Saturday, April 27, 2019

Sag Of Mini-Stringular Segmentation

Mini-Stringular segmentation tends to bear a change in the manner of its knotting -- at the general region, in which there happens to be an initial tense of sagging in the said mini-stringular segmentation.
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Motion Of Mini-Stringular Segmentation

As a substringular field moves, the correlative mini-stringular segmentation is displaced -- over the course of some sort of a Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  As mini-stringular segmentation is displaced, over the course of some sort of a Hamiltonian eigenmetric -- there tends to be a perturbative effect -- in the knotting of that mini-stringular segmentation, that is of the general region of the said displacement of the given arbitrary respective mini-stringular segmentation.  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Some Stuff As To Course 4 Session 5 -- On, the Substringular Versus The Globally Distinguishable

What does energy happen to be? Energy is conceptually thought of as motion. When an object consisting of mass is in space, then, this motion is related to a form of kinetic energy. The holonomic substrate of such energy, may be considered here  -- as those superstrings that work to comprise such kinetic energy, while the Lagrangian of such motion, may be considered here as the Lagrangian of such energy.  Furthermore, an object is usually identified as a phenomenon that has mass. Mass is present on every planet and star (stars are plasmic). Light is electromagnetic energy emitted by an electron, when it drops back-and-forth an energy level. As said before -- mass, energy, and electromagnetic energy, are all forms of motion -- that are founded upon by the same basic increment of phenomenon -- h for transversel energy, and h bar for radial energy (h bar is equal to h/2pi). What I mean by "h" is Planck's Constant. What I mean by "h bar" is the radial form of Planck's Constant. H Bar is one radii of wave phenomenon, when it is broken down to the next lowest level of discrete  from where we are at (next lowest quantum discrete level). Yet h bar is may be considered as a physical phenomenon. This would need to bear truth, since it was proven -- that what we call energy and what we call matter are indeed interchangeable, when given the appropriate conditions. Yet, a physical phenomenon, when denoted as an actual thing -- bears a sense of being an object, verses being a translation or motion. So, if what we as humans term of as energy is actually a different organization of things --  verses a translation of actual things in space, then what would one call the actual motion of those said basic increments is the Lagrangian of this just implied energy.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Gravity And The Rarita Structure

This is like an epiphany. What I term of as Rarita Structure eigenstates, are generally a certain framework of mini-stringular segmentation -- that works here more specifically, in so as to help in the inter-relationhips of bringing a kinematic interdependence between the holononmic substrate of quanta of discrete energy, And, the holonomic substrate of both gravitons and gravitinos. Schwinger Indices are vibrational oscillations of the light-cone-gauge, that behave, in a way, like a tense of norm-state-projections -- that are initially pushed from the general multiplicit locus of the light-cone-gauge, while then ensuing into the multi varied loci, as to where the countless Rarita Structure eigenstates are differentiating at, in a Fourier-based manner, over time. The behavior of Schwinger-Indices -- working to form the four basic forces of nature -- is another manner of consideration, that basically helps in working to prove the existence of gravity waves. Both Rarita Structure eigenstates and Schwinger-Indices, tend to be two different distinct types of functional groups. These tend to be two different genre of phenomenology -- that vibrate along the topological surface of the mini-stringular fabric that exists in space and time, to where these act as what may here be described of as being of the nature of metric-gauge-based Hamiltonian operands. The main difference, is, that the Rarita Structure tends to act as more of a norm-state-projection-based operand, that acts as well as a template for the activity of gravity-based motion to move upon, while, the Schwinger-Indices act as the Fourier-based oscillation-based genre -- of that motion -- by which the interdependence of gravity-based operation, may be helped into being brought into existence and spontaneity. The oscillations of the disturbances in space, that may be called of here as the rippling effect of Schwinger-Indices that act upon the Rarita Structure, happens, in so as to help to bring in the so-eluded-to interdependence. Maybe this physics model could be improved, yet, this is my current perception. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Relative Harmonics Of Fields

