Sunday, February 28, 2010
Course 3, Session 5, Part 1
The photons that comprise light travel with each other in a beam. One beam of light may combine with one or more other waves of light to form a larger beam. Likewise a beam of light may be composed of several smaller beams of light. Each given beam of light that comprises a said beam of light has photons that came from a source. In our present universe, the source of a beam of light is always a source that initially came from a material phenomenon. Light is formed by the energy expelled from electrons, as stated before. As the source of a beam of light undergoes additional chemical activity, and their activity involves the same frequency of energy that has the same impulse, and this energy is positioned to propagate in the same direction, then the beam of light will continue as it had with the same wavelength and intensity in so long that the electrons of the source are of great enough number to keep producing this light. In so long that there is instability in matter, electrons will be able to release energy. Such a release happens when a given electron is able to find an energy level by which it is more relaxed. The condition of electrons releasing energy is the general activity of instability within the structure of an atom or atoms.
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5:26 AM
Course 3 of Session 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions,
Part 1,
Session 5 of course one of Sam Roach's string theory

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Course 3, Session 4
We have just shown how matter and energy are different forms of the same thing. We have also shown that light is a form of energy. Therefore, light, energy, and matter must be different forms of the same thing. Light allows perception and detectability, as well as heat, charge, and magnetism. Magnetism is the physical stuff that draws other physical stuff to the initial object or objects due to the association of the charge that the initial object or objects has when it draws the other object or objects to it. Heat causes change in physical state as well as helping material things to alter their ability to produce other forms of light. Perception and detection as an existent force in the Continuum allows for commutation when it comes to the world perception of field orientation. If fields were never orientable, energy would not be organized. If energy were totally unorganized, then point particles would not be able to communicate, these would not be able to propagate, since these would not be able to come from someplace, nor to go to anywhere else. if something neither came from anywhere nor went anywhere, it would bear no condition of energy. If there was no energy, nothing would ever happen, and reality would not exist. Yet, since reality exists, there must be energy and thus there must be fields. Physical fields are caused by light and its basis, since light is both created in the present world by matter and energy as well as having the ability to create matter and energy. Light can create matter and energy, since the foundation of all three of these is the quantum of energy described by the unit "hbar." As stated before, "hbar" is the smallest discrete unit of energy that a material, energy, or light phenomena may have as it travels the equivalent of one radii of a Planck Phenomenon. (hbar = h/2pi). The differences between the said three general types of phenomena is shown in how their field orientations differentiate. Matter is energy in static equilibrium. Kinetic energy is what we would term "action." Light is kinetic energy that fluctuates between its electric and magnetic field parameters. As shown just now, light bears some sort of electromagnetic fluctuation. This spurns the phenomena to propagate as boundlessly as phenomena generally goes according to our global detectability. As shown, such fluctuation allows the given general phenomena the ability to allow its material existence. This special ability of light produces the fields which sustain the ability of material existence to exist and hence differentiate. Motion and existence require differentiation, since without change, there is no action. Therefore, light forms the orientative basis by which the arena of the universe is to interact both internally and externally. This is why all motion exists in one way or another relative to light. Changes in the general ramifications require one to differentiate within light bases.
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12:38 PM
Course 3 of Session 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions,
Session 4

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Course 3, Session 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions
So now we know that light is critical to physical existence. Light itself is produced by the activity of matter. Everything happens in space, pretty much. Energy outside of the realm of actual space is either too small or outside of the realm of the 26 spacial dimensions that define the delineations of kinematic activity that can be detected. Energy is activity. Activity is when something happens. Matter is energy in static equilibrium. Matter, then, is a form of activity. Therefore, even if a material object is standing still, it is something that is happening. Electromagnetic energy is a form of energy. So it, too, is a happening. Actual physical phenomena that can be detected is a form or a combination of the forms of energy, matter, and/or electromagnetic energy. So we may basically say that everything physical is a relation of activity and is therefore something that is both a happening and something that happens. Space is where things happen. Things that happen outside of space are at that point or set of points not in the realm of physical reality that defines the physical operation that we would call the matrix of eigenstates that allow for what we would call "energy." So everything that "happens" in actual space bears a sense of energy. Also, any energy that propagates through or is distributed in a sector or a region while still remaining what we would call energy is happening in a locus or local region that bears a sense of space. So, anything that we can detect without the need for extrapolation is an interplay of energy and space. As we read last week, light is key to this interplay. Matter and energy exist a differentiate because of light, and light exists because of the interplay of matter and energy. Since all of these things happen and are happenings, these all happen in sequential proceedings and series. Without such differential sequences, order would not have closure, and would spontaneously disarray. Yet existence itself proves that there must be order, by the very fact that I was able to write this! Since light is quintessential, kinetic energy and matter must be "activities" that happen interdependently with that light. How things are detected is through the observation of physical parameters. If a physical phenomenon had no parameters, not only could it not be detected, yet it would not exist. The detection of constraints of physical parameters is an observatorial thing called MEASURING. So, because of the fact that any physical phenomena that are a form of actual energy may be detected, and thus have parameters, and through observation parameters may be measured for any phenomena that is at least as big as a superstring, the measurement of physical phenomena is interdependent on their association with other physical phenomena, particularly light.
