Saturday, February 27, 2010

Course 3, Session 4

We have just shown how matter and energy are different forms of the same thing. We have also shown that light is a form of energy. Therefore, light, energy, and matter must be different forms of the same thing. Light allows perception and detectability, as well as heat, charge, and magnetism. Magnetism is the physical stuff that draws other physical stuff to the initial object or objects due to the association of the charge that the initial object or objects has when it draws the other object or objects to it. Heat causes change in physical state as well as helping material things to alter their ability to produce other forms of light. Perception and detection as an existent force in the Continuum allows for commutation when it comes to the world perception of field orientation. If fields were never orientable, energy would not be organized. If energy were totally unorganized, then point particles would not be able to communicate, these would not be able to propagate, since these would not be able to come from someplace, nor to go to anywhere else. if something neither came from anywhere nor went anywhere, it would bear no condition of energy. If there was no energy, nothing would ever happen, and reality would not exist. Yet, since reality exists, there must be energy and thus there must be fields. Physical fields are caused by light and its basis, since light is both created in the present world by matter and energy as well as having the ability to create matter and energy. Light can create matter and energy, since the foundation of all three of these is the quantum of energy described by the unit "hbar." As stated before, "hbar" is the smallest discrete unit of energy that a material, energy, or light phenomena may have as it travels the equivalent of one radii of a Planck Phenomenon. (hbar = h/2pi). The differences between the said three general types of phenomena is shown in how their field orientations differentiate. Matter is energy in static equilibrium. Kinetic energy is what we would term "action." Light is kinetic energy that fluctuates between its electric and magnetic field parameters. As shown just now, light bears some sort of electromagnetic fluctuation. This spurns the phenomena to propagate as boundlessly as phenomena generally goes according to our global detectability. As shown, such fluctuation allows the given general phenomena the ability to allow its material existence. This special ability of light produces the fields which sustain the ability of material existence to exist and hence differentiate. Motion and existence require differentiation, since without change, there is no action. Therefore, light forms the orientative basis by which the arena of the universe is to interact both internally and externally. This is why all motion exists in one way or another relative to light. Changes in the general ramifications require one to differentiate within light bases.

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