eigenstates of the Higgs Action so as to move the respective corresponding eigenstates of the Klein Bottle so as to allow for the condition of Kaeler-Metric to be in place so that superstrings that lack metric-gauge may regain their mentioned metric-gauge so that discrete energy may remain as discrete energy so that reality may continue to exist.  The Kaeler-Metric always happens so as to also allow for the proceeding Gaussian Transformations to occur.  Gaussian Transformations are essential so that different sources of kinematic vibrations may inter-relate in a covariant manner so that the continuation of the existance of energy may continue to be kinematic.  So, since the metrical activity of the gluonic force is what causes the Rarita Structure to cause the existance and covariant relation of the Wick Action so as to indirectly allow for the continuation of unfrayed substringular fabric.  This is not to mention the fact that the gluonic force is what binds together quarks and/or leptons to other quarks and/or leptons.  So, one should not try to isolate the gluons in a manner that causes these to not perpetually funcion as the strong force.  Minor attempts to isolate gluons may cause just a "fissure" in space-time-fabric, yet, this would be like metaphorically saying that a damm just has a tiny hole in it.
This is just one of about a handfull of reasons as to why the Hadron Colliding Experiment should be shut down.  In so long as the right hardware may be formed via certain extrapolations that involve how to use practical sense so as to utilize the activities of such particles, it is otherwise completely dangerous and unnecessary to try to isolate/illucidate certain particles when such isolation/illucidation is so potentially harmfull to the continued existence of the world.          
God Bless You,               

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Little About What Caused What

If it wasn't for the Logos, the Higgs Action would never have been activated to begin to create a discrete reality out of the Big-Bang.          
If it wasn't for the Higgs Action, metric-gauge would never have been created to allow for the soon to be created superstrings to act as discrete units of energy permittivity -- as well as to allow for the soon to be created Fadeev-Popov-Traces to act as discrete units of energy impedance.
If it wasn't for the kinematic multiplicit redistributions of superstrings, there would be no ghost anomalies.
If it wasn't for ghost anomalies, there would be no Njenhuisly placed gravitational particles.
If it wasn't for Njenhuisly placed gravitational particles, the Rarita Structure would serve no purpose, and the Ricci Action would never take effect.
If the Ricci Action never took effect, gravity would never be attainable, and mass would never be able to be attained.                       
If there was never any mass, the perpetuation of electromagnetic energy would not be sustainable -- since soon after the Big-Bang happened, electrons dropping back-and-forth an energy level is what has subsequent to then been the activity that releases discrete energy known as photons, or, in other words, since soon after the Big-Bang happened, it has taken a type of mass known as an electron in order for light to be perpetuated and sustained.
If it wasn't for electromagnetic energy, the absence of light would cause mass to have no relativity and also no ability to have any heat.
If it wasn't for heat, mass would have no vibration, and thus mass would not be sustainable.
If it wasn't for phenomena to differentiate relative to light, there would be no time, length, nor mass relationships.
If it wasn't for there to be a relationship of mass toward its environment -- mass, heat, gravity, and motion period would fly apart into nothingness.
Yet, certain realities are the way that they are period. -- Just like basic math is just a fact of reality that can not be changed.
Since reality has been perpetuated from soon after the Big-Bang, the activity of Schwinger Indices upon the Rarita Structure has been what causes the Wick Action that causes the Landau-Gisner-Action to cause the Suskind-Fischler-Mechanism to have a leverage to allow the Higgs Action to move the Klein Bottle so that Gaussian Transformations are possible so that energies existence may be sustainable so that reality may continue to exist.                      