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12:39 PM
Course 3 of Session 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions

Course 3, Session 2 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions
When we look at the world around us, we see motion. If you were to examine a still object close enough, you would see that it too is constantly in motion. Sight is the most predominant sensory perception of a living thing. If you can see something, its detection is keener in one's mind than if it were sensed otherwise. Light is the basis of visual detection and warmth. (Heat is infrared electromagnetic energy.) If there were no heat, there would be no life or macromolecular motion, since life requires the action of molecules. Since heat is light when at a certain wavelength, light is the most fundamental and important component and factor in allowing life to exist. Since light allows the motion of material phenomena, then there must be a relationship between the existence of light and the motion of objects.
Earlier, we discussed how light is created. An atom exists as a set of nucleons that are surrounded by electron(s). Things tend to take the path of least resistance. This is because phenomena tends to work at coming to rest or at least "trying" to expel the least amount of energy that it can. Look at people, they tend to try to do things in the easiest manner that they can. This is because when a person or a thing conserves energy, it has less of a tendency to be disorganized, and thus the person or thing finds more stability. If something is more stable, then it is in less of a state of disorder. Disorder is entropy. Although entropy allows for important changes such as melting, it also causes things to eventually fly apart. Look at your room. The more disorder it is in, the more things get scattered. Life requires order, since it is composed of a general organization of certain molecules. This is why life tends to try to stay at rest, and thus find more stability. Other material phenomena acts the same general way, since stability and thus the condition of staying at rest helps the phenomena to remain existent. Electrons are a material phenomena. So, these obey the same general rule that I previously described. So when an electron finds a chance to exist with less energy ins such a manner that it does not have to meet up with any undue resistance, then, naturally, that electron will do what it takes to go to the general location that provides it with the opportunity to be more at rest. This entails an electron dropping an energy level in order to then have less energy, although maintaining the same rest mass. At this point, it releases that energy, since everything goes somewhere. This energy organizes in order to be a specific thing and is called a PHOTON. Photons in the surrounding area come together in whatever number accompanies that direction in which these are propagated. Remember, the basis energy and wavelength of photons are discrete units. Depending on the combination of photons that form a single wavelength of a given type of light that "light" could be whatever form of electromagnetic energy this would describe. Since light is key to existence, and is also a key residue of it, the very nature of light's movement is key to the motion of all other peripheral phenomena.
Earlier, we discussed how light is created. An atom exists as a set of nucleons that are surrounded by electron(s). Things tend to take the path of least resistance. This is because phenomena tends to work at coming to rest or at least "trying" to expel the least amount of energy that it can. Look at people, they tend to try to do things in the easiest manner that they can. This is because when a person or a thing conserves energy, it has less of a tendency to be disorganized, and thus the person or thing finds more stability. If something is more stable, then it is in less of a state of disorder. Disorder is entropy. Although entropy allows for important changes such as melting, it also causes things to eventually fly apart. Look at your room. The more disorder it is in, the more things get scattered. Life requires order, since it is composed of a general organization of certain molecules. This is why life tends to try to stay at rest, and thus find more stability. Other material phenomena acts the same general way, since stability and thus the condition of staying at rest helps the phenomena to remain existent. Electrons are a material phenomena. So, these obey the same general rule that I previously described. So when an electron finds a chance to exist with less energy ins such a manner that it does not have to meet up with any undue resistance, then, naturally, that electron will do what it takes to go to the general location that provides it with the opportunity to be more at rest. This entails an electron dropping an energy level in order to then have less energy, although maintaining the same rest mass. At this point, it releases that energy, since everything goes somewhere. This energy organizes in order to be a specific thing and is called a PHOTON. Photons in the surrounding area come together in whatever number accompanies that direction in which these are propagated. Remember, the basis energy and wavelength of photons are discrete units. Depending on the combination of photons that form a single wavelength of a given type of light that "light" could be whatever form of electromagnetic energy this would describe. Since light is key to existence, and is also a key residue of it, the very nature of light's movement is key to the motion of all other peripheral phenomena.
