When an isotropically stable Wess-Zumino Action is to eminently interact with a Hamiltonian Operator, the resultant vibrational emission will often tend to be of a heuristically harmonic nature. SAM ROACH.
Sunday, August 28, 2022
Isotropically Stable Wess-Zumino Action

Harmonic Disturbances In Space -- Resonant Frequency
Harmonic disturbances in space, have more of a tendency of generating a tense of resonant frequency, than anharmonic disturbances in space do. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Saturday, August 27, 2022
Heteromorphic Hamiltonian Operator -- Spurious Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstates
A Hamiltonian Operator, that works to exhibit a heteromorphic field, will often tend to work to be directly associated, with the proximal local presence, of a set of spurious light-cone-gauge eigenstates. SAMUEL.

A Hamiltonian Operator, That Works to Exhibit A Heteromorphic Field
A Hamiltonian Operator, that works to exhibit a heteromorphic field, often has the general tendency, of working to bear the proximal local presence, of a directly associated set of anharmonic Schwinger-Related vibrations.I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Thursday, August 25, 2022
A Hamiltonian Operator, That Works To Exhibit A Homomorphic Field
A Hamiltonian Operator, that works to exhibit a homomorphic field, to where such an inferred system of energy, is here to work to bear a relatively deep Kahler-Based quotient, will often tend to exhibit the display, of a resonant pulsation. SAM.

Isotropically Stable Hamiltonian Operator, With A Relatively Deep Kahler-Based Quotient
An isotropically stable Hamiltonian Operator, that works to exhibit a relatively deep Kahler-Based quotient, will often tend to work to exhibit the display, of a resonant pulsation. SAMUEL ROACH.

Hamiltonian Operator, With An Isotropically Stable Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode
When a Hamiltonian Operator, with an isotropically stable Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, is to work to bear a unitary direction of angular momentum-related wave-tug, such a stated Hamiltonian Operator, will often tend to work to bear a resonant pulsation. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Riemann/Rayleigh Scattering Upon Net Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate -- Harmonic Schwinger-Related Vibrations
When a Riemann scattering is enacted, upon a respective net light-cone-gauge eigenstate, it will often have a greater tendency, of working to form harmonic Schwinger-Related vibrations, than a Rayleigh scattering will -- when this process is to be incurred, upon an analogous net light-cone-gauge eigenstate. SINCERELY, -- SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Rayleigh/Riemann Scattering Enacted Upon A Net Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate
A Rayleigh scattering, that is here to be enacted, upon a respective net light-cone-gauge eigenstate, often has a greater tendency, of working to facilitate the formation of anharmonic Schwinger-Related vibrations, than a Riemann scattering does -- when this inferred process, is here to be enacted, upon an analogous net light-cone-gauge eigenstate. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Homomorphic Field Of A Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate
The more homomorphic that the field of a given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate is to be, the more likely that the directional wave-tug, that is here to be of the directly associated discrete energy permittivity, will tend to be of a unitary nature. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Homomorphic Tense Of Discrete Energy Impedance
The more homomorphic that a given arbitrary tense of discrete energy impedance is to be, the more likely that the directional wave-tug, that is of the directly associated discrete energy permittivity, will tend to be of a unitary nature. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Two Different Propagating Convergent Covariant Inversely Isometric Hamiltonian Operators -- Dolbeault/De Rham Cohomology
When two different propagating convergent covariant inversely isometric Hamiltonian Operators, of which are here to each work to bear a different rate of escalation-related spatial transference, as these inferred systems of energy are here to work to bear a Noether-Based projection of transversal/radial trajectory, over time, to where such inferred "teams" of converging energy, are here to also work to bear the general physical condition, in which these convergent "teams" of energy, are here to bear a relatively Nijenhuis nature, in regards to one another, in the projection of the directoral-based wave-tug of their correlative topological sway, of their kinematic coni-axial eigen metric, when taken over their directly associated Fourier-Related-Progression, that it may often tend to be the case, that as these two different cohesive sets of energy, when these are here to intersect, may often convert their inferred initial Dolbeault cohomology, that these had started out here to be expressing, into a spontaneously formed De Rham cohomology, over the course of an organized correlative spatial translation of cohomological deformation, as taken over the course of a correlative perturbation of gauge-metric-based permittivity. Sam Roach.
Isotropically Stable Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstates -- Harmonic/Anharmonic Schwinger-Related Vibrations
Isotropically stable light-cone-gauge eigenstates, often tend to have a greater tendency, of working to form harmonic Schwinger-Related vibrations than anharmonic Schwinger-Related vibrations. It follows, then, that isotropically unstable light-cone-gauge eigenstates, often tend to have a greater tendency, of working to form anharmonic Schwinger-Related vibrations than harmonic Schwinger-Related vibrations.