When harmonic Schwinger-Indices are to ripple along the topological surface, that is of a specific region of mini-stringular segmentation -- this will then tend to form a harmonic substringular field, at the proximal locus of the said region of mini-stringular segmentation.  Consequently, when anharmonic Schwinger-Indices are to ripple along the topological surface, that is of a specific region of mini-stringular segmentation -- this will then tend to form an anharmonic substringular field, at the proximal locus of the said region of mini-stringular segmentation.  I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Identical Space, Yet In A Parallel Universe

Let us suppose that one were to have one given arbitrary space, that is of one particular universe, that may here be arbitrarily described of as being of a four-by-four matrix, that is here to be considered, as working to bear a denotation of 16 "1's," -- since this is here to work to describe one respective self-same space, that is of one particular universal setting, -- in which this is to occur, over the bounds of one specific Laplacian-related condition.  Next -- let us suppose, that one are to have one given arbitrary space, that is here to be of a different universal setting, yet, to where this is otherwise to be of an identical nature to the initially said space.  This second said space, may here be arbitrarily described of -- as being of a four-by-four matrix, that is here to be considered as working to bear a denotation, when relative in covariance to the first said space, of 16 "i's," -- since this is here to work to describe one respective space, that is of an identical nature to the first said space, -- except that the two different said spaces, are here to belong to two different universes. This too, is to be taken -- over the same Laplacian-related "snapshot" of time.  I personally call this condition to be "Li-Exact."
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Gauge-Bosons And Resonant Vibration

During BRST -- mini-stringular segmentation is fed into the general locus, of any one directly corresponding discrete quantum of energy, that is here to be undergoing the process of an iteration of instanton.  Aside from there being the respective provision for the general process of the activity of the Polyakov Action, the more mini-stringular segmentation that is here to be fed into the general locus of any one directly corresponding discrete quantum of energy,  the further that those correlative gauge-bosons are here to act -- in so as to "pluck" their directly corresponding second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, in order to work to form those Schwinger-Indices, that work here to help in the perpetuity of the kinematic activity of substringular fields -- to then act, in so as to tug the said second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates that these are here to pluck, to a greater scalar amplitude of a correlative distance of a wave-tug, in such a way that is of a Gliosis-related manner, over a directly corresponding gauge-metric.  Consequently, the further that the respective gauge-bosons are here to pull their associated second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, over the so-eluded-to respective directly corresponding gauge-metric -- the higher that the directly associated fractal of resonant vibration will be, at the proximal locus of the region at which such a so-eluded-to third-order Schwinger-Index is here to be formed.  Furthermore -- when one is here to be dealing with a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset -- the higher that the scalar amplitude is, as to the relative degree of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, that such a said orbifold eigenset is here to express -- the more that such a so-stated orbifold eigenset will tend to exhibit a larger tense of a resonant vibration.  Consequently -- when an orbifold eigenset is here to exhibit a greater scalar amplitude of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- the further that those correlative gauge-bosons, that work to comprise the substringular neighborhood of their composite individually taken discrete quanta of energy, will then tend to pull their correlative second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, in so as to then to be working to form the presence of what will here be the existence of Schwinger-Indices -- that are then here to bear a higher tense of a fractal of resonant vibration.  The resultant integration of such Schwinger-Indices, that are here to be related to a tense of a relatively high resonant vibration, will then tend to bear an effect upon the general local regional electrostatic field, -- that will then tend to work to be of a relatively hightened tense of a resonant vibration.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Pulse Of Resultant Schwinger-Indices

The quicker that the rate is -- as to how fast that the correlative "plucking" is, of that action, in which those gauge-bosons, that are here to be of a local quantum of discrete energy, that are here to bear their course of a Gliosis-related contact, that is to be effectual upon their directly corresponding second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, in such a manner,  in so as to work to form those Schwinger-Indices, that act, in so as to help in the process of working to perpetuate the continued vibrational oscillation of the Rarita Structure, -- then, this will tend to work to bear the resultant of a higher pulsation of force, than it otherwise would, at that proximal locus, in which such so-stated Schwinger-Indices are here to be formed.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

The Metaphorical "Heartbeat" Of The Substringular

The activity of the "plucking" of second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, by gauge-bosons -- in so as to form those Schwinger-Indices, that act, in so as to ripple along the Rarita Structure, in order to allow for the vibrational oscillations of that mini-stringular fabric, that is here to work to form the various superstringular forces, to where the vibration of this said fabric, is to work to form the kinematic multiplicit field of the said substringular realm, over time -- works to act as the metaphorical "heartbeat" of the substringular.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Oscillating Substringular Fields Form The Forces

