Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mild Correction

Every Basis of Light has one trillion different types of Planck-Related-Phenomena.
Two posts ago, I described, in general, the conditions that may be used to determine the 159,000 different types of Bases of Light -- each Basis of Light corresponds to one layer of Reality.
Each Layer of Reality is reflected in all of the parallel universes.
The intensity of the hermitian curvature of a PRP works to determine specifically what one is dealing with, yet, besides the hyperbollic intensities, the manner of the conditions of the PRP as described two posts ago works to describe which layer of reality one is dealing with with any given arbitrary parallel universe that one is either in or wishes to be in.                              

How the Bases of Light Are Fractored By the Planck-Related-Phenomena

When the Bases of Light are retied -- via the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse-mode -- the same basic type of morphological nature of each Basis of Light taken individually is fractored by the corresponding Planck-Related-Phenomena.  Aside from the 159,000 different types of Planck-Related-Phenomena morphologies that may be generalized by what I had discussed in my previous post, there are close to one trillion manners in which the hyperbolically concave up morphologies of the "Chi" shapes of the given mini-traces may formulate in terms of the intensity of such a prior mentioned type of curvature that may be mapped out under any given Laplacian condition of such Planck-Related-Phenomena that involves forward moving time during BRST.  Likewise, there are also close to one trillion manners in which the hyperbolically concave down morphologies of the "Chi" shapes of the given mini-traces may formulate in terms of the intensity of such a prior mentiones type of curvature that may be mapped out under any given Laplacian condition of such Planck-Related-Phenomena that involves backward moving time during BRST.  In the region to where the Bases of Light moves primarily forward, there is one Basis of Light that involves forward and backward moving time equally.  In the region to where the Bases of Light moves primarily backward, there is one Basis of Light that involves forward and backward moving time equally.  So, one not only has the 159,000 basic variations of Planck-Related-Phenomena as I described in my previous post, yet, there are three different general types of intensity in terms of the hyperbollic nature of the basic curvature of the "Chi" shapes that are an integral part of the mentioned Bases of Light as may be determined by the detection of the corresponding mini-traces.  Regular mini-traces bear a hyperbollic concave curvature along the mapping out of the "Chi" shapes under Laplacian conditions that is strictly eucildean and hermitian.
Virtual mini-traces bear a hyperbollic concave curvature along the mapping ot of the "Chi" shapes under Laplacian conditions that is determined via a power series of observed extension. While Planck-phenemenoa visages bear a Laplacian tracing that is exponential in terms of how one may map it out from the center of a mini-trace to its exterior Ward Neumman bounds.  Likewise, for every Regular-Planck-Phenomena, or, RPP, there are 10,000 times as many total RPP and virtual PP combined, and, for every RPP, there are 100,000,000 total virtual PRP, visage PRP and RPP combined. Virtual visage Planck-Related-Phenomena, or, VVPRP, bear an exponential mapping as before, except, the related traces bear a Laplacian condion of extended sub-mini-string in-between the second-ordered point particles that comprise the traces that comprise the mentioned "Chi" shapes. Again, for every RPP, there are one trillion total RPP, virtual PRP, visage PRP, and VVPRP.  You have a phenomenal day, and I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.                                                                                                       

