Wednesday, June 26, 2019

More As To Relation Of Tangency With Quantum Realm

Let's go back to the situation -- to where one is pretending to be an object, that is positioned, -- in so as to be standing on the topological contour of a ball.  Any touch works to involve tangency.  Tangency involves what may be described of as being normalcy.  Normalcy involves 90 degrees.  So, when something pushes a given arbitrary phenomenon to its boundaries, due to this working to define the limits of what's inside of it, -- the transpiration of that objects tangency, is then to be partially delineated along the topological framework of the proscribed circumference, that is here to exist along the surface of the sphere -- that in this case, is manifested as the metaphorical "ball" that one would be standing upon.  The delineation of the relative placement -- as to where one would be upon the ball -- would be completely arbitrary.  The harmonic/anharmonic relation of one's tangency upon the said ball, is here to be spin-related -- while the harmonic/anharmonic relation of the norm tangency in this case, is here to be orbital-related.  With electrons, -- such motion pushes the electron on -- just like "X marks the spot."  In art, whenever you want to know right where something is -- relative to a vanishing point -- one is to use two different lines.  This works to define right where the point that you want to determine, is to be located at.  If you are starting somewhere, and you wanted to know a straight line to a destination -- you would need to know at least three different points.  So, by utilizing tangent (norm) radiation, when this is in terms of spin and orbit -- the transversal and radial conditions of the motion of the electron as a unit, may thence be defined.  So, the spin-orbital interaction helps to define, with less uncertainty than otherwise, both the direction of an electron & the "push" of its energy -- while the angular momentum inter-relationship works to help define, with less uncertainty than otherwise, where the electron is going and its directoral impetus. Directoral impetus is the drive that a particle has, due to the way that its stuff is positioned in a particular direction.  As stated before, these mentioned spin-orbital momentum and angular momentum -- are related to fields.
To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Yau-Exact Orbifold Eigensets And Substringular "Torque"

Any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, that works to generate as much cohomology as it degenerates -- over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric -- is said to be Yau-Exact.  Any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, that is both Yau-Exact, -- while yet also exhibiting a homogeneous translation of pulsation, -- is said to be exemplifying a cohomology, that is here to be of a De Rham nature.  Any given arbitrary cohomology, that is Not of a De Rham nature -- is said to be of a Doubolt nature  (I hope that my spelling is good here as to "Doubolt.")  Let us next say, that one is to have two different distinct orbifold eigensets.  One of these two mentioned eigensets, is here to be exhibiting a De Rham cohomology, while, the other of the two said orbifold eigensets -- is here to be exhibiting a Doubolt cohomology. Otherwise -- the two just mentioned orbifold eigensets, are to be of the same general nature. That given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- that is here to bear a cohomology that is of a De Rham nature, -- will then tend to work to exemplify a higher Ward-Cauchy-related torque along its correlative Lagrangian-based path -- than the other of the two given arbitrary orbifold eigensets.
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Superconformal Invariance And Relative Influence

Let us initially consider two different distinct orbifold eigensets.  Both are traveling at the same covariant velocity.  Both of such orbifold eigensets are of the same general nature -- except, one of such eigensets is to work to bear a greater tense of superconformal invariance at an internal reference-frame, than the other of such eigensets.  That orbifold eigenset of the two, that is to bear a greater tense of superconformal invariance at an internal reference-frame than the other of the two -- will then tend to work to bear a greater influence over its environment than the other one, due to the condition, that the said orbifold eigenset of this given case that is to bear a higher degree or manner of superconformal invariance at an internal reference-frame, will then tend to have a hightened Kahler-based quotient that is directly associated with it than the other of the two, -- and will thereby work to involve a stronger wave-tug upon its environment than the other orbifold eigenset, over time.

Part Three Of Varying Pulse Of Obifold Eigenset

The variance of the pulse of an orbifold eigenset, is said to be homogeneous, if the flow of both the metric and the Lagrangian-related cohomology-related eigenindices, that are thence formed, are to work to bear a smooth translation of topological sway, and, if the directoral-related impetus of such a smooth translation, is to work to bear an even keel of angular momentum-related transference -- over a proscribed evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Part Two Of Varying Pulse Of Orbifold Eigenset

When an orbifold eigenset is to homogeneously vary in the scalar amplitude of its pulse -- over a sequential series of group-related instantons, -- then, such a said orbifold eigenset will consequently tend to increase in its torque, over the so-eluded-to evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric. Sam.