Relatively Strong Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- Relatively Strong Drive In A Direction
The stronger the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, the stronger that the drive in a direction will often consequently tend to be, of which is here to be of the directly associated respective Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to be exhibiting such an inferred tense of a relatively strong Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode.

Relatively Deep Kahler-Based Quotient -- Relatively Strong Metric-Gauge-Related Wave-Tug
When a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, is here to be exhibiting a relatively deep Kahler-Based quotient, it will often tend to spontaneously result, in consequentially exhibiting the display, of a relatively strong metric-gauge-related wave-tug. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Kahler-Based Quotient -- Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- Resonant Frequency
The deeper the Kahler-Based quotient, of a given arbitrary Noether-Based Hamiltonian Operator is to be, the greater that the scalar amplitude, of the directly associated Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, will tend to be, to where the deeper that the consequentially resultant resonant frequency will therefore tend to be.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Relative Depth Of Kahler-Based Quotient -- Probability Of Alteration Of Cohomological-Based Nature
Let's consider two different initially relatively analogous Hamiltonian Operators, that are here to be considered in their manner of cohomological-based nature, over a correlative Fourier-Related-Progression. Both of these stated Hamiltonian Operators are NOT eminently enacted upon by any "ghost-based inhibitors" in a Gliosis-Based manner, over the inferred duration of such a stated Fourier-Related-Progression. That inferred system of energy of the two, of which is to only differ from the other inferred system of energy, on account of working to bear a deeper Kahler-Based quotient, will often tend to have a Lower probability, of subsequently potentially altering into working to bear a Dolbeault cohomological-based nature, than the other Hamiltonian Operator of the two. Here is an Analogy; Let us consider two different objects of mass. One is to have a larger mass than the other. Although the object of larger mass will tend to have a greater inertia than the object of smaller mass, if spontaneously left on its own, if a third object of mass is to perturbate the motion of the other two stated different objects of mass, it is here to be quite likely, that the change of inertia that is to be incurred upon the initially stated object of larger mass, will consequently often tend to greater. TO BE CONINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.
Relative Depth Of Kahler-Based Quotient -- Relative Probability Of Alteration Of Tense Of Cohomology
A given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to be initially working to bear a De Rham cohomological-based nature, to where such a stated Hamiltonian Operator, is here to be exhibiting a relatively deep Kahler-Based quotient, as this inferred system of energy, is here to be subsequently enacted upon, in an eminent Gliosis-Based manner, by a "ghost-based inhibitor," will often tend to have a greater probability, of spontaneously altering into working to bear a Dolbeault cohomological-based nature, than an otherwise analogous Hamiltonian Operator will, if instead, this second just inferred system of energy, is to be exhibiting a relatively less deep Kahler-Base quotient, -- as this is here to be considered, over a dual tense, of a covariant Fourier-Based-Progression. 'TILL NEXT TIME, AT THIS BLOG CITE! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Monday, August 22, 2022
Relatively High Aptitude Of Exhibiting a Conically Driven Tense Of Angular Momentum
A given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, that works to bear a relatively high aptitude, for exhibiting the general physical condition, of exhibiting a conically driven tense of angular momentum, will often have the general tendency, of working to bear a greater probability, of working to form a De Rham cohomology, than an otherwise analogous Hamiltonian Operator, that is, instead, to work to bear a relatively lower aptitude, for exhibiting the general physical condition, of exhibiting a conically driven tense of angular momentum. 'TILL NEXT TIME, AT THIS BLOG CITE! TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL ROACH.