Monday, July 25, 2011

More About P-R-P Modes

Here is more as to how to determine if the tense of a parallel universe that you are searaching to be in is of a particulaar tori-sector-range -- or, in other words, if the tense of a particular universe that you are searching to be in is of a particular "layer of realilty."        
Each Basis of Light that is unfrayed is of a particular "layer of reality", of which is based on seven general solution modes that also incorporate the three-dimensional Laplacian placements that the mentioned arbitrary Basis of Ligh,t relative to the other Bases of Light, that one is considering, is in during the duration of an arbitrary metric of what I call the "space-hole."  Based on the condition that electrons exist in D-fields that are of a Fourier minimum of six spatial dimensions plus time is why there are six types of heterotic vibration modes of the tori-sector-ranges relative to one another, which multiplies by a factor of six the potential determination of the number of "layers of reality" in and of itself.  The seven general solution modes that I have mentioned bear a 49 membered particular solution that bears three overlapping or redundant modes -- not including the member of the described solution that is associated with a constant.  Now, if you consider the ten tenses of topological sways that exist per sub-dimension (that is, what would appear as a three-dimensional setting when one detects the arbitrarily given Planck-Based phenomenon up close), taken individually, that form an overall substrate of 1,000 different multiplicitly arranged topological sways, one may be fascillitated to determine which of the (46+1+6)*3*1,000 types of tori-sector-ranges, or, in other words, which of the types of "layers of reality," is applicable to the tense of the parallel universe that you wish to enter in one set of parallel universes.  Thus, one is to consider the covariant Laplacian placement of the Bases of Light of one set of parallel universes relative to the others.  (159,000 layers of reality happen, over the courese of the existence of space and time PER set of parallel universes, and there are three sets of parallel universes in physical space-time-fabric.)  As implied earlier, each of the unique members of the prior described particular solution, along with the constant that is determined when one integrates to form the described particular solution -- and this given constant of which is a determinant factor in representing a parallel universe that is most similar to ours, along with the six types of heterotic vibrations that exist among the Bases of Light that corresponds to the minimum of six spatial dimentions that exist for an electron, along with each of three-dimensional up-close Laplacian placements of each Basis of Light as it exists during the duration of what I call the "space-hole",  (NOTE:  The configuration of Planck-Related-Phenomena is based on the directly prior configuration of its corresponding Basis of Light that it untied from in-between two successive instantons.), -- which corresponds to a specific tori-sector-range --, along with each of the 1,000 combinative formats of the topological sway, and finally considering if the curvature of the corresponding "Chi"-Related shape is hyperbolically concave up (for positive-moving-time-related Planck-Related-Phenomena) or if the curvature of the corresponding "Chi"-Related shape is hyperbolically concave down (for negataive-moving-time-related Planck-Related-Phenomena), works together to describe a specific Basis of Light that is mirrored fractorially in the "mini-traces" or the Planck-Related-Phenomena in order to help determine which "layer of reality" that you are dealing with.  The just mentioned knowledge also helps to determine which tori-sector-range is -- at an arbitrary locus of time -- appertaining to a tense of a parallel universe that one may wish to enter.  I will continue with the suspence later.  If I make any mistakes, at least I know that I am moving in the direction of the truth.  The knowledge above is a good filler in-between Session 11 and Session 12 of Course One on Fock-Space, gravity, and the light-cone-gauge.  This, being Course "9."  You have a phenomenal day!
  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.                                                                                                                                                                   

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Session 11 of Course 9 on Fock Space, Gravity, and the Light-Cone-Gauge

One-dimensional strings attach to five light-cone-guage quanta, while two-dimensional strings attach to ten light-cone-gauge quanta.  When a Planck-Related phenomenon reverberates in terms of its angular momenta indices, both ends of the corresponding Planck-Related phenomenon reverberate.  The light-cone-gauge quanta attach to the center of another Planck-Related phenomenon.  the light-cone-gauge-eigenstates are much thinner than superstrings, so the spring-like action that is associated with this activitiy is geared to place the strings and their corresponding reversely-holomorphically placed field trajectory back to the same spot, except for the twists in the light-cone-gauge quanta -- when one particularly considers the conditions that exist for phenomena that has a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology.  Twists in the light-cone-gauge quanta are produced by the normalization modes of the other substringular phenomena that arbitrarily here are acting upon a given set of Planck-Related phemena.  The dilaton, the third-ordered point particle, and the negative-norm point commutator modes act upon the Planck-Related phenonema to directoralize the Poincare, Weyl, and Majorana indices to activate the transfiguration of Planck-Phenomena-based normalization via Ward Caucy differentiation to allow an operand for the given changes in the flow of the associated Planck-Phenomena differentiation over a set of the iterations that happen per instanton.  As the affiliated instantons differentiate interactively thru the kinematic operation of time, the described field trajectory of the mentioned arbitrary superstring that I am describing here forms a pattern of normalization differentiation in such a manner that allows chaos, or entropy, to return to harmony.  This follows the pattern of anharmonic Planck-Related differentiation to harmonize indirectly the adjacent Planck-Related differentiation, except, this other pattern I have mentioned takes the history of the expansion of the universe.                    
I hope that you have a phenomenal day!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Little Bit Of A Refresher As To The Nature Of The Light-Cone-Gauge