Varying Pulse Of Orbifold Eigenset

If a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, is to vary in the scalar amplitude of its tense of superconformal invariance, over both a covariant, codeterminable, and in a codifferentiable manner, over a sequential series of group-related instantons -- to where such a set of discrete energy that operates to performs one specific function, is here to toggle, from initially tightening its tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode,  to susequently loosening its tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, and back and so on..., then, such a respective orbifold eigenset, will then tend to vary from initially having an amplified pulse, to then subsequently having an attenuated pulse, and back and so on..., in so long as such a said given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, is to remain as stable in its other Ward-Cauchy-based conditions -- over a discrete evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode And Pulse

Let's say that one were to  have two different mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, that are here to be traveling with the same velocity.  Let's say that both of such orbifold eigensets, were to have the same Hodge-Index of discrete energy quanta.  The orbifold eigenset of such a case, that is here to work to bear a greater Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, will then tend to have a higher scalar amplitude of a pulse -- than the other comparative orbifold eigenset, that is of such a given case.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam Roach.

Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode And Kahler-Based Quotients

The greater that the scalar amplitude is of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, the greater that the correlative Kahler-based quotient tends to be -- and, the lesser that the scalar amplitude is of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, the lesser that the correlative Kahler-based quotient tends to be.  Consequently -- the greater that the scalar amplitude is of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, the more wave-tug that such a correlative phenomenon will tend to bear -- and, the lesser that the scalar amplitude is of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, the less wave-tug that such a correlative phenomenon will tend to bear.  Sam Roach.

Movement In The Direction Of Mapping-Out The Substringular

If one were able to determine, with at least some reasonable degree of certainty, the flow of a certain given arbitrary set of cohomology-related eigenindices -- over a respective proscribed duration of discrete time, -- then, one would have a better chance at "scratching the surface" of mapping-out -- at least a small part of the Ward-Cauchy-related activity, that would be happening here in the substringular realm!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Cohomological States As A Sub-Energy

The rudimentary commutators that work to form cohomological states, act as a sub-energy in the superstringular realm.  Cohomological eigenstates act as the sub-Hamiltonian-related nature of those correlative point commutators, that directly inter-mingle with the topological stratum of discrete energy in the superstringular realm.  Whereas -- cohomological eigenindices act as the sub-Lagrangian-related nature of those correlative point commutators, that directly inter-mingle with the topological stratum of discrete energy in the superstringular realm.  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Mapping The Substringular Out With Less Uncertainty

If one were to be able to successfully act, in so as to better understand both the structure, the positioning, and the interactions, of a panoply of sets, of what may here be thought of as being the presence of cohomological eigenstates, when this is in terms of those inter-relationships, that are of the basic associations -- that are here to appertain to those knotting equations, that are fundamental to the multifarious interactions of the correlative sub-atomic particles -- that exist in any one directly corresponding given arbitrary case scenario, that is respectively pertinent -- when this is in terms of the flow of the resultant physical memory of the interaction of the substringular norm-state-projections, that are most associated with first-order point particles, with discrete quanta of energy -- then, one would consequently tend to have a decreased uncertainty -- as to what the resultant physical interactions would end-up being, when in relation with those superstringular eigenstates, that are here to be interdependently acting upon each other in a kinematic manner, over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  This would then work to make it, if anything, a bit easier to be able to have a higher expectation value -- as to what one would then be able to predict, as to what would then be subsequently happening in such a said case scenario, than otherwise.  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

More As To Cohomological Eigenstates, Eigenindices

Cohomological eigenstates may either be abelian or non abelian groupings, that latch at a locus that is proximal local to the topology of discrete energy; whereas -- cohomological eigenindices are discrete motions of such abelian or non abelian groupings, that work to indicate the presence of the thence proximal local said cohomological eigenstates.  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

What A Cohomological Eigenindex Is

What a cohomological eigenindex is -- is one discrete movement of one discrete energy-trace-holonomy.  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

What A Cohomological Eigenstate Is

What a cohomological eigenstate is -- is a discrete energy-trace-holonomy.  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Density Of Orbifold Eigensets And Kahler-Based Quotients

Let us initially say, that one were here to have two different orbifold eigensets.  Next, let's say that the only thing overtly different between these two different orbifold eigensets -- is that one were to be denser than the other.  The denser of the two orbifold eigensets, would then tend to work to bear a greater Kahler-based quotient than the less dense orbifold eigenset that is to be considered here.  Sam.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Part One -- More Stuff As To Understadning The Quantum