Sunday, August 21, 2022
Relating To Conically Driven Tense Of Angular Momentum
A given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to be exhibiting the display of a unitary Lagrangian, will often tend to have a more conically driven tense of angular momentum, than the motion of the otherwise analogous Fourier-Related-Progression, of such a respective inferred general genus of a Hamiltonian Operator, that is, instead, to be exhibiting the display of a binary Lagrangian. Furthermore; A given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to be exhibiting the display of a binary Lagrangian, will often tend to have a more conically driven tense of angular momentum, than the motion of the otherwise analogous Fourier-Related-Progression, of such a respective inferred general genus of a Hamiltonian Operator, that is, instead, to be exhibiting the display of a tertiary Lagrangian. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Saturday, August 20, 2022
Yau-Exact Superstrings -- Capacity Of Being Isotropically Stable
A Yau-Exact Superstring of discrete energy permittivity, will often tend to have the spontaneous general capacity, of being able to become of an isotropically stable nature. 'Till Next Time, At This Blog Cite! SAMUEL.

Friday, August 19, 2022
Increased Entropy -- Charge De-Generation
Increased heat, is often associated with increased entropy. Increased entropy, is often associated with increased charge de-generation. That is part of as to why, electrical circuitry that is here to be associated with a relative increase in heat, tends to be less efficient, than electrical circuitry, that is here, instead, to be associated with a relative decrease in heat. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Output Of Harmonic Eigenstates Of Chern-Simons Invariants And The Ricci Flow
When there is an increased output per region, in the scalar quantity, of the harmonic eigenstates of the respective Chern-Simons Invariants, of which are here to be proximal local to such an earlier inferred given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-Related region, there will often consequently tend to be a relative augmentation, in the respective corroborative proximal local Ricci Flow. Whereas; When there is an increased output per region, in the scalar quantity, of the anharmonic eigenstates of the respective Chern-Simons Invariants, of which are here to be proximal local to such an earlier inferred given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-Related region, there will often consequently tend to be a relative diminishment, in the respective corroborative proximal local Ricci Flow. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.
The Generation Of Charge And The Ricci Flow
The generation of charge, often tends to be eminently associated with Ricci Flow-Related augmentation, whereas, the de-generation of charge, often tends to be eminently associated with Ricci Flow-Related diminishment. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Facilitation Of Yau-Exact Conditions
Anti Gravitational forces tend to facilitate Yau-Exact conditions, better than heuristic gravitational forces do. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

The Flow Of Charge -- Predictability
The Flow of of a Noether-Based Charge, often tends to be more predictable in its corroborative behavior, when the directly associated proximal local Ricci Curvature, that is here to be eminently respective to the arena of space-time-fabric, that such a charge is to be kinematically differentiating at, over time, is to be of the general nature, of acting as a Flat Ricci Curvature. SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Balanced Ricci Flow Augmentation/Diminishment -- Balanced Cohomology-Related Generation/Degeneration -- Yau-Exact Nature
The more piecewise continuous of a balance, that the inter-relationship between the regional proximal local tense of Ricci Flow Augmentation is to be, when this is in conjunction with the exhibited regional proximal local tense of Ricci Flow Diminishment, for a given arbitrary respective kinematically functional Hamiltonian Operator, of which is here to be directly correlative to such a related given arbitrary case scenario, the more piecewise continuous of a balance, that the directly corresponding cohomology-related generation is to work to exhibit -- in its eminent inter-relationship to its corroborative cohomology-related de-generation, -- to where, the more piecewise continuous of a Yau-Exact nature, of which such an implied Calabi-Yau-Related Hamiltonian Operator, is thereby to consequently tend to result, in working to exhibit, as this is here to be taken, over the duration course, of a correlative Fourier-Related-Progression. SAM ROACH.

Thursday, August 18, 2022
Balance Between Diminishing Ricci Flow And Augmenting Ricci Flow
When there is a balance struck -- between the potential diminishment of a respective tense of a Ricci Flow, and, the potential augmentation of a respective tense of a Ricci Flow, this general type of an inferred net physical condition, will often tend to result, in the spontaneous incursion of a Flat Ricci Curvature. SAM.