The essence of the phenomenology of the action of superstringular energy -- works to form those fields, that help to form homotopy.  The multiplicit array of substringular field eigenstates -- works to form the Rarita Structure.  Superstringular fields, are comprised of mini-stringular segmentation.  The overall set of vibrations that oscillate along the Rarita Structure -- work to interact with those vibrational oscillations, that are formed by the plucking (like a harp) of second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates by gauge-bosons (to where these latter just said oscillations are Schwinger-Indices).  The general condition of the vibrational oscillation, that is of the multiplicit field-network of space-time-fabric -- works to form the four general forces of nature.  It is therefore the vibrational perturbation of mini-stringular segmenation, that works to form these just said four general forces.  It is the said Schwinger-Indices, that work to promote the sustaining of the vibrations of mini-stringular segmentation -- over time.  The propagation of Schwinger-Indices, are thus the source of the perpetuity of the general physical forces.  Gauge-Bosons thus perpetuate force, via those vibrations that these tend to emit -- when these work to "pluck" second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates.
To Be Continued!  Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Some Stuff as to E(8)XE(8) "Strings"

The condition, as to E(8)XE(8) oscillation-based tendencies, that are here to be of adjacent orbifold eigensets -- to bear the condition of asymmetry, -- is a factor, in so as to the reason why, that electrons which are adjacent, are to bear an asymmetric spin-orbital tendency of motion.  Samuel David Roach.

Light Scattering And Inertia

The scattering of electromagnetic energy, is a Calabi-related interaction.  This is when there is the presence of a gauge-transformation. Whenever light is to scatter -- there is here to be a direct effect, that is taken upon the relative motion of such said light.  Whenever there is a direct effect upon the relative motion of light -- this, even in and of itself, will be a factor in tending  to have an effect on the motion of mass, when  in relationship to such light.  Therefore, -- the scattering of light, works to effect both the presence and the condition of inertia.  Gauge-Transformations, on the whole, work to alter the multiplicit conditions of those equal and opposite effectual gauge-action-related activities, that tend to happen, at a proximal local level. This is part of why such said gauge-transformations, tend to work to effect the multiplicit proximal local conditions of inertia.
Samuel David Roach.

Inertia Of Metric-Gauge-Related Eigenstates

For every Lagrangian-based pulsation of a gauge-action, that is of the internal reference-frame of a mass-bearing holonomic substrate that is of a Noether Flow, there tends to be the pulsation of a directly countering Hamiltonian-Operator-based gauge-action, at an internal reference-frame, -- that is here to be happening in a manner, that is metric in asymmetry, at a proximal locus; in so long as there are to be no immediately local heuristic metric-based Chern-Simons singularities -- that would otherwise tend to work to perturbate the directly associated superconformal invariance, that is of the correlative mass-bearing holonomic substrate, to then alter out of its initial tense of being of the condition, of acting as a quantum of mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

An Influence Upon Superconformal Invariance

When a holonomic substrate, that is comprised of a discrete quantum of mass-bearing superstrings, is to be tugged into the relative direction of its correlative mean Lagrangian, over the course of time -- the wave-tug, that is here to be applied to the Ricci-Flow, that is most associated with the correlative Lagrangian, that is of such a composite set of mass-bearing superstrings, is to tend to be countered by the wave-tug, that is here to be applied to the Ricci-Flow, that is most associated with the correlative directly corresponding Hamiltonian Operator, that is of such a composite set of mass-bearing superstrings.  This works to influence the Ward-Cauchy-related condition, -- that mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, tend to be superconformally invariant, at an internal reference-frame.

