Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What Helps To Work To Form The E(8)XE(8) Stringular Oscillation-Based Tendency

What helps to work to form the E(8)XE(8) stringular oscillation-based tendency; is that general multiplicit deformation of a Riemannian Manifold,  that is due to the multiplicit kinematic Fourier-related activity of the gauge-metrics of the Ricci Flow. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

An Epiphany As To The E(8)XE(8) Stringular Oscillation-Based Tendency

The following is something that came to me as an epiphany, but, at least it finally came to me!

There is one major force of nature, that I forgot to mention to you before, -- and this basic force of nature, is the force of the E(8)XE(8) stringular oscillation-based tendency.  Such a said tendency, is the force of structural fortification. When Chern-Simons Invariants are here to be embedded upon this said force of structural fortification, this general tense of Ward-Cauchy-related conditions, works to form the Influence of Power (In Watts).  Such a said "Power" is often demonstrative -- via what may be termed of as being the "yin(g)" and the "yang." What happens to be the intriguing part about this whole thing is, however, that when one is to work to determine as to what the main influence is to be -- that is here to be formed by such a said oscillation-based tendency, the consequential mathematics works to indicate such a said influence of "Power" to be operating, in a Laplacian-related manner, upon a series of Inverse Metrics instead of upon a series of Metrics.  This, consequently, works to make solving for the main influence that such a said force is to work to produce, of a slightly different venue than that of the other said basic forces of nature.  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Touching-Up On A Potentially Nifty Correlation

In the following, I will touch-up on something that I had been indicating before:

(The discrete quantum of the main influence, that is formed by the thought-force) Multiplied by
(The discrete quantum of the main influence, that is formed by the force of pressurized vacuum)
Multiplied by (The discrete quantum of the main influence, that is formed by the point-commutative force) Multiplied by (The discrete quantum of the main influence, that is formed by the electromotive force) Multiplied by (The discrete quantum of the main influence, that is formed by the gravitational force) Mutliplied by (The discrete quantum of the main influence, that is formed by the weak force) Multiplied by (A discrete quantum of Power)

(All divided by the discrete quantum of the main influence, that is formed by the "strong" force)

Works to equal the amount of energy, that may work here -- to represent the idea of
"Zero-Point-Energy." I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Symplectic Geometry Into Khovanov Geometry

When any given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity that is to display a cohomology, that is here to be of a symplectic geometry (to where such an initially stated superstring, is here to be of a closed-loop nature) is to smoothly convert into a respective superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to display a cohomology that is of a Khovanov geometry (to where such an initially stated superstring, is here to be of either an open-loop or of an open-strand nature), then, that respective cohomology-related eigenstate -- that is here to be directly corresponding to the said superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to be altering from initially working to bear the inferred closed-loop nature, Into subsequently working to bear the inferred tense of being either of an open-loop or of an open-strand-related nature, -- this will then consequently tend to go from working to bear a world-sheet that was initially shaped like a toroidal-related structure (as in a Gliosi-Sherk-Olive cohomology-related eigenstate) Into subsequently working to bear a world-sheet that is then to be shaped like a conical-related structure. Furthermore; since such a given arbitrary alteration in the general shape of a cohomology-related eigenstate, is here to be occurring in a manner that was proscribed of as being appertaining to having a smooth manner of conversion, -- then, such a change, over time, will then tend to occur in a relatively piecewise continuous manner. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

From Accelerating Via A Euclidean-Related Path Into Accelerating Via A Clifford-Related Path

When any one given arbitrary Noether-based orbifold eigenset, that is here to work to maintain its general tense of spatial dimensionality, is to initially go from being spatially transferred into a tense of a smooth transversally accelerating pattern of motion, via a mappable cohomology that may be traced in a Laplacian-based euclidean-related path, Into then subsequently altering in the general genus of its Lagrangian-based path, -- by being smoothly delineated via a mappable cohomology-related path, that is instead here to be of a Clifford-related manner, in spite of working to bear what would otherwise be the same consistent general pattern of being spatially transferred, via a tense of what would otherwise be the same general type of a smooth transversally accelerating manner of motion, over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, that is here to be of the same duration as the initially inferred general tense of motion; then, at the point in time and space at which such a said orbifold eigenset is here to be altering from being spatially transferred as a Hamiltonian Operator, that is here to initially be working to form a euclidean mappable cohomology-related path, via the operational translation of its Lagrangian, over a discrete quantum of time, Into subsequently being spatially transferred as a Hamiltonian operator, that is here to work to form a hyperbolic mappable cohomology-related path, via the operational translation of its Lagrangian, over a discrete quantum of time, -- this general type of an occurrence will consequently tend to work to cause, at the proscribed point of such an alteration in the general genus of a mappable-tracing, a set of one or more Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities; -- although to where such a respective general genus of a scenario, will Often not tend to work to form metric-related Chern-Simons singularities, on account of the stated condition here proscribed of such an orbifold eigenset of such a respective given arbitrary case, to be a case in which one is here to be considering a Hamiltonian Operator, that is to be maintaining its condition of a smoothly-accelerating transversal-based pattern of motion, through time and space. Samuel Roach.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