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10:52 AM
Light is the basis of visual detection,
path of least resistance

Friday, February 12, 2010
Course 2, Session 16, Last Test
1) Describe the shape of a Basis of Light.
2) What pulls the ground state indices near the center state?
3)Why do differential geometries recycle?
4)Why and how does the "Arc" function with the Basis of Light?
5)What do I mean by "inhale" and "exhale?"
6) How does the association of strings effect the Basis of Light? the "Basis of Light" is where the Mobius Twist of the Continuum completes itself.
7)What is illumination?
8)What indicates the recycling of differential geometries besides just saying "illumination?" What condition of the Mobius Field does this indicate?
9)Logically show why norm and ground states must recycle.
10)Why is their unused residue?
11)Is residue shared among strings of a tori-sector-range?
12)What proves that all residue will be used up in due time?
2) What pulls the ground state indices near the center state?
3)Why do differential geometries recycle?
4)Why and how does the "Arc" function with the Basis of Light?
5)What do I mean by "inhale" and "exhale?"
6) How does the association of strings effect the Basis of Light? the "Basis of Light" is where the Mobius Twist of the Continuum completes itself.
7)What is illumination?
8)What indicates the recycling of differential geometries besides just saying "illumination?" What condition of the Mobius Field does this indicate?
9)Logically show why norm and ground states must recycle.
10)Why is their unused residue?
11)Is residue shared among strings of a tori-sector-range?
12)What proves that all residue will be used up in due time?
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2:49 PM
Basis of Light,
center state,
differential geometries

Course 2, Session 15
The Mobius Twist completing itself of a tori-sector-range integrates at the local neighborhood where the residue reaches the center state of stringular homotopy of that tori-sector-range. This is because the indices of supplementation between the fields of the residue and the fields of the mini bases of light bear a maximum potential at the relative locus that is delineated there thru the concurrence of their differential metrics, taken as a group time dependent differential that sways as a sub-energy metric. Once the Mobius Twist singularizes at the given locus, the strings "find their places" and the residue of these strings move toward the center state of stringular homotopy of the given tori-sector-range while other residue searches for a "home" among other strings of that sector. Recycling indices are then exchanged, and the strings are free to "inhale" and dissociate.
As said before, the "inhaling" is the reappropriation of homotopic delineation after the "exchanging", or the release of residue by the strings. when the strings dissociate, the residue flow is desingularized. this action desingularizes the Mobius Twist by freeing up the transpiration of the metric that was prior in a state of static equilibrium. The breaking up of the stringular condition of superstrings into point particles is through equal and opposite reaction to a force acting in the opposite direction. For instance, if I took all of the air out of a balloon, it would collapse inward. Likewise, when the strings of a tori-sector-range dissociate, the given basis of ligt folds in while breaking down into mini bases of light. This dissingularization opens up the path operand of the Mobius Twist that completes itself to allow it to propagate as many miniature particles. This is fascilitated by the increase of surface area of the given Basis of Light. When the singularized Basis touches a string via an abelian and direct yet unborne tangency via mini strings, this string is illuminated prior to iteration.
When electromagnetic waves of Planck Phenomena (mini bases of light), which are Planck Phenomena that fluctuate between their electric and magnetic field in a manner that obeys the right hand rule, touch a physical phenomenon, that physical phenomenon is illuminated during an iteration. This touch helps scatter the Planck Phenomenons locus because it allows for a path for recycling norm and ground states. As the mini traces move without singularizing, these are globally scattered to their subsequent locus and distribution along the ultimon. When these bases singularize at all during instanton, this when these quantize. So, for every 10^(-43) second, some light from a substringular beam is scattered, and some light from a subsringular beam is quantized. This does not mean, however, that a specific globally distinguishable beam is scattered at every locus of the beam every second even, since light in the vacuum of space is often unscattered. Photons are interchanged with indistinguishable difference. This means that photons of the same nature replace each other in our realm all of the time in various loci. The described Planck Phenomena are the field trajectory of the bosons which act as the discrete permittivity eigenstates of photons, since these given Planck Phenomena are the discrete impedance eigenstates of photons.
