Thursday, December 10, 2009

Session 13 of course 1, Stuff in a Spot

Pick any object into your thoughts. If the object is physical, it is stuff. In order for stuff to be real, it must exist in space. Anything that exists in space must be located at a certain spot.

Make a dot on a sheet of paper. If the paper stays still, then the dot remains in a certain spot relative to you. Certainly, the earth is moving, the solar systems moving, our whole galaxy is moving, and even the molecules of the dot that you made are vibrating. Yet, as far as your perception is concerned, the dot's spot doesn't change, or, in other words, the locus of your physical dot remains invariant.

Picture a bowling ball in its rollable area. Picture it moving or standing still, either way. If the bowling ball is moving, the ball is rolling as a weight that gains speed, or accelerates. A weight that moves has momentum. Any object has directions associated with its position. Interrelated directions associated with position describe angle. So, the bowling ball, when standing still still has direction associated with its position. The bowling ball has weight. Mass is energy in static equilibrium. So, the bowling ball is always energy. Everything with energy has a velocity associated with it. Even if that energy is the combined kinetic forces that apply to allow the bowling ball to not be outwardly kinetic itself. So, in so long as a phenomena has energy associated with it, it has momentum which is also acting in a certain direction. This is true even if the summed energies and their directions add up to the object or phenomenon globally remaining still. Thus, any phenomenon that is formed upon energy has at least some angular momentum associated with it.

If something is stuff, then it exists in a spot. Stuff that is energy or made up of energy will always bear a sense of locale, thereby being in a spot. Even if the stuff is moving in space, after each discrete unit of relative time, the stuff is in a specific location. Anything that can be called "stuff" is energy and/or made up of energy either as a kinetic form (normal energy) or as a potential (kinetic energy in static equilibrium). Any thing that exists in a spot has direction associated with it that interrelates to cause the objects position to be the way that it is in any given moment. Anything made up of energy has a momentum, since energy is a drive that has motion and is motion. Also, motion always has direction. Thus, anything that is stuff in a spot has angular momentum.

Energy can be broken down to the level of a string. Strings exist. Since these exist, these exist in a spot. So, any phenomena composed of strings has angular momentum. Things smaller than a string are gauge-actions that do not classify as energy. Things this small do not act as momentum particles, and instantaneously associate with all other point particles. Thus, these particles do not classically act as "stuff in a spot." If you went a universe of discrete lower than the superstring (which is level lower than the Planck level, which is 3*10^(-35)meters), you could attempt to justify that these point-like particles and states have angular momentum, yet you wouldn't, since such a level could never pinpoint one of these phenomena at a spot except with extremely technical probability equations. Yet, any string may be pinpointed to a relative locus by using a low level of discrete.

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