When An Orbifold Eigenset Is To Alter In Its Acceleration

When any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset is to alter in its transversal acceleration -- it will tend to work to bear an alteration in the tense of its respective dimensional-related pulsation, over time.  When an orbifold eigenset is to alter in the tense of its dimensional-related pulsation, over time, such a said eigenset will consequently tend to work to bear a set of one or more respective metric-related Chern-Simons singularities.  Consequently; when an orbifold eigenset is to alter in its transversal acceleration, it will tend to work to bear a respective set of one or more metric-related Chern-Simons singularities. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

A Set Of Orbifold Eigensets Being Altered Out Of Synchronization

When a set of initially considered orbifold eigensets are to be altered out of a tense of a motion-related synchronization, this will tend to involve the kinematic enactment of a certain genus of a Cevita interaction -- that is here to bear a Fourier-based Yukawa Coupling upon the general homotopic field of such an inferred sub-set of Hamiltonian Operators; to where such a stated general homotopic field, is here to be proximal local to the respective Ward-Cauchy bounds, that is here to be of the initially mentioned set of initially considered orbifold eigensets. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A Case Of A Wess-Zumino Interaction Being Imparted Upon A Set Of Orbifold Eigensets

Let us initially consider a covariant set of orbifold eigensets, -- that are initially kinematically moving in such a manner, that is either chaotic or at least anharmonic --  in their sequential spatial delineation, that is here to be taken via a relatively transient or brief Fourier-related Transformation.  Let us next say, -- that there is here to be an ensuing general genus of a Wess-Zumino interaction, that is then to be imparted upon what is here to be this so-inferred set of co-differentiable orbifold eigensets, in a Yukawa-related manner, -- over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  The stronger that the scalar amplitude of this said general type of a Wess-Zumino interaction is to be, in its Yukawa-related interaction upon the general proximal local homotopic field, that is here to work to bind the given arbitrary co-determinable respective cohomology-related eigenstates, that are most directly involved with the overall Fourier-related kinematic spatial translation of the general earlier stated set of orbifold eigensets, the more likely that the said or inferred initial conditions of a chaotic/anharmonic covariant motion, that was here to be initially present at a reference-frame that was here to be at a Poincare level, that was consequently to be exhibited at the immediately external perspective to the co-determinable scene of this mentioned set of orbifold eigensets, then; this overall general condition will consequently tend to work to cause such a group or such a set of orbifold eigensets, to result in either approaching and/or reaching a tense of synchronization -- from the vantage-point of a directly corresponding central coni-point in time and space. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Here's A Basic One

Here's a basic idea, that I have eluded to before:

When two different orbifold eigensets that work to bear a tense of a converging Ward-Supplemental path --  when in covariance with one another, -- are to spontaneously work to bear a "head-on" Gliosis-based tangency, -- this will tend to work to cause these two different just mentioned orbifold eigensets, to end-up working to bear antiholomorphic Ward-Cauchy-related Kahler conditions, in either their metric and/or in their Lagrangian-related kinematic physical boundary conditions. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Isoelliptabelianoid And The Creation Of The Original Superstrings

Immediately soon after the occurrence of the "Big-Bang," it was the general activity of what one may think of here as being a metaphorically "antiquated" genus of the multiplicit  Higgs Action eigenstate,  -- that one may think of here as being named, the "Isoelliptabelianoid," that acted in so as to work to create the initial mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are of the stratum of space-time-fabric.  What the so-eluded-to action of this said Isoelliptabelianoid did, was that it took those eigenstates that were of the correlative distribution-related motion, that were of those initial inertial-related states, --  to where these said eigenstates had just been in the process of being transferred away from their initial delineation at the core of the "Big-Bang," and decoupled this implied transference of inertial-related motion, with the square of the quotient of a tense of the rate of its frequency per cognition, in so as work to produce those initial kinematic eigenstates of potentially Yau-Exact holonomic substrate, that were here to be the original mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity. To Be Continued! I will continue with the suspense later! Sam Roach.