Here is the start of a lengthly explaination, that works to elaborate how fields work.:
As told before, an electron's spin -- works to determine its magnetic field.  This is because the magnetic field of an electron is normal to its electric field, and an electric field is based on the angular momentum of the given electron.  Angular momentum is based on the directoral impetus of the electron in any series of locants -- as implied before.  In order for something to spin, the phenomenon has to go around.  That's what spinning is.  This means that the surface area of any object that spins MUST have radial translation after every discrete metric in which that object does indeed spin.  Whenever something exists, it exists in some sort of space.  Anything that exists in space, is touching something -- at every spot in which it exists.  Whenever there is touch, there is tangency.  So, anything that exists has some sort of tangency.  The condition of tangency is normalcy.  This is because, whenever there's a tangent point -- there is a norm vector.  So, anything that exists, has some sort of normalcy -- that is associated with whatever topological surface that you may wish to discuss in a respective case scenario.  Normalcy may not always be associated with Real Space, yet it is always associated with some sort of medium -- thru which point particles or indices of norm-state-projections may be relayed, or at least temporarily transferred.  Whenever radial motion happens -- there is always at least a potential of the spinning of either the object in radial motion OR the spinning of the indices that the said object works here to translate.  Radial motion that differentiates homotopically -- thru a metric -- Always involves actual spinning.  Let's say -- metaphorically -- that you are are a small point particle in time and space.  You are on the surface of a smooth paraboloid.  The paraboloid spins.  Remember, you are touching the outer surface of the said paraboloid.  As the paraboloid spins, you spin along with it. (Cliffhanger)
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!!!  Sam Roach.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Some Additional Stuff As To Kahler-Based Quotionts

What the idea as to the effect of a Kahler-based quotient is, is that it tends to be related to the scalar amplitude of the relative overall wave-tug -- that is most associated with the workings of the dimensional-related pulsation, that is of any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- over any one respective evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  So, if one were to have two different orbifold eigensets, that are here to be traveling at the same covariant relativistic velocity, via the vantage-point of a  central conipoint, and, if one of these said orbifold eigensets were to work to bear a higher Kahler-based quotient than the other said orbifold eigenset, then, the orbifold eigenset that is here to have had to bear a higher Kahler-based quotient, will tend to have had a greater scalar amplitude of an overall wave-tug that is here to be directly associated with it, than the other said orbifold eigenset, -- over the so-eluded-to evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Some Stuff As To Diffeomorphic Versus Homeomorphic

The main difference that there is -- between a Ward-related field that is diffeomorphic, versus a Ward-related field that is homeomorphic -- is, that a diffeomorphic field is a Laplacian-based field that is homogeneous in delineation, whereas, a homeomorphic field is a Fourier-based field that is homogeneous in delineation.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Some More Stuff About Course 6 -- As To The Toroidal Nature Of Strings

The metrics of that substringular phenomena, that are based on the past and future occurences that happen --  act, among such tiny particles and gauge-actions, that effect the metrics of the rest of that substringular arena -- that exist along the kinematically Fourier differentiation of phenomena, that interact from both within and from outside of the Ultimon.  The main exception to the condition of those metrics, that do not have as much of a probability of effecting the surrounding metrics in a necessarily spontaneous way -- is when eigenstates of space that proceed from within a series of space matrices, are often re-distributed to a sequence that functions as part of a different universe.  (Parallel universes that are different, do not necessarily have a directly corresponding spontaneous interaction with other universes -- during a covariant-related determination of group instanton.)  All of the parallel universes and time-potentials -- as well as all of the sets of parallel universes that exist -- are of the fabric of the Ultimon.  For an allegorical example that anyone would know -- the earth appears flat, yet the earth is not flat.  The direct fabric of the Ultimon -- appears completely topological and smooth, yet during certain metrics and submetrics that exist over the stretch of space and time, this is not always so.  This means -- that after each duration of the Bases of Light, the flow of the phenomena of the Continuum, -- tends to adjust in a multiplicit manner per each individually taken discrete increment of energy, by one or more discrepancy interiorly on either side of its construction.  This tendency of discrepancy -- is due to the fact, that there is no such thing as a completely one or a completely two dimensional phenomenon.  The conditions that define certain phenomena as one or two dimensional, are the Ward Conditions that define the spacial parameters -- that are used to scope the conformal dimensionality, that is used to determine the inter-relationships of dimensionality itself.  So, based on certain physical definitions that are used to extrapolate what determines something to be either one, two,...or up to 32 dimensional -- has to do with discrete physical Ward Conditions.  Remember, everything has length, thickness, and width.  Accordingly, a tori-sector-range has phenomena on either side of such a superstringular structure, that curve relative to the prime given externalized phenomena, -- by the radius of a discrete number of second-order point particles.  A second-order point particle, is the smallest type of phenomena that may be diveed-out in free space.  Third-Order point particles only exist, where second-order point particles are at. 
I will continue with the suspense later.  Sincerely, Sam. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Some Stuff As To Mass On Shell

