Wednesday, June 8, 2011
A Little Bit Of Knowledge To Help You
Hello, this is Sam Roach here. I am about to ellaborate as to the discussion that I wrote about the other time that I was on linkedin. I am sorry that the computer elliminated my explaination that I went out of my way to initially type. Well, anyhow, here goes a redo and I sure hope that no hacker takes this one away! The actual motion of gluons causes the existence of the Wick Action. The Wick Action is an arbitrary example of a Hausendorf Projection. The activity of the Wick Action causes the Landau-Gisner-Action to move in such a manner so as to produce the leverage operation known as the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism. The Fischler-Suskind-Mechansim moves the Higgs Action in the proper directoralization so as to move Klein Bottle eigenstates to the proper loci so as to allow for the Kaeler Metric. The Kaeler Metric allows for Gaussian Transformations. Gaussian Transformations allow for changes in norm-conditions that are necessary for the spontaneous kinematic differention of Fourier Transformations. Gaussian Transformations that directly involve the activity of Njenhuis tensors that act upon these in the process of the covariant translation of phenomena that are going through an arbitrary Gaussian Tranformation always involve the scattering of electromagnetic energy and/or the activity of entropy. Such Gaussian Transformations are known of as gauge-transformations. So, whenever there is a change of physical state and/or wherever light strikes something, there is a gauge-transformation.The Kaeler Metric allows for superstrings to reatain discrete energy permittivity, as well as allowing the field trajectory of the mentioned superstrings to reatain discrete energy impedance. If the directly prior did not happen, discrete energy would not exist. The Kaeler Metric always involves a Gaussian Transformation. The activity of the reatainment of discrete energy permittivity and the activity of the reatainment of discrete energy impedance produces alterations in the covariant displacement that are involved in the kinematic Fourier Translation of superstrings so that the sequential series of the integrated redisplacements of superstrings may differentiate among each other without interfering with other of such activities of other superstrings. So, the Higgs Action is not only essential for the interaction of E.M. with other phenomena and the existence and kinematic differentiation of entropy, yet, the Higgs Action also allows for the covariant redistribution of superstrings among each other without the condition of superstrings interfering with each other's space.
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12:47 PM
Fourier Translation,
Hausendorf Projection,
Higgs Action,
Klein Bottle,
the Kaeler metric,
Wick Action

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