Diminishing Ricci Flow -- Logarithmic Attenuation Of Directly Corresponding Ricci Curvature
The larger that the absolute value of a diminishing Ricci Flow is to be, the greater that the logarithmic attenuation of its directly corresponding Ricci Curvature will consequently tend to be. SAM ROACH.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Cevita Action -- Chern-Simons Invariants
The incursion of a Cevita Action upon the motion of a Hamiltonian Operator, may often tend to help, at working to cause the formation of the anharmonic output of Chern-Simons Invariants, of which tends to facilitate the formation of physical entropy. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Wess-Zumino Action -- Chern-Simons Invariants
The incursion of a Wess-Zumino Action upon a moving Hamiltonian Operator, often tends to help, at working to form the harmonic output of Chern-Simons Invariants, of which often tends to facilitate the formation of physical charge. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.(1989).

Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Scattered Superstrings -- Chern-Simons Singularties
Scattered superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, tend to work to bear Chern-Simons singularities -- at the locus at which these are scattered. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.(1989).

Electrons -- Perturbation -- Cohomology
Electrons, that are in the process of being non perturbative, often tend to work to exhibit the display, of a De Rham cohomology. Furthermore; Electrons, that are in the process of being scattered, often tend to work to exhibit the display, of a Dolbeault cohomology. TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL ROACH.

Monday, August 15, 2022
A Wess-Zumino Action -- consequently resultant hermitian nature
The incursion of a Wess-Zumino Action, upon the physical motion of the topological manifold of a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, may often work to consequently result, in the general process, by which the directly associated respective Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to bear the brunt of the inferred eminent effect of such a proximal local incursion, is thence to have a heightened probability, of thereby tending to ensue, in so as to spontaneously proceed to work to bear the general tendency, of subsequently exhibiting the display, of a hermitian-related nature. I WILL CONINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.
A Harmonic Yukawa-Related Interaction
A harmonic Yukawa-Related interaction, may often incur the general physical situation, by which a directly associated respective Hamiltonian Operator, may often spontaneously ensue, in so as to consequently result, in working to exhibit the display of a hermitian-related nature. SAM ROACH.

Sunday, August 14, 2022
Resonant Pulsation -- Lack Of Metric-Based Chern-Simons Singularities
A given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, of which is here to be exhibiting the display of a resonant pulsation, will tend to not display any metric-based Chern-Simons Singularities. SAMUEL ROACH.

Friday, August 12, 2022
Hermitian Motion Of Hamiltonian Operator -- Lack Of Perturbation Due To Externalized Distortive Influences
When the motion of a Hamiltonian Operator is of a hermitian nature, the inferred tense of a smooth respective Lagrangian-Based motion, may often tend to work, to not bear a perturbative flow that is due to externalized distortive influences. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Resonant Pulsation -- Hermitian Charge
A resonant pulsation may often be eminently associated with a hermitian charge. SAMUEL ROACH.
Thursday, August 11, 2022
Resonant Pulsation
A given arbitrary Noether-Based Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to work to bear a resonant pulsation, will often work to exhibit the display, of a De Rham cohomology. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.,

A Proximal Local Incursion Of Anti Gravity
Resonant pulsation is often facilitated, by a proximal local incursion of anti gravity. SAMUEL ROACH.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Loss Of Gauge-Invariance -- Spurious Discrete Energy Impedance
When a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, is to lose its initial tense of gauge-invariance, it will consequently often tend to spontaneously result, in working to bear a given arbitrary tense, of a net set of spurious discrete energy impedance. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Loss Of Gauge-invariance For A Hamiltonian Operator
When a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, is to lose its initial tense of gauge-invariance, it will often tend to bear a spontaneously weakened manner of group-action, in its directly corresponding net tense of angular momentum. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Kahler-Based Quotient -- Gauge-Invariant Hamiltonian Operator -- Stronger Tendency Of Isotropic Stability
The deeper that the Kahler-Based quotient is to be, for a gauge-invariant Hamiltonian Operator, the stronger that its resultant tendency will thereby consequently tend to be, for exhibiting the display, of a general tense of isotropic stability. SAM.