A two-dimensional superstring has a three-dimensional field associated with it. When a relatively knit Fourier Transform, that is highly Laplacian -- forms a toroidal structure with an annulus at its central coniaxial --  the whole Majorana-Weyl supercharge associated with the operation of the associated superstring’s conformally invariant kinematic nature, is delineated, after the group metric occurs, that works to form the basically Gliosis-Sherk-Olive field inferred, at a locus that is proximal to the outer shell-related region, that is of that given M-field, that is associated with the described kinematic differentiation of the given two-dimensional superstring’s three-dimensional field. This takes into consideration the fact, that every superstring, whether it directly partakes of mass or not, has a mass-based index. Such an on-shell supercharge, as taken thru a Fourier Transform that alters both the spin-orbital and the angular momentum distribution, delineation, and directoralization of the associated three-dimensional field toroidal structure, -- works to convert the Yau-Exact indices, in so as to transport these, in such a way, in so as to form a discrete unit of mass when in relation to the M-field structure that I have conveyed. This is tantamount, to that a spherical shell with a physical charge at its center -- delineates all of the energy of its charge along the topography or topology of its directly associated shell. Likewise, the norm state Ward conditions of the annulus of a toroidal 3-D field, that is of a 2-D superstring, -- delineates all of the angular momentum and spin-orbital distribution indices, at the outer shell of that given toroidal
3-D structure. Likewise, the “figure-eight” twisted toroidal structure, that is created by certain fermionic superstrings, forms the point mass of electrons and neutrinos. This mass of certain fermions is created by this: The norm state conditions when considering the Ward conditions of the annuli of the two relatively Mobius ends of such a “figure-eight” that is being described here, have angular momentum and spin-orbital momentum, that transfers their distribution and directoralization indices outward -- to the outer topology of the given “figure-eight-like” structure. The kinematic differentiation of the Yau-Exact indices that are of the said “figure-eight” structure as a whole, causes the given phenomenon to translate, thru the Fourier Transform of the given M-field, thru a Minkowski or Hilbert Lagrangian, its correlative mass indices, into an integration of the corresponding Hamiltonian eigenstates, --  that allow the Kaluza-Klein phenomena, as with 3-D fields of 2-D superstrings, to convert and/or maintain itself as a mass. The abelian geometry of the light-cone-gauge, that is of such Yau-Exact structures, causes the E(6)xE(6) gauge-bosons thence related, to form Schwinger indices -- that keep the M-fields oriented to coalesce their Noether indices into a conformally invariant manner, that then needs to be orientable per each correlative general locus, in order to translate to a proceeding proximal region, in so long as the mass indices that are here associated are limited. Since any M-field needs a limited Lagrangian distribution, in order to delineate its Majorana-Weyl indices over a group metric, --  that is based on either a harmonic nature or an anharmonic nature, of which may potentially not coincide with a group directoralization of Noether flow, unless the associated superstring is orientable, (if it is orientable, it will then tend to be of a Noether Flow), to where the tendency of a mass-bearing superstring, that is here to bear a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology, will always go under light speed, per iteration.  Whereas mass that is tachyonic, and thus not of a Noether nature, must become of a Yang-Mills-related nature, in which case is to hold true -- when a correlative mass bears unorientable yet finely directoralized motion, --  via a Ward polarizable dark matter holomorph. Unorientable superstrings may only be as such temporarily, when in a large group -- even if these are Reverse-Lorentz-Four-Contracted. Mass may become Yang-Mills and tachyonic, if its field delineation is majorized.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Some Stuff As To "Mini-Loops"