Quite An Interesting Editorial

When cognition came into a Gliosis-related contact with the core of the "Big-Bang," at the instant of the start of the multiverse, -- time was created, via a direct interaction of ideas with inertia.  Consequently; the interaction of the resultant frequency per earlier stated cognition per (just created) time, worked to form the general condition of the acceleration of those composite phenomenology, which had just existed at the core of that fabric, that had just been drawn outward, in the process of the occurrence of the "Big-Bang."  Since this overall general process worked to form both "time" and "acceleration," those countless components of holonomic substrate, that had just initially existed at the initial core of what "turned-out" to be the "Big-Bang," needed to go into the process, of what was here to be the expansion of each individually taken universal setting. P.S.:  All of the universes of each set of parallel universes, are entangled amongst each other.  To further illustrate; please read some of my earlier writings, as to the concept of Ultimon Flow. Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Electron Orbit And The Formation Of Photons

A typical electron works to bear a 1 out of 137 chance of falling back-and-forth an energy level, in so as to work to form a photon from the residual excess energy that such a said electron will have just attained, when such a said typical electron is here to be orbiting around the nucleus of an atom.  This works to indicate, that any one given arbitrary electron, will tend to average at helping to work to form one discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy, -- for every 137 cycles of orbit by which such a said typical electron is here to work to be translated through, over the course of its motion, as it is here to be in the process of circulating around the nucleus of any one given arbitrary respective atom, that it is here to be most associated with, over a respective quantum of time. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Rate Of i*PI(del) Action And Rate Of Superstringular Vibration During BRST

The quicker that any one given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to accelerate, when this is here to be taken in its relationship to both the motion and the existence of electromagnetic energy, -- the faster that the directly corresponding i*PI(del) action will tend to work to happen, to those composite superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise the said respective orbifold eigenset of such a here stated case scenario, -- when this is here to be taken in respect to a lower Hodge Index as to the number of partition-based discrepancies, that are here to be proximal local to the general topological surface of the here stated superstrings, that are here to work to comprise the earlier mentioned orbifold eigenset.  Since homotopic residue is to be conserved; the less partition-based discrepancies that work to be directly affiliated with the general topological surface of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise any one said given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigengeset, the more of such mass-bearing strings that it will consequently take to comprise such a said eigenset.  The denser that any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset is to be, the quicker that those composite strings -- that work to comprise such a said eigenset -- are consequently to need to vibrate, during each successive iteration of BRST, in which such a said mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to be accelerating in its relationship to both the motion and the existence of electromagnetic energy.  This works to produce that general Hamiltonian operation, that is here to act as a fractal of momentum, -- that works to allow for the added thrust of accelerated mass-bearing phenomenology.  Again; it is the multiplicit Legendre homology, that works to allow for the kinematic motion of mass-bearing orbifold eigensets. Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Tense Of Spin-Orbital Momentum And Opposite Charge

Let us initially consider two different given arbitrary charged mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, of which are to work to bear two different distinct respective fields -- to where their fields may potentially work to bear a Yukawa-based relationship to one another.  Let us next presume that the mini-stringular segmentation that is here to work to bind such a covariant field between these two so-stated orbifold eigensets, is here to be of a relatively tightly-knit nature.  If the spin-orbital momentum of these two just mentioned individually taken mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, is to work to bear a net tense of a metric-related Chern-Simons Invariance, --  that is here to work to form a covariant net wave-tug between these two said eigensets, that is to bear a directoral-related drive, that is here to initially be directed externally away from one another, then, as an equal and opposite reaction that is here to be happening in the opposite direction, this will often work to result in these two said orbifold eigensets to work to form an opposite clockwise tense of a covariant spin, which will consequently often tend to form a tense of an opposite chirality in charge (positive versus negative, or vice versa) when in relationship to one another, -- of which will consequently tend to work to form a physical attraction between these two said charged mass-bearing orbifold eigensets. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Conservation Of Homotopic Residue, And Yau-Exact Conditions

Some of the physical properties that are caused by the mulitplicit Ward-Cauchy-related set of conditions  --  that are caused by that general manner, by which Noether-based mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, are to tend to generally work to bear that general state, as to the conservation of homotopic residue, -- are also to work to tend to be involved with that general inferred set of multiplicit Ward-Cauchy-related set of physical properties, by which such stated mass-bearing orbifold eigensets are to behave as being Yau-Exact, -- since such Noether-based mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, are to generally tend to spontaneously generate as much cohomology as these degenerate, when this is here to be taken at an internal reference-frame, that is Poincare to the topological surface of the holonomic substrate of such a so-stated orbifold eigenset, when this is here to be taken over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric. To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Certain Eminent Presence Working To Produce Cohomology-Related Generation/Degeneration