Homomorphic Tense Of Angular Momentum
A gauge-invariant superstring of discrete energy permittivity, often tends to work to exhibit the display, of a homomorphic tense of angular momentum. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Gauge-Invariant Superstring -- Flat Ricci Curvature
A gauge-invariant superstring of discrete energy permittivity, often tends to be directly associated, with the proximal local presence, of the general condition of a flat Ricci Curvature. SAMUEL ROACH.

Gauge-Invariant Superstring -- Smooth Fluctuation In Its Ricci Flow
A gauge-invariant superstring of discrete energy permittivity, tends to bear a smooth Ricci Flow. SAM.

Propagated De Rham/Dolbeault Cohomology
The topological manifold, of a given arbitrary propagated De Rham cohomology-related structure, tends to work to exhibit a more recursively smooth holonomic deformation, when in terms of its Ricci Flow, than the topological manifold, of a given arbitrary propagated Dolbeault cohomology-related structure, tends to work to exhibit. TO BE CONTINUED, LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Sunday, August 7, 2022
Cohomology-Related Generation
The induction of magnetic charge, as incurred upon a given arbitrary covariant respective region of time and space, in which there is here to be the proximal local presence of physical energy, often has the capacity, of having the general tendency, of working to foster the general process, of a cohomology-related generation. I WLL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.
Cohomology-Related De-Generation
The incursion of entropy, upon a given arbitrary covariant region of time and space, in which there is here to be the proximal local presence of physical energy, often has the general tendency, of working to foster the general process, of a cohomology-related de-generation. TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL ROACH.

Generative/De-Generative Yukawa-Related Hamiltonian Operations
Generative Yukawa-Related Hamiltonian Operations, tend to foster the incursion of charge, upon those eminently correlative respective regions, of which such generative processes are to be functionally proximal local in their effectual import upon. It thereby consequently follows, that de-generative Yukawa-Related Hamiltonian Operations, tend to foster the incursion of entropy, upon those eminently correlative respective regions, of which such de-generative processes are to be functionally proximal local in their effectual import upon. TO BE CONTINUED! I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Generative Exhibited Yukawa Coupling, Incurred Upon A Hamiltonian Operator
The more generative that a given arbitrary exhibited Yukawa Coupling-Related Hamiltonian Operation is to be, of which is here to be incurred upon a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator, the more stable that the structural integrity of its directly associated cohomology-related topological manifold will consequently tend to be, in which the Lagrangian-Based motion of such an earlier stated Hamiltonian Operator, is here to work to form the projected trajectory, that is of such an inferred tense of a cohomology-based structure, as such an implied mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is here to be in the general process, of being tugged through its Lagrangian-Based path, over the durational course of its directly corresponding Fourier-Related-Progression. 'TILL NEXT TIME! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM. (1989).

Saturday, August 6, 2022
As To Spin-Orbital Tensors Of Hamiltonian Operators
The more spin-orbital tensors that a given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator is to be exhibiting, the more torque that its directly associated charge will tend to have. SAMUEL ROACH.

Friday, August 5, 2022
Homomorphic Noether-Based Gauge-Invariant Hamiltonian Operator -- De Rham Cohomology
A homomorphic Noether-Based gauge-invariant Hamiltonian Operator, tends to work to exhibit the workings of a De Rham cohomology. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.(1989).

Thursday, August 4, 2022
Isotropically Stable Noether-Based Mass-Bearing Hamiltonian Operator
A hermitian Lagrangian-Based pulse, is often eminently associated, with the motion of an isotropically stable Noether-Based mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator. SAM.
Lagrangian-Based Pulse -- Gauge-Invariance
A hermitian Lagrangian-Based pulse, often tends to be eminently associated with the presence of gauge-invariance. TO BE CONINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (PHS 1989).

A Spurious Lagrangian-Based Pulse
A spurious Lagrangian-Based pulse, often tends to be eminently associated with a lack of gauge-invariance. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (PHS 1989).