The following work -- is pertinent to that activity of the process of the Kahler-Metric, that is here to be applicable, to the re-attainment of the fractals of discrete energy, that are here to be necessary, in order for discrete energy to remain as such -- that are to be attained, by the reiterative Gliosis-related associations of discrete energy with the holonomic substrate of the Klein Bottle, -- as I have eluded-to in previous posts on my blog. :
The potential Chern-Simons singularity limits that are associated with the 191 given mini-loops, are as shown in the contingent document where these were listed. So, all 191 Chern-Simons singularity limits, exist as a fractal, along a vibrational-related perturbated mini-loop -- right before the first iteration of the Kahler-Metric works to convert the Hamiltonian Momentum of such a said mini-loop -- into a hermitian mini-loop, that is now to be comprised of by a discrete and Real Reimmanian metric-gauge holonomic substrate, that is here to act as the physical substance of permittivity.
The hermitian limits of singularity, that are of superstingular mini-loops, that have just been realigned and/or formed -- are as shown in the contingent document where these were listed.
These discrete, topological limits of singularity -- form a twenty-five dimensional two-sided Minkowski hermitian surface,-- that bears a mini-string connectability -- to the twenty-sixth related Minkowski Dimension by limits of singularity that are of
10^(-86)meters*((e^(.01)-e^(0))/2i) &; 10^(-86)meters*((e^(0)-e(.01))/2i).
This topological set of singularities, among those of all mini-loops that are connected into a substance of permittivity -- of which vibrate anharmonically toward the most adjacent Gliossi-Sherk-Olive norm related states, in such a way in so as to form a harmonic nature, that is of the associated Gliosis-Sherk-Olive ghosts, happens, in order that the adjacent light-cone-gauge eigenstates may, in a  Dirac manner, eliminate over half of their ghosts -- when such a hermitian group operation interacts with the motion of the Rarita Structure.
The numbers subtracted from “infinity” need to be discrete, since the quantum world is discrete. There are 96 dimensions in space and time, and each dimension has a general condition of two sides. Electrodynamics is produced "multi-fractally" --  by the permittivity of superstrings. Electrodynamics involves a charged flow.
For every singularity that bears infinity, there needs to be a singularity that bears zero.
Electricity goes from negative to positive, when in the direction of electron holes.
What I term of as being "mini-loops," indirectly produce electron holes.
All substringular mobiaty is virtual, since reality can not spontaneously undo itself.
Four times 48 is 192, and 192-1 equals 191.
This is why the Chern-Simmons limits of singularity, when appertaining to the min-loops of superstrings, behave as these are.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Stuff About Worm-Holes

Hello, my name is Sam.  Worm-Holes bear pulsation characteristics that predate the Big-Bang.  So, if worm-holes did not exist, then the Big-Bang never happened.  Yet, to me it is totally obvious that the Logos struck the core of the Big-Bang from 192 different directions (both sides of 96 different axials) to form discrete reality from indiscrete reality.  Space-Time curves.  Ultimon Flow is obvious to anyone who can see the see the string theory that they claim to be describing.  The fact that Ultimon Flow is real, proves that tachyons are also real.  The fact of the above, proves that worm-holes are real.  The fact that Snell's Law is real, is provable via the work that I have showed.
What we would normally term of as tachyonic phenomena, is a set of one or more superstrings that move as a group transversally -- through a discrete Lagrangian, through a discrete enough distance in so as to directly interact (in a Gliosis manner) with infrared energy in a manner that goes faster than Noether flow would allow.  These must be true in order for reality to exist, period.  Sincerely, Sam.

Here's An Additional Editorial

Here's some of my personal beliefs about the existence of the soul:

Life is a phenomenology -- that to one manner of extent or another -- is able to overcome the entropy that surrounds it.  A phenomenology with a mind -- is a form of life, that has any sort of decision-making process.  One of my beliefs -- is that, the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates that are of a soul-bearing phenomenology, -- work to bear a crucial difference with the Fadeev-Papov-Trace eigenstates, that are of not of a soul-bearing phenomenology.  I will explain this here:
When one is dealing with the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, that are here to be directly associated with a phenomenology that has a soul -- then, these said eigenstates are here to propagate in their motion in a Fourier-related manner, in an isotropically unstable manner over time.  This is because the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, that are of a soul-related entity, -- are here to move in a "fluid-like" manner of motion over time.  Consequently -- when one is dealing with the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, that are here to be directly associated with a phenomenology that does not have a tense of soul energy -- then, these said eigenstates are to propagate in their motion in a  Fourier-related manner, in an isotropically stable manner over time.  This is because the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, that are here to be directly associated with a phenomenology that does not have a soul -- are here to move in a manner that is of a "jointal-like" manner of motion, over time.  When the general disturbance of space -- that is here to happen, when one is here to consider the process -- of what is to happen to the holonomic substrate of the contingent soul energy, at the process of death -- a simplified version as to the general idea as to what is then to happen here, is that this said action of the disturbance in space, is here to act, in so as to refurbish the holonomic substrate of the directly corresponding transferred soul-related Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates that are of the correlative soul-bearing life form, in a manner that is both homogenous and homeomorphic in the process of what would here be at the moment of death.
Enough for now!  (That's for sure!)  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach!!!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Balance Of Cohomology-Related Generation