Some Stuff As To Why Matter Won-Out Over Anti Matter

Here is a simplification, as to the general reason why the presence of matter in the multiverse -- won-out over the presence of anti matter:

Matter exists, as is in accordance with the Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter Mode.
Anti Matter exists, as is in accordance with the De-Sitter/Anti-De-Sitter Mode.
The Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter Mode, works, in so as to tend to harmonically organize those orbifold eigensets -- that are here to be glued together, in order to work to become of the nature of the countless sub-atomic particles of our multiverse -- before the so-eluded-to individually taken orbifold eigensets, are to be put into such a stated process of being glued or sewed together.
However, -- the De-Sitter/Anti-De-Sitter Mode, works in so as to tend to organize in an anharmonic manner, those orbifold eigensets -- that are here to potentially be glued together,  in order to work to become of a theoretical tense of a set of sub-atomic particles -- before such individually taken orbifold eigensets are here to be put into such a stated process of being glued or sewed together.
If a set of one or more orbifold eigensets are to be harmonic in their organization, before these are to be glued or sewed together, into what may then work to become of the nature of the presence of sub-atomic particles, these are then more likely to be able to succeed at actually being respectively glued or sewed together.  This is at least part of the basic reason -- as to why matter won-out over anti matter in  the multiverse.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Inertial Tense Of i*PI(del) Action

If the mini-stringular activity, that is here to be directly associated with the exchange of partition-based discrepancies, is here to happen in such a manner, as the scalar amplitude of the correlative Polyakov Action is to be re-adjusted, in the process in which a mass-bearing tense of energy-bearing phenomenology is to alter in its motion when in its relationship to light -- to where this is here to be considered, when in terms of how this genus of activity is to be expressed as being of the correlative fractal of the directly corresponding Ricci Flow, -- then, that fractal of discrete energy of such a said respective case, that is here to be most directly related to the i*PI(del) Action that is of a given arbitrary  Lagrangian-related eigenstate, will then be equal to the negative of that fractal of discrete energy that is of such a said situation, that is here to be most directly related to the i*PI(del) Action of the respective given arbitrary Hamiltonian-Operator-related eigenstate.  This then corresponds, to the physical condition -- that the array of partition-based discrepancies, that are of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, will always tend to be assymmetric to the array of partition-based discrepancies, that are here to be of its directly corresponding counter string of discrete energy permittivity.  This works to help, at a very low level, in the process of a substringular tense of inertia.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, April 8, 2019

On The Closing Of Open-Looped Strings

When an open-looped superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- of which is a substring of a Khovanov homology-based geometry -- is to be "shut," into being a closed-looped superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- of which is a substring of a symplectic homology-based geometry (cohomology), then, it tends to be the activity of one or more eigenstates, that are of the general phenomenology of zero-norm-state-projections, -- that are here to, in such a said general case scenario, to behave, in so as to perform the so-inferred process of "sewing" together, such a stated open-looped phenomenology into such a stated closed-looped phenomenology.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

First-Order Point Particles And Superstrings

First-Order point particles, tend to group into the general phenomenology of superstrings and their correlative counter strings, -- wherever there is the general activity of discrete kinetic pulsation, that is here to be situated -- along the Ward-Cauchy-related topological regions, that are of the arena of space-time-fabric.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Yukawa Coupling And Ghost-Based Inhibitors

When there is here to be a weakened influence, of a set of one or more discrete quanta of energy upon another set of one or more discrete quanta of energy, over time -- this is indicative of there tending to be the presence, of a lowered scalar amplitude, of that correlative tense of a Yukawa-related coupling, -- that had thereby initially been present, among both of those respective inferred sets of discrete quanta of energy, to a greater degree, earlier on in such a case.  Often -- when there is here to be such a lowered scalar amplitude, of the relative tense of that general Yukawa-related influence, that is to have initially been present, from among two different given respective sets of discrete quanta of energy, over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, -- there will then tend to be the eminent presence of at least some sort of ghost-based inhibitors, that are then to act, in so as to work to help at influencing the attenuation, of that general tense of cohomological generation, that is often of that general case, that may be related to the general process of cohomological degeneration, that is then to occur, when there is to be a decreased influence of one Hamiltonian Operator upon another Hamiltonian Operator.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Release Of Relative Yukawa Bearing