Eigenstates of a first-ordered-light-cone-gauge act as a substrate of a spring-like activity that allows for substringular phenomena that are undergoing BRST to be pulled into the Regge Action so that Ultimon Flow in-between the durations of individual instantons may transpire. 
The substrate that I just described is comprised of chords of mini-string that are abelian when dealing with a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology, and such chords are non-abelian when dealing with a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology.  An abelian light-cone-gauge topology bears more of a direct substringular field in-between the reversely-holomorphically positioned field trajectory of a superstring with the inferred arbitrary superstring.  What I mean by a direct substringular field is that the wave-tug that exists in this region bears a tightly associated pull that is relatively high in fractal modulae while being relatively low in elastic modulae -- in terms of substringular holonomic focus upon the arbitrarily given superstring that one would be refferring to when one reffers to a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology.  A Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology -- although the chords of mini-string that exist in the prior mentioned type of region also bear a strength of wave-tug that is both Gliossi to both an arbitrary superstring and its reversely-holomorphically positioned field trajectory -- bears more of a elastic-modulae and less of a fractal-modulae in terms of the activity that happens both during and after the activities that happen during BRST.  Yet, in either case, the flow of the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue that happens here (motion that happens in a Dirac manner that bears a multiplicitly associated wave-tug and pull that happens back-and-forth on and off of the Real Reimmanian Plane that one would associate with a specific positioning that one would initially think to be inherent to the Laplacian Condition of a superstringular setting during BRST  ("Imaginary"),  while yet this activity of sub-metrics happens during the core of an instanton in any arbitrary case (Real)) in such a manner that the  combined synergy of the mild re-delilneations of the mini-stringular fabric that ebbs to-and-frow from a supersting to and from its counterpart (which thus forms a strong wave-tug upon the associated first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate) so that the hyper-extension of the relatively Laplacian condition of a given first-ordered light-cone-gauge bears a Hodge Index of impedance that consequently (after the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue) resulves from a high potential gauge-metric to a high kinetic gauge-metric due to the springing potential of the light-cone-gauge once it is released from a stretched or addendumed-related stretched condition that happens due to the synergy that I earlier described.
With superstrings that have a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology, the stretching activity that I mentioned is more literally stretched in and or itself due to the wobble that occurs during BRST.
With superstrings that have a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology, there is mini-string that is pulled into the region in-between an arbitrary superstring and its reversely-holomorphically positioned field trajectory that is stretched in a euclideanly proportional manner while it binds with the chords of a first-ordered light-cone-gauge topology in such a manner that is respective to the high fractal/low elastic modulae of the substringular field that exists in the described region during BRST.
Since the stretching of the extrapolatorial field that I described as a light-cone-gauge eigenstate pulls the sub-mini-string that comprises the second and third-ordered point particles that form the chords that work to define the core of the field of the region of a first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate to as close to the brink of fissuring without the condition of anharmonic resonance, such an activity that happens during BRST is the type of activitiy that operates to cause superstrings to go into the multiplicit Regge Actions, the Regge Actions of which happen with such a slope that pulls superstrings into the Ultimon Flow that is necessary for the countless sub-metrics that happen during the duration that happens in-between ensuing instantons.
Instantons are considered to be the smallest units of time that may actually be called "time" becasue the core of instanton (BRST) is when superstrings are relatively organized and motionless.
(6/2pi) of instanton is during BRST.  The activities of Kaeler-Metric (if this is to happen during an arbitrary situation or not) and Regge Action finish the pull of superstrings into Ultimon Flow.
When there is no Kaeler-Metric, the whole duration of (2pi-6) of instanton involves the Regge Action.
When there is a Kaeler-Metric that happens under a particular circumstance, the Kaeler-Metric happens over a duration of ((2pi-6)/2) and Regge Action happens over a duration of ((2pi-6)/2).
Unfortionately, it is impossible to explain everything at once.
I believe that this is enough for you to mentally digest for now!                            
You have a phenomenal day!                                                          
Samuel David Roach.               