Hermitian Lagrangian-Based Pulse
A hermitian Lagrangian-Based pulse, often tends to work to bear a relatively consistent tense of angular momentum. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Harmonically Spinning Hamiltonian Operator -- Smooth Ricci Flow
A harmonically spinning Hamiltonian Operator, is more likely to be exhibiting a smooth Ricci Flow, than an anharmonic spinning Hamiltonian Operator. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

More, As To Recursively Smooth Ricci Flow
A Noether-Based spinning isotropically stable Hamiltonian Operator, of which is here to work to bear a tense of being super conformally invariant at an internal reference-frame, (to where such a stated Hamiltonian Operator, is here to work to bear the physical characteristic of mass), will often bear a greater tendency of working to exhibit a recursively smooth Ricci Flow, than an otherwise analogous Noether-Based spinning mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator, that is instead, to NOT be of an isotropically stable nature. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Fixed Net Gauged-Action
When a Noether-Based isotropically stable Hamiltonian Operator, is to have a net gauged-action that is fixed, the angular momentum, that is here to be directly associated with such a stated Hamiltonian Operator, will consequently tend to be consistently maintained, in its mode of operation. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Noether-Based Gauge-Invariant Superstrings Of Discrete Energy Permittivity
A Noether-Based gauge-invariant superstring of discrete energy permittivity, tends to work to exhibit the display of a hermitian Lagrangian-Based pulse. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Eminent Covariant Co-Tangential/Tangential Wave-Tug Of Pressurized Vacuum
The multiplicity of Ward-Cauchy-Related charges, that are of the opposite chirality, tend to be eminently associated, with the general tense of a covariant co-tangential wave-tug of pressurized vacuum, of which tends to work to attract such charges (opposite charges tend to attract each other). Whereas; The multiplicity of Ward-Cauchy-Related charges, that are of the same chirality, tend to be eminently associated, with the general tense of a covariant tangential wave-tug of pressurized vacuum, of which tends to work to repel such charges (like charges tend to repel each other). CONTINUED LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Isotropically Stable Net Gauged-Action -- Lack Of Spurious Topological Sway
When the net gauged-action of a Hamiltonian Operator is isotropically stable, it will tend to not heuristically exhibit any spurious tensors of topological sway. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.(1989).

Isotropically Stable De Rham Cohomology
An isotropically stable initially gauge-invariant De Rham cohomology, often has less of a potential tendency, of spontaneously perturbating out of gauge-invariance, than an isotropically unstable initially gauge-invariant De Rham cohomology, will otherwise have the tendency of being able to spontaneously work to exhibit.TO BE CONTINUED, LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Monday, August 1, 2022
Alteration In Modulus Of Net Gauged-Action -- Gauge-Transformation
When the net gauged-action of a Hamiltonian Operator, is to alter in its modulus, this general type of a Ward-Cauchy-Related operation, in the arena of superstrings, will tend to work to form, what may be termed of, as being a gauge-transformation. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! CONTINUED LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Light Scattering Upon An Electron -- Alteration In The Modulus Of Its Net Gauged-Action
Whenever light, or, for that matter, whenever any electromagnetic energy, is to scatter upon an electron, such a general Ward-Cauchy-Related Hamiltonian Operation, will often consequently tend at working to alter the holonomic modulus of the net gauged-action, of both the electron that is here to have just been struck by the respective inferred photon, as well as the general condition, that such a Ward-Cauchy-Related Hamiltonian Operation, will also eminently have the general tendency, of working to alter the holonomic modulus of the net gauged-action, that is of the eluded-to photon, which is here to have just inferably come into contact, with the said respective electron, which is of this particular case scenrio. 'TILL NEXT TIME!TO BE CONTINUED!SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Stable/Unstable Moving Electrons -- De Rham/Dolbeault Cohomology
The superstring-related nature, of the mappable-tracing of an electron, that is here to be moving in a stable manner, may often be eminently associated, with a De Rham cohomology; And: The superstring-related nature, of the mappable-tracing of an electron, that is here to be moving in an unstable manner, may often be eminently associated, with a Dolbeault cohomology. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.(1989).