When there is an even balance, between the Wess-Zumino-related flow of homotopic residue and the directly corresponding Cevita-related flow of homotopic residue -- over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric -- then, there will then tend to be an equal balance, between the correlative cohomological generation and the correlative cohomological degeneration.  This will then tend to result, in the Ward-Cauchy-related condition of a Yau-Exact set of substringular attributes.  Continued Later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Wess-Zumino-Related Flow Of Homotopic Residue

The Wess-Zumino-related flow of homotopic residue, tends to happen in the direction of the general flow of cohomological generation, -- while -- the Cevita-related flow of homotopic residue, tends to happen in the direction of the general flow of cohomological degeneration.  The increased flow of cohomological generation, works to reverse-fractal-out -- as the propagation of the augmentation of electric current, whereas, the increased flow of cohomological degeneration, works to reverse-fractal-out as the propagation of the attenuation of electric current.  Continued Later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Some Stuff As To The Fractal Of Electric Current

Now, let us examine the nature of a point-based phenomenology, in general, in lei of what is here to be appertaining to what may be termed of as being related to the Pauli Exclusion Principle.  As according to what may be eluded-to by the said Pauli Exclusion Principle, different phenomena can not be at the very same spot at the very same time.  More literally, the Pauli Exclusion Principle amounts to the condition, that two adjacent electrons will always tend to bear a tense of an asymmetric spin, when in correlation to one another -- when such a tense of a spin-related nature, is to happen at the sub-atomic level.  Now -- let us take the substringular fractal of such a given arbitrary case scenario, when one is here to be considering the general Ward-Cauchy-related tense of activities, -- that are here to be happening, over the course of a Noether-based flow of discrete energy. (As it is here to Not be of a tachyonic nature.)  Two superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are immediately adjacent, -- are to vibrate, in such a manner that is asymmetric the one to the other.  This happens, -- in so as to work to allow for such said superstrings to not impede upon each others space.  Furthermore, as a fractal from before -- when one is here to consider the spin-related nature of first-order point particles, that are of one general genus of scalar magnitude-based size smaller than superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, -- when the general process is here to occur; over the course of time in which there is here to be a tense of the gauged-action, in which discrete quanta of energy are to act, in so as to be Gliosis to the Kahler Metric over a transient period of time, there is then to be, not only a refurbishment of both the fractal modulae and the elastic modulae of the directly corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, yet, such a said so-eluded-to process of refurbishment is to also work, to strengthen both the fractal  modulae and the elastic modulae of the directly corresponding said first-order point particles, that are here to work to comprise the said superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  This works to help at keeping the holonomic substrate of superstringular phenomenology, from becoming damaged or frayed.  As the earlier mentioned superstrings of discrete energy permittivity are to vary (when one is here to be talking about mass-bearing strings), in both their speed and in their direction, when this is here to be taken relative to both the motion and the existence of electromagnetic energy -- the directly corresponding Lorentz-Four-Contractions, that are here to be pertinent to the nature of such said strings, is to vary, over the so-eluded-to constraints of time.  As this is here o happen, the correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction -- that is to be appertaining to one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, -- is to be equally applicable to all of the correlative superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to work to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset.  (In other words, whatever the Lorentz-Four-Contraction is to be be for one given arbitrary set of discrete energy that operate to perform one specific function, at one directly corresponding "snapshot" in time (at a Laplacian) -- this said given arbitrary specific Lorentz-Four-Contraction, is to be homogenous to all of the composite superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to work to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset.)  So, as the orbifold eigenset of mass-bearing strings is to move quicker over time, it will tend to become thinner yet more dense, since it will then tend to work to bear a higher mass.  Yet, even though such a said eigenset will then tend to bear more mass-bearing strings as it is to go faster -- it will tend to proportionally bear less partition-based discrepancies per string.  So, the overall said mass-bearing orbifold eigenset will tend to work to bear the same number of overall partition-based discrepancies, and thus, there will still tend to be a consequent conservation of homotopic residue.  The flow of homotopic residue, tends to happen in the direction of the general flow of the fractal of the electric current.  To Be Continued later!  Sam.