Monday, July 18, 2011

More About Ghosts

When you detect what seems to be superstrings over a tightly-knit Fourier Transformation, mainly, what you will be detecting will be Gliossi-Sherk-Olive-Ghosts.  It is easy to confuse these with superstrings in and of themselves.  The difference is that superstrings and their reversely-holomorphically-positioned field trajectories are designed as I have stated, while, Gliossi-Sherk-Olive-Ghosts will always be detected as relatively torroidal -- such as may be described in M-theory.  Yet, orbifolds that consist of superstrings may, at times, also be relatively torroidal in nature.  The difference is that the prior mentioned ghosts are much closer to the Planck-Length than the length of an orbifold.  Got to go!  I will continue with the suspence later!                   
Samuel David Roach.                          

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Little About Singularities That I Feel Like Mentioning

Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here!  How are you doing?!
Do you remember when I had mentioned that a hermitian curvature -- whether one is talking about a Laplacian setting that reffers to a "snapshot" of duration, or whether one is talking about a Fourier setting in which a curvature is developing over a sequential series of instantons -- is a curvature in which all of the derivatives equal to the number of dimensions that a given phenomena is present in are smoothly tranlated either thru a mapping of the tracing of the curvature for a Laplacian setting or thru a developmental mapping of the curvature that is traced over a duration of a sequential series of instantons?!  Well, here is a simple idea that will be an epitheny to you when you hear it: 
When a substringular curvature is translated either purely pictorially or via a kinematically mapped redistribution that is studied over a timewise delineation, if you go from one part of the curvature to another in the course of a relatively tight locus -- and there is a location in-between where there is a singularity (in so that the limits of the integration that describe the translation of the given curve thru space do not exist), then, the locus that I had just arbitrarily described may be considered to have a Chern-Simmons singularity.  If the prior mentioned limits of integration may only be described with imaginary numbers that are within the degrees of freedom that exist in terms of the number of dimensions that are associating with the either timeless or timewise translation of the given curvature through space, then, one may still determine that the curvature is Ward hermitian in accordance with the Ward Caucy bounds of that given subspace.
Now, if a given curvature bears three or more dimensions of the prior type of singularity in terms of three or more derivatives that bear limits that do not exist in-between to loci that are relatively neighboring in a tight locus of subspace, then, the inter-relationship between the two eigenloci mentioned is considerd to be spurious for even p-fields.
Spurious cusps where there is such a perturbation in the delineation of singularities over a relatively small locus of field translation always only allow for a purely Chern-Simmons redistribution in the field that interconnects the eigenfields that I was describing.  Such purely Chern-Simmons boundary conditions, since these are spurious by forming a trilateral cusp, are never spontaneously partially hermitian until there is a Gliossi perturbation that alters the described arbitrarily tight locus where the associated critical cusp is localized at.  Such Chern-Simmons conditions that I mentioned before form a non-trivially assymetric abelian geometric substringular field  that will just about alway only have a chance to be altered by either a Campbell Projection, a Hausendorf Projection, or, a Campbell- Hausendorf Projection.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Until then, have a wonderfull day, and please pray for world peace.  Sincerely, Sam.                                              

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Little Bit of Knowledge To Correct A Possible Mistake