A photon is a photon. Anything illuminated scatters light. scattered light indicates that it is being "recycled." Recycled light means recycled phenomena. and recycled phenomena allows there to be any phenomena at all. The recycling of substringular phenomena is due to Cassimer Invariance.
As said before, the "inhaling" is the reappropriation of homotopic delineation after the "exchanging", or the release of residue by the strings. when the strings dissociate, the residue flow is desingularized. this action desingularizes the Mobius Twist by freeing up the transpiration of the metric that was prior in a state of static equilibrium. The breaking up of the stringular condition of superstrings into point particles is through equal and opposite reaction to a force acting in the opposite direction. For instance, if I took all of the air out of a balloon, it would collapse inward. Likewise, when the strings of a tori-sector-range dissociate, the given basis of ligt folds in while breaking down into mini bases of light. This dissingularization opens up the path operand of the Mobius Twist that completes itself to allow it to propagate as many miniature particles. This is fascilitated by the increase of surface area of the given Basis of Light. When the singularized Basis touches a string via an abelian and direct yet unborne tangency via mini strings, this string is illuminated prior to iteration.
When electromagnetic waves of Planck Phenomena (mini bases of light), which are Planck Phenomena that fluctuate between their electric and magnetic field in a manner that obeys the right hand rule, touch a physical phenomenon, that physical phenomenon is illuminated during an iteration. This touch helps scatter the Planck Phenomenons locus because it allows for a path for recycling norm and ground states. As the mini traces move without singularizing, these are globally scattered to their subsequent locus and distribution along the ultimon. When these bases singularize at all during instanton, this when these quantize. So, for every 10^(-43) second, some light from a substringular beam is scattered, and some light from a subsringular beam is quantized. This does not mean, however, that a specific globally distinguishable beam is scattered at every locus of the beam every second even, since light in the vacuum of space is often unscattered. Photons are interchanged with indistinguishable difference. This means that photons of the same nature replace each other in our realm all of the time in various loci. The described Planck Phenomena are the field trajectory of the bosons which act as the discrete permittivity eigenstates of photons, since these given Planck Phenomena are the discrete impedance eigenstates of photons.
A photon is a photon. Anything illuminated scatters light. scattered light indicates that it is being "recycled." Recycled light means recycled phenomena. and recycled phenomena allows there to be any phenomena at all. The recycling of substringular phenomena is due to Cassimer Invariance.
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2:14 PM
Course 2 of Session 15 of Sam Roach's string theory

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Course 2, Session 14
You have probably heard it said that light is electromagnetic energy. This is true. Light is not only an energy or physical operator, yet it also acts as a wave and also as an assortment of incremental discrete particles. yet you can say that any physical phenomenon that one can normally detect acts as a form of energy and also as a wave and as a particle. You may also even say that there are electric and magnetic characteristics to any material that one may examine. So, what is it about light that causes it to have its unique qualities without being characterized as something that it isn't? Behold.
The substringular is cool because it logically indicates how and why interactions happen as these do. Strings are the order that brings a sense of cognizance to the differentiations that allow material stratum to exist. Strings of a tori sector form at about the same time and dissociate at about the same time. You could say that these "exhale" and "inhale" at the same neighborhood of metric. Do you remember what the function of these strings "breathing" is? Its function is to recycle residue that evolved within the Caucy neighborhoods of those strings during the metric in which these circled the Ultimon. Think of biology. Humans are metaphorically the "strings." Humans respire. Plants are metaphorically the "point commutators." Plants undergo photosynthesis. through the exchange of residue, life may be maintained. Likewise, this is the same pattern for actual strings and point commutators. When the strings iterate within their neighborhoods, this being those of the same tori sector, a little bit of residue is exchanged among them, yet the impetus of this residue reaches a center state among the strings. As this homotopy is pulled "up" the Arc, residue from the norm states at the "top" of the Arc is pulled "down" to replenish those strings. This type of behavior may be fractored to the Regge Slope. What drives this pull? Ground and norm states are point particle associations with conditions of norm-state tangency. Direct action is in a line. Phenomena tends to go in the path of least resistance. A line is 180 degrees. Tangency is 90 degrees. Supplementation requires the exchange of normalized fields. Half of half a circle is a 90 degree arc. A 90 degree arc is the basis of where a sinusoidal wave is maximized, and sinusoidal waves are the basis of physical harmonics. Without harmonics, there would be no order, since no waves would be able to propagate. Without waves, there would be no motion, and hence there would be nothing. This is why the recycling of differential geometries involves the exchange of normalized field residue.