When there is an eminent Yukawa-related presence of group-attractors, that is here to be relatively proximal local to the kinematic formation of a mappable-tracing of cohomology-related eigenstates, -- this general type of a substringular process, tends to work to help in producing a state of cohomology-related generation.  Consequently; when there is an eminent Yukawa-related presence of ghost-based inhibitors, that is here to be relatively proximal local to the kinematic formation of a mappable-tracing of cohomology-related eigenstates, -- this general type of a substringular process, tends to work to help in producing a state of cohomology-related degeneration. Samuel Roach.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Ricci Curvature And The Yin(g) And The Yang

Orbifold eigensets that work to form a cohomology-related mappable-tracing -- that is of a flat Ricci Curvature, tend to be intrinsically more associated with the production of the characteristic of the attribute of "Yin(g)"-related Chi than the attribute of "Yang"-related Chi.  Consequently; orbifold eigensets that work to form a cohomology-related mappable-tracing -- that is Not of a flat Ricci Curvature, tend to be intrinsically more associated with the production of the characteristic of the attribute of "Yang"-related Chi than the attribute of "Yin(g)"-related Chi. Samuel David Roach.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Scalar Amplitude Of The Kinematic Translation Of Correlative Chern-Simons Invariants

The higher that the scalar amplitude of that correlative tense of physical magnetism is to be, that is here to be directly associated with the physical charge of any one given arbitrary Noether-based mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, over time, -- the greater that the directly corresponding scalar amplitude will then tend to be, of the correlative rate that is of the kinematic translation of those correlative Chern-Simons Invariants, that are here to be most directly associated with the externalized radial/(transversal) transfer of such a said given arbitrary Noether-based mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, over an implied correlative evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric. To Be Continued! Sam Roach.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Another Way Of Considering The "Equivalence" Of Time

When is to consider the multiplicit reverse-fractal of the i*PI(del) Action, -- to where one is here to be considering such an inferred reverse-fractal of this said phenomenology,  per the correlative proximal local charge, that is directly applicable to this given arbitrary case scenario, then, one may consequentially tend to consider the resultant tense, of what has here been implied by such a physical "situation," to be one manner of considering a determination of the equivalence of the general influence of "time." I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sam Roach.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Hermitian Flow Of Angular Momentum Of Electrical Current

The closer that the flow of an electric current is to be, at approaching an isotropically stable set of Ward-Cauchy-related conditions, -- the more hermitian that the flow of the angular momentum, that is here to be of the directly corresponding said electric current -- will consequently tend to be. Sam Roach.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Relativistic Shape Of World-Sheets

Individually taken mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, tend to bear a toroidal world-sheet, -- when taken at an internal reference-frame.  However; those individually taken superstrings of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, tend to bear a conical world-sheet, -- again, when this is here to be taken at an internal reference-frame.  Discrete energy tends to happen in groups of discrete quanta, that operate to perform a specific function.  I name such "groups" as being, "orbifold eigensets."  Mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, tend to exist via a symplectic geometry (as a closed-looped geometry). Whereas; superstrings of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, tend to exist via a Khovanov geometry (an open-looped or an open-strand-related geometry).  It is those particular individually taken groups of superstrings, that are of the nature of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, that are here of a Khovanov geometry, of which are also here to be of a Legendre (co)homology, that are thence to act, in so as to work to spatially transfer those particular individually taken groups of superstrings, that are here to be of the nature of being a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset (to where this is of a symplectic-related cohomology), -- to where, even though such an inferred set of interdependent mass-bearing superstrings, are to tend to be super conformally invariant at an internal reference-frame, these are thus to be transferred through space over time at an external reference-frame, via a directly corresponding Lagrangian, via the covariant motion of the earlier inferred set of kinetic-based superstrings, that are here to act as a directly associated tense of a Legendre (co)homology.  Superstrings of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, tend to work to bear a conical-shaped world-sheet; whereas, a world-sheet that is of a discrete mass-bearing superstring, tends to be toroidal-shaped world-sheet.  Consequently; there often tends to be in nature -- at a level that is Poincare to a certain tense of a Ward-Cauchy-related scenario, -- a multiplicit set of interdependent conical-shaped world-sheet-based phenomenology, that are of a  kinetic energy-related nature, that act, in so as to drive the kinematic-related motion of a correlative multiplicit set of interdependent toroidal-shaped world-sheet-based phenomenology; -- in so as to help in the process of the transference of mass through space, over time. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.