I am not sure whether I mistakenly said otherwise, or, if I said what I am about to say in the correct manner.                      
Superstrings that are discrete units of energy permittivity, in order to be able to have hermitian flow and field fluctuation, must be comprised of first-ordered point particles that are smoothly adjacent and without segments EXCEPT for one partition in one dimensional superstrings -- one separation of a first-ordered point particle from its normal Laplacian condition of linearity, &, two partitions in two-dimensional superstrings -- two separations of two different first-ordered point particles from their nomal Laplacian flow, the flow of which is used to form a closed string.  If it were not for the "partitions", or separations of space-time-fabric that is minimally dilineated at the immediate side of where the theoretical normal flow of first-ordered point particles would exist in a Laplacian setting during any arbitrary instanton, the radial and spin-orbital vibrations of superstrings would not be able to bear the hermitian harmonics that are necessary for superstrings to vibrate so as to form the bases of various types of energy.  Or, in other words, the one discrepancy in one-d strings and the two discrepancies in two-d strings allow for the prior mentioned vibrations to occur without spontaneous damage to an arbitrarily local homotopy.  The condition of the distance traveled in one instanton is the full length of a one-d superstring, which makes some people think that a superstring is the smallest "thing."  Yet, if it were not for the particles that comprise superstrings and their fields -- as well as other "group actions" -- there would be no fields to interbind the described superstings.
So, superstrings are comprised of first-ordered point particles, stringular fields are comprised of second-ordered point particles on account of allowing for enough condensed oscillation to ebb to-and-fro, and, the second-ordered point particles must be comprised of third-ordered point patricles.  Since when thinking it becomes obvious that the phenomena that binds second-ordered point particles can not be first-ordered point particles, the smallest "group action" must be sub-mini-string that binds mini-string as well as binding the mentioned third-orderd point particles, while yet allowing for the ebb and flow of the holonomic substance of the third-ordered point particles that only reside during instanton in the Ward Neumman bounds of the locus where there are second-ordered point particles.                                                              

Friday, July 1, 2011

Session 10 of Course 9

Hello there world, this is Sam Roach here!  I hope that you enjoy the ensuing post!
Here's how the exchange between Real and Fock Spaces is Imaginary between Real and Fock superstrings:  As an example, the bottom of the bottom of point particles of Real-Based superstrings exchanges a little bit of mini-string to the top of the bottom point particles of a Fock strings point particles in a sinusoidal manner, lifting the Fock strings mentioned to a certain gauged distance.  This also goes for all of the first-ordered point particles that comprise Real and Fock-based superstrings. The superstrings then lower due to the added phenomena.  Once this is done, the botom of the bottom mentioned Fock string's point particles exchanges a little bit of mini-string to the top of the bottom point particles of Real strings in a sinusoidal manner, raising the Real strings to the same extent that the Fock strings were originally raised.  Agian, this also goes for all of the first-ordered point particles that comprise the arbitrarily mentioned superstirngs.  The strings then lower due to the added phenomena that I have been describing here.  This happens with superstrings during the course of what is known as BRST.  This helps settle the "dance" of the Planc phenomena that these strings are connected to by light-cone-gauge eigenstates via mini-string segments.  This exchange is Imaginary since the mini-string segments' ( exchange that happens between the point particles of the Real and Fock stringular counterparts) happens at the opposite ends of the point particles, causing the exchange to be off of the Real Reimmanian plane that is subtended between the point particles of the Real and Fock Strings.  Before the Imaginary Exchange, the Real Reimmanian-based superstrings' (as compared with their counterparts) point particles are just over half condensed oscillation, and the Fock strings' point particles are just under half full.  During the first Imaginary exchange under the condition of a superconformally invariant setting, both the Real and the Fock-related superstrings are half condensed oscillation.  After the Imaginary exchange of the given iteration (which is the duration during instanton),  the Real strings' point particles are just over half conesnsed oscillation, and, the Fock strings' point particles are just under half full.  So, even though a first-ordered point particle always has the same total locus of volume, the degree to which it is filled is defined by the density of the mini-string that comprises a said first-ordered point particle.  For instance, a just over half-filled point particle of the first order is just over 50 percent of the maximum density that second-ordered point particles -- in the context of mini-string -- can possibly fill the associated volume that a first-ordered point particle tends to have.  Yet, a just under half-filled point particles of the first order is just under 50 percent of the maximum density that second-ordered point particles -- in the context of mini-string -- can possibly fill the associated volume that a first-ordered point particle tends to have.  The relatively Laplacian-based degree of what I call point-fill here refers to a non-time oriented perspective as to the density of mini-string while it exists in the Neumman bounds of the locus where a first-ordered point particle is existing ( the density of such in one "snapshot" of duration).