Each time the strings of the tori sector are reiterated, the points of the Mobius Twist that completes itself, at the center of iteration, of that sector iterate at this center of iteration which is where the Bases of Light reties into Planck Phenomena, until there is a Major Reality Change. In a Major Reality Change, the next Bases of Light along the "trace" of the Ultimon is activated. There are 150,000 regular MRCs per set of parallel universes and 9,000 black-hole MRCs per continuum. There are 3 sets of parallel universes in the overall space-time-continuum. At the "center state", other ground residue of the recycling trace is displaced there at that moment in order to fill any potential gaps, since supplementation needs a little "slack in the line." this is because any physical system needs a backup to ease any differential aberrations. Once the strings go from dissociated to associated, each Basis of Light breaks down into mini-bases of light, or Planck Phenomena, which we shall discuss next week.
The substringular is cool because it logically indicates how and why interactions happen as these do. Strings are the order that brings a sense of cognizance to the differentiations that allow material stratum to exist. Strings of a tori sector form at about the same time and dissociate at about the same time. You could say that these "exhale" and "inhale" at the same neighborhood of metric. Do you remember what the function of these strings "breathing" is? Its function is to recycle residue that evolved within the Caucy neighborhoods of those strings during the metric in which these circled the Ultimon. Think of biology. Humans are metaphorically the "strings." Humans respire. Plants are metaphorically the "point commutators." Plants undergo photosynthesis. through the exchange of residue, life may be maintained. Likewise, this is the same pattern for actual strings and point commutators. When the strings iterate within their neighborhoods, this being those of the same tori sector, a little bit of residue is exchanged among them, yet the impetus of this residue reaches a center state among the strings. As this homotopy is pulled "up" the Arc, residue from the norm states at the "top" of the Arc is pulled "down" to replenish those strings. This type of behavior may be fractored to the Regge Slope. What drives this pull? Ground and norm states are point particle associations with conditions of norm-state tangency. Direct action is in a line. Phenomena tends to go in the path of least resistance. A line is 180 degrees. Tangency is 90 degrees. Supplementation requires the exchange of normalized fields. Half of half a circle is a 90 degree arc. A 90 degree arc is the basis of where a sinusoidal wave is maximized, and sinusoidal waves are the basis of physical harmonics. Without harmonics, there would be no order, since no waves would be able to propagate. Without waves, there would be no motion, and hence there would be nothing. This is why the recycling of differential geometries involves the exchange of normalized field residue.
Each time the strings of the tori sector are reiterated, the points of the Mobius Twist that completes itself, at the center of iteration, of that sector iterate at this center of iteration which is where the Bases of Light reties into Planck Phenomena, until there is a Major Reality Change. In a Major Reality Change, the next Bases of Light along the "trace" of the Ultimon is activated. There are 150,000 regular MRCs per set of parallel universes and 9,000 black-hole MRCs per continuum. There are 3 sets of parallel universes in the overall space-time-continuum. At the "center state", other ground residue of the recycling trace is displaced there at that moment in order to fill any potential gaps, since supplementation needs a little "slack in the line." this is because any physical system needs a backup to ease any differential aberrations. Once the strings go from dissociated to associated, each Basis of Light breaks down into mini-bases of light, or Planck Phenomena, which we shall discuss next week.