Monday, December 12, 2011

About Point Particles

First-Ordered-Point-Particles comprise superstrings.
Second-Ordered-Point-Particles comprise the mini-string that "balls-up" to form first-ordered-point-particles, while these second-ordered particles also form all mini-string that forms substringular fields.
Third-Ordered-Point-Particles only exist so as to form the composition of second-ordered-point-particles.
Sub-Mini-String binds together third-ordered-point-particles as well as interconnecting the said second-ordered-point-particles.
Just as mini-string forms all substringular fields -- and also considering the condition that second-ordered-point-particles are two orders lower in diameter than superstrings --  sub-mini-string is what binds the mentioned second-ordered-point-particles. 
Catch You Two,
Samuel David Roach.                                      

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Mild Description of the Light-Cone-Gauge

The light-cone-gauge acts like a "springing" mechanism that allows for superstrings that iterate during BRST to be able to go thru the Regge Action and/or the Kaeler-Metric while then going into Ultimon Flow.  As I will show in words in both the end of Course Nine, during Course Ten, and during Course Twelve as well, what we tend to observe of in terms of discrete units of time are instantons.  During instanton, superstrings are relatively motionless.  After each successive instanton, each superstring physically alters in its position.  The successive series of such displacements forms the basis of what we tend to think of as the kinematic differentiation of superstrings that are put thru the multiplicit various Fourier Transformations that allow motion and thus energy and existence to be actual.  The metrical activity of the light-cone-gauge during BRST forms a spring-like activity that forms a Reverse Dirac mechanism that causes superstrings to go thru those differentiations during Ultimon Flow so as to allow for the proceeding repositioning of superstrings so that the said Fourier Transformations that allow for existence to be to happen.  I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.    

Thursday, December 1, 2011

About Different Forms of Cohomology

Let us take into consideration a specific arbitrary case of a cohomological scenario.
Let us consider a case in which there is one bosonic string that has a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology with an antiholomorphic tendency that is at a given relatively limited number of instantons interbound with two bosonic strings that have an abelian light-cone-gauge topology with a holomorphic tendency.  The mentioned interbinding interaction is Yakawa, yet, the said binding is not completely Gliossi in terms of the relatively borne tangency that exists between these three interactive and covariant superstrings.  The topological stratum of the three Yakawa-based-interactive superstrings is separated by a multiplicit mini-string field network that allows just enough room in-between the holonomic topology of each individually considered superstrings so that each of the three mentioned superstrings may be able to undergo an eigencondition of a  Polyakov Action followed by an eigencondition of a Bette Action followed by an eigencondition of a Regge Action.  Such an interbinding here makes the three cohomologically-based superstrings to be non-orientable during the triune eigenmetric of Bette Action, yet, generally, the three described superstrings considered in this arbitrary case will normally, under these conditons, be orientable during the ensuing triune eigenmetric of Regge Action.  If the three mentioned superstrings taken individually are not orientable during the said Regge Action, the three said superstrings will then become tachyonic.  Yet, since under the initialy considered conditions, such superstrings taken individually will be orientable during the Regge Action in the process of  such strings going thru their Lagrangian-based operands, which are, in general, called the Regge Slope.  Each of such Lagrangian-based operands is an eigenregion in which superstrings that are not orientable during the Bette Action may become orientable under normal conditons.  If such a cohomology as originally mentioned is existant over a sequential series of instantons, then, the said cohomology is said here to differentiate in a Fourier manner according to Noether Flow.  The mentioned cohomology -- when one is to map out the theoretical overlapping that one may determine under Laplacian conditions that involves individual instantons -- would not directly overlap with pure chirality.  Thus, such a described coholomology is said to bear a non-trivial isomorphism in terms of the handedness of symmetry that one may determine via such a theoretical overlapping that one may map out during any particular Laplcain condition that would exist during the BRST portion of any given instanton. 
  Yet, since the symmetry here is non-trivially isomorphic, and, since the wave-tug of the two said bosonic superstrings that I described as having an abelian light-cone-gauge topology are angled acutely when one considers a Laplacian Wilson Line that is to be determined from the relative holomorphic endpoint of the non-abelian-based bosonic superstring that subtends in the relative holomorphic direction, the overall wave-tug forms a tense here of conformal invariance in terms of the general limited locus where the substringular cohomology exists over a said sequential series of instantons.  Yet, as an ansantz, the tendency of such a cohomological basis will tend to begin to relatively slowly propagate in the relatively holomorphic direction.  World-Sheets tend to form more of a Gliossi Yakawa-based cohomology when these phenomena interbind both in terms of Rham, Douboult, and also in terms of Rham-Douboult cohomological interaction.  You have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.