When the general Ward-Cauchy-related process is here to be going on, during which the residual kinetic energy of an electron is to be released in the form of a photon -- there is here to be one directly corresponding open-looped superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is then to release the immediately prior state that it had had, when in terms of its relative Yukawa bearing upon the correlative respective electron, to where right after such a said general process is to occur -- the here just released correlative discrete quantum of a Legendre homology, is then to undergo the general process,  that is here to be directly involved with the activity of the Fujikawa Coupling,  which is here to happen via the manner of activity that is known of as being of the Green Function, -- in so as to ensue as to work to form one given arbitrary respective discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Resulting Veering Schwinger-Indices

Often, an orbifold eigenset -- that is here to be moving in a hermitian manner -- will interact with a set of one or more Schwinger-Indices, in such a manner, to where this said interaction, will thence work to veer or scatter these said Schwinger-Indices, into a direction that is of a relative resultant Nijenhuis manner.  Such a Nijenhuis veering of this said set of one or more Schwinger-Indices, will thus tend to each, when individually taken, work to form a tense of causing a bearing of Lagrangian-related Chern-Simons singularity, -- since these waves that are here to be veering out into a relatively resultant Nijenhuis direction, when this is here to be taken in relationship to the said hermitian wave-tug of such a general case of an orbifold eigenset, that is here to tend to be propagating in a manner that is of a De Rham-related nature -- will then, in the process of such a said "veering-off" of the said scattered Schwinger-Indices, work to cause these said individually taken indices, to be changing in more derivatives, than the number of spatial dimensions that these are each to be traveling through, -- over the course of the directly corresponding evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, in which the said orbifold eigenset is to be traveling through, in a manner that is of a hermitian nature of cohomological translation, over time.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam.

Genus Of Lagrangian-Based Path And Metric-Related Singularity

When an orbifold eigenset, that is here of one general given arbitrary case scenario, is to alter into working to bear a tense of metric-related Chern-Simons singularity -- due to the directly corresponding Lagrangian-based path of the said orbifold eigenset, to have then to be altered here, from initially working to bear a unitary Lagrangian-based path, into subsequently to be working to bear a binary Lagrangian-based path, -- this will then work at altering the directly corresponding dimensional-related pulsation of that self-same orbifold eigenset, -- over the course of that duration, in which such a said metric-related Chern-Simons singularity is to become effectual, which may be extrapolated in a Fourier-related manner, over a correlative evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  Consequently, whenever there is here to be a change in those correlative Yukawa-based influences, that are here to be of either a ghost-inhibitor-based nature, or of a group-attractor-based nature and/or a gauge-attractor-based nature, in which such a so-eluded-to change is then to act, in so as to influence a substantiative change or perturbation of the dimensional-related pulsation, that is here to be of the Hamiltonian-related "momentum" of the said orbifold eigenset, then, this will generally tend to work to cause the eminent proximal local presence of a set of one or more metric-related Chern-Simons singularities, along the then adjusted path-based tracing, in which the said orbifold is to then to be drawn into, due to the presence of the physical application of the earlier mentioned force-related attributes, that are here to have worked to cause such a so-inferred Yukawa-based perturbation, over the course of some respective correlative duration.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Two Different Tenses Of Interaction

When a set of discrete quanta of energy are here, to be brought into a tense of superconformal invariance -- in so as to work to form the Ward-Cauchy-related condition of a given arbitrary Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- this so-inferred type of activity, in which there is here to be a so-eluded-to harmonic scattering, is one general genus of a substringular tense, of being of a Wess-Zumino interaction.
Whereas; when an orbifold eigenset is to be scattered-out of a tense of being under the general Ward-Cauchy-related condition, of a given arbitrary respective Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- this so-inferred type of activity, in which there is here to be a so-eluded-to annharmonic scattering, is one general genus of a substringular tense, of being of a Cevita interaction.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Some General Genre Of Interactions

When a set of individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are initially to not be eminent in interdependence, are here to be brought together -- in so as to help at working to form an orbifold eigenset, then, this said just mentioned process, is one general genus, of what may here to be thought of as being a tense of a Wess-Zumino interaction, as this is here to be taken at a relatively small level.
Consequently -- when an orbifold eigenset, is to be scattered into a tense of individually taken discrete quanta of energy, -- that are to no more to be working together, in so as to otherwise be operating as a group to perform one specific function -- then, this said process is one general genus, of what may here to be thought of, as being a tense of a Cevita interaction, as this is here to be taken at a relatively small level.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.