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1:08 PM
Course 2 of Session 14 of Sam Roach's string theory

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Course 2, Session 13
We are now going to examine what the tori sector for a given world-tube looks like during the metric in which the strings that were encoded for that sector during the occurring iteration are in their singularized form. The strings that form here form in either an instantaneous moment or else these form in a sequence of arrival that may include some instantaneous impulse eigenvalues in terms of the achieved locus of the given strings as well as the push that these strings delineate toward their surrounding neighborhoods. If new strings that were not included in the tori sector in the previous iteration were to become integrated within that tori sector during what would be a current iteration, then the metric neighborhood in which the strings would form would probably not be instantaneous. Yet, as the strings of the given tori sector are homotopically formed within the Caucy boundaries of that sector, the sway of the commuting residue from each string is pulled to the center state of string homotopy in such a way that all of the residue that does not become re fed back into other strings reaches the center state instantaneously relative to each overall world-sheet of each of the strings as those strings "inhale" again by taking in that unwanted Real residue that forms a wave mode that opens an operand that allows these strings to have minimal resistance in recycling the ultimon. The strings of a world-tube are one and two dimensional. There are six Royal Arc world-tubes that are tangent in the Continuum. These world-tubes are half-circles that majorize into semicircle tubes that also circle the Continuum. There are three sets of tubes, each set consisting of one tube "above" another. These sets are connected by Mobius Twists that twist back upon itself via the bases of light, the heterotic string, and the encodement strings. This causes there to be two sides to the general morphology. Each tori sector half has one Mobius Twist associated with it. If you integrate the tori sector out to both tangent world-tubes and their similar ones on the bottom, these four world-tubes share one covalent set of Mobius Twists whose one sidedness is undone by the Bases of Light, the main heterotic strings, and the encodement strings. And the "tori sector" as described here is a more general way of looking at a tori sector. The metric as to when the other two sets of world-tubes related also allow their strings to leave their quaternion is also the same instant. Each world-tube is involved by one "quarter." Once the residue is received by all four, it goes to the top of the arc newly instantaneously (or to the relative bottom). The recycled ground residue at that "top"becomes a raw material for norm state waves. Here, some of it begins on what will be a joining to become norm states. I will not go into all of the details now, yet, I will say this. What changes into norm states goes along a figure-eight path, and what goes back into ground againg follows a Chi path. The residue that reaches the figure-eight path travels in its "lane", "up" to the "top" of the Arc. As quickly as the Arc went to the "top", it goes to the other side of the Chi. This is basic idea behind the recycling of differential geometries.
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3:53 PM
Course 2 of Session 13 of Sam Roach's string theory

Recycling of Differential Geometries
So, describe the general shape of a tori sector, using descriptions of individual parts of such a sector, and integrating these parts into a description of a tori sector as a whole. A tori sector is a discrete increment of an ultimon, each of the increments of which forms a basis for the formation of a singularization that acts as the basis of one photon in every space-time-potential that exists for its given encodement in its given relative sector in the Continuum.: In order for there to be reality, there must be some order. For without order, there is no cognizance. And without cognizance, there is no association. Without association, nothing is near each other. And if nothing is near anything, then nothing would exist. Yet we observe. Observation is a form of cognizance. Thence, there is reality and therefore order. In order for there to be order, information needs to be communicated. In order for there to be an overall reality, there must be overall cognizance. In order for there to be overall cognizance, information from the most incremental wave packets that commute as a group thru the ultimon must be partially shared to every other packet of condensed oscillation that circles the Ultimon. In order for there to be any organization among these packets of condensed oscillation, these packets or points must bear a symmetry with other points that exist in the ultimon. These points find each other because, after communicating partially to every other point, similar spin-orbital-interaction modes and angular momentum modes, which must exist since if all distinctions differentiated from each other by infinity, the points would Reverse-Dirac into nothing, among points bring these into their surroundings. This is among point particles brought into their surroundings. This symmetry, along with their nearness, causes their neighborhoods to touch. Such spontaneous tangency causes straight lines of points to form, since 90degrees*2=180degrees= a straight line. Yet there is a situation. These points need to bear a degree of tangency in the direction that these want to head. so, picture you're looking at the top point. If you made 90degrees with this relative to the rest of the line of points, you would have a point right in front of it and parallel to that line segment. Do this to the whole original string. Now, the string is half empty and only has one wave to itself. It needs an orientation of more waves. The new orientation provides the waves and is the Fock Space orientation. It may be parallel to the Real string in a variety of neighborhoods, depending on what the subsequent impetus of the Real string would be. Now when the strings of a tori sector are forming, these need all of the related strings to release their Real residue in order that some of the unused residue that these strings need from other strings in that sector may become integrated into their point-fill. the release of residue happens as I previously described, and the collection of residue happens when it scatters within the sector until it finds a home. The symmetry of having the related strings of the tori causes their residue to be released toward their center state. This is called the Quaternionic-Field